[Pkg-vsquare-devel] Bug#405277: purelibc - Unreachable maintainer: Your message to Pkg-vsquare-devel awaits moderator approval

Bastian Blank waldi at debian.org
Tue Jan 2 10:25:10 CET 2007

Package: purelibc
Version: N/A
Severity: serious

Mails to the maintainer of purelibc via the BTS bounces.

----- Forwarded message from pkg-vsquare-devel-bounces at lists.alioth.debian.org -----

Subject: Your message to Pkg-vsquare-devel awaits moderator approval
From: pkg-vsquare-devel-bounces at lists.alioth.debian.org
To: waldi at debian.org
Date: Tue, 02 Jan 2007 10:19:01 +0100

Your mail to 'Pkg-vsquare-devel' with the subject

    Bug#405272: purelibc - FTBFS: error: '__NR_utimes' undeclared

Is being held until the list moderator can review it for approval.

The reason it is being held:

    Post by non-member to a members-only list


----- End forwarded message -----


Punishment becomes ineffective after a certain point.  Men become insensitive.
		-- Eneg, "Patterns of Force", stardate 2534.7

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