[SCM] WebKit Debian packaging branch, webkit-1.1, updated. upstream/1.1.16-1409-g5afdf4d

snej at chromium.org snej at chromium.org
Thu Dec 3 13:34:32 UTC 2009

The following commit has been merged in the webkit-1.1 branch:
commit 08181fb191b66378708df7a08a2a6999e9666d09
Author: snej at chromium.org <snej at chromium.org@268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc>
Date:   Thu Nov 12 21:17:23 2009 +0000

    Table-driven setup for V8 binding template callback functions. 100k in code savings.
    Reviewed by Dimitri Glazkov.
    * bindings/scripts/CodeGeneratorV8.pm:  Change generated ConfigureXXXTemplate fn
        to call configureTemplate().
    * bindings/v8/V8Binding.cpp:
    (WebCore::configureTemplate):  New function; does all the standard configuration work.
    (WebCore::createCallback):  De-inlined wrapper for FunctionTemplate creation.
    * bindings/v8/V8Binding.h:
    * bindings/v8/V8Proxy.cpp:
    (WebCore::batchConfigureAttributes):  Just wrapped the very long fn parameter list.
    (WebCore::batchConfigureCallbacks):  New function, used by configureTemplate.
    (WebCore::batchConfigureConstants):  Just wrapped the very long fn parameter list.
    * bindings/v8/V8Proxy.h:
    git-svn-id: http://svn.webkit.org/repository/webkit/trunk@50897 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc

diff --git a/WebCore/ChangeLog b/WebCore/ChangeLog
index 968b91d..c3b63d4 100644
--- a/WebCore/ChangeLog
+++ b/WebCore/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,22 @@
+2009-11-12  Jens Alfke  <snej at chromium.org>
+        Reviewed by Dimitri Glazkov.
+        Table-driven setup for V8 binding template callback functions. 100k in code savings.
+        https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=31420
+        * bindings/scripts/CodeGeneratorV8.pm:  Change generated ConfigureXXXTemplate fn
+            to call configureTemplate().
+        * bindings/v8/V8Binding.cpp:
+        (WebCore::configureTemplate):  New function; does all the standard configuration work.
+        (WebCore::createCallback):  De-inlined wrapper for FunctionTemplate creation.
+        * bindings/v8/V8Binding.h:
+        * bindings/v8/V8Proxy.cpp:
+        (WebCore::batchConfigureAttributes):  Just wrapped the very long fn parameter list.
+        (WebCore::batchConfigureCallbacks):  New function, used by configureTemplate.
+        (WebCore::batchConfigureConstants):  Just wrapped the very long fn parameter list.
+        * bindings/v8/V8Proxy.h:
 2009-11-12  Dumitru Daniliuc  <dumi at chromium.org>
         Unreviewed, fix Chromium build after http://trac.webkit.org/changeset/50876.
diff --git a/WebCore/bindings/scripts/CodeGeneratorV8.pm b/WebCore/bindings/scripts/CodeGeneratorV8.pm
index 835b3c6..bd60971 100644
--- a/WebCore/bindings/scripts/CodeGeneratorV8.pm
+++ b/WebCore/bindings/scripts/CodeGeneratorV8.pm
@@ -793,12 +793,11 @@ END
     push(@implContentDecls, "  }\n\n");  # end of setter
-sub GenerateNewFunctionTemplate
+sub GetFunctionTemplateCallbackName
     $function = shift;
     $dataNode = shift;
-    $signature = shift;
     my $interfaceName = $dataNode->name;
     my $name = $function->signature->name;
@@ -813,12 +812,22 @@ sub GenerateNewFunctionTemplate
         if ($customFunc eq 1) {
             $customFunc = $interfaceName . $codeGenerator->WK_ucfirst($name);
-        return "v8::FunctionTemplate::New(V8Custom::v8${customFunc}Callback, v8::Handle<v8::Value>(), $signature)";
+        return "V8Custom::v8${customFunc}Callback";
     } else {
-        return "v8::FunctionTemplate::New(${interfaceName}Internal::${name}Callback, v8::Handle<v8::Value>(), $signature)";
+        return "${interfaceName}Internal::${name}Callback";
+sub GenerateNewFunctionTemplate
+    $function = shift;
+    $dataNode = shift;
+    $signature = shift;
+    my $callback = GetFunctionTemplateCallbackName($function, $dataNode);
+    return "v8::FunctionTemplate::New($callback, v8::Handle<v8::Value>(), $signature)";
 sub GenerateFunctionCallback
     my $function = shift;
@@ -1206,6 +1215,38 @@ sub GenerateImplementation
         GenerateBatchedAttributeData($dataNode, $attributes);
         push(@implContent, "};\n");
+    # Setup table of standard callback functions
+    $num_callbacks = 0;
+    $has_callbacks = 0;
+    foreach my $function (@{$dataNode->functions}) {
+        my $attrExt = $function->signature->extendedAttributes;
+        # Don't put any nonstandard functions into this table:
+        if ($attrExt->{"V8OnInstance"}) {
+            next;
+        }
+        if ($attrExt->{"EnabledAtRuntime"} || RequiresCustomSignature($function) || $attrExt->{"V8DoNotCheckSignature"}) {
+            next;
+        }
+        if ($attrExt->{"DoNotCheckDomainSecurity"} &&
+            ($dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"CheckDomainSecurity"} || $interfaceName eq "DOMWindow")) {
+            next;
+        }
+        if ($attrExt->{"DontEnum"} || $attrExt->{"V8ReadOnly"}) {
+            next;
+        }
+        if (!$has_callbacks) {
+            $has_callbacks = 1;
+            push(@implContent, "static const BatchedCallback ${interfaceName}_callbacks[] = {\n");
+        }
+        my $name = $function->signature->name;
+        my $callback = GetFunctionTemplateCallbackName($function, $dataNode);
+        push(@implContent, <<END);
+  {"$name", $callback},
+        $num_callbacks++;
+    }
+    push(@implContent, "};\n")  if $has_callbacks;
     # Setup constants
     my $has_constants = 0;
@@ -1229,7 +1270,7 @@ END
     push(@implContentDecls, "} // namespace ${interfaceName}Internal\n\n");
-    my $access_check = "/* no access check */";
+    my $access_check = "";
     if ($dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"CheckDomainSecurity"} && !($interfaceName eq "DOMWindow")) {
         $access_check = "instance->SetAccessCheckCallbacks(V8Custom::v8${interfaceName}NamedSecurityCheck, V8Custom::v8${interfaceName}IndexedSecurityCheck, v8::Integer::New(V8ClassIndex::ToInt(V8ClassIndex::${classIndex})));";
@@ -1248,35 +1289,59 @@ static v8::Persistent<v8::ObjectTemplate> ConfigureShadowObjectTemplate(v8::Pers
+    # find the super descriptor
+    my $parentClassIndex = "INVALID_CLASS_INDEX";
+    foreach (@{$dataNode->parents}) {
+        my $parent = $codeGenerator->StripModule($_);
+        if ($parent eq "EventTarget") { next; }
+        $implIncludes{"V8${parent}.h"} = 1;
+        $parentClassIndex = uc($codeGenerator->StripModule($parent));
+        last;
+    }
+    # find the field count
+    my $fieldCount = "V8Custom::kDefaultWrapperInternalFieldCount";
+    if (IsNodeSubType($dataNode)) {
+        $fieldCount = "V8Custom::kNodeMinimumInternalFieldCount";
+    }
     # Generate the template configuration method
     push(@implContent,  <<END);
 static v8::Persistent<v8::FunctionTemplate> Configure${className}Template(v8::Persistent<v8::FunctionTemplate> desc) {
-  v8::Local<v8::ObjectTemplate> instance = desc->InstanceTemplate();
+  v8::Local<v8::Signature> default_signature = configureTemplate(desc, \"${interfaceName}\",
+      V8ClassIndex::$parentClassIndex, $fieldCount,
-    if (IsNodeSubType($dataNode)) {
+    # Set up our attributes if we have them
+    if ($has_attributes) {
         push(@implContent, <<END);
-  instance->SetInternalFieldCount(V8Custom::kNodeMinimumInternalFieldCount);
+      ${interfaceName}_attrs, sizeof(${interfaceName}_attrs)/sizeof(*${interfaceName}_attrs),
     } else {
         push(@implContent, <<END);
-  instance->SetInternalFieldCount(V8Custom::kDefaultWrapperInternalFieldCount);
+      NULL, 0,
+    }
+    if ($has_callbacks) {
+        push(@implContent, <<END);
+      ${interfaceName}_callbacks, sizeof(${interfaceName}_callbacks)/sizeof(*${interfaceName}_callbacks));
+    } else {
+        push(@implContent, <<END);
+      NULL, 0);
+    if ($access_check or @enabledAtRuntime or @{$dataNode->functions} or $has_constants) {
     push(@implContent,  <<END);
-  v8::Local<v8::Signature> default_signature = v8::Signature::New(desc);
+  v8::Local<v8::ObjectTemplate> instance = desc->InstanceTemplate();
   v8::Local<v8::ObjectTemplate> proto = desc->PrototypeTemplate();
-  $access_check
-    # Set up our attributes if we have them
-    if ($has_attributes) {
-        push(@implContent, <<END);
-  batchConfigureAttributes(instance, proto, ${interfaceName}_attrs, sizeof(${interfaceName}_attrs)/sizeof(*${interfaceName}_attrs));
+    push(@implContent,  "  $access_check\n");
     # Setup the enable-at-runtime attrs if we have them
     foreach my $runtime_attr (@enabledAtRuntime) {
         $enable_function = $interfaceName . $codeGenerator->WK_ucfirst($runtime_attr->signature->name);
@@ -1293,7 +1358,9 @@ END
     # Define our functions with Set() or SetAccessor()
+    $total_functions = 0;
     foreach my $function (@{$dataNode->functions}) {
+        $total_functions++;
         my $attrExt = $function->signature->extendedAttributes;
         my $name = $function->signature->name;
@@ -1347,6 +1414,7 @@ END
+          $num_callbacks++;
@@ -1361,31 +1429,26 @@ END
       # Normal function call is a template
-      my $templateFunction = GenerateNewFunctionTemplate($function, $dataNode, $signature);
+      my $callback = GetFunctionTemplateCallbackName($function, $dataNode);
+      if ($property_attributes eq "v8::DontDelete") {
+          $property_attributes = "";
+      } else {
+          $property_attributes = ", static_cast<v8::PropertyAttribute>($property_attributes)";
+      }
+      if ($template eq "proto" && $conditional eq "" && $signature eq "default_signature" && $property_attributes eq "") {
+          # Standard type of callback, already created in the batch, so skip it here.
+          next;
+      }
       push(@implContent, <<END);
-  // $commentInfo
-  $conditional ${template}->Set(
-      v8::String::New("$name"),
-      $templateFunction,
-      static_cast<v8::PropertyAttribute>($property_attributes));
+  ${conditional}createCallback($template, "$name", $callback, ${signature}$property_attributes);
+      $num_callbacks++;
-    # set the super descriptor
-    foreach (@{$dataNode->parents}) {
-        my $parent = $codeGenerator->StripModule($_);
-        if ($parent eq "EventTarget") { next; }
-        $implIncludes{"V8${parent}.h"} = 1;
-        my $parentClassIndex = uc($codeGenerator->StripModule($parent));
-        push(@implContent, "  desc->Inherit(V8DOMWrapper::getTemplate(V8ClassIndex::${parentClassIndex}));\n");
-        last;
-    }
-    # Set the class name.  This is used when printing objects.
-    push(@implContent, "  desc->SetClassName(v8::String::New(\"${interfaceName}\"));\n");
+    die "Wrong number of callbacks generated for $interfaceName ($num_callbacks, should be $total_functions)" if $num_callbacks != $total_functions;
     if ($has_constants) {
         push(@implContent, <<END);
diff --git a/WebCore/bindings/v8/V8Binding.cpp b/WebCore/bindings/v8/V8Binding.cpp
index 30e6610..ede85a4 100644
--- a/WebCore/bindings/v8/V8Binding.cpp
+++ b/WebCore/bindings/v8/V8Binding.cpp
@@ -387,4 +387,41 @@ v8::Persistent<v8::FunctionTemplate> createRawTemplate()
     return v8::Persistent<v8::FunctionTemplate>::New(result);
+v8::Local<v8::Signature> configureTemplate(v8::Persistent<v8::FunctionTemplate>desc,
+                                           const char *interfaceName,
+                                           V8ClassIndex::V8WrapperType parentClassIndex,
+                                           int fieldCount,
+                                           const BatchedAttribute* attributes, 
+                                           size_t attributeCount,
+                                           const BatchedCallback* callbacks,
+                                           size_t callbackCount)
+    desc->SetClassName(v8::String::New(interfaceName));
+    v8::Local<v8::ObjectTemplate> instance = desc->InstanceTemplate();
+    instance->SetInternalFieldCount(fieldCount);
+    if (parentClassIndex)
+        desc->Inherit(V8DOMWrapper::getTemplate(parentClassIndex));
+    if (attributeCount)
+        batchConfigureAttributes(instance, desc->PrototypeTemplate(),
+                                 attributes, attributeCount);
+    v8::Local<v8::Signature> defaultSignature = v8::Signature::New(desc);
+    if (callbackCount)
+        batchConfigureCallbacks(desc->PrototypeTemplate(),
+                                defaultSignature,
+                                static_cast<v8::PropertyAttribute>(v8::DontDelete),
+                                callbacks, callbackCount);
+    return defaultSignature;
+void createCallback(v8::Local<v8::ObjectTemplate> proto,
+                    const char *name,
+                    v8::InvocationCallback callback,
+                    v8::Handle<v8::Signature> signature,
+                    v8::PropertyAttribute attribute)
+    proto->Set(v8::String::New(name),
+               v8::FunctionTemplate::New(callback, v8::Handle<v8::Value>(), signature),
+               attribute);
 } // namespace WebCore
diff --git a/WebCore/bindings/v8/V8Binding.h b/WebCore/bindings/v8/V8Binding.h
index 4447453..3ce0526 100644
--- a/WebCore/bindings/v8/V8Binding.h
+++ b/WebCore/bindings/v8/V8Binding.h
@@ -203,6 +203,24 @@ namespace WebCore {
     v8::Persistent<v8::FunctionTemplate> createRawTemplate();
+    struct BatchedAttribute;
+    struct BatchedCallback;
+    v8::Local<v8::Signature> configureTemplate(v8::Persistent<v8::FunctionTemplate>,
+                                               const char *interfaceName,
+                                               V8ClassIndex::V8WrapperType parentClassIndex,
+                                               int fieldCount,
+                                               const BatchedAttribute*, 
+                                               size_t attributeCount,
+                                               const BatchedCallback*,
+                                               size_t callbackCount);
+    void createCallback(v8::Local<v8::ObjectTemplate> proto,
+                        const char *name,
+                        v8::InvocationCallback,
+                        v8::Handle<v8::Signature>,
+                        v8::PropertyAttribute attributes = v8::DontDelete);
 } // namespace WebCore
 #endif // V8Binding_h
diff --git a/WebCore/bindings/v8/V8Proxy.cpp b/WebCore/bindings/v8/V8Proxy.cpp
index 45ac1ea..b785f41 100644
--- a/WebCore/bindings/v8/V8Proxy.cpp
+++ b/WebCore/bindings/v8/V8Proxy.cpp
@@ -72,13 +72,34 @@ V8Extensions V8Proxy::m_extensions;
 const char* V8Proxy::kContextDebugDataType = "type";
 const char* V8Proxy::kContextDebugDataValue = "value";
-void batchConfigureAttributes(v8::Handle<v8::ObjectTemplate> instance, v8::Handle<v8::ObjectTemplate> proto, const BatchedAttribute* attributes, size_t attributeCount)
+void batchConfigureAttributes(v8::Handle<v8::ObjectTemplate> instance, 
+                              v8::Handle<v8::ObjectTemplate> proto, 
+                              const BatchedAttribute* attributes, 
+                              size_t attributeCount)
     for (size_t i = 0; i < attributeCount; ++i)
         configureAttribute(instance, proto, attributes[i]);
-void batchConfigureConstants(v8::Handle<v8::FunctionTemplate> functionDescriptor, v8::Handle<v8::ObjectTemplate> proto, const BatchedConstant* constants, size_t constantCount)
+void batchConfigureCallbacks(v8::Handle<v8::ObjectTemplate> proto, 
+                             v8::Handle<v8::Signature> signature, 
+                             v8::PropertyAttribute attributes,
+                             const BatchedCallback* callbacks,
+                             size_t callbackCount)
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < callbackCount; ++i) {
+        proto->Set(v8::String::New(callbacks[i].name),
+                   v8::FunctionTemplate::New(callbacks[i].callback, 
+                                             v8::Handle<v8::Value>(),
+                                             signature),
+                   attributes);
+    }
+void batchConfigureConstants(v8::Handle<v8::FunctionTemplate> functionDescriptor,
+                             v8::Handle<v8::ObjectTemplate> proto,
+                             const BatchedConstant* constants,
+                             size_t constantCount)
     for (size_t i = 0; i < constantCount; ++i) {
         const BatchedConstant* constant = &constants[i];
diff --git a/WebCore/bindings/v8/V8Proxy.h b/WebCore/bindings/v8/V8Proxy.h
index 9882a4c..99ae1f2 100644
--- a/WebCore/bindings/v8/V8Proxy.h
+++ b/WebCore/bindings/v8/V8Proxy.h
@@ -102,6 +102,17 @@ namespace WebCore {
     void batchConfigureConstants(v8::Handle<v8::FunctionTemplate>, v8::Handle<v8::ObjectTemplate>, const BatchedConstant*, size_t constantCount);
+    struct BatchedCallback {
+        const char* const name;
+        v8::InvocationCallback callback;
+    };
+    void batchConfigureCallbacks(v8::Handle<v8::ObjectTemplate>, 
+                                 v8::Handle<v8::Signature>,
+                                 v8::PropertyAttribute,
+                                 const BatchedCallback*, 
+                                 size_t callbackCount);
     const int kMaxRecursionDepth = 20;
     // Information about an extension that is registered for use with V8. If

WebKit Debian packaging

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