[SCM] WebKit Debian packaging annotated tag, upstream/1.1.3, updated. upstream/1.1.3

Mike Hommey glandium at debian.org
Sun Sep 27 11:59:26 UTC 2009

The annotated tag, upstream/1.1.3 has been updated
        to  e7c026554cf0791784e6f8efcf3bf4a121c4018f (tag)
      from  5500528093828e8cf1544c6f66eb54b4865bf780 (which is now obsolete)
   tagging  cfe6265fa8bd2da5e58af0854952ed114b5398e8 (commit)
  replaces  upstream/1.1.2
 tagged by  Mike Hommey
        on  Mon Mar 16 21:25:02 2009 +0100

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Upstream release 1.1.3

Mike Hommey (1):
      Import webkit 1.1.3 release

xan at webkit.org (2):
      2009-03-15  Xan Lopez  <xlopez at igalia.com>
      2009-03-15  Xan Lopez  <xlopez at igalia.com>


WebKit Debian packaging

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