[SCM] WebKit Debian packaging branch, webkit-1.1, updated. upstream/1.1.16-1409-g5afdf4d

eric at webkit.org eric at webkit.org
Thu Dec 3 13:37:35 UTC 2009

The following commit has been merged in the webkit-1.1 branch:
commit decb4a8392f824b422d044158ac63f0e267ecdb5
Author: eric at webkit.org <eric at webkit.org@268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc>
Date:   Mon Nov 16 13:25:11 2009 +0000

    2009-11-16  Adam Barth  <abarth at webkit.org>
            Reviewed by Eric Seidel.
            Convert CommitQueue over to PatchCollection
            Also fixes a bug in workqueue and adds a test!
            * Scripts/bugzilla-tool:
            * Scripts/modules/workqueue.py:
            * Scripts/modules/workqueue_unittest.py:
    git-svn-id: http://svn.webkit.org/repository/webkit/trunk@51033 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc

diff --git a/WebKitTools/ChangeLog b/WebKitTools/ChangeLog
index 0e931b5..5f667e5 100644
--- a/WebKitTools/ChangeLog
+++ b/WebKitTools/ChangeLog
@@ -28,6 +28,18 @@
         Reviewed by Adam Barth.
+        bugzilla-tool needs a land-attachment command
+        https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=31546
+        * Scripts/bugzilla-tool:
+         - Move all the logic into AbstractLandingCommand and
+           add a new LandAttachment command subclass.
+         - Split out _collect_patches_by_bug logging from _fetch_list_of_patches_to_land.
+2009-11-16  Eric Seidel  <eric at webkit.org>
+        Reviewed by Adam Barth.
         Move more patch-landing code into WebKitLandingScripts in preparation for land-attachment
diff --git a/WebKitTools/Scripts/bugzilla-tool b/WebKitTools/Scripts/bugzilla-tool
index 223deef..5221b2a 100755
--- a/WebKitTools/Scripts/bugzilla-tool
+++ b/WebKitTools/Scripts/bugzilla-tool
@@ -340,12 +340,11 @@ class WebKitLandingScripts:
         tool.bugs.clear_attachment_flags(patch['id'], comment_text)
-    def land_patches(cls, patches, options, tool):
+    def land_patch_and_handle_errors(cls, patch, options, tool):
-            for patch in patches:
-                cls._land_patch(patch, options, tool)
-            if options.close_bug and patches:
-                cls._close_bug_if_no_active_patches(tool.bugs, patches[0]['bug_id'])
+            cls._land_patch(patch, options, tool)
+            if options.close_bug:
+                cls._close_bug_if_no_active_patches(tool.bugs, patch['bug_id'])
         except CheckoutNeedsUpdate, e:
             log("Commit failed because the checkout is out of date.  Please update and try again.")
             log("You can pass --no-build to skip building/testing after update if you believe the new commits did not affect the results.")
@@ -410,44 +409,68 @@ class LandAndUpdateBug(Command):
             log("No bug id provided.")
-class LandPatchesFromBugs(Command):
-    def __init__(self):
-        options = WebKitLandingScripts.cleaning_options()
-        options += WebKitLandingScripts.land_options()
-        Command.__init__(self, 'Lands all patches on a bug optionally testing them first', 'BUGID', options=options)
+class AbstractPatchLandingCommand(Command):
+    def __init__(self, description, args_description):
+        options = WebKitLandingScripts.cleaning_options() + WebKitLandingScripts.land_options()
+        Command.__init__(self, description, args_description, options=options)
     def _fetch_list_of_patches_to_land(options, args, tool):
-        bugs_to_patches = {}
-        patch_count = 0
-        for bug_id in args:
-            patches = []
-            if options.commit_queue:
-                patches = tool.bugs.fetch_commit_queue_patches_from_bug(bug_id, reject_invalid_patches=True)
-            else:
-                patches = tool.bugs.fetch_reviewed_patches_from_bug(bug_id)
-            patches_found = len(patches)
-            log("%s found on bug %s." % (pluralize("reviewed patch", patches_found), bug_id))
-            patch_count += patches_found
-            if patches_found:
-                bugs_to_patches[bug_id] = patches
+        raise NotImplementedError, "subclasses must implement"
-        log("Landing %s from %s." % (pluralize("patch", patch_count), pluralize("bug", len(args))))
+    @staticmethod
+    def _collect_patches_by_bug(patches):
+        bugs_to_patches = {}
+        for patch in patches:
+            bug_id = patch['bug_id']
+            bugs_to_patches[bug_id] = bugs_to_patches.get(bug_id, []).append(patch)
         return bugs_to_patches
     def execute(self, options, args, tool):
-        if not len(args):
-            error("bug-id(s) required")
+        if not args:
+            error("%s required" % self.argument_names)
         # Check the tree status first so we can fail early.
         WebKitLandingScripts.ensure_builders_are_green(tool.buildbot, options)
-        bugs_to_patches = self._fetch_list_of_patches_to_land(options, args, tool)
         WebKitLandingScripts.prepare_clean_working_directory(tool.scm(), options)
-        for bug_id in bugs_to_patches.keys():
-            WebKitLandingScripts.land_patches(bugs_to_patches[bug_id], options, tool)
+        patches = self._fetch_list_of_patches_to_land(options, args, tool)
+        # It's nice to print out total statistics.
+        bugs_to_patches = self._collect_patches_by_bug(patches)
+        log("Landing %s from %s." % (pluralize("patch", len(patches)), pluralize("bug", len(bugs_to_patches))))
+        for patch in patches:
+            WebKitLandingScripts.land_patch_and_handle_errors(patch, options, tool)
+class LandAttachment(AbstractPatchLandingCommand):
+    def __init__(self):
+        AbstractPatchLandingCommand.__init__(self, 'Lands a patches from bugzilla, optionally building and testing them first', 'ATTACHMENT_ID [ATTACHMENT_IDS]')
+    @staticmethod
+    def _fetch_list_of_patches_to_land(options, args, tool):
+        return map(lambda patch_id: tool.bugs.fetch_attachment(patch_id), args)
+class LandPatchesFromBugs(AbstractPatchLandingCommand):
+    def __init__(self):
+        AbstractPatchLandingCommand.__init__(self, 'Lands all patches on the given bugs, optionally building and testing them first', 'BUGID [BUGIDS]')
+    @staticmethod
+    def _fetch_list_of_patches_to_land(options, args, tool):
+        all_patches = []
+        for bug_id in args:
+            # FIXME: This is strange that --commit-queue gets special behavior here.
+            if options.commit_queue:
+                patches = tool.bugs.fetch_commit_queue_patches_from_bug(bug_id, reject_invalid_patches=True)
+            else:
+                patches = tool.bugs.fetch_reviewed_patches_from_bug(bug_id)
+            log("%s found on bug %s." % (pluralize("reviewed patch", len(patches)), bug_id))
+            all_patches += patches
+        return all_patches
 class CommitMessageForCurrentDiff(Command):
@@ -860,6 +883,7 @@ class BugzillaTool:
             { 'name' : 'apply-attachment', 'object' : ApplyAttachment() },
             { 'name' : 'apply-patches', 'object' : ApplyPatchesFromBug() },
             { 'name' : 'land-diff', 'object' : LandAndUpdateBug() },
+            { 'name' : 'land-attachment', 'object' : LandAttachment() },
             { 'name' : 'land-patches', 'object' : LandPatchesFromBugs() },
             { 'name' : 'check-style', 'object' : CheckStyle() },
             { 'name' : 'commit-message', 'object' : CommitMessageForCurrentDiff() },

WebKit Debian packaging

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