[SCM] WebKit Debian packaging branch, debian/experimental, updated. upstream/1.3.3-9427-gc2be6fc

noam.rosenthal at nokia.com noam.rosenthal at nokia.com
Wed Dec 22 14:25:05 UTC 2010

The following commit has been merged in the debian/experimental branch:
commit 2bf16c350bb50e4b37820f4d7f4f0225b5541e63
Author: noam.rosenthal at nokia.com <noam.rosenthal at nokia.com@268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc>
Date:   Fri Oct 8 04:31:42 2010 +0000

    2010-10-07  No'am Rosenthal  <noam.rosenthal at nokia.com>
            Reviewed by Kenneth Rohde Christiansen.
            [Texmap] [Qt] Texture mapper initial implementation
            Texture Mapper is an implementation of accelerated compositing that doesn't require a
            platform specific scenegraph library like CA or QGraphicsView. The idea is that with
            time this would replace GraphicsLayerQt, and could serve as an implementation for other
            platforms that don't have a scenegraph library. The first stage of this is to add all the code to trunk,
            and enable it in Qt with an opt-in build flag so that it can be easily tested. Once it reaches
            an adequate level of stability, we can enable it by default and eventually have it replace GraphicsLayerQt.
            This change includes only the common new files and the Qt backend; Still to come: the GL backend and integration layer.
            * platform/graphics/qt/TextureMapperQt.cpp: Added.
            * platform/graphics/texmap/GraphicsLayerTextureMapper.cpp: Added.
            * platform/graphics/texmap/GraphicsLayerTextureMapper.h: Added.
            * platform/graphics/texmap/TextureMapper.h: Added.
            * platform/graphics/texmap/TextureMapperPlatformLayer.h: Added.
    git-svn-id: http://svn.webkit.org/repository/webkit/trunk@69374 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc

diff --git a/WebCore/ChangeLog b/WebCore/ChangeLog
index ca74ba5..2d23498 100644
--- a/WebCore/ChangeLog
+++ b/WebCore/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,23 @@
+2010-10-07  No'am Rosenthal  <noam.rosenthal at nokia.com>
+        Reviewed by Kenneth Rohde Christiansen.
+        [Texmap] [Qt] Texture mapper initial implementation
+        Texture Mapper is an implementation of accelerated compositing that doesn't require a
+        platform specific scenegraph library like CA or QGraphicsView. The idea is that with
+        time this would replace GraphicsLayerQt, and could serve as an implementation for other
+        platforms that don't have a scenegraph library. The first stage of this is to add all the code to trunk,
+        and enable it in Qt with an opt-in build flag so that it can be easily tested. Once it reaches
+        an adequate level of stability, we can enable it by default and eventually have it replace GraphicsLayerQt.
+        This change includes only the common new files and the Qt backend; Still to come: the GL backend and integration layer.
+        * platform/graphics/qt/TextureMapperQt.cpp: Added.
+        * platform/graphics/texmap/GraphicsLayerTextureMapper.cpp: Added.
+        * platform/graphics/texmap/GraphicsLayerTextureMapper.h: Added.
+        * platform/graphics/texmap/TextureMapper.h: Added.
+        * platform/graphics/texmap/TextureMapperPlatformLayer.h: Added.
 2010-10-07  Antonio Gomes  <agomes at rim.com>
         Reviewed by Simon Fraser.
diff --git a/WebCore/platform/graphics/qt/TextureMapperQt.cpp b/WebCore/platform/graphics/qt/TextureMapperQt.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9236dae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/WebCore/platform/graphics/qt/TextureMapperQt.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies)
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Library General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+ along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
+ the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include "texmap/TextureMapper.h"
+#include <QtCore/qdebug.h>
+#include <QtGui/qpaintengine.h>
+#include <QtGui/qpixmap.h>
+# include "opengl/TextureMapperGL.h"
+namespace WebCore {
+class BitmapTextureQt : public BitmapTexture {
+    friend class TextureMapperQt;
+    BitmapTextureQt() {}
+    virtual void destroy();
+    virtual IntSize size() const { return IntSize(m_pixmap.width(), m_pixmap.height()); }
+    virtual void reset(const IntSize&, bool opaque);
+    virtual PlatformGraphicsContext* beginPaint(const IntRect& dirtyRect);
+    virtual void endPaint();
+    virtual void setContentsToImage(Image*);
+    virtual bool save(const String& path);
+    virtual bool isValid() const { return !m_pixmap.isNull(); }
+    virtual bool allowOfflineTextureUpload() const { return true; }
+    IntRect sourceRect() const { return IntRect(0, 0, contentSize().width(), contentSize().height()); }
+    QPainter m_painter;
+    QPixmap m_pixmap;
+class TextureMapperQt : public TextureMapper {
+    virtual void drawTexture(const BitmapTexture& texture, const IntRect& targetRect, const TransformationMatrix& matrix, float opacity, const BitmapTexture* maskTexture);
+    virtual void bindSurface(BitmapTexture* surface);
+    virtual void setClip(const IntRect&);
+    virtual bool allowSurfaceForRoot() const { return false; }
+    TextureMapperQt(GraphicsContext* context);
+    virtual const char* type() const { return "TextureMapperQt"; }
+    virtual PassRefPtr<BitmapTexture> createTexture();
+    static void initialize(QPainter* painter)
+    {
+        painter->setRenderHints(QPainter::Antialiasing | QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform, false);
+    }
+    QPainter* m_painter;
+    RefPtr<BitmapTextureQt> m_currentSurface;
+void BitmapTextureQt::destroy()
+    if (m_pixmap.paintingActive())
+        qFatal("Destroying an active pixmap");
+    m_pixmap = QPixmap();
+void BitmapTextureQt::reset(const IntSize& size, bool isOpaque)
+    BitmapTexture::reset(size, isOpaque);
+    if (size.width() > m_pixmap.size().width() || size.height() > m_pixmap.size().height() || m_pixmap.isNull())
+        m_pixmap = QPixmap(size.width(), size.height());
+    if (!isOpaque)
+        m_pixmap.fill(Qt::transparent);
+PlatformGraphicsContext* BitmapTextureQt::beginPaint(const IntRect& dirtyRect)
+    m_painter.begin(&m_pixmap);
+    TextureMapperQt::initialize(&m_painter);
+    m_painter.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Clear);
+    m_painter.fillRect(QRect(dirtyRect), Qt::transparent);
+    m_painter.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_SourceOver);
+    return &m_painter;
+void BitmapTextureQt::endPaint()
+    m_painter.end();
+bool BitmapTextureQt::save(const String& path)
+    return m_pixmap.save(path, "PNG");
+void BitmapTextureQt::setContentsToImage(Image* image)
+    if (!image)
+        return;
+    const QPixmap* pixmap = image->nativeImageForCurrentFrame();
+    if (!pixmap)
+        return;
+    BitmapTexture::reset(pixmap->size(), !pixmap->hasAlphaChannel());
+    m_pixmap = *pixmap;
+void TextureMapperQt::setClip(const IntRect& rect)
+     QPainter* painter = m_currentSurface ? &m_currentSurface->m_painter : m_painter;
+     painter->setClipRect(rect);
+TextureMapperQt::TextureMapperQt(GraphicsContext* context)
+    : TextureMapper(context)
+    , m_painter(context->platformContext())
+    , m_currentSurface(0)
+    TextureMapperQt::initialize(m_painter);
+void TextureMapperQt::bindSurface(BitmapTexture* surface)
+    if (m_currentSurface == surface)
+        return;
+    if (m_currentSurface)
+        m_currentSurface->m_painter.end();
+    if (!surface) {
+        m_currentSurface = 0;
+        return;
+    }
+    BitmapTextureQt* surfaceQt = static_cast<BitmapTextureQt*>(surface);
+    if (!surfaceQt->m_painter.isActive())
+        surfaceQt->m_painter.begin(&surfaceQt->m_pixmap);
+    m_currentSurface = surfaceQt;
+void TextureMapperQt::drawTexture(const BitmapTexture& texture, const IntRect& targetRect, const TransformationMatrix& matrix, float opacity, const BitmapTexture* maskTexture)
+    const BitmapTextureQt& textureQt = static_cast<const BitmapTextureQt&>(texture);
+    QPainter* painter = m_painter;
+    QPixmap pixmap = textureQt.m_pixmap;
+    if (m_currentSurface)
+        painter = &m_currentSurface->m_painter;
+    if (maskTexture && maskTexture->isValid()) {
+        const BitmapTextureQt* mask = static_cast<const BitmapTextureQt*>(maskTexture);
+        QPixmap intermediatePixmap(pixmap.size());
+        intermediatePixmap.fill(Qt::transparent);
+        QPainter maskPainter(&intermediatePixmap);
+        maskPainter.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Source);
+        maskPainter.drawPixmap(0, 0, pixmap);
+        maskPainter.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_DestinationIn);
+        maskPainter.drawPixmap(QRect(0, 0, pixmap.width(), pixmap.height()), mask->m_pixmap, mask->sourceRect());
+        maskPainter.end();
+        pixmap = intermediatePixmap;
+    }
+    const qreal prevOpacity = painter->opacity();
+    const QTransform prevTransform = painter->transform();
+    painter->setOpacity(opacity);
+    painter->setTransform(matrix, true);
+    painter->drawPixmap(targetRect, pixmap, textureQt.sourceRect());
+    painter->setTransform(prevTransform);
+    painter->setOpacity(prevOpacity);
+PassRefPtr<TextureMapper> TextureMapper::create(GraphicsContext* context)
+    if (context->platformContext()->paintEngine()->type() == QPaintEngine::OpenGL2)
+        return adoptRef(new TextureMapperGL(context));
+    return adoptRef(new TextureMapperQt(context));
+PassRefPtr<BitmapTexture> TextureMapperQt::createTexture()
+    return adoptRef(new BitmapTextureQt());
+class RGBA32PremultimpliedBufferQt : public RGBA32PremultimpliedBuffer {
+    virtual PlatformGraphicsContext* beginPaint(const IntRect& rect, bool opaque)
+    {
+        // m_image is only using during paint, it's safe to override it.
+        m_image = QImage(rect.size().width(), rect.size().height(), QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
+        if (!opaque)
+            m_image.fill(0);
+        m_painter.begin(&m_image);
+        TextureMapperQt::initialize(&m_painter);
+        m_painter.translate(-rect.x(), -rect.y());
+        return &m_painter;
+    }
+    virtual void endPaint() { m_painter.end(); }
+    virtual const void* data() const { return m_image.constBits(); }
+    QPainter m_painter;
+    QImage m_image;
+PassRefPtr<RGBA32PremultimpliedBuffer> RGBA32PremultimpliedBuffer::create()
+    return adoptRef(new RGBA32PremultimpliedBufferQt());
diff --git a/WebCore/platform/graphics/texmap/GraphicsLayerTextureMapper.cpp b/WebCore/platform/graphics/texmap/GraphicsLayerTextureMapper.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf90cb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/WebCore/platform/graphics/texmap/GraphicsLayerTextureMapper.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1444 @@
+    Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies)
+    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+    modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+    version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    Library General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+    along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
+    the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+    Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+#include "config.h"
+#include "GraphicsLayerTextureMapper.h"
+#include "CurrentTime.h"
+#include "FloatRect.h"
+#include "GraphicsContext.h"
+#include "HashMap.h"
+#include "Image.h"
+#include "RefCounted.h"
+#include "TextureMapper.h"
+#include "TextureMapperPlatformLayer.h"
+#include "Timer.h"
+#include "TransformOperations.h"
+#include "TranslateTransformOperation.h"
+#include "UnitBezier.h"
+namespace WebCore {
+struct TexmapPaintOptions {
+    BitmapTexture* surface;
+    TextureMapper* textureMapper;
+    GraphicsContext* context;
+    TextureMapperNode* rootLayer;
+    float opacity;
+    IntRect scissorRect;
+    IntRect visibleRect;
+    bool isSurface;
+class TextureMapperCache {
+    void mark(BitmapTexture* texture);
+    class Entry {
+    public:
+        RefPtr<BitmapTexture> texture;
+        Entry() : previousCost(0) { }
+        inline int calculateCost() const
+        {
+            if (!texture || !texture->isValid())
+                return 0;
+            const IntSize textureSize = texture->size();
+            // an image's cost in bytes is width * height * bytes per pixel (4).
+            return textureSize.width() * textureSize.height() * 4;
+        }
+        Entry(BitmapTexture* newTexture)
+            : texture(newTexture)
+        {
+        }
+        bool operator==(const Entry& other) const { return texture == other.texture; }
+        int previousCost;
+    };
+    TextureMapperCache() : m_totalCost(0) {}
+    void purge();
+    Vector<Entry> m_data;
+    int m_totalCost;
+#define TEXMAP_TEXTURE_CACHE_KBS 24 * 1024
+    static const int MaxCost = TEXMAP_TEXTURE_CACHE_KBS * 1024;
+    static const int PurgeAmount = MaxCost / 4;
+void TextureMapperCache::purge()
+    // If this is in the GL implementation, we need an active GL context, because we might call glDeleteTextures.
+    const int size = m_data.size();
+    if (m_totalCost <= TextureMapperCache::MaxCost)
+        return;
+    // Ensure that we have the right count. It might be inaccurate if content changed size.
+    // We only do this when we're actually ready to purge.
+    m_totalCost = 0;
+    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
+        m_totalCost += m_data[i].calculateCost();
+    for (int i = size-1; i >= 0 && m_totalCost > TextureMapperCache::MaxCost - TextureMapperCache::PurgeAmount; --i) {
+        Entry& entry = m_data[i];
+        if (entry.texture->isLocked() || !entry.texture->isValid())
+            continue;
+        m_totalCost -= entry.previousCost;
+        entry.texture->destroy();
+        m_data.remove(i);
+    }
+void TextureMapperCache::mark(BitmapTexture* texture)
+    if (!texture || !texture->isValid())
+        return;
+    Entry entry(texture);
+    size_t index = m_data.find(entry);
+    if (!index)
+        return;
+    if (index < m_data.size()) 
+        m_data.remove(index);
+    const int cost = entry.calculateCost();
+    m_totalCost -= entry.previousCost;
+    m_totalCost += (entry.previousCost = cost);
+    m_data.prepend(entry);
+TextureMapperCache gTextureMapperCache;
+class TextureMapperCacheLock {
+    TextureMapperCacheLock(BitmapTexture* texture) : m_texture(texture)
+    {
+        if (m_texture)
+            m_texture->lock();
+    }
+    ~TextureMapperCacheLock()
+    {
+        if (m_texture)
+            m_texture->unlock();
+    }
+    RefPtr<BitmapTexture> m_texture;
+class TextureMapperNode : public TextureMapperContentLayer {
+    // This set of flags help us defer which properties of the layer have been
+    // modified by the compositor, so we can know what to look for in the next flush.
+    enum ChangeMask {
+        NoChanges =                 0,
+        ParentChange =              (1L << 0),
+        ChildrenChange =            (1L << 1),
+        MaskLayerChange =           (1L << 2),
+        PositionChange =            (1L << 3),
+        AnchorPointChange =         (1L << 4),
+        SizeChange  =               (1L << 5),
+        TransformChange =           (1L << 6),
+        ContentChange =             (1L << 7),
+        ContentsOrientationChange = (1L << 9),
+        OpacityChange =             (1L << 10),
+        ContentsRectChange =        (1L << 11),
+        Preserves3DChange =         (1L << 12),
+        MasksToBoundsChange =       (1L << 13),
+        DrawsContentChange =        (1L << 14),
+        ContentsOpaqueChange =      (1L << 15),
+        BackfaceVisibilityChange =  (1L << 16),
+        ChildrenTransformChange =   (1L << 17),
+        DisplayChange =             (1L << 18),
+        BackgroundColorChange =     (1L << 19),
+        ReplicaLayerChange =        (1L << 20)
+    };
+    // The compositor lets us special-case images and colors, so we try to do so.
+    enum StaticContentType { HTMLContentType, DirectImageContentType, ColorContentType, MediaContentType, Canvas3DContentType};
+    TextureMapperNode* rootLayer();
+    TextureMapperNode(GraphicsLayerTextureMapper* newLayer);
+    virtual ~TextureMapperNode();
+    void clearDirectImage();
+    void computeTransformations();
+    IntSize nearestSurfaceSize() const;
+    void computeReplicaTransform();
+    void computeLayerType();
+    void computeLocalTransform();
+    void flattenTo2DSpaceIfNecessary();
+    void initializeTextureMapper(TextureMapper*);
+    void invalidateTransform();
+    void notifyChange(ChangeMask);
+    void syncCompositingState(bool recurse);
+    void performPostSyncOperations();
+    void setNeedsDisplay();
+    void setNeedsDisplayInRect(IntRect);
+    virtual void cleanupTextureMapper();
+    void paintRecursive(TexmapPaintOptions options);
+    void paintSelf(const TexmapPaintOptions& options);
+    void uploadTextureFromContent(TextureMapper* textureMapper, const IntRect& visibleRect);
+    int countDescendantsWithContent() const;
+    bool hasSurfaceDescendants() const;
+    IntSize size() const { return m_size; }
+    virtual void setPlatformLayerClient(TextureMapperLayerClient*);
+    virtual void paint(GraphicsContext*, const IntSize&, const IntRect& targetRect, const IntRect& exposedRect, const TransformationMatrix& transform, float opacity);
+    static TextureMapperNode* toTextureMapperNode(GraphicsLayer*);
+    GraphicsLayerTextureMapper* m_layer;
+    const char* m_lastTextureMapperType;
+    RefPtr<TextureMapper> m_lastTextureMapper;
+    struct TransformData {
+        TransformationMatrix base, target, replica, forDescendants, perspective, local;
+        IntRect targetBoundingRect;
+        float centerZ;
+        bool dirty, localDirty, perspectiveDirty;
+        IntRect boundingRectFromRoot;
+        TransformData() : dirty(true), localDirty(true), perspectiveDirty(true) { }
+    };
+    TransformData m_transforms;
+    enum LayerType {
+        DefaultLayer,
+        RootLayer,
+        ScissorLayer,
+        ClipLayer,
+        TransparencyLayer
+    };
+    LayerType m_layerType;
+    struct ContentData {
+        IntRect needsDisplayRect;
+        bool needsDisplay;
+        Color backgroundColor;
+        StaticContentType contentType;
+        RefPtr<Image> image;
+        TextureMapperVideoLayer* media;
+        ContentData()
+            : needsDisplay(false)
+            , contentType(HTMLContentType)
+            , image(0)
+            , media(0)
+        {
+        }
+    };
+    inline IntRect targetRect() const
+    {
+        return m_currentContent.contentType == HTMLContentType ? entireRect() : m_state.contentsRect;
+    }
+    inline IntRect entireRect() const
+    {
+        return IntRect(0, 0, m_size.width(), m_size.height());
+    }
+    inline IntRect replicaRect() const
+    {
+        return m_layerType == TransparencyLayer ? IntRect(0, 0, m_nearestSurfaceSize.width(), m_nearestSurfaceSize.height()) : entireRect();
+    }
+    RefPtr<BitmapTexture> m_texture;
+    RefPtr<BitmapTexture> m_surface, m_replicaSurface;
+    ContentData m_pendingContent;
+    ContentData m_currentContent;
+    Vector<TextureMapperNode*> m_children;
+    TextureMapperNode* m_parent;
+    TextureMapperNode* m_effectTarget;
+    int m_changeMask;
+    IntSize m_size, m_nearestSurfaceSize;
+    String m_name;
+    TextureMapperLayerClient* m_platformClient;
+    struct State {
+        FloatPoint pos;
+        FloatPoint3D anchorPoint;
+        FloatSize size;
+        TransformationMatrix transform;
+        TransformationMatrix childrenTransform;
+        Color backgroundColor;
+        Color currentColor;
+        GraphicsLayer::CompositingCoordinatesOrientation geoOrientation;
+        GraphicsLayer::CompositingCoordinatesOrientation contentsOrientation;
+        float opacity;
+        IntRect contentsRect;
+        int descendantsWithContent;
+        TextureMapperNode* maskLayer;
+        TextureMapperNode* replicaLayer;
+        bool preserves3D;
+        bool masksToBounds;
+        bool drawsContent;
+        bool contentsOpaque;
+        bool backfaceVisibility;
+        bool visible;
+        bool dirty;
+        bool tiled;
+        bool hasSurfaceDescendants;
+        State()
+            : opacity(1.f)
+            , descendantsWithContent(0)
+            , maskLayer(0)
+            , replicaLayer(0)
+            , preserves3D(false)
+            , masksToBounds(false)
+            , drawsContent(false)
+            , contentsOpaque(false)
+            , backfaceVisibility(false)
+            , visible(true)
+            , dirty(true)
+            , tiled(false)
+            , hasSurfaceDescendants(false)
+        {
+        }
+    };
+    State m_state;
+void TextureMapperNode::setNeedsDisplayInRect(IntRect rect)
+    if (m_platformClient) {
+        if (m_state.hasSurfaceDescendants) {
+            m_platformClient->setNeedsDisplay();
+            return;
+        }
+        rect.intersect(IntRect(0, 0, m_size.width(), m_size.height()));
+        if (rect.isEmpty())
+            return;
+        m_platformClient->setNeedsDisplayInRect(rect);
+        return;
+    }
+    if (!m_parent)
+        return;
+    m_parent->setNeedsDisplayInRect(rect);
+void TextureMapperNode::setNeedsDisplay()
+    if (m_effectTarget)
+        m_effectTarget->setNeedsDisplay();
+    if (m_transforms.targetBoundingRect.isEmpty())
+        return;
+    if (m_state.drawsContent || m_currentContent.contentType != HTMLContentType)
+        setNeedsDisplayInRect(m_transforms.targetBoundingRect);
+void TextureMapperNode::setPlatformLayerClient(TextureMapperLayerClient* client)
+    m_platformClient = client;
+static int compareGraphicsLayersZValue(const void* a, const void* b)
+    typedef const TextureMapperNode* NodePtr;
+    const NodePtr* nodeA = static_cast<const NodePtr*>(a);
+    const NodePtr* nodeB = static_cast<const NodePtr*>(b);
+    return int(((*nodeA)->m_transforms.centerZ - (*nodeB)->m_transforms.centerZ) * 1000);
+inline static void sortByZOrder(Vector<TextureMapperNode* >& array, int first, int last)
+    qsort(array.data(), array.size(), sizeof(TextureMapperNode*), compareGraphicsLayersZValue);
+bool TextureMapperNode::hasSurfaceDescendants() const
+    if (m_layerType == ClipLayer || m_layerType == TransparencyLayer || m_state.replicaLayer)
+        return true;
+    const int size = m_children.size();
+    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
+        if (TextureMapperNode* child = m_children[i]) {
+            if (child->hasSurfaceDescendants())
+                return true;
+        }
+    }
+    return false;
+void TextureMapperNode::paint(GraphicsContext* context, const IntSize& size, const IntRect& targetRect, const IntRect& exposedRect, const TransformationMatrix& transform, float opacity)
+    ASSERT(m_layerType == RootLayer);
+    if (m_size.isEmpty())
+        return;
+#if 0
+    WTF::StopWatch stopWatch;
+    ("[TextureMapper] RootPaint!!\n");
+    RefPtr<TextureMapper> textureMapper = TextureMapper::create(context);
+    if (textureMapper->type() != m_lastTextureMapperType)
+        gTextureMapperCache.m_data.clear();
+    m_lastTextureMapper = textureMapper;
+    TexmapPaintOptions opt;
+    opt.opacity = 1;
+    opt.rootLayer = this;
+    opt.scissorRect = targetRect;
+    opt.visibleRect = exposedRect;
+    opt.textureMapper = textureMapper.get();
+    opt.context = textureMapper->graphicsContext();
+    opt.surface = 0;
+    paintRecursive(opt);
+    if (textureMapper->allowSurfaceForRoot() || m_state.hasSurfaceDescendants) {
+        textureMapper->bindSurface(0);
+        textureMapper->paintToTarget(*m_surface.get(), size, transform, opacity * m_state.opacity, targetRect);
+    }
+    gTextureMapperCache.purge();
+int TextureMapperNode::countDescendantsWithContent() const
+    if (!m_state.visible || m_state.opacity < 0.001)
+        return 0;
+    int descendantsWithContent = (m_state.drawsContent || m_currentContent.contentType != HTMLContentType) ? 1 : 0;
+    const int size = m_children.size();
+    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
+        if (TextureMapperNode* child = m_children[i])
+            descendantsWithContent += child->countDescendantsWithContent();
+    }
+    return descendantsWithContent;
+inline TextureMapperNode* TextureMapperNode::toTextureMapperNode(GraphicsLayer* layer)
+    return layer ? static_cast<GraphicsLayerTextureMapper*>(layer)->m_node.get() : 0;
+void TextureMapperNode::computeLayerType()
+    // calculate layer type. A layer can be one of the following:
+    //  RootLayer: the top level. Draws to a framebuffer, and the target texture draws into the viewport.
+    //            only one layer is the root layer.
+    //  ScissorLayer: draws to the current framebuffer, and applies an extra scissor before drawing its children.
+    //                A scissor layer is a layer with children that masks to bounds, is not a transparency layer, and has a rectangular clip.
+    //  ClipLayer: creates a new framebuffer, the size of the layer, and then paints it to the enclosing BitmapTexture with the layer's transform/opacity.
+    //              A clip layer is a layer that masks to bounds, doesn't preserve 3D, has children, and has a transparency/mask or a non-rectangular transform.
+    //  TransparencyLayer: creates a new framebuffer idetical in size to the current framebuffer. Then draws the fb's texture to the current framebuffer with identity transform.
+    //                     Used for layers with children and transparency/mask that preserve 3D or don't mask to bounds.
+    //  DefaultLayer: draws itself and its children directly to the current framebuffer.
+    //                any layer that doesn't conform to the other rules is a DefaultLayer.
+    const bool selfHasContent = m_state.drawsContent || (m_currentContent.contentType != HTMLContentType);
+    const bool hasDescendantsWithContent = m_state.descendantsWithContent - (selfHasContent ? 1 : 0);
+    const bool hasTransparency = m_state.opacity < 0.99 || m_state.maskLayer;
+    const bool hasReplica = m_state.replicaLayer;
+    m_layerType = DefaultLayer;
+    // Layer has no parent, it must be a root layer.
+    if (!m_parent && !m_effectTarget) {
+        m_layerType = RootLayer;
+        return;
+    }
+    // A layer with no contents is always a default layer.
+    if (!m_state.descendantsWithContent)
+        return;
+    // A layer with content-descendants and a mask is always a clip layer.
+    if (hasDescendantsWithContent && m_state.maskLayer) {
+        m_layerType = ClipLayer;
+        return;
+    }
+    // A masks-to bounds layer can be a clip or a scissor layer. It's a scissor layer only if it has a trivial clip (identity or translation), or if it has transparency.
+    // That's because a ClipLayer would create an intermediate drawing surface (FB) - we want to limit it to when it's actually necessary, i.e. transparency or non-trivial clip.
+    if (m_state.masksToBounds && hasDescendantsWithContent) {
+        if (hasTransparency || !m_state.transform.isIdentityOrTranslation() || m_parent->m_state.preserves3D)
+            m_layerType = ClipLayer;
+        else
+            m_layerType = ScissorLayer;
+        return;
+    }
+    // We use a transparency layer when we have two of the following 3: replica, transparency, descendants with contents.
+    if ((hasReplica && hasDescendantsWithContent) || (hasReplica && hasTransparency) || (hasTransparency && m_state.descendantsWithContent > 1))
+        m_layerType = TransparencyLayer;
+void TextureMapperNode::initializeTextureMapper(TextureMapper* textureMapper)
+    if (textureMapper->type() == m_lastTextureMapperType)
+        return;
+    m_surface = textureMapper->createTexture();
+    m_replicaSurface = textureMapper->createTexture();
+    m_texture = textureMapper->createTexture();
+    gTextureMapperCache.mark(m_texture.get());
+    m_lastTextureMapperType = textureMapper->type();
+TextureMapperNode::TextureMapperNode(GraphicsLayerTextureMapper* newLayer)
+    : m_layer(newLayer)
+    , m_lastTextureMapperType(0)
+    , m_lastTextureMapper(0)
+    , m_layerType(DefaultLayer)
+    , m_surface(0)
+    , m_parent(0)
+    , m_effectTarget(0)
+    , m_changeMask(NoChanges)
+    , m_platformClient(0)
+TextureMapperNode* TextureMapperNode::rootLayer()
+    if (m_effectTarget)
+        return m_effectTarget->rootLayer();
+    if (m_parent)
+        return m_parent->rootLayer();
+    return this;
+void TextureMapperNode::invalidateTransform()
+    m_transforms.dirty = true;
+    if (m_layerType != ClipLayer)
+        m_state.dirty = true;
+    if (m_state.replicaLayer)
+        m_state.replicaLayer->invalidateTransform();
+    const int size = m_children.size();
+    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
+        if (TextureMapperNode* layer = m_children[i])
+            layer->invalidateTransform();
+    }
+void TextureMapperNode::computeLocalTransform()
+    if (!m_transforms.localDirty)
+        return;
+    const float originX = m_state.anchorPoint.x() * m_size.width();
+    const float originY = m_state.anchorPoint.y() * m_size.height();
+    m_transforms.local =
+        TransformationMatrix()
+        .translate3d(originX + m_state.pos.x(), originY + m_state.pos.y(), m_state.anchorPoint.z())
+        .multLeft(m_state.transform)
+        .translate3d(-originX, -originY, -m_state.anchorPoint.z());
+    m_transforms.localDirty = false;
+void TextureMapperNode::flattenTo2DSpaceIfNecessary()
+    if (m_state.preserves3D)
+        return;
+    m_transforms.forDescendants.setM13(0);
+    m_transforms.forDescendants.setM23(0);
+    m_transforms.forDescendants.setM31(0);
+    m_transforms.forDescendants.setM32(0);
+    m_transforms.forDescendants.setM33(1);
+    m_transforms.forDescendants.setM34(0);
+    m_transforms.forDescendants.setM43(0);
+IntSize TextureMapperNode::nearestSurfaceSize() const
+    if (m_layerType == ClipLayer || m_layerType == RootLayer)
+        return m_surface && !m_surface->size().isEmpty() ? m_surface->size() : m_size;
+    return m_parent->nearestSurfaceSize();
+void TextureMapperNode::computeReplicaTransform()
+    if (!m_state.replicaLayer)
+        return;
+    m_nearestSurfaceSize = nearestSurfaceSize();
+    if (m_layerType != TransparencyLayer) {
+        m_transforms.replica = TransformationMatrix(m_transforms.target).multLeft(m_state.replicaLayer->m_transforms.local);
+        return;
+    }
+    const float originX = m_transforms.target.m41();
+    const float originY = m_transforms.target.m42();
+    m_transforms.replica =
+            TransformationMatrix()
+                .translate(originX, originY)
+                .multLeft(m_state.replicaLayer->m_transforms.local)
+                .translate(-originX, -originY);
+void TextureMapperNode::computeTransformations()
+    if (!m_transforms.dirty)
+        return;
+    m_transforms.dirty = false;
+    if ((m_size.isEmpty() && m_state.masksToBounds))
+        return;
+    TextureMapperNode* parent = m_parent;
+    computeLocalTransform();
+    m_transforms.target = TransformationMatrix(parent ? parent->m_transforms.forDescendants : TransformationMatrix()).multLeft(m_transforms.local);
+    m_transforms.forDescendants = (m_layerType == ClipLayer ? TransformationMatrix() : m_transforms.target);
+    if (m_effectTarget)
+        return;
+    m_transforms.targetBoundingRect = IntRect(m_transforms.target.mapRect(entireRect()));
+    if (m_state.replicaLayer)
+        m_state.replicaLayer->computeTransformations();
+    flattenTo2DSpaceIfNecessary();
+    if (!m_state.backfaceVisibility && m_transforms.target.inverse().m33() < 0) {
+        m_state.visible = false;
+        return;
+    }
+    m_state.visible = true;
+    if (parent && parent->m_state.preserves3D)
+        m_transforms.centerZ = m_transforms.target.mapPoint(FloatPoint3D(m_size.width() / 2, m_size.height() / 2, 0)).z();
+    if (!m_children.size())
+        return;
+    if (m_state.childrenTransform.isIdentity())
+        return;
+    const FloatPoint centerPoint = FloatPoint(m_size.width() / 2, m_size.height() / 2);
+    if (m_transforms.perspectiveDirty)
+        m_transforms.perspective = TransformationMatrix()
+            .translate(centerPoint.x(), centerPoint.y())
+            .multLeft(m_state.childrenTransform)
+            .translate(-centerPoint.x(), -centerPoint.y());
+    m_transforms.perspectiveDirty = false;
+    m_transforms.forDescendants.multLeft(m_transforms.perspective);
+void TextureMapperNode::uploadTextureFromContent(TextureMapper* textureMapper, const IntRect& visibleRect)
+    if (m_size.isEmpty() || !m_layer) {
+        m_texture->destroy();
+        return;
+    }
+    if (m_currentContent.contentType == DirectImageContentType) {
+        if (m_currentContent.image)
+            m_texture->setContentsToImage(m_currentContent.image.get());
+        return;
+    }
+    if (m_currentContent.contentType == MediaContentType) {
+        if (!m_currentContent.media)
+            return;
+        m_texture->reset(m_size, true);
+        PlatformGraphicsContext* platformContext = m_texture->beginPaintMedia();
+        GraphicsContext context(platformContext);
+        m_currentContent.media->paint(&context);
+        m_texture->endPaint();
+        return;
+    }
+    const bool needsReset = (m_texture->contentSize() != m_size) || !m_texture->isValid();
+    if ((m_currentContent.contentType != HTMLContentType)
+        || (!m_currentContent.needsDisplay && m_currentContent.needsDisplayRect.isEmpty() && !needsReset))
+        return;
+    WTF::StopWatch stopWatch;
+    IntRect dirtyRect = IntRect(0, 0, m_size.width(), m_size.height());
+    if (!needsReset && !m_currentContent.needsDisplay)
+        dirtyRect.intersect(m_currentContent.needsDisplayRect);
+    if (needsReset)
+        m_texture->reset(m_size, m_state.contentsOpaque);
+    m_pendingContent.needsDisplayRect = IntRect();
+    {
+        GraphicsContext context(m_texture->beginPaint(dirtyRect));
+        if (textureMapper && textureMapper->graphicsContext()) {
+            GraphicsContext* originalContext = textureMapper->graphicsContext();
+            context.setImageInterpolationQuality(originalContext->imageInterpolationQuality());
+            context.setTextDrawingMode(originalContext->textDrawingMode());
+        }
+        m_layer->paintGraphicsLayerContents(context, dirtyRect);
+    }
+    m_texture->endPaint();
+    {
+#if 0
+        LOG("[TextureMapper] Re-render(%d) layer(%p) %d::%d::%d (%dx%d) [%dms]\n", ++renderCount, this,
+               needsReset, m_currentContent.needsDisplay, !m_currentContent.needsDisplayRect.isEmpty(),
+               dirtyRect.width(), dirtyRect.height(), int(stopWatch.elapsed() * 1000));
+        static int renderCount = 0;
+        m_texture->save(String().format("/tmp/layer_%d.png", renderCount));
+    }
+    m_currentContent.needsDisplay = false;
+void TextureMapperNode::paintSelf(const TexmapPaintOptions& options)
+    if (!m_layer || m_size.isEmpty() || (!m_state.drawsContent && m_currentContent.contentType == HTMLContentType))
+        return;
+    RefPtr<BitmapTexture> maskTexture = m_state.maskLayer ? m_state.maskLayer->m_texture : 0;
+    RefPtr<BitmapTexture> replicaMaskTexture = 0;
+    if (m_state.replicaLayer && m_state.replicaLayer->m_state.maskLayer)
+        replicaMaskTexture = m_state.replicaLayer->m_state.maskLayer->m_texture;
+    const float opacity = options.isSurface ? 1 : options.opacity;
+    uploadTextureFromContent(options.textureMapper, options.visibleRect);
+    if (m_state.replicaLayer && !options.isSurface)
+        options.textureMapper->drawTexture(*m_texture.get(), replicaRect(), m_transforms.replica,
+                         opacity * m_state.replicaLayer->m_state.opacity,
+                         replicaMaskTexture ? replicaMaskTexture.get() : maskTexture.get());
+    const IntRect rect = m_layerType == ClipLayer ? entireRect() : targetRect();
+    const TransformationMatrix transform = m_layerType == ClipLayer ? TransformationMatrix() : m_transforms.target;
+    options.textureMapper->drawTexture(*m_texture.get(), rect, transform, opacity, options.isSurface ? 0 : maskTexture.get());
+void TextureMapperNode::paintRecursive(TexmapPaintOptions options)
+    WTF::StopWatch stopWatch;
+    bool isDirty = m_state.dirty;
+    m_state.dirty = false;
+    if ((m_size.isEmpty() && (m_state.masksToBounds
+        || m_children.isEmpty())) || !m_state.visible || options.opacity < 0.01 || m_state.opacity < 0.01)
+        return;
+    initializeTextureMapper(options.textureMapper);
+    computeReplicaTransform();
+    if (m_state.maskLayer) {
+        m_state.maskLayer->initializeTextureMapper(options.textureMapper);
+        m_state.maskLayer->m_state.dirty = false;
+    }
+    if (m_state.replicaLayer) {
+        m_state.replicaLayer->initializeTextureMapper(options.textureMapper);
+        m_state.replicaLayer->m_state.dirty = false;
+        if (m_state.replicaLayer->m_state.maskLayer) {
+            m_state.replicaLayer->m_state.maskLayer->initializeTextureMapper(options.textureMapper);
+            m_state.replicaLayer->m_state.maskLayer->m_state.dirty = false;
+        }
+    }
+    TextureMapperNode* replica = m_state.replicaLayer;
+    const bool isSurface = (m_layerType == ClipLayer
+                            || m_layerType == TransparencyLayer
+                            || (m_layerType == RootLayer
+                                && (options.textureMapper->allowSurfaceForRoot() || m_state.hasSurfaceDescendants)
+                                ));
+    if (isSurface)
+        uploadTextureFromContent(options.textureMapper, options.visibleRect);
+    const IntRect boundingRectfromNearestSurface = m_transforms.targetBoundingRect;
+    options.opacity *= m_state.opacity;
+    TexmapPaintOptions optionsForDescendants(options);
+    optionsForDescendants.opacity = isSurface ? 1 : options.opacity;
+    options.isSurface = isSurface;
+    if (m_layerType == ClipLayer) {
+        optionsForDescendants.visibleRect = TransformationMatrix().translate(-boundingRectfromNearestSurface.x(), -boundingRectfromNearestSurface.y()).mapRect(options.visibleRect);
+        optionsForDescendants.scissorRect = IntRect(0, 0, m_size.width(), m_size.height());
+    }
+    if (m_layerType == ScissorLayer)
+        optionsForDescendants.scissorRect.intersect(m_transforms.targetBoundingRect);
+    options.textureMapper->setClip(optionsForDescendants.scissorRect);
+    TextureMapperCacheLock(m_texture.get());
+    TextureMapperCacheLock(m_surface.get());
+    TextureMapperCacheLock(m_replicaSurface.get());
+    gTextureMapperCache.purge();
+    if (isSurface) {
+        ASSERT(m_surface);
+        if (!m_surface->isValid())
+            isDirty = true;
+        if (m_state.tiled) {
+            m_surface->reset(options.visibleRect.size());
+            m_surface->setOffset(options.visibleRect.location());
+        } else if (isDirty)
+            m_surface->reset(m_layerType == TransparencyLayer ? options.surface->size() : m_size);
+        gTextureMapperCache.mark(m_surface.get());
+        options.textureMapper->bindSurface(m_surface.get());
+        optionsForDescendants.surface = m_surface.get();
+    } else if (m_surface)
+        m_surface->destroy();
+    RefPtr<BitmapTexture> maskTexture;
+    RefPtr<BitmapTexture> replicaMaskTexture;
+    if (TextureMapperNode* mask = m_state.maskLayer) {
+        mask->uploadTextureFromContent(options.textureMapper, options.visibleRect);
+        maskTexture = mask->m_texture;
+    }
+    if (replica && replica->m_state.maskLayer) {
+        replica->m_state.maskLayer->uploadTextureFromContent(options.textureMapper, options.visibleRect);
+        replicaMaskTexture = replica->m_state.maskLayer->m_texture;
+    }
+    int childrenSize = m_children.size();
+    if (isDirty || !isSurface || m_state.tiled || !m_surface->isValid()) {
+        bool didPaintSelf = false;
+        if (!m_state.preserves3D || m_children.isEmpty()) {
+            paintSelf(options);
+            didPaintSelf = true;
+        }
+        if (m_children.isEmpty() && !isSurface)
+            return;
+        if (m_layerType == ScissorLayer)
+            optionsForDescendants.scissorRect.intersect(m_transforms.target.mapRect(IntRect(0, 0, m_size.width(), m_size.height())));
+        for (int i = 0; i < childrenSize; ++i) {
+            TextureMapperNode* layer = m_children[i];
+            if (!layer)
+                continue;
+            if (!didPaintSelf && layer->m_transforms.centerZ >= 0) {
+                paintSelf(options);
+                didPaintSelf = true;
+            }
+            layer->paintRecursive(optionsForDescendants);
+            if (isSurface) {
+                ASSERT(m_surface);
+                gTextureMapperCache.mark(m_surface.get());
+                options.textureMapper->bindSurface(m_surface.get());
+            }
+        }
+        if (!didPaintSelf) {
+            paintSelf(options);
+            didPaintSelf = true;
+        }
+    }
+    if (m_layerType == RootLayer || m_layerType == DefaultLayer || m_layerType == ScissorLayer)
+        return;
+    ASSERT(m_surface);
+    BitmapTexture& texture = *m_surface.get();
+    if (replica) {
+        ASSERT(m_replicaSurface);
+        m_replicaSurface->reset(options.surface->size());
+        m_replicaSurface->setOffset(options.surface->offset());
+        gTextureMapperCache.mark(m_replicaSurface.get());
+        options.textureMapper->bindSurface(m_replicaSurface.get());
+        options.textureMapper->drawTexture(texture, replicaRect(), m_transforms.replica, replica->m_state.opacity, replicaMaskTexture ? replicaMaskTexture.get() : maskTexture.get());
+        options.textureMapper->drawTexture(texture, IntRect(IntPoint(0, 0), options.surface->size()), TransformationMatrix(), 1.0f, maskTexture.get());
+        options.textureMapper->bindSurface(options.surface);
+        gTextureMapperCache.mark(options.surface);
+        options.textureMapper->drawTexture(*m_replicaSurface.get(), IntRect(IntPoint(0, 0), options.surface->size()), TransformationMatrix(), options.opacity, 0);
+        return;
+    }
+    options.textureMapper->bindSurface(options.surface);
+    options.textureMapper->drawTexture(texture,
+                             m_layerType == TransparencyLayer ? IntRect(IntPoint(0, 0), options.surface->size()) :
+                             targetRect(),
+                             m_layerType == TransparencyLayer ? TransformationMatrix() : m_transforms.target,
+                             options.opacity, maskTexture.get());
+    gTextureMapperCache.mark(&texture);
+void TextureMapperNode::cleanupTextureMapper()
+    if (m_texture)
+        m_texture->destroy();
+    if (m_surface)
+        m_surface->destroy();
+    if (m_replicaSurface)
+        m_replicaSurface->destroy();
+    for (int i = 0; i < m_children.size(); ++i) {
+        if (m_children[i])
+            m_children[i]->cleanupTextureMapper();
+    }
+    if (m_lastTextureMapper)
+        m_lastTextureMapper->cleanup();
+    setNeedsDisplay();
+    {
+        const int childrenSize = m_children.size();
+        for (int i = childrenSize-1; i >= 0; --i) {
+            ASSERT(m_children[i]->m_parent == this);
+            m_children[i]->m_parent = 0;
+        }
+    }
+    if (m_parent)
+        m_parent->m_children.remove(m_parent->m_children.find(this));
+void TextureMapperNode::notifyChange(ChangeMask changeMask)
+    m_changeMask |= changeMask;
+    if (!m_layer->client())
+        return;
+    m_layer->client()->notifySyncRequired(m_layer);
+void TextureMapperNode::performPostSyncOperations()
+    const LayerType prevLayerType = m_layerType;
+    computeLayerType();
+    if (prevLayerType != m_layerType)
+        m_state.dirty = true;
+    if (m_transforms.dirty)
+        setNeedsDisplay();
+    computeTransformations();
+    if (m_state.maskLayer && !m_state.dirty)
+        m_state.dirty = m_state.maskLayer->m_state.dirty;
+    if (m_state.replicaLayer && !m_state.dirty)
+        m_state.dirty = m_state.replicaLayer->m_state.dirty;
+    const int size = m_children.size();
+    for (int i = size - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
+        TextureMapperNode* layer = m_children[i];
+        layer->performPostSyncOperations();
+        if (!m_state.dirty)
+            m_state.dirty = layer->m_state.dirty;
+    }
+    m_state.hasSurfaceDescendants = hasSurfaceDescendants();
+    if (m_state.dirty)
+        m_state.descendantsWithContent = countDescendantsWithContent();
+    if (m_state.preserves3D)
+        sortByZOrder(m_children, 0, size);
+    if (m_state.dirty) 
+        setNeedsDisplay();
+void TextureMapperNode::syncCompositingState(bool recurse)
+    bool needsToInvalidateTransform = false;
+    if (!m_layer)
+        return;
+    if (m_changeMask == NoChanges)
+        goto afterCurrentLayerSync;
+    setNeedsDisplay();
+    if (m_parent)
+        m_parent->m_state.dirty = true;
+    if (m_currentContent.contentType == HTMLContentType && (m_changeMask & ParentChange)) {
+        // The WebCore compositor manages item ownership. We have to make sure graphicsview doesn't
+        // try to snatch that ownership.
+        if (!m_layer->parent())
+            m_parent = 0;
+        else
+            m_parent = toTextureMapperNode(m_layer->parent());
+        if (!m_layer->parent() && m_parent) {
+            size_t index = m_parent->m_children.find(this);
+            m_parent->m_children.remove(index);
+        }
+    }
+    if (m_changeMask & ChildrenChange) {
+        m_children.clear();
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < m_layer->children().size(); ++i) {
+            if (TextureMapperNode* child = toTextureMapperNode(m_layer->children()[i])) {
+                if (!child)
+                    continue;
+                m_children.append(child);
+                child->m_parent = this;
+            }
+        }
+        m_state.dirty = true;
+    }
+    if (m_changeMask & (SizeChange | ContentsRectChange)) {
+        IntSize wantedSize = IntSize(m_layer->size().width(), m_layer->size().height());
+        if (wantedSize.isEmpty() && m_pendingContent.contentType == HTMLContentType)
+            wantedSize = IntSize(m_layer->contentsRect().width(), m_layer->contentsRect().height());
+        if (wantedSize != m_size) {
+            m_size = IntSize(wantedSize.width(), wantedSize.height());
+            if (m_platformClient)
+                m_platformClient->setSizeChanged(m_size);
+            const bool needsTiling = m_size.width() > 2000 || m_size.height() > 2000;
+            if (m_state.tiled != needsTiling)
+                m_state.tiled = needsTiling;
+            m_state.dirty = true;
+        }
+    }
+    if (m_changeMask & MaskLayerChange) {
+       if (TextureMapperNode* layer = toTextureMapperNode(m_layer->maskLayer()))
+           layer->m_effectTarget = this;
+    }
+    if (m_changeMask & ReplicaLayerChange) {
+       if (TextureMapperNode* layer = toTextureMapperNode(m_layer->replicaLayer()))
+           layer->m_effectTarget = this;
+    }
+    if (m_changeMask & (TransformChange | SizeChange | AnchorPointChange | PositionChange))
+        m_transforms.localDirty = true;
+    if (m_changeMask & (ChildrenTransformChange | SizeChange))
+        m_transforms.perspectiveDirty = true;
+    if (m_changeMask & (ChildrenTransformChange | Preserves3DChange | TransformChange | AnchorPointChange | SizeChange | ContentsRectChange | BackfaceVisibilityChange | PositionChange | MaskLayerChange | DrawsContentChange | ContentChange | ReplicaLayerChange))    {
+        // Due to the differences between the way WebCore handles transforms and the way Qt handles transforms,
+        // all these elements affect the transforms of all the descendants.
+        needsToInvalidateTransform = true;
+    }
+    if (m_changeMask & DisplayChange) 
+        m_state.dirty = true;
+    m_state.maskLayer = toTextureMapperNode(m_layer->maskLayer());
+    m_state.replicaLayer = toTextureMapperNode(m_layer->replicaLayer());
+    m_state.pos = m_layer->position();
+    m_state.anchorPoint = m_layer->anchorPoint();
+    m_state.size = m_layer->size();
+    m_state.transform = m_layer->transform();
+    m_state.contentsRect = m_layer->contentsRect();
+    m_state.opacity = m_layer->opacity();
+    m_state.contentsRect = m_layer->contentsRect();
+    m_state.preserves3D = m_layer->preserves3D();
+    m_state.masksToBounds = m_layer->masksToBounds();
+    m_state.drawsContent = m_layer->drawsContent();
+    m_state.contentsOpaque = m_layer->contentsOpaque();
+    m_state.backfaceVisibility = m_layer->backfaceVisibility();
+    m_state.childrenTransform = m_layer->childrenTransform();
+    m_currentContent.contentType = m_pendingContent.contentType;
+    m_currentContent.image = m_pendingContent.image;
+    m_currentContent.media = m_pendingContent.media;
+    m_currentContent.backgroundColor = m_pendingContent.backgroundColor;
+    m_currentContent.needsDisplay = m_currentContent.needsDisplay || m_pendingContent.needsDisplay;
+    m_currentContent.needsDisplayRect.unite(m_pendingContent.needsDisplayRect);
+    m_pendingContent.needsDisplay = false;
+    m_pendingContent.needsDisplayRect = IntRect();
+    m_changeMask = NoChanges;
+    afterCurrentLayerSync:
+    if (needsToInvalidateTransform)
+        invalidateTransform();
+    if (m_state.maskLayer) {
+        m_state.maskLayer->syncCompositingState(false);
+        if (m_state.maskLayer->m_size.isEmpty())
+            m_state.maskLayer->m_size = m_size;
+    }
+    if (m_state.replicaLayer)
+        m_state.replicaLayer->syncCompositingState(false);
+#if 0
+    if (m_state.dirty && m_texture && m_texture->allowOfflineTextureUpload())
+        uploadTextureFromContent(0);
+    if (!recurse)
+        return;
+    const int childrenSize = m_children.size();
+    for (int i = childrenSize-1; i >= 0; --i)
+        m_children[i]->syncCompositingState(true);
+GraphicsLayerTextureMapper::GraphicsLayerTextureMapper(GraphicsLayerClient* client)
+    : GraphicsLayer(client)
+    , m_node(new TextureMapperNode(this))
+void GraphicsLayerTextureMapper::setName(const String& name)
+    m_node->m_name = name;
+/* \reimp (GraphicsLayer.h): The current size might change, thus we need to update the whole display.
+void GraphicsLayerTextureMapper::setNeedsDisplay()
+    m_node->m_pendingContent.needsDisplay = true;
+    m_node->notifyChange(TextureMapperNode::DisplayChange);
+/* \reimp (GraphicsLayer.h)
+void GraphicsLayerTextureMapper::setNeedsDisplayInRect(const FloatRect& rect)
+    if (m_node->m_pendingContent.needsDisplay)
+        return;
+    m_node->m_pendingContent.needsDisplayRect.unite(IntRect(rect));
+    m_node->notifyChange(TextureMapperNode::DisplayChange);
+/* \reimp (GraphicsLayer.h)
+void GraphicsLayerTextureMapper::setParent(GraphicsLayer* layer)
+    m_node->notifyChange(TextureMapperNode::ParentChange);
+    GraphicsLayer::setParent(layer);
+/* \reimp (GraphicsLayer.h)
+bool GraphicsLayerTextureMapper::setChildren(const Vector<GraphicsLayer*>& children)
+    m_node->notifyChange(TextureMapperNode::ChildrenChange);
+    return GraphicsLayer::setChildren(children);
+/* \reimp (GraphicsLayer.h)
+void GraphicsLayerTextureMapper::addChild(GraphicsLayer* layer)
+    m_node->notifyChange(TextureMapperNode::ChildrenChange);
+    GraphicsLayer::addChild(layer);
+/* \reimp (GraphicsLayer.h)
+void GraphicsLayerTextureMapper::addChildAtIndex(GraphicsLayer* layer, int index)
+    GraphicsLayer::addChildAtIndex(layer, index);
+    m_node->notifyChange(TextureMapperNode::ChildrenChange);
+/* \reimp (GraphicsLayer.h)
+void GraphicsLayerTextureMapper::addChildAbove(GraphicsLayer* layer, GraphicsLayer* sibling)
+     GraphicsLayer::addChildAbove(layer, sibling);
+     m_node->notifyChange(TextureMapperNode::ChildrenChange);
+/* \reimp (GraphicsLayer.h)
+void GraphicsLayerTextureMapper::addChildBelow(GraphicsLayer* layer, GraphicsLayer* sibling)
+    GraphicsLayer::addChildBelow(layer, sibling);
+    m_node->notifyChange(TextureMapperNode::ChildrenChange);
+/* \reimp (GraphicsLayer.h)
+bool GraphicsLayerTextureMapper::replaceChild(GraphicsLayer* oldChild, GraphicsLayer* newChild)
+    if (GraphicsLayer::replaceChild(oldChild, newChild)) {
+        m_node->notifyChange(TextureMapperNode::ChildrenChange);
+        return true;
+    }
+    return false;
+/* \reimp (GraphicsLayer.h)
+void GraphicsLayerTextureMapper::removeFromParent()
+    if (!parent())
+        return;
+    m_node->notifyChange(TextureMapperNode::ParentChange);
+    GraphicsLayer::removeFromParent();
+/* \reimp (GraphicsLayer.h)
+void GraphicsLayerTextureMapper::setMaskLayer(GraphicsLayer* value)
+    if (value == maskLayer())
+        return;
+    GraphicsLayer::setMaskLayer(value);
+    m_node->notifyChange(TextureMapperNode::MaskLayerChange);
+/* \reimp (GraphicsLayer.h)
+void GraphicsLayerTextureMapper::setReplicatedByLayer(GraphicsLayer* value)
+    if (value == replicaLayer())
+        return;
+    GraphicsLayer::setReplicatedByLayer(value);
+    m_node->notifyChange(TextureMapperNode::ReplicaLayerChange);
+/* \reimp (GraphicsLayer.h)
+void GraphicsLayerTextureMapper::setPosition(const FloatPoint& value)
+    if (value == position())
+        return;
+    GraphicsLayer::setPosition(value);
+    m_node->notifyChange(TextureMapperNode::PositionChange);
+/* \reimp (GraphicsLayer.h)
+void GraphicsLayerTextureMapper::setAnchorPoint(const FloatPoint3D& value)
+    if (value == anchorPoint())
+        return;
+    GraphicsLayer::setAnchorPoint(value);
+    m_node->notifyChange(TextureMapperNode::AnchorPointChange);
+/* \reimp (GraphicsLayer.h)
+void GraphicsLayerTextureMapper::setSize(const FloatSize& value)
+    if (value == size())
+        return;
+    GraphicsLayer::setSize(value);
+    m_node->notifyChange(TextureMapperNode::SizeChange);
+/* \reimp (GraphicsLayer.h)
+void GraphicsLayerTextureMapper::setTransform(const TransformationMatrix& value)
+    if (value == transform())
+        return;
+    GraphicsLayer::setTransform(value);
+    m_node->notifyChange(TextureMapperNode::TransformChange);
+/* \reimp (GraphicsLayer.h)
+void GraphicsLayerTextureMapper::setChildrenTransform(const TransformationMatrix& value)
+    if (value == childrenTransform())
+        return;
+    GraphicsLayer::setChildrenTransform(value);
+    m_node->notifyChange(TextureMapperNode::ChildrenTransformChange);
+/* \reimp (GraphicsLayer.h)
+void GraphicsLayerTextureMapper::setPreserves3D(bool value)
+    if (value == preserves3D())
+        return;
+    GraphicsLayer::setPreserves3D(value);
+    m_node->notifyChange(TextureMapperNode::Preserves3DChange);
+/* \reimp (GraphicsLayer.h)
+void GraphicsLayerTextureMapper::setMasksToBounds(bool value)
+    if (value == masksToBounds())
+        return;
+    GraphicsLayer::setMasksToBounds(value);
+    m_node->notifyChange(TextureMapperNode::MasksToBoundsChange);
+/* \reimp (GraphicsLayer.h)
+void GraphicsLayerTextureMapper::setDrawsContent(bool value)
+    if (value == drawsContent())
+        return;
+    m_node->notifyChange(TextureMapperNode::DrawsContentChange);
+    GraphicsLayer::setDrawsContent(value);
+/* \reimp (GraphicsLayer.h)
+void GraphicsLayerTextureMapper::setBackgroundColor(const Color& value)
+    if (value == m_node->m_pendingContent.backgroundColor)
+        return;
+    m_node->m_pendingContent.backgroundColor = value;
+    GraphicsLayer::setBackgroundColor(value);
+    m_node->notifyChange(TextureMapperNode::BackgroundColorChange);
+/* \reimp (GraphicsLayer.h)
+void GraphicsLayerTextureMapper::clearBackgroundColor()
+    if (!m_node->m_pendingContent.backgroundColor.isValid())
+        return;
+    m_node->m_pendingContent.backgroundColor = Color();
+    GraphicsLayer::clearBackgroundColor();
+    m_node->notifyChange(TextureMapperNode::BackgroundColorChange);
+/* \reimp (GraphicsLayer.h)
+void GraphicsLayerTextureMapper::setContentsOpaque(bool value)
+    if (value == contentsOpaque())
+        return;
+    m_node->notifyChange(TextureMapperNode::ContentsOpaqueChange);
+    GraphicsLayer::setContentsOpaque(value);
+/* \reimp (GraphicsLayer.h)
+void GraphicsLayerTextureMapper::setBackfaceVisibility(bool value)
+    if (value == backfaceVisibility())
+        return;
+    GraphicsLayer::setBackfaceVisibility(value);
+    m_node->notifyChange(TextureMapperNode::BackfaceVisibilityChange);
+/* \reimp (GraphicsLayer.h)
+void GraphicsLayerTextureMapper::setOpacity(float value)
+    if (value == opacity())
+        return;
+    GraphicsLayer::setOpacity(value);
+    m_node->notifyChange(TextureMapperNode::OpacityChange);
+/* \reimp (GraphicsLayer.h)
+void GraphicsLayerTextureMapper::setContentsRect(const IntRect& value)
+    if (value == contentsRect())
+        return;
+    GraphicsLayer::setContentsRect(value);
+    m_node->notifyChange(TextureMapperNode::ContentsRectChange);
+/* \reimp (GraphicsLayer.h)
+void GraphicsLayerTextureMapper::setContentsToImage(Image* image)
+    m_node->notifyChange(TextureMapperNode::ContentChange);
+    m_node->m_pendingContent.contentType = image ? TextureMapperNode::DirectImageContentType : TextureMapperNode::HTMLContentType;
+    m_node->m_pendingContent.image = image;
+    GraphicsLayer::setContentsToImage(image);
+/* \reimp (GraphicsLayer.h)
+void GraphicsLayerTextureMapper::setContentsBackgroundColor(const Color& color)
+    m_node->notifyChange(TextureMapperNode::ContentChange);
+    m_node->m_pendingContent.contentType = TextureMapperNode::ColorContentType;
+    m_node->m_pendingContent.backgroundColor = color;
+    GraphicsLayer::setContentsBackgroundColor(color);
+void GraphicsLayerTextureMapper::setContentsToMedia(PlatformLayer* media)
+    GraphicsLayer::setContentsToMedia(media);
+    m_node->notifyChange(TextureMapperNode::ContentChange);
+    m_node->m_pendingContent.contentType = media ? TextureMapperNode::MediaContentType : TextureMapperNode::HTMLContentType;
+    if (media)
+        m_node->m_pendingContent.media = static_cast<TextureMapperVideoLayer*>(media);
+    else
+        m_node->m_pendingContent.media = 0;
+/* \reimp (GraphicsLayer.h)
+void GraphicsLayerTextureMapper::setContentsOrientation(CompositingCoordinatesOrientation orientation)
+    if (contentsOrientation() == orientation)
+        return;
+    m_node->notifyChange(TextureMapperNode::ContentsOrientationChange);
+    GraphicsLayer::setContentsOrientation(orientation);
+/* \reimp (GraphicsLayer.h)
+void GraphicsLayerTextureMapper::syncCompositingStateForThisLayerOnly()
+    m_node->syncCompositingState(false);
+    m_node->performPostSyncOperations();
+/* \reimp (GraphicsLayer.h)
+void GraphicsLayerTextureMapper::syncCompositingState()
+    GraphicsLayer::syncCompositingState();
+    m_node->syncCompositingState(true);
+    m_node->performPostSyncOperations();
+/* \reimp (GraphicsLayer.h)
+ */
+NativeLayer GraphicsLayerTextureMapper::nativeLayer() const
+    return m_node.get();
+/* \reimp (GraphicsLayer.h)
+PlatformLayer* GraphicsLayerTextureMapper::platformLayer() const
+    return m_node.get();
+PassOwnPtr<GraphicsLayer> GraphicsLayer::create(GraphicsLayerClient* client)
+    return new GraphicsLayerTextureMapper(client);
diff --git a/WebCore/platform/graphics/texmap/GraphicsLayerTextureMapper.h b/WebCore/platform/graphics/texmap/GraphicsLayerTextureMapper.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36ebd74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/WebCore/platform/graphics/texmap/GraphicsLayerTextureMapper.h
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+    Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies)
+    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+    modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+    version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    Library General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+    along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
+    the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+    Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+#ifndef GraphicsLayerTextureMapper_h
+#define GraphicsLayerTextureMapper_h
+#include "GraphicsContext.h"
+#include "GraphicsLayer.h"
+#include "GraphicsLayerClient.h"
+#include "Image.h"
+#include "GraphicsContext3D.h"
+namespace WebCore {
+class TextureMapperNode;
+class BitmapTexture;
+class TextureMapper;
+class GraphicsLayerTextureMapper : public GraphicsLayer {
+    friend class TextureMapperNode;
+    GraphicsLayerTextureMapper(GraphicsLayerClient*);
+    virtual ~GraphicsLayerTextureMapper();
+    // reimps from GraphicsLayer.h
+    virtual void setNeedsDisplay();
+    virtual void setNeedsDisplayInRect(const FloatRect&);
+    virtual void setParent(GraphicsLayer* layer);
+    virtual bool setChildren(const Vector<GraphicsLayer*>&);
+    virtual void addChild(GraphicsLayer*);
+    virtual void addChildAtIndex(GraphicsLayer*, int index);
+    virtual void addChildAbove(GraphicsLayer* layer, GraphicsLayer* sibling);
+    virtual void addChildBelow(GraphicsLayer* layer, GraphicsLayer* sibling);
+    virtual bool replaceChild(GraphicsLayer* oldChild, GraphicsLayer* newChild);
+    virtual void removeFromParent();
+    virtual void setMaskLayer(GraphicsLayer* layer);
+    virtual void setPosition(const FloatPoint& p);
+    virtual void setAnchorPoint(const FloatPoint3D& p);
+    virtual void setSize(const FloatSize& size);
+    virtual void setTransform(const TransformationMatrix& t);
+    virtual void setChildrenTransform(const TransformationMatrix& t);
+    virtual void setPreserves3D(bool b);
+    virtual void setMasksToBounds(bool b);
+    virtual void setDrawsContent(bool b);
+    virtual void setBackgroundColor(const Color&);
+    virtual void clearBackgroundColor();
+    virtual void setContentsOpaque(bool b);
+    virtual void setBackfaceVisibility(bool b);
+    virtual void setOpacity(float opacity);
+    virtual void setContentsRect(const IntRect& r);
+    virtual void setReplicatedByLayer(GraphicsLayer*);
+    virtual void setContentsToImage(Image*);
+    virtual void setContentsToMedia(PlatformLayer*);
+    virtual void setContentsBackgroundColor(const Color&);
+    virtual void setContentsToGraphicsContext3D(const GraphicsContext3D*);
+    virtual void setGraphicsContext3DNeedsDisplay();
+    virtual void setContentsOrientation(CompositingCoordinatesOrientation orientation);
+    virtual void syncCompositingState();
+    virtual void syncCompositingStateForThisLayerOnly();
+    virtual void setName(const String& name);
+    virtual NativeLayer nativeLayer() const;
+    virtual PlatformLayer* platformLayer() const;
+    virtual bool addAnimation(const KeyframeValueList&, const IntSize& /*boxSize*/, const Animation*,
+                              const String& /*keyframesName*/, double /*timeOffset*/) { return false; }
+    OwnPtr<TextureMapperNode> m_node;
+#endif // GraphicsLayerTextureMapper_h
diff --git a/WebCore/platform/graphics/texmap/TextureMapper.h b/WebCore/platform/graphics/texmap/TextureMapper.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03c1c6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/WebCore/platform/graphics/texmap/TextureMapper.h
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies)
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Library General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+ along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
+ the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+#ifndef TextureMapper_h
+#define TextureMapper_h
+#if (defined(QT_OPENGL_LIB))
+    #if defined(QT_OPENGL_ES_2) && !defined(TEXMAP_OPENGL_ES_2)
+        #define TEXMAP_OPENGL_ES_2
+    #endif
+#include "GraphicsContext.h"
+#include "IntRect.h"
+#include "IntSize.h"
+#include "TransformationMatrix.h"
+    TextureMapper is a mechanism that enables hardware acceleration of CSS animations (accelerated compositing) without
+    a need for a platform specific scene-graph library like CoreAnimations or QGraphicsView.
+namespace WebCore {
+class TextureMapper;
+// A 2D texture that can be the target of software or GL rendering.
+class BitmapTexture  : public RefCounted<BitmapTexture> {
+    BitmapTexture() : m_lockCount(0) {}
+    virtual ~BitmapTexture() { }
+    virtual bool allowOfflineTextureUpload() const { return false; }
+    virtual void destroy() = 0;
+    virtual IntSize size() const = 0;
+    virtual bool isValid() const = 0;
+    virtual void reset(const IntSize& size, bool opaque = false)
+    {
+        m_isOpaque = opaque;
+        m_contentSize = size;
+    }
+    virtual PlatformGraphicsContext* beginPaint(const IntRect& dirtyRect) = 0;
+    virtual void endPaint() = 0;
+    virtual PlatformGraphicsContext* beginPaintMedia()
+    {
+        return beginPaint(IntRect(0, 0, size().width(), size().height()));
+    }
+    virtual void setContentsToImage(Image*) = 0;
+    virtual bool save(const String& filename) { return false; }
+    inline void lock() { ++m_lockCount; }
+    inline void unlock() { --m_lockCount; }
+    inline bool isLocked() { return m_lockCount; }
+    inline IntSize contentSize() const { return m_contentSize; }
+    inline void setOffset(const IntPoint& o) { m_offset = o; }
+    inline IntPoint offset() const { return m_offset; }
+    int m_lockCount;
+    IntSize m_contentSize;
+    bool m_isOpaque;
+    IntPoint m_offset;
+// A "context" class used to encapsulate accelerated texture mapping functions: i.e. drawing a texture
+// onto the screen or into another texture with a specified transform, opacity and mask.
+class TextureMapper : public RefCounted<TextureMapper> {
+    friend class BitmapTexture;
+    static PassRefPtr<TextureMapper> create(GraphicsContext*);
+    virtual ~TextureMapper() { }
+    virtual void drawTexture(const BitmapTexture& texture, const IntRect& target, const TransformationMatrix& matrix = TransformationMatrix(), float opacity = 1.0f, const BitmapTexture* maskTexture = 0) = 0;
+    // makes a surface the target for the following drawTexture calls.
+    virtual void bindSurface(BitmapTexture* surface) = 0;
+    virtual void paintToTarget(const BitmapTexture& texture, const IntSize&, const TransformationMatrix& matrix, float opacity, const IntRect& visibleRect)
+    {
+        drawTexture(texture, IntRect(0, 0, texture.contentSize().width(), texture.contentSize().height()), matrix, opacity, 0);
+    }
+    virtual void setClip(const IntRect&) = 0;
+    virtual bool allowSurfaceForRoot() const = 0;
+    virtual PassRefPtr<BitmapTexture> createTexture() = 0;
+    virtual const char* type() const = 0;
+    virtual void cleanup() {}
+    GraphicsContext* graphicsContext() const
+    {
+        return m_gc;
+    }
+    TextureMapper(GraphicsContext* gc) : m_gc(gc) {}
+    GraphicsContext* m_gc;
diff --git a/WebCore/platform/graphics/texmap/TextureMapperPlatformLayer.h b/WebCore/platform/graphics/texmap/TextureMapperPlatformLayer.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23e9fc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/WebCore/platform/graphics/texmap/TextureMapperPlatformLayer.h
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+    Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies)
+    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+    modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+    version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    Library General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+    along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
+    the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+    Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+#ifndef TextureMapperPlatformLayer_h
+#define TextureMapperPlatformLayer_h
+namespace WebCore {
+class GraphicsContext;
+class IntRect;
+class IntSize;
+class TransformationMatrix;
+// Glue layer to connect the texmap layer to the platform specific container.
+class TextureMapperLayerClient {
+    virtual ~TextureMapperLayerClient() {}
+    virtual void setNeedsDisplay() = 0;
+    virtual void setNeedsDisplayInRect(const IntRect& rect) = 0;
+    virtual void setSizeChanged(const IntSize&) = 0;
+class TextureMapperPlatformLayer {
+    enum Type {
+        ContentLayer,
+        VideoLayer
+    };
+    virtual Type layerType() const = 0;
+    virtual ~TextureMapperPlatformLayer() {}
+class TextureMapperContentLayer : public TextureMapperPlatformLayer {
+    virtual void setPlatformLayerClient(TextureMapperLayerClient*) = 0;
+    virtual void paint(GraphicsContext*, const IntSize&, const IntRect& targetRect, const IntRect& exposedRect, const TransformationMatrix& transform, float opacity) {}
+    virtual IntSize size() const = 0;
+    virtual void cleanupTextureMapper() {}
+    virtual Type layerType() const { return ContentLayer; }
+class TextureMapperVideoLayer : public TextureMapperPlatformLayer {
+    virtual void paint(GraphicsContext*) = 0;
+    virtual Type layerType() const { return VideoLayer; }
+#endif // TextureMapperPlatformLayer_h

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