[SCM] WebKit Debian packaging branch, webkit-1.1, updated. upstream/1.1.16-1409-g5afdf4d

eric at webkit.org eric at webkit.org
Thu Dec 3 13:29:07 UTC 2009

The following commit has been merged in the webkit-1.1 branch:
commit 7c0db32d2866f129c0f192b75fb526b20b654998
Author: eric at webkit.org <eric at webkit.org@268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc>
Date:   Mon Nov 9 06:39:32 2009 +0000

    2009-11-08  Keishi Hattori  <casey.hattori at gmail.com>
            Reviewed by Pavel Feldman.
            Web Inspector: Inspector should support copy() in the command line
            * inspector/InspectorBackend.cpp:
            (WebCore::InspectorBackend::copyText): Added.
            * inspector/InspectorBackend.h: Added copyText
            * inspector/InspectorBackend.idl: Added copyText
            * inspector/front-end/InjectedScript.js:
            (InjectedScript._copy): Added.
    git-svn-id: http://svn.webkit.org/repository/webkit/trunk@50639 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc

diff --git a/WebCore/ChangeLog b/WebCore/ChangeLog
index 8c71e94..2a898e8 100644
--- a/WebCore/ChangeLog
+++ b/WebCore/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,18 @@
+2009-11-08  Keishi Hattori  <casey.hattori at gmail.com>
+        Reviewed by Pavel Feldman.
+        Web Inspector: Inspector should support copy() in the command line
+        https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=31238
+        * inspector/InspectorBackend.cpp:
+        (WebCore::InspectorBackend::copyText): Added.
+        * inspector/InspectorBackend.h: Added copyText
+        * inspector/InspectorBackend.idl: Added copyText
+        * inspector/front-end/InjectedScript.js:
+        (InjectedScript._copy): Added.
+        (InjectedScript._ensureCommandLineAPIInstalled):
 2009-11-08  Drew Wilson  <atwilson at chromium.org>
         Reviewed by Dimitri Glazkov.
diff --git a/WebCore/inspector/InspectorBackend.cpp b/WebCore/inspector/InspectorBackend.cpp
index 813907f..e51d7e7 100644
--- a/WebCore/inspector/InspectorBackend.cpp
+++ b/WebCore/inspector/InspectorBackend.cpp
@@ -507,6 +507,11 @@ void InspectorBackend::deleteCookie(const String& cookieName, const String& doma
     m_inspectorController->deleteCookie(cookieName, domain);
+void InspectorBackend::copyText(const String& text)
+    Pasteboard::generalPasteboard()->writePlainText(text);
 void InspectorBackend::highlight(long nodeId)
     if (Node* node = nodeForId(nodeId))
diff --git a/WebCore/inspector/InspectorBackend.h b/WebCore/inspector/InspectorBackend.h
index aea63e3..f84978a 100644
--- a/WebCore/inspector/InspectorBackend.h
+++ b/WebCore/inspector/InspectorBackend.h
@@ -143,6 +143,8 @@ public:
     void getCookies(long callId, const String& domain);
     void deleteCookie(const String& cookieName, const String& domain);
+    void copyText(const String& text);
     // Generic code called from custom implementations.
     void highlight(long nodeId);
     Node* nodeForId(long nodeId);
diff --git a/WebCore/inspector/InspectorBackend.idl b/WebCore/inspector/InspectorBackend.idl
index bb37e2b..d6a3cf9 100644
--- a/WebCore/inspector/InspectorBackend.idl
+++ b/WebCore/inspector/InspectorBackend.idl
@@ -117,6 +117,7 @@ module core {
         // Called from InjectedScript.
         // TODO: extract into a separate IDL.
+        void copyText(in DOMString text);
         [Custom] DOMObject nodeForId(in long nodeId);
         [Custom] long wrapObject(in DOMObject object, in DOMString objectGroup);
         [Custom] DOMObject unwrapObject(in long objectId);
diff --git a/WebCore/inspector/front-end/InjectedScript.js b/WebCore/inspector/front-end/InjectedScript.js
index 7c933e7..5893bc8 100644
--- a/WebCore/inspector/front-end/InjectedScript.js
+++ b/WebCore/inspector/front-end/InjectedScript.js
@@ -903,77 +903,92 @@ InjectedScript._inspectObject = function(o)
+InjectedScript._copy = function(o)
+    if (Object.type(o) === "node") {
+        var nodeId = InspectorController.pushNodePathToFrontend(o, false);
+        InspectorController.copyNode(nodeId);
+    } else {
+        InspectorController.copyText(o);
+    }
 InjectedScript._ensureCommandLineAPIInstalled = function(evalFunction, evalObject)
     if (evalFunction.call(evalObject, "window.console._inspectorCommandLineAPI"))
-    var inspectorCommandLineAPI = evalFunction.call(evalObject, "window.console._inspectorCommandLineAPI = { \
-        $: function() { return document.getElementById.apply(document, arguments) }, \
-        $$: function() { return document.querySelectorAll.apply(document, arguments) }, \
-        $x: function(xpath, context) { \
-            var nodes = []; \
-            try { \
-                var doc = context || document; \
-                var results = doc.evaluate(xpath, doc, null, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null); \
-                var node; \
-                while (node = results.iterateNext()) nodes.push(node); \
-            } catch (e) {} \
-            return nodes; \
-        }, \
-        dir: function() { return console.dir.apply(console, arguments) }, \
-        dirxml: function() { return console.dirxml.apply(console, arguments) }, \
-        keys: function(o) { var a = []; for (var k in o) a.push(k); return a; }, \
-        values: function(o) { var a = []; for (var k in o) a.push(o[k]); return a; }, \
-        profile: function() { return console.profile.apply(console, arguments) }, \
-        profileEnd: function() { return console.profileEnd.apply(console, arguments) }, \
-        _logEvent: function _inspectorCommandLineAPI_logEvent(e) { console.log(e.type, e); }, \
-        _allEventTypes: [\"mouse\", \"key\", \"load\", \"unload\", \"abort\", \"error\", \
-            \"select\", \"change\", \"submit\", \"reset\", \"focus\", \"blur\", \
-            \"resize\", \"scroll\"], \
-        _normalizeEventTypes: function(t) { \
-            if (typeof t === \"undefined\") \
-                t = console._inspectorCommandLineAPI._allEventTypes; \
-            else if (typeof t === \"string\") \
-                t = [t]; \
-            var i, te = []; \
-            for (i = 0; i < t.length; i++) { \
-                if (t[i] === \"mouse\") \
-                    te.splice(0, 0, \"mousedown\", \"mouseup\", \"click\", \"dblclick\", \
-                        \"mousemove\", \"mouseover\", \"mouseout\"); \
-                else if (t[i] === \"key\") \
-                    te.splice(0, 0, \"keydown\", \"keyup\", \"keypress\"); \
-                else \
-                    te.push(t[i]); \
-            } \
-            return te; \
-        }, \
-        monitorEvents: function(o, t) { \
-            if (!o || !o.addEventListener || !o.removeEventListener) \
-                return; \
-            t = console._inspectorCommandLineAPI._normalizeEventTypes(t); \
-            for (i = 0; i < t.length; i++) { \
-                o.removeEventListener(t[i], console._inspectorCommandLineAPI._logEvent, false); \
-                o.addEventListener(t[i], console._inspectorCommandLineAPI._logEvent, false); \
-            } \
-        }, \
-        unmonitorEvents: function(o, t) { \
-            if (!o || !o.removeEventListener) \
-                return; \
-            t = console._inspectorCommandLineAPI._normalizeEventTypes(t); \
-            for (i = 0; i < t.length; i++) { \
-                o.removeEventListener(t[i], console._inspectorCommandLineAPI._logEvent, false); \
-            } \
-        }, \
-        _inspectedNodes: [], \
-        get $0() { return console._inspectorCommandLineAPI._inspectedNodes[0] }, \
-        get $1() { return console._inspectorCommandLineAPI._inspectedNodes[1] }, \
-        get $2() { return console._inspectorCommandLineAPI._inspectedNodes[2] }, \
-        get $3() { return console._inspectorCommandLineAPI._inspectedNodes[3] }, \
-        get $4() { return console._inspectorCommandLineAPI._inspectedNodes[4] } \
+    var inspectorCommandLineAPI = evalFunction.call(evalObject, "window.console._inspectorCommandLineAPI = { \n\
+        $: function() { return document.getElementById.apply(document, arguments) }, \n\
+        $$: function() { return document.querySelectorAll.apply(document, arguments) }, \n\
+        $x: function(xpath, context) \n\
+        { \n\
+            var nodes = []; \n\
+            try { \n\
+                var doc = context || document; \n\
+                var results = doc.evaluate(xpath, doc, null, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null); \n\
+                var node; \n\
+                while (node = results.iterateNext()) nodes.push(node); \n\
+            } catch (e) {} \n\
+            return nodes; \n\
+        }, \n\
+        dir: function() { return console.dir.apply(console, arguments) }, \n\
+        dirxml: function() { return console.dirxml.apply(console, arguments) }, \n\
+        keys: function(o) { var a = []; for (var k in o) a.push(k); return a; }, \n\
+        values: function(o) { var a = []; for (var k in o) a.push(o[k]); return a; }, \n\
+        profile: function() { return console.profile.apply(console, arguments) }, \n\
+        profileEnd: function() { return console.profileEnd.apply(console, arguments) }, \n\
+        _logEvent: function _inspectorCommandLineAPI_logEvent(e) { console.log(e.type, e); }, \n\
+        _allEventTypes: [\"mouse\", \"key\", \"load\", \"unload\", \"abort\", \"error\", \n\
+            \"select\", \"change\", \"submit\", \"reset\", \"focus\", \"blur\", \n\
+            \"resize\", \"scroll\"], \n\
+        _normalizeEventTypes: function(t) \n\
+        { \n\
+            if (typeof t === \"undefined\") \n\
+                t = console._inspectorCommandLineAPI._allEventTypes; \n\
+            else if (typeof t === \"string\") \n\
+                t = [t]; \n\
+            var i, te = []; \n\
+            for (i = 0; i < t.length; i++) { \n\
+                if (t[i] === \"mouse\") \n\
+                    te.splice(0, 0, \"mousedown\", \"mouseup\", \"click\", \"dblclick\", \n\
+                        \"mousemove\", \"mouseover\", \"mouseout\"); \n\
+                else if (t[i] === \"key\") \n\
+                    te.splice(0, 0, \"keydown\", \"keyup\", \"keypress\"); \n\
+                else \n\
+                    te.push(t[i]); \n\
+            } \n\
+            return te; \n\
+        }, \n\
+        monitorEvents: function(o, t) \n\
+        { \n\
+            if (!o || !o.addEventListener || !o.removeEventListener) \n\
+                return; \n\
+            t = console._inspectorCommandLineAPI._normalizeEventTypes(t); \n\
+            for (i = 0; i < t.length; i++) { \n\
+                o.removeEventListener(t[i], console._inspectorCommandLineAPI._logEvent, false); \n\
+                o.addEventListener(t[i], console._inspectorCommandLineAPI._logEvent, false); \n\
+            } \n\
+        }, \n\
+        unmonitorEvents: function(o, t) \n\
+        { \n\
+            if (!o || !o.removeEventListener) \n\
+                return; \n\
+            t = console._inspectorCommandLineAPI._normalizeEventTypes(t); \n\
+            for (i = 0; i < t.length; i++) { \n\
+                o.removeEventListener(t[i], console._inspectorCommandLineAPI._logEvent, false); \n\
+            } \n\
+        }, \n\
+        _inspectedNodes: [], \n\
+        get $0() { return console._inspectorCommandLineAPI._inspectedNodes[0] }, \n\
+        get $1() { return console._inspectorCommandLineAPI._inspectedNodes[1] }, \n\
+        get $2() { return console._inspectorCommandLineAPI._inspectedNodes[2] }, \n\
+        get $3() { return console._inspectorCommandLineAPI._inspectedNodes[3] }, \n\
+        get $4() { return console._inspectorCommandLineAPI._inspectedNodes[4] }, \n\
     inspectorCommandLineAPI.clear = InspectorController.wrapCallback(InjectedScript._clearConsoleMessages);
     inspectorCommandLineAPI.inspect = InspectorController.wrapCallback(InjectedScript._inspectObject);
+    inspectorCommandLineAPI.copy = InspectorController.wrapCallback(InjectedScript._copy);
 InjectedScript._resolveObject = function(objectProxy)

WebKit Debian packaging

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