[Pkg-voip-commits] [asterisk] 01/02: Upstream-Patches for CVE-2017-14603 / AST-2017-008
Bernhard Schmidt
berni at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Sep 23 19:35:14 UTC 2017
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
berni pushed a commit to branch stretch
in repository asterisk.
commit c89e983462b4badfb82c1422e881fb895971b548
Author: Bernhard Schmidt <berni at debian.org>
Date: Sat Sep 23 21:13:31 2017 +0200
Upstream-Patches for CVE-2017-14603 / AST-2017-008
Closes: #876328
debian/patches/AST-2017-008-13.13.diff | 789 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
debian/patches/series | 1 +
2 files changed, 790 insertions(+)
diff --git a/debian/patches/AST-2017-008-13.13.diff b/debian/patches/AST-2017-008-13.13.diff
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b7e018
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/AST-2017-008-13.13.diff
@@ -0,0 +1,789 @@
+From 88c8e8a11c7db789897779178a4c452de09b8fac Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Richard Mudgett <rmudgett at digium.com>
+Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2017 17:05:06 -0500
+Subject: [PATCH] AST-2017-008: Improve RTP and RTCP packet processing.
+Validate RTCP packets before processing them.
+* Validate that the received packet is of a minimum length and apply the
+RFC3550 RTCP packet validation checks.
+* Fixed potentially reading garbage beyond the received RTCP record data.
+* Fixed rtp->themssrc only being set once when the remote could change
+the SSRC. We would effectively stop handling the RTCP statistic records.
+* Fixed rtp->themssrc to not treat a zero value as special by adding
+rtp->themssrc_valid to indicate if rtp->themssrc is available.
+Make strict RTP learning more flexible.
+Direct media can cause strict RTP to attempt to learn a remote address
+again before it has had a chance to learn the remote address the first
+time. Because of the rapid relearn requests, strict RTP could latch onto
+the first remote address and fail to latch onto the direct media remote
+address. As a result, you have one way audio until the call is placed on
+and off hold.
+The new algorithm learns remote addresses for a set time (1.5 seconds)
+before locking the remote address. In addition, we must see a configured
+number of remote packets from the same address in a row before switching.
+* Fixed strict RTP learning from always accepting the first new address
+packet as the new stream.
+* Fixed strict RTP to initialize the expected sequence number with the
+last received sequence number instead of the last transmitted sequence
+* Fixed the predicted next sequence number calculation in
+rtp_learning_rtp_seq_update() to handle overflow.
+Change-Id: Ia2d3aa6e0f22906c25971e74f10027d96525f31c
+diff --git a/res/res_rtp_asterisk.c b/res/res_rtp_asterisk.c
+index 18646a5..4106e9e 100644
+--- a/res/res_rtp_asterisk.c
++++ b/res/res_rtp_asterisk.c
+@@ -117,7 +117,9 @@
+ STRICT_RTP_CLOSED, /*! Drop all RTP packets not coming from source that was learned */
+ };
++#define STRICT_RTP_LEARN_TIMEOUT 1500 /*!< milliseconds */
++#define DEFAULT_STRICT_RTP -1 /*!< Enabled */
+ extern struct ast_srtp_res *res_srtp;
+@@ -213,9 +215,11 @@
+ /*! \brief RTP learning mode tracking information */
+ struct rtp_learning_info {
+- int max_seq; /*!< The highest sequence number received */
+- int packets; /*!< The number of remaining packets before the source is accepted */
++ struct ast_sockaddr proposed_address; /*!< Proposed remote address for strict RTP */
++ struct timeval start; /*!< The time learning mode was started */
+ struct timeval received; /*!< The time of the last received packet */
++ int max_seq; /*!< The highest sequence number received */
++ int packets; /*!< The number of remaining packets before the source is accepted */
+ };
+@@ -237,7 +241,7 @@
+ unsigned char rawdata[8192 + AST_FRIENDLY_OFFSET];
+ unsigned int ssrc; /*!< Synchronization source, RFC 3550, page 10. */
+ unsigned int themssrc; /*!< Their SSRC */
+- unsigned int rxssrc;
++ unsigned int themssrc_valid; /*!< True if their SSRC is available. */
+ unsigned int lastts;
+ unsigned int lastrxts;
+ unsigned int lastividtimestamp;
+@@ -1753,7 +1757,7 @@
+ #endif
+-static void rtp_learning_seq_init(struct rtp_learning_info *info, uint16_t seq);
++static void rtp_learning_start(struct ast_rtp *rtp);
+ static void ast_rtp_on_ice_complete(pj_ice_sess *ice, pj_status_t status)
+ {
+@@ -1786,8 +1790,8 @@
+ return;
+ }
+- rtp->strict_rtp_state = STRICT_RTP_LEARN;
+- rtp_learning_seq_init(&rtp->rtp_source_learn, (uint16_t)rtp->seqno);
++ ast_verb(4, "%p -- Strict RTP learning after ICE completion\n", rtp);
++ rtp_learning_start(rtp);
+ }
+ static void ast_rtp_on_ice_rx_data(pj_ice_sess *ice, unsigned comp_id, unsigned transport_id, void *pkt, pj_size_t size, const pj_sockaddr_t *src_addr, unsigned src_addr_len)
+@@ -2422,7 +2426,7 @@
+ */
+ static void rtp_learning_seq_init(struct rtp_learning_info *info, uint16_t seq)
+ {
+- info->max_seq = seq - 1;
++ info->max_seq = seq;
+ info->packets = learning_min_sequential;
+ memset(&info->received, 0, sizeof(info->received));
+ }
+@@ -2439,14 +2443,17 @@
+ */
+ static int rtp_learning_rtp_seq_update(struct rtp_learning_info *info, uint16_t seq)
+ {
++ /*
++ * During the learning mode the minimum amount of media we'll accept is
++ * 10ms so give a reasonable 5ms buffer just in case we get it sporadically.
++ */
+ if (!ast_tvzero(info->received) && ast_tvdiff_ms(ast_tvnow(), info->received) < 5) {
+- /* During the probation period the minimum amount of media we'll accept is
+- * 10ms so give a reasonable 5ms buffer just in case we get it sporadically.
++ /*
++ * Reject a flood of packets as acceptable for learning.
++ * Reset the needed packets.
+ */
+- return 1;
+- }
+- if (seq == info->max_seq + 1) {
++ info->packets = learning_min_sequential - 1;
++ } else if (seq == (uint16_t) (info->max_seq + 1)) {
+ /* packet is in sequence */
+ info->packets--;
+ } else {
+@@ -2456,7 +2463,23 @@
+ info->max_seq = seq;
+ info->received = ast_tvnow();
+- return (info->packets == 0);
++ return info->packets;
++ * \brief Start the strictrtp learning mode.
++ *
++ * \param rtp RTP session description
++ *
++ * \return Nothing
++ */
++static void rtp_learning_start(struct ast_rtp *rtp)
++ rtp->strict_rtp_state = STRICT_RTP_LEARN;
++ memset(&rtp->rtp_source_learn.proposed_address, 0,
++ sizeof(rtp->rtp_source_learn.proposed_address));
++ rtp->rtp_source_learn.start = ast_tvnow();
++ rtp_learning_seq_init(&rtp->rtp_source_learn, (uint16_t) rtp->lastrxseqno);
+ }
+@@ -2662,9 +2685,6 @@
+ rtp->ssrc = ast_random();
+ rtp->seqno = ast_random() & 0x7fff;
+ rtp->strict_rtp_state = (strictrtp ? STRICT_RTP_CLOSED : STRICT_RTP_OPEN);
+- if (strictrtp) {
+- rtp_learning_seq_init(&rtp->rtp_source_learn, (uint16_t)rtp->seqno);
+- }
+ /* Create a new socket for us to listen on and use */
+ if ((rtp->s =
+@@ -3183,7 +3203,7 @@
+ struct ast_sockaddr remote_address = { { 0, } };
+ struct ast_rtp_rtcp_report_block *report_block = NULL;
+ RAII_VAR(struct ast_rtp_rtcp_report *, rtcp_report,
+- ast_rtp_rtcp_report_alloc(rtp->themssrc ? 1 : 0),
++ ast_rtp_rtcp_report_alloc(rtp->themssrc_valid ? 1 : 0),
+ ao2_cleanup);
+ if (!rtp || !rtp->rtcp) {
+@@ -3203,7 +3223,7 @@
+ calculate_lost_packet_statistics(rtp, &lost_packets, &fraction_lost);
+ gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
+- rtcp_report->reception_report_count = rtp->themssrc ? 1 : 0;
++ rtcp_report->reception_report_count = rtp->themssrc_valid ? 1 : 0;
+ rtcp_report->ssrc = rtp->ssrc;
+ rtcp_report->type = sr ? RTCP_PT_SR : RTCP_PT_RR;
+ if (sr) {
+@@ -3213,7 +3233,7 @@
+ rtcp_report->sender_information.octet_count = rtp->txoctetcount;
+ }
+- if (rtp->themssrc) {
++ if (rtp->themssrc_valid) {
+ report_block = ast_calloc(1, sizeof(*report_block));
+ if (!report_block) {
+ return 1;
+@@ -3546,6 +3566,10 @@
+ /*
+ * RTCP was stopped.
+ */
++ return 0;
++ }
++ if (!rtp->themssrc_valid) {
++ /* We don't know their SSRC value so we don't know who to update. */
+ return 0;
+ }
+@@ -4109,13 +4133,90 @@
+ rtp->rtcp->reported_normdev_lost = reported_normdev_lost_current;
+ }
++static const char *rtcp_payload_type2str(unsigned int pt)
++ const char *str;
++ switch (pt) {
++ case RTCP_PT_SR:
++ str = "Sender Report";
++ break;
++ case RTCP_PT_RR:
++ str = "Receiver Report";
++ break;
++ case RTCP_PT_FUR:
++ /* Full INTRA-frame Request / Fast Update Request */
++ str = "H.261 FUR";
++ break;
++ case RTCP_PT_PSFB:
++ /* Payload Specific Feed Back */
++ str = "PSFB";
++ break;
++ case RTCP_PT_SDES:
++ str = "Source Description";
++ break;
++ case RTCP_PT_BYE:
++ str = "BYE";
++ break;
++ default:
++ str = "Unknown";
++ break;
++ }
++ return str;
++ * Unshifted RTCP header bit field masks
++ */
++#define RTCP_PADDING_MASK 0x01
++#define RTCP_VERSION_MASK 0x03
++ * RTCP header bit field shift offsets
++ */
++#define RTCP_VERSION 2U
++ * RTCP first packet record validity header mask and value.
++ *
++ * RFC3550 intentionally defines the encoding of RTCP_PT_SR and RTCP_PT_RR
++ * such that they differ in the least significant bit. Either of these two
++ * payload types MUST be the first RTCP packet record in a compound packet.
++ *
++ * RFC3550 checks the padding bit in the algorithm they use to check the
++ * RTCP packet for validity. However, we aren't masking the padding bit
++ * to check since we don't know if it is a compound RTCP packet or not.
++ */
+ static struct ast_frame *ast_rtcp_read(struct ast_rtp_instance *instance)
+ {
+ struct ast_rtp *rtp = ast_rtp_instance_get_data(instance);
+ struct ast_sockaddr addr;
+ unsigned char rtcpdata[8192 + AST_FRIENDLY_OFFSET];
+ unsigned int *rtcpheader = (unsigned int *)(rtcpdata + AST_FRIENDLY_OFFSET);
+- int res, packetwords, position = 0;
++ int res;
++ unsigned int packetwords;
++ unsigned int position;
++ unsigned int first_word;
++ /*! True if we have seen an acceptable SSRC to learn the remote RTCP address */
++ unsigned int ssrc_seen;
+ int report_counter = 0;
+ struct ast_rtp_rtcp_report_block *report_block;
+ struct ast_frame *f = &ast_null_frame;
+@@ -4162,64 +4263,178 @@
+ packetwords = res / 4;
+- ast_debug(1, "Got RTCP report of %d bytes\n", res);
++ ast_debug(1, "Got RTCP report of %d bytes from %s\n",
++ res, ast_sockaddr_stringify(&addr));
++ /*
++ * Validate the RTCP packet according to an adapted and slightly
++ * modified RFC3550 validation algorithm.
++ */
++ if (packetwords < RTCP_HEADER_SSRC_LENGTH) {
++ ast_debug(1, "%p -- RTCP from %s: Frame size (%u words) is too short\n",
++ rtp, ast_sockaddr_stringify(&addr), packetwords);
++ return &ast_null_frame;
++ }
++ position = 0;
++ first_word = ntohl(rtcpheader[position]);
++ if ((first_word & RTCP_VALID_MASK) != RTCP_VALID_VALUE) {
++ ast_debug(1, "%p -- RTCP from %s: Failed first packet validity check\n",
++ rtp, ast_sockaddr_stringify(&addr));
++ return &ast_null_frame;
++ }
++ do {
++ position += ((first_word >> RTCP_LENGTH_SHIFT) & RTCP_LENGTH_MASK) + 1;
++ if (packetwords <= position) {
++ break;
++ }
++ first_word = ntohl(rtcpheader[position]);
++ if (position != packetwords) {
++ ast_debug(1, "%p -- RTCP from %s: Failed packet version or length check\n",
++ rtp, ast_sockaddr_stringify(&addr));
++ return &ast_null_frame;
++ }
++ /*
++ * Note: RFC3605 points out that true NAT (vs NAPT) can cause RTCP
++ * to have a different IP address and port than RTP. Otherwise, when
++ * strictrtp is enabled we could reject RTCP packets not coming from
++ * the learned RTP IP address if it is available.
++ */
++ /*
++ * strictrtp safety needs SSRC to match before we use the
++ * sender's address for symmetrical RTP to send our RTCP
++ * reports.
++ *
++ * If strictrtp is not enabled then claim to have already seen
++ * a matching SSRC so we'll accept this packet's address for
++ * symmetrical RTP.
++ */
++ ssrc_seen = rtp->strict_rtp_state == STRICT_RTP_OPEN;
++ position = 0;
+ while (position < packetwords) {
+- int i, pt, rc;
++ unsigned int i;
++ unsigned int pt;
++ unsigned int rc;
++ unsigned int ssrc;
++ /*! True if the ssrc value we have is valid and not garbage because it doesn't exist. */
++ unsigned int ssrc_valid;
+ unsigned int length;
++ unsigned int min_length;
+ struct ast_json *message_blob;
+ RAII_VAR(struct ast_rtp_rtcp_report *, rtcp_report, NULL, ao2_cleanup);
+ i = position;
+- length = ntohl(rtcpheader[i]);
+- pt = (length & 0xff0000) >> 16;
+- rc = (length & 0x1f000000) >> 24;
+- length &= 0xffff;
++ first_word = ntohl(rtcpheader[i]);
++ /* RFC3550 says 'length' is the number of words in the packet - 1 */
++ length = ((first_word >> RTCP_LENGTH_SHIFT) & RTCP_LENGTH_MASK) + 1;
+- rtcp_report = ast_rtp_rtcp_report_alloc(rc);
+- if (!rtcp_report) {
+- return &ast_null_frame;
+- }
+- rtcp_report->reception_report_count = rc;
+- rtcp_report->ssrc = ntohl(rtcpheader[i + 1]);
+- if ((i + length) > packetwords) {
+- if (rtpdebug) {
+- ast_debug(1, "RTCP Read too short\n");
++ /* Check expected RTCP packet record length */
++ min_length = RTCP_HEADER_SSRC_LENGTH;
++ switch (pt) {
++ case RTCP_PT_SR:
++ min_length += RTCP_SR_BLOCK_WORD_LENGTH;
++ /* fall through */
++ case RTCP_PT_RR:
++ min_length += (rc * RTCP_RR_BLOCK_WORD_LENGTH);
++ break;
++ case RTCP_PT_FUR:
++ case RTCP_PT_PSFB:
++ break;
++ case RTCP_PT_SDES:
++ case RTCP_PT_BYE:
++ /*
++ * There may not be a SSRC/CSRC present. The packet is
++ * useless but still valid if it isn't present.
++ *
++ * We don't know what min_length should be so disable the check
++ */
++ min_length = length;
++ break;
++ default:
++ ast_debug(1, "%p -- RTCP from %s: %u(%s) skipping record\n",
++ rtp, ast_sockaddr_stringify(&addr), pt, rtcp_payload_type2str(pt));
++ if (rtcp_debug_test_addr(&addr)) {
++ ast_verbose("\n");
++ ast_verbose("RTCP from %s: %u(%s) skipping record\n",
++ ast_sockaddr_stringify(&addr), pt, rtcp_payload_type2str(pt));
+ }
+- return &ast_null_frame;
+- }
+- if ((rtp->strict_rtp_state != STRICT_RTP_OPEN) && (rtcp_report->ssrc != rtp->themssrc)) {
+- /* Skip over this RTCP record as it does not contain the correct SSRC */
+- position += (length + 1);
+- ast_debug(1, "%p -- Received RTCP report from %s, dropping due to strict RTP protection. Received SSRC '%u' but expected '%u'\n",
+- rtp, ast_sockaddr_stringify(&addr), rtcp_report->ssrc, rtp->themssrc);
++ position += length;
+ continue;
+ }
++ if (length < min_length) {
++ ast_debug(1, "%p -- RTCP from %s: %u(%s) length field less than expected minimum. Min:%u Got:%u\n",
++ rtp, ast_sockaddr_stringify(&addr), pt, rtcp_payload_type2str(pt),
++ min_length - 1, length - 1);
++ return &ast_null_frame;
++ }
+- if (ast_rtp_instance_get_prop(instance, AST_RTP_PROPERTY_NAT)) {
++ /* Get the RTCP record SSRC if defined for the record */
++ ssrc_valid = 1;
++ switch (pt) {
++ case RTCP_PT_SR:
++ case RTCP_PT_RR:
++ rtcp_report = ast_rtp_rtcp_report_alloc(rc);
++ if (!rtcp_report) {
++ return &ast_null_frame;
++ }
++ rtcp_report->reception_report_count = rc;
++ ssrc = ntohl(rtcpheader[i + 1]);
++ rtcp_report->ssrc = ssrc;
++ break;
++ case RTCP_PT_FUR:
++ case RTCP_PT_PSFB:
++ ssrc = ntohl(rtcpheader[i + 1]);
++ break;
++ case RTCP_PT_SDES:
++ case RTCP_PT_BYE:
++ default:
++ ssrc = 0;
++ ssrc_valid = 0;
++ break;
++ }
++ if (rtcp_debug_test_addr(&addr)) {
++ ast_verbose("\n");
++ ast_verbose("RTCP from %s\n", ast_sockaddr_stringify(&addr));
++ ast_verbose("PT: %u(%s)\n", pt, rtcp_payload_type2str(pt));
++ ast_verbose("Reception reports: %u\n", rc);
++ ast_verbose("SSRC of sender: %u\n", ssrc);
++ }
++ if (ssrc_valid && rtp->themssrc_valid) {
++ if (ssrc != rtp->themssrc) {
++ /*
++ * Skip over this RTCP record as it does not contain the
++ * correct SSRC. We should not act upon RTCP records
++ * for a different stream.
++ */
++ position += length;
++ ast_debug(1, "%p -- RTCP from %s: Skipping record, received SSRC '%u' != expected '%u'\n",
++ rtp, ast_sockaddr_stringify(&addr), ssrc, rtp->themssrc);
++ continue;
++ }
++ ssrc_seen = 1;
++ }
++ if (ssrc_seen && ast_rtp_instance_get_prop(instance, AST_RTP_PROPERTY_NAT)) {
+ /* Send to whoever sent to us */
+ if (ast_sockaddr_cmp(&rtp->rtcp->them, &addr)) {
+ ast_sockaddr_copy(&rtp->rtcp->them, &addr);
+ if (rtpdebug) {
+ ast_debug(0, "RTCP NAT: Got RTCP from other end. Now sending to address %s\n",
+- ast_sockaddr_stringify(&rtp->rtcp->them));
++ ast_sockaddr_stringify(&addr));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+- if (rtcp_debug_test_addr(&addr)) {
+- ast_verbose("\n\nGot RTCP from %s\n",
+- ast_sockaddr_stringify(&addr));
+- ast_verbose("PT: %d(%s)\n", pt, (pt == RTCP_PT_SR) ? "Sender Report" :
+- (pt == RTCP_PT_RR) ? "Receiver Report" :
+- (pt == RTCP_PT_FUR) ? "H.261 FUR" : "Unknown");
+- ast_verbose("Reception reports: %d\n", rc);
+- ast_verbose("SSRC of sender: %u\n", rtcp_report->ssrc);
+- }
+- i += 2; /* Advance past header and ssrc */
++ i += RTCP_HEADER_SSRC_LENGTH; /* Advance past header and ssrc */
+ switch (pt) {
+ case RTCP_PT_SR:
+ gettimeofday(&rtp->rtcp->rxlsr, NULL);
+@@ -4243,7 +4458,7 @@
+ rtcp_report->sender_information.packet_count,
+ rtcp_report->sender_information.octet_count);
+ }
+- i += 5;
+ /* Intentional fall through */
+ case RTCP_PT_RR:
+ if (rtcp_report->type != RTCP_PT_SR) {
+@@ -4300,9 +4515,9 @@
+ */
+ message_blob = ast_json_pack("{s: s, s: s, s: f}",
+- "from", ast_sockaddr_stringify(&rtp->rtcp->them),
+- "to", rtp->rtcp->local_addr_str,
+- "rtt", rtp->rtcp->rtt);
++ "from", ast_sockaddr_stringify(&addr),
++ "to", rtp->rtcp->local_addr_str,
++ "rtt", rtp->rtcp->rtt);
+ ast_rtp_publish_rtcp_message(instance, ast_rtp_rtcp_received_type(),
+ rtcp_report,
+ message_blob);
+@@ -4325,21 +4540,19 @@
+ case RTCP_PT_SDES:
+ if (rtcp_debug_test_addr(&addr)) {
+ ast_verbose("Received an SDES from %s\n",
+- ast_sockaddr_stringify(&rtp->rtcp->them));
++ ast_sockaddr_stringify(&addr));
+ }
+ break;
+ case RTCP_PT_BYE:
+ if (rtcp_debug_test_addr(&addr)) {
+ ast_verbose("Received a BYE from %s\n",
+- ast_sockaddr_stringify(&rtp->rtcp->them));
++ ast_sockaddr_stringify(&addr));
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+- ast_debug(1, "Unknown RTCP packet (pt=%d) received from %s\n",
+- pt, ast_sockaddr_stringify(&rtp->rtcp->them));
+ break;
+ }
+- position += (length + 1);
++ position += length;
+ }
+ rtp->rtcp->rtcp_info = 1;
+@@ -4531,32 +4744,139 @@
+ return &ast_null_frame;
+ }
+- /* If strict RTP protection is enabled see if we need to learn the remote address or if we need to drop the packet */
+- if (rtp->strict_rtp_state == STRICT_RTP_LEARN) {
+- if (!ast_sockaddr_cmp(&rtp->strict_rtp_address, &addr)) {
+- /* We are learning a new address but have received traffic from the existing address,
+- * accept it but reset the current learning for the new source so it only takes over
+- * once sufficient traffic has been received. */
+- rtp_learning_seq_init(&rtp->rtp_source_learn, seqno);
+- } else {
+- /* Start trying to learn from the new address. If we pass a probationary period with
+- * it, that means we've stopped getting RTP from the original source and we should
+- * switch to it.
+- */
+- if (rtp_learning_rtp_seq_update(&rtp->rtp_source_learn, seqno)) {
+- ast_debug(1, "%p -- Received RTP packet from %s, dropping due to strict RTP protection. Will switch to it in %d packets\n",
+- rtp, ast_sockaddr_stringify(&addr), rtp->rtp_source_learn.packets);
+- return &ast_null_frame;
+- }
+- ast_sockaddr_copy(&rtp->strict_rtp_address, &addr);
++ /* If the version is not what we expected by this point then just drop the packet */
++ if (version != 2) {
++ return &ast_null_frame;
++ }
+- ast_verb(4, "%p -- Probation passed - setting RTP source address to %s\n", rtp, ast_sockaddr_stringify(&addr));
++ /* If strict RTP protection is enabled see if we need to learn the remote address or if we need to drop the packet */
++ switch (rtp->strict_rtp_state) {
++ /*
++ * Scenario setup:
++ * PartyA -- Ast1 -- Ast2 -- PartyB
++ *
++ * The learning timeout is necessary for Ast1 to handle the above
++ * setup where PartyA calls PartyB and Ast2 initiates direct media
++ * between Ast1 and PartyB. Ast1 may lock onto the Ast2 stream and
++ * never learn the PartyB stream when it starts. The timeout makes
++ * Ast1 stay in the learning state long enough to see and learn the
++ * RTP stream from PartyB.
++ *
++ * To mitigate against attack, the learning state cannot switch
++ * streams while there are competing streams. The competing streams
++ * interfere with each other's qualification. Once we accept a
++ * stream and reach the timeout, an attacker cannot interfere
++ * anymore.
++ *
++ * Here are a few scenarios and each one assumes that the streams
++ * are continuous:
++ *
++ * 1) We already have a known stream source address and the known
++ * stream wants to change to a new source address. An attacking
++ * stream will block learning the new stream source. After the
++ * timeout we re-lock onto the original stream source address which
++ * likely went away. The result is one way audio.
++ *
++ * 2) We already have a known stream source address and the known
++ * stream doesn't want to change source addresses. An attacking
++ * stream will not be able to replace the known stream. After the
++ * timeout we re-lock onto the known stream. The call is not
++ * affected.
++ *
++ * 3) We don't have a known stream source address. This presumably
++ * is the start of a call. Competing streams will result in staying
++ * in learning mode until a stream becomes the victor and we reach
++ * the timeout. We cannot exit learning if we have no known stream
++ * to lock onto. The result is one way audio until there is a victor.
++ *
++ * If we learn a stream source address before the timeout we will be
++ * in scenario 1) or 2) when a competing stream starts.
++ */
++ if (!ast_sockaddr_isnull(&rtp->strict_rtp_address)
++ && STRICT_RTP_LEARN_TIMEOUT < ast_tvdiff_ms(ast_tvnow(), rtp->rtp_source_learn.start)) {
++ ast_verb(4, "%p -- Strict RTP learning complete - Locking on source address %s\n",
++ rtp, ast_sockaddr_stringify(&rtp->strict_rtp_address));
+ rtp->strict_rtp_state = STRICT_RTP_CLOSED;
++ } else {
++ struct ast_sockaddr target_address;
++ if (!ast_sockaddr_cmp(&rtp->strict_rtp_address, &addr)) {
++ /*
++ * We are open to learning a new address but have received
++ * traffic from the current address, accept it and reset
++ * the learning counts for a new source. When no more
++ * current source packets arrive a new source can take over
++ * once sufficient traffic is received.
++ */
++ rtp_learning_seq_init(&rtp->rtp_source_learn, seqno);
++ break;
++ }
++ /*
++ * We give preferential treatment to the requested target address
++ * (negotiated SDP address) where we are to send our RTP. However,
++ * the other end has no obligation to send from that address even
++ * though it is practically a requirement when NAT is involved.
++ */
++ ast_rtp_instance_get_requested_target_address(instance, &target_address);
++ if (!ast_sockaddr_cmp(&target_address, &addr)) {
++ /* Accept the negotiated target RTP stream as the source */
++ ast_verb(4, "%p -- Strict RTP switching to RTP target address %s as source\n",
++ rtp, ast_sockaddr_stringify(&addr));
++ ast_sockaddr_copy(&rtp->strict_rtp_address, &addr);
++ rtp_learning_seq_init(&rtp->rtp_source_learn, seqno);
++ break;
++ }
++ /*
++ * Trying to learn a new address. If we pass a probationary period
++ * with it, that means we've stopped getting RTP from the original
++ * source and we should switch to it.
++ */
++ if (!ast_sockaddr_cmp(&rtp->rtp_source_learn.proposed_address, &addr)) {
++ if (!rtp_learning_rtp_seq_update(&rtp->rtp_source_learn, seqno)) {
++ /* Accept the new RTP stream */
++ ast_verb(4, "%p -- Strict RTP switching source address to %s\n",
++ rtp, ast_sockaddr_stringify(&addr));
++ ast_sockaddr_copy(&rtp->strict_rtp_address, &addr);
++ rtp_learning_seq_init(&rtp->rtp_source_learn, seqno);
++ break;
++ }
++ /* Not ready to accept the RTP stream candidate */
++ ast_debug(1, "%p -- Received RTP packet from %s, dropping due to strict RTP protection. Will switch to it in %d packets.\n",
++ rtp, ast_sockaddr_stringify(&addr), rtp->rtp_source_learn.packets);
++ } else {
++ /*
++ * This is either an attacking stream or
++ * the start of the expected new stream.
++ */
++ ast_sockaddr_copy(&rtp->rtp_source_learn.proposed_address, &addr);
++ rtp_learning_seq_init(&rtp->rtp_source_learn, seqno);
++ ast_debug(1, "%p -- Received RTP packet from %s, dropping due to strict RTP protection. Qualifying new stream.\n",
++ rtp, ast_sockaddr_stringify(&addr));
++ }
++ return &ast_null_frame;
+ }
+- } else if (rtp->strict_rtp_state == STRICT_RTP_CLOSED && ast_sockaddr_cmp(&rtp->strict_rtp_address, &addr)) {
++ /* Fall through */
++ /*
++ * We should not allow a stream address change if the SSRC matches
++ * once strictrtp learning is closed. Any kind of address change
++ * like this should have happened while we were in the learning
++ * state. We do not want to allow the possibility of an attacker
++ * interfering with the RTP stream after the learning period.
++ * An attacker could manage to get an RTCP packet redirected to
++ * them which can contain the SSRC value.
++ */
++ if (!ast_sockaddr_cmp(&rtp->strict_rtp_address, &addr)) {
++ break;
++ }
+ ast_debug(1, "%p -- Received RTP packet from %s, dropping due to strict RTP protection.\n",
+ rtp, ast_sockaddr_stringify(&addr));
+ return &ast_null_frame;
++ break;
+ }
+ /* If symmetric RTP is enabled see if the remote side is not what we expected and change where we are sending audio */
+@@ -4582,11 +4902,6 @@
+ return &ast_null_frame;
+ }
+- /* If the version is not what we expected by this point then just drop the packet */
+- if (version != 2) {
+- return &ast_null_frame;
+- }
+ /* Pull out the various other fields we will need */
+ payloadtype = (seqno & 0x7f0000) >> 16;
+ padding = seqno & (1 << 29);
+@@ -4599,7 +4914,7 @@
+ /* Force a marker bit and change SSRC if the SSRC changes */
+- if (rtp->rxssrc && rtp->rxssrc != ssrc) {
++ if (rtp->themssrc_valid && rtp->themssrc != ssrc) {
+ struct ast_frame *f, srcupdate = {
+ .subclass.integer = AST_CONTROL_SRCCHANGE,
+@@ -4627,8 +4942,8 @@
+ rtp->rtcp->received_prior = 0;
+ }
+ }
+- rtp->rxssrc = ssrc;
++ rtp->themssrc = ssrc; /* Record their SSRC to put in future RR */
++ rtp->themssrc_valid = 1;
+ /* Remove any padding bytes that may be present */
+ if (padding) {
+@@ -4681,10 +4996,6 @@
+ prev_seqno = rtp->lastrxseqno;
+ rtp->lastrxseqno = seqno;
+- if (!rtp->themssrc) {
+- rtp->themssrc = ntohl(rtpheader[2]); /* Record their SSRC to put in future RR */
+- }
+ if (rtp_debug_test_addr(&addr)) {
+ ast_verbose("Got RTP packet from %s (type %-2.2d, seq %-6.6u, ts %-6.6u, len %-6.6d)\n",
+@@ -5014,13 +5325,14 @@
+ rtp->rxseqno = 0;
+- if (strictrtp && rtp->strict_rtp_state != STRICT_RTP_OPEN && !ast_sockaddr_isnull(addr) &&
+- ast_sockaddr_cmp(addr, &rtp->strict_rtp_address)) {
++ if (strictrtp && rtp->strict_rtp_state != STRICT_RTP_OPEN
++ && !ast_sockaddr_isnull(addr) && ast_sockaddr_cmp(addr, &rtp->strict_rtp_address)) {
+ /* We only need to learn a new strict source address if we've been told the source is
+ * changing to something different.
+ */
+- rtp->strict_rtp_state = STRICT_RTP_LEARN;
+- rtp_learning_seq_init(&rtp->rtp_source_learn, rtp->seqno);
++ ast_verb(4, "%p -- Strict RTP learning after remote address set to: %s\n",
++ rtp, ast_sockaddr_stringify(addr));
++ rtp_learning_start(rtp);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
index a9c0e84..9e7445d 100644
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -49,3 +49,4 @@ pjsip_unresolved_symbol.patch
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-voip/asterisk.git
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