[SCM] WebKit Debian packaging branch, debian/experimental, updated. upstream/1.3.3-10851-g50815da

commit-queue at webkit.org commit-queue at webkit.org
Wed Dec 22 17:57:36 UTC 2010

The following commit has been merged in the debian/experimental branch:
commit 05d7ef0128dc5afaf015ce62adcac7c62f449d5f
Author: commit-queue at webkit.org <commit-queue at webkit.org@268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc>
Date:   Fri Dec 3 10:03:44 2010 +0000

    2010-12-03  Sheriff Bot  <webkit.review.bot at gmail.com>
            Unreviewed, rolling out r73231.
            r73211 seemed to broke Chromium's "Webkit Win (dbg)(2)" bot.
            (Requested by yutak on #webkit).
            * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/layout_package/message_broker.py:
            * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/layout_package/message_broker_unittest.py:
            * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/run_webkit_tests.py:
            * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/run_webkit_tests_unittest.py:
    git-svn-id: http://svn.webkit.org/repository/webkit/trunk@73255 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc

diff --git a/WebKitTools/ChangeLog b/WebKitTools/ChangeLog
index 0ace065..5e4650f 100644
--- a/WebKitTools/ChangeLog
+++ b/WebKitTools/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,17 @@
+2010-12-03  Sheriff Bot  <webkit.review.bot at gmail.com>
+        Unreviewed, rolling out r73231.
+        http://trac.webkit.org/changeset/73231
+        https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=50443
+        r73211 seemed to broke Chromium's "Webkit Win (dbg)(2)" bot.
+        (Requested by yutak on #webkit).
+        * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/layout_package/message_broker.py:
+        * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/layout_package/message_broker_unittest.py:
+        * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/run_webkit_tests.py:
+        * Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/run_webkit_tests_unittest.py:
 2010-12-03  David Levin  <levin at chromium.org>
         Reviewed by Shinichiro Hamaji.
diff --git a/WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/layout_package/message_broker.py b/WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/layout_package/message_broker.py
index bc3d336..285b2e7 100644
--- a/WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/layout_package/message_broker.py
+++ b/WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/layout_package/message_broker.py
@@ -64,88 +64,114 @@ class _WorkerMessageBroker(object):
     def __init__(self, port, options):
         self._port = port
         self._options = options
+        self._num_workers = int(self._options.child_processes)
-        # This maps worker_names to TestShellThreads
+        # This maps worker names to their TestShellThread objects.
         self._threads = {}
-    def start_worker(self, test_runner, worker_number):
-        """Start a worker with the given index number.
-        Returns the actual TestShellThread object."""
-        # FIXME: Remove dependencies on test_runner.
-        # FIXME: Replace with something that isn't a thread, and return
-        # the name of the worker, not the thread itself. We need to return
-        # the thread itself for now to allow TestRunner to access the object
-        # directly to read shared state.
-        thread = dump_render_tree_thread.TestShellThread(self._port,
-            self._options, worker_number, test_runner._current_filename_queue,
-            test_runner._result_queue)
-        self._threads[thread.name()] = thread
+    def start_workers(self, test_runner):
+        """Starts up the pool of workers for running the tests.
+        Args:
+            test_runner: a handle to the manager/TestRunner object
+        """
+        self._test_runner = test_runner
+        for worker_number in xrange(self._num_workers):
+            thread = self.start_worker(worker_number)
+            self._threads[thread.name()] = thread
+        return self._threads.values()
+    def start_worker(self, worker_number):
+        # FIXME: Replace with something that isn't a thread.
         # Note: Don't start() the thread! If we did, it would actually
         # create another thread and start executing it, and we'd no longer
         # be single-threaded.
-        return thread
+        return dump_render_tree_thread.TestShellThread(self._port,
+            self._options, worker_number,
+            self._test_runner._current_filename_queue,
+            self._test_runner._result_queue)
-    def cancel_worker(self, worker_name):
-        """Attempt to cancel a worker (best-effort). The worker may still be
-        running after this call returns."""
-        self._threads[worker_name].cancel()
-    def log_wedged_worker(self, worker_name):
-        """Log information about the given worker's state."""
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    def run_message_loop(self, test_runner):
+    def run_message_loop(self):
         """Loop processing messages until done."""
-        # FIXME: eventually we'll need a message loop that the workers
-        # can also call.
         raise NotImplementedError
+    def cancel_workers(self):
+        """Cancel/interrupt any workers that are still alive."""
+        pass
+    def cleanup(self):
+        """Perform any necessary cleanup on shutdown."""
+        pass
 class _InlineBroker(_WorkerMessageBroker):
-    def run_message_loop(self, test_runner):
+    def run_message_loop(self):
         thread = self._threads.values()[0]
-        thread.run_in_main_thread(test_runner,
-                                  test_runner._current_result_summary)
-    def log_wedged_worker(self, worker_name):
-        raise AssertionError('_InlineBroker.log_wedged_worker() called')
+        thread.run_in_main_thread(self._test_runner,
+                                  self._test_runner._current_result_summary)
+        self._test_runner.update()
 class _MultiThreadedBroker(_WorkerMessageBroker):
-    def start_worker(self, test_runner, worker_number):
-        thread = _WorkerMessageBroker.start_worker(self, test_runner,
-                                                   worker_number)
-        # Unlike the base implementation, here we actually want to start
-        # the thread.
+    def start_worker(self, worker_number):
+        thread = _WorkerMessageBroker.start_worker(self, worker_number)
         return thread
-    def run_message_loop(self, test_runner):
-        # FIXME: Remove the dependencies on test_runner. Checking on workers
-        # should be done via a timer firing.
-        test_runner._check_on_workers()
-    def log_wedged_worker(self, worker_name):
-        thread = self._threads[worker_name]
-        stack = self._find_thread_stack(thread.id())
-        assert(stack is not None)
-        _log.error("")
-        _log.error("%s (tid %d) is wedged" % (worker_name, thread.id()))
-        self._log_stack(stack)
-        _log.error("")
-    def _find_thread_stack(self, id):
-        """Returns a stack object that can be used to dump a stack trace for
-        the given thread id (or None if the id is not found)."""
-        for thread_id, stack in sys._current_frames().items():
-            if thread_id == id:
-                return stack
-        return None
-    def _log_stack(self, stack):
-        """Log a stack trace to log.error()."""
-        for filename, lineno, name, line in traceback.extract_stack(stack):
-            _log.error('File: "%s", line %d, in %s' % (filename, lineno, name))
-            if line:
-                _log.error('  %s' % line.strip())
+    def run_message_loop(self):
+        # Loop through all the threads waiting for them to finish.
+        some_thread_is_alive = True
+        while some_thread_is_alive:
+            some_thread_is_alive = False
+            t = time.time()
+            for thread in self._threads.values():
+                exception_info = thread.exception_info()
+                if exception_info is not None:
+                    # Re-raise the thread's exception here to make it
+                    # clear that testing was aborted. Otherwise,
+                    # the tests that did not run would be assumed
+                    # to have passed.
+                    raise exception_info[0], exception_info[1], exception_info[2]
+                if thread.isAlive():
+                    some_thread_is_alive = True
+                    next_timeout = thread.next_timeout()
+                    if next_timeout and t > next_timeout:
+                        log_wedged_worker(thread.name(), thread.id())
+                        thread.clear_next_timeout()
+            self._test_runner.update()
+            if some_thread_is_alive:
+                time.sleep(0.01)
+    def cancel_workers(self):
+        for thread in self._threads.values():
+            thread.cancel()
+def log_wedged_worker(name, id):
+    """Log information about the given worker state."""
+    stack = _find_thread_stack(id)
+    assert(stack is not None)
+    _log.error("")
+    _log.error("%s (tid %d) is wedged" % (name, id))
+    _log_stack(stack)
+    _log.error("")
+def _find_thread_stack(id):
+    """Returns a stack object that can be used to dump a stack trace for
+    the given thread id (or None if the id is not found)."""
+    for thread_id, stack in sys._current_frames().items():
+        if thread_id == id:
+            return stack
+    return None
+def _log_stack(stack):
+    """Log a stack trace to log.error()."""
+    for filename, lineno, name, line in traceback.extract_stack(stack):
+        _log.error('File: "%s", line %d, in %s' % (filename, lineno, name))
+        if line:
+            _log.error('  %s' % line.strip())
diff --git a/WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/layout_package/message_broker_unittest.py b/WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/layout_package/message_broker_unittest.py
index d46df4c..c006471 100644
--- a/WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/layout_package/message_broker_unittest.py
+++ b/WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/layout_package/message_broker_unittest.py
@@ -42,60 +42,139 @@ from webkitpy.layout_tests import run_webkit_tests
 import message_broker
-# FIXME: Boy do we need a lot more tests here ...
+class TestThread(threading.Thread):
+    def __init__(self, started_queue, stopping_queue):
+        threading.Thread.__init__(self)
+        self._id = None
+        self._started_queue = started_queue
+        self._stopping_queue = stopping_queue
+        self._timeout = False
+        self._timeout_queue = Queue.Queue()
+        self._exception_info = None
+    def id(self):
+        return self._id
+    def name(self):
+        return 'worker/0'
+    def run(self):
+        self._covered_run()
+    def _covered_run(self):
+        # FIXME: this is a separate routine to work around a bug
+        # in coverage: see http://bitbucket.org/ned/coveragepy/issue/85.
+        self._id = thread.get_ident()
+        try:
+            self._started_queue.put('')
+            msg = self._stopping_queue.get()
+            if msg == 'KeyboardInterrupt':
+                raise KeyboardInterrupt
+            elif msg == 'Exception':
+                raise ValueError()
+            elif msg == 'Timeout':
+                self._timeout = True
+                self._timeout_queue.get()
+        except:
+            self._exception_info = sys.exc_info()
+    def exception_info(self):
+        return self._exception_info
+    def next_timeout(self):
+        if self._timeout:
+            self._timeout_queue.put('done')
+            return time.time() - 10
+        return time.time()
+    def clear_next_timeout(self):
+        self._next_timeout = None
+class TestHandler(logging.Handler):
+    def __init__(self, astream):
+        logging.Handler.__init__(self)
+        self._stream = astream
+    def emit(self, record):
+        self._stream.write(self.format(record))
+class MultiThreadedBrokerTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    class MockTestRunner(object):
+        def __init__(self):
+            pass
+        def __del__(self):
+            pass
+        def update(self):
+            pass
+    def run_one_thread(self, msg):
+        runner = self.MockTestRunner()
+        port = None
+        options = mocktool.MockOptions(child_processes='1')
+        starting_queue = Queue.Queue()
+        stopping_queue = Queue.Queue()
+        broker = message_broker._MultiThreadedBroker(port, options)
+        broker._test_runner = runner
+        child_thread = TestThread(starting_queue, stopping_queue)
+        name = child_thread.name()
+        broker._threads[name] = child_thread
+        child_thread.start()
+        started_msg = starting_queue.get()
+        stopping_queue.put(msg)
+        return broker.run_message_loop()
-class TestThreadStacks(unittest.TestCase):
-    class Thread(threading.Thread):
-        def __init__(self, started_queue, stopping_queue):
-            threading.Thread.__init__(self)
-            self._id = None
-            self._started_queue = started_queue
-            self._stopping_queue = stopping_queue
+    def test_basic(self):
+        interrupted = self.run_one_thread('')
+        self.assertFalse(interrupted)
-        def id(self):
-            return self._id
+    def test_interrupt(self):
+        self.assertRaises(KeyboardInterrupt, self.run_one_thread, 'KeyboardInterrupt')
-        def name(self):
-            return 'worker/0'
+    def test_timeout(self):
+        oc = outputcapture.OutputCapture()
+        oc.capture_output()
+        interrupted = self.run_one_thread('Timeout')
+        self.assertFalse(interrupted)
+        oc.restore_output()
-        def run(self):
-            self._id = thread.get_ident()
-            self._started_queue.put('')
-            msg = self._stopping_queue.get()
+    def test_exception(self):
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.run_one_thread, 'Exception')
-    def make_broker(self):
-        options = mocktool.MockOptions()
-        return message_broker._MultiThreadedBroker(port=None,
-                                                     options=options)
+class Test(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_find_thread_stack_found(self):
-        broker = self.make_broker()
         id, stack = sys._current_frames().items()[0]
-        found_stack = broker._find_thread_stack(id)
+        found_stack = message_broker._find_thread_stack(id)
         self.assertNotEqual(found_stack, None)
     def test_find_thread_stack_not_found(self):
-        broker = self.make_broker()
-        found_stack = broker._find_thread_stack(0)
+        found_stack = message_broker._find_thread_stack(0)
         self.assertEqual(found_stack, None)
     def test_log_wedged_worker(self):
-        broker = self.make_broker()
         oc = outputcapture.OutputCapture()
+        logger = message_broker._log
+        astream = array_stream.ArrayStream()
+        handler = TestHandler(astream)
+        logger.addHandler(handler)
         starting_queue = Queue.Queue()
         stopping_queue = Queue.Queue()
-        child_thread = TestThreadStacks.Thread(starting_queue, stopping_queue)
+        child_thread = TestThread(starting_queue, stopping_queue)
-        broker._threads[child_thread.name()] = child_thread
         msg = starting_queue.get()
-        broker.log_wedged_worker(child_thread.name())
+        message_broker.log_wedged_worker(child_thread.name(),
+                                         child_thread.id())
+        self.assertFalse(astream.empty())
diff --git a/WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/run_webkit_tests.py b/WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/run_webkit_tests.py
index dd84788..0b11d9b 100755
--- a/WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/run_webkit_tests.py
+++ b/WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/run_webkit_tests.py
@@ -228,15 +228,6 @@ def summarize_unexpected_results(port_obj, expectations, result_summary,
     return results
-class WorkerState(object):
-    """A class for the TestRunner/manager to use to track the current state
-    of the workers."""
-    def __init__(self, name, number, thread):
-        self.name = name
-        self.number = number
-        self.thread = thread
 class TestRunner:
     """A class for managing running a series of tests on a series of layout
     test files."""
@@ -249,20 +240,19 @@ class TestRunner:
     # in DumpRenderTree.
-    def __init__(self, port, options, printer):
+    def __init__(self, port, options, printer, message_broker):
         """Initialize test runner data structures.
           port: an object implementing port-specific
           options: a dictionary of command line options
           printer: a Printer object to record updates to.
+          message_broker: object used to communicate with workers.
         self._port = port
         self._options = options
         self._printer = printer
-        # This maps worker names to the state we are tracking for each of them.
-        self._workers = {}
+        self._message_broker = message_broker
         # disable wss server. need to install pyOpenSSL on buildbots.
         # self._websocket_secure_server = websocket_server.PyWebSocket(
@@ -596,39 +586,33 @@ class TestRunner:
             result_summary: summary object to populate with the results
-        self._workers = {}
         self._printer.print_update('Sharding tests ...')
         num_workers = self._num_workers()
         test_lists = self._shard_tests(file_list,
             num_workers > 1 and not self._options.experimental_fully_parallel)
-        broker = message_broker.get(self._port, self._options)
-        self._message_broker = broker
         filename_queue = Queue.Queue()
         for item in test_lists:
         self._printer.print_update('Starting %s ...' %
                                    grammar.pluralize('worker', num_workers))
+        message_broker = self._message_broker
         self._current_filename_queue = filename_queue
         self._current_result_summary = result_summary
-        for worker_number in xrange(num_workers):
-            thread = broker.start_worker(self, worker_number)
-            w = WorkerState(thread.name(), worker_number, thread)
-            self._workers[thread.name()] = w
+        if not self._options.dry_run:
+            threads = message_broker.start_workers(self)
+        else:
+            threads = []
         self._printer.print_update("Starting testing ...")
         keyboard_interrupted = False
         if not self._options.dry_run:
-                broker.run_message_loop(self)
+                message_broker.run_message_loop()
             except KeyboardInterrupt:
                 _log.info("Interrupted, exiting")
-                for worker_name in self._workers.keys():
-                    broker.cancel_worker(worker_name)
+                message_broker.cancel_workers()
                 keyboard_interrupted = True
                 # Unexpected exception; don't try to clean up workers.
@@ -636,50 +620,21 @@ class TestRunner:
         thread_timings, test_timings, individual_test_timings = \
-            self._collect_timing_info(self._workers)
-        self._message_broker = None
+            self._collect_timing_info(threads)
         return (keyboard_interrupted, thread_timings, test_timings,
-    def _check_on_workers(self):
-        """Returns True iff all the workers have either completed or wedged."""
-        # Loop through all the threads waiting for them to finish.
-        some_thread_is_alive = True
-        while some_thread_is_alive:
-            some_thread_is_alive = False
-            t = time.time()
-            for worker in self._workers.values():
-                thread = worker.thread
-                exception_info = thread.exception_info()
-                if exception_info is not None:
-                    # Re-raise the thread's exception here to make it
-                    # clear that testing was aborted. Otherwise,
-                    # the tests that did not run would be assumed
-                    # to have passed.
-                    raise exception_info[0], exception_info[1], exception_info[2]
-                if thread.isAlive():
-                    some_thread_is_alive = True
-                    next_timeout = thread.next_timeout()
-                    if next_timeout and t > next_timeout:
-                        self._message_broker.log_wedged_worker(worker.name)
-                        thread.clear_next_timeout()
-            self.update_summary(self._current_result_summary)
-            if some_thread_is_alive:
-                time.sleep(0.01)
-    def _collect_timing_info(self, workers):
+    def update(self):
+        self.update_summary(self._current_result_summary)
+    def _collect_timing_info(self, threads):
         test_timings = {}
         individual_test_timings = []
         thread_timings = []
-        for w in workers.values():
-            thread = w.thread
-            thread_timings.append({'name': thread.name(),
+        for thread in threads:
+            thread_timings.append({'name': thread.getName(),
                                    'num_tests': thread.get_num_tests(),
                                    'total_time': thread.get_total_time()})
@@ -1051,7 +1006,8 @@ class TestRunner:
         """Prints the run times for slow, timeout and crash tests.
-          individual_test_timings: List of TestStats for all tests.
+          individual_test_timings: List of dump_render_tree_thread.TestStats
+              for all tests.
           result_summary: summary object for test run
         # Reverse-sort by the time spent in DumpRenderTree.
@@ -1339,11 +1295,13 @@ def run(port, options, args, regular_output=sys.stderr,
         return 0
+    broker = message_broker.get(port, options)
     # We wrap any parts of the run that are slow or likely to raise exceptions
     # in a try/finally to ensure that we clean up the logging configuration.
     num_unexpected_results = -1
-        test_runner = TestRunner(port, options, printer)
+        test_runner = TestRunner(port, options, printer, broker)
         printer.print_update("Collecting tests ...")
@@ -1372,6 +1330,7 @@ def run(port, options, args, regular_output=sys.stderr,
             _log.debug("Testing completed, Exit status: %d" %
+        broker.cleanup()
     return num_unexpected_results
diff --git a/WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/run_webkit_tests_unittest.py b/WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/run_webkit_tests_unittest.py
index d325a1c..0ae9a09 100644
--- a/WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/run_webkit_tests_unittest.py
+++ b/WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/run_webkit_tests_unittest.py
@@ -489,7 +489,7 @@ class TestRunnerTest(unittest.TestCase):
         mock_port.filename_to_uri = lambda name: name
         runner = run_webkit_tests.TestRunner(port=mock_port, options=Mock(),
-                                             printer=Mock())
+            printer=Mock(), message_broker=Mock())
         expected_html = u"""<html>
     <title>Layout Test Results (time)</title>
@@ -507,7 +507,7 @@ class TestRunnerTest(unittest.TestCase):
         # Test that _shard_tests in run_webkit_tests.TestRunner really
         # put the http tests first in the queue.
         runner = TestRunnerWrapper(port=Mock(), options=Mock(),
-                                   printer=Mock())
+            printer=Mock(), message_broker=Mock())
         test_list = [

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