[SCM] WebKit Debian packaging branch, webkit-1.1, updated. upstream/1.1.17-1283-gcf603cf

eric at webkit.org eric at webkit.org
Wed Jan 6 00:07:11 UTC 2010

The following commit has been merged in the webkit-1.1 branch:
commit a2cd205dc45e10e96c5cc8d213eb38539eb9a499
Author: eric at webkit.org <eric at webkit.org@268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc>
Date:   Mon Dec 28 07:59:00 2009 +0000

    2009-12-27  Eric Seidel  <eric at webkit.org>
            Reviewed by Adam Barth.
            Add more awesome bug-parsing logic to bugzilla.py in preparation for assign-to-committer command
            * Scripts/modules/bugzilla.py:
             - Add a new _parse_bug_page function and use it in fetch_attachments_from_bug
             - Replace fetch_title_from_bug with a new fetch_bug call instead.
             - Use list comprehensions where possible to reduce code duplication.
            * Scripts/modules/bugzilla_unittest.py:
             - Add a minimal bug parsing test.
             - Share code between bug parsing and attachment parsing tests with _assert_dictionaries_equal
            * Scripts/modules/commands/upload.py:
             - Use fetch_bug(bug_id)["title"] instead of fetch_title_from_bug
    git-svn-id: http://svn.webkit.org/repository/webkit/trunk@52594 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc

diff --git a/WebKitTools/ChangeLog b/WebKitTools/ChangeLog
index cd6afd0..f8663f9 100644
--- a/WebKitTools/ChangeLog
+++ b/WebKitTools/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,20 @@
+2009-12-27  Eric Seidel  <eric at webkit.org>
+        Reviewed by Adam Barth.
+        Add more awesome bug-parsing logic to bugzilla.py in preparation for assign-to-committer command
+        https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=32980
+        * Scripts/modules/bugzilla.py:
+         - Add a new _parse_bug_page function and use it in fetch_attachments_from_bug
+         - Replace fetch_title_from_bug with a new fetch_bug call instead.
+         - Use list comprehensions where possible to reduce code duplication.
+        * Scripts/modules/bugzilla_unittest.py:
+         - Add a minimal bug parsing test.
+         - Share code between bug parsing and attachment parsing tests with _assert_dictionaries_equal
+        * Scripts/modules/commands/upload.py:
+         - Use fetch_bug(bug_id)["title"] instead of fetch_title_from_bug
 2009-12-27  Adam Barth  <abarth at webkit.org>
         Reviewed by Eric Seidel.
diff --git a/WebKitTools/Scripts/modules/bugzilla.py b/WebKitTools/Scripts/modules/bugzilla.py
index 6b63308..f3aa373 100644
--- a/WebKitTools/Scripts/modules/bugzilla.py
+++ b/WebKitTools/Scripts/modules/bugzilla.py
@@ -112,18 +112,29 @@ class Bugzilla(object):
         self._parse_attachment_flag(element, 'commit-queue', attachment, 'committer_email')
         return attachment
-    def fetch_attachments_from_bug(self, bug_id):
+    def _parse_bug_page(self, page):
+        soup = BeautifulSoup(page)
+        bug = {}
+        bug["id"] = int(soup.find("bug_id").string)
+        bug["title"] = unicode(soup.find("short_desc").string)
+        bug["reporter_email"] = str(soup.find("reporter").string)
+        bug["assign_to_email"] = str(soup.find("assigned_to").string)
+        bug["cc_emails"] = [str(element.string) for element in soup.findAll('cc')]
+        bug["attachments"] = [self._parse_attachment_element(element, bug_id) for element in soup.findAll('attachment')]
+        return bug
+    def fetch_bug(self, bug_id):
         bug_url = self.bug_url_for_bug_id(bug_id, xml=True)
         log("Fetching: %s" % bug_url)
         page = self.browser.open(bug_url)
-        soup = BeautifulSoup(page)
+        return self._parse_bug_page(page)
-        attachments = []
-        for element in soup.findAll('attachment'):
-            attachment = self._parse_attachment_element(element, bug_id)
-            attachments.append(attachment)
-        return attachments
+    # This should be an attachments() method on a Bug object.
+    def fetch_attachments_from_bug(self, bug_id):
+        bug = self.fetch_bug(bug_id)
+        if not bug:
+            return None
+        return bug["attachments"]
     def _parse_bug_id_from_attachment_page(self, page):
         up_link = BeautifulSoup(page).find('link', rel='Up') # The "Up" relation happens to point to the bug.
@@ -155,18 +166,8 @@ class Bugzilla(object):
                 return attachment
         return None # This should never be hit.
-    def fetch_title_from_bug(self, bug_id):
-        bug_url = self.bug_url_for_bug_id(bug_id, xml=True)
-        page = self.browser.open(bug_url)
-        soup = BeautifulSoup(page)
-        return soup.find('short_desc').string
     def fetch_patches_from_bug(self, bug_id):
-        patches = []
-        for attachment in self.fetch_attachments_from_bug(bug_id):
-            if attachment['is_patch'] and not attachment['is_obsolete']:
-                patches.append(attachment)
-        return patches
+        return [patch for patch in self.fetch_attachments_from_bug(bug_id) if patch['is_patch'] and not patch['is_obsolete']]
     # _view_source_link belongs in some sort of webkit_config.py module.
     def _view_source_link(self, local_path):
@@ -215,12 +216,10 @@ class Bugzilla(object):
         self._validate_committer(patch, reject_invalid_patches=False)
     def fetch_unreviewed_patches_from_bug(self, bug_id):
-        unreviewed_patches = []
-        for attachment in self.fetch_attachments_from_bug(bug_id):
-            if attachment.get('review') == '?' and not attachment['is_obsolete']:
-                unreviewed_patches.append(attachment)
-        return unreviewed_patches
+        return [patch for patch in self.fetch_attachments_from_bug(bug_id) if patch.get('review') == '?' and not patch['is_obsolete']]
+    # FIXME: fetch_reviewed_patches_from_bug and fetch_commit_queue_patches_from_bug
+    # should share more code and use list comprehensions.
     def fetch_reviewed_patches_from_bug(self, bug_id, reject_invalid_patches=False):
         reviewed_patches = []
         for attachment in self.fetch_attachments_from_bug(bug_id):
@@ -238,14 +237,8 @@ class Bugzilla(object):
     def _fetch_bug_ids_advanced_query(self, query):
         page = self.browser.open(query)
         soup = BeautifulSoup(page)
-        bug_ids = []
-        # Grab the cells in the first column (which happens to be the bug ids)
-        for bug_link_cell in soup('td', "first-child"): # tds with the class "first-child"
-            bug_link = bug_link_cell.find("a")
-            bug_ids.append(int(bug_link.string)) # the contents happen to be the bug id
-        return bug_ids
+        # The contents of the <a> inside the cells in the first column happen to be the bug id.
+        return [int(bug_link_cell.find("a").string) for bug_link_cell in soup('td', "first-child")]
     def _parse_attachment_ids_request_query(self, page):
         digits = re.compile("\d+")
diff --git a/WebKitTools/Scripts/modules/bugzilla_unittest.py b/WebKitTools/Scripts/modules/bugzilla_unittest.py
index 325ece9..b2e6c1c 100644
--- a/WebKitTools/Scripts/modules/bugzilla_unittest.py
+++ b/WebKitTools/Scripts/modules/bugzilla_unittest.py
@@ -50,7 +50,6 @@ class MockBrowser(object):
 class BugzillaTest(unittest.TestCase):
     _example_attachment = '''
@@ -104,20 +103,75 @@ class BugzillaTest(unittest.TestCase):
         self.assertEquals(None, parse_bug_id("http://www.webkit.org/b/12345"))
         self.assertEquals(None, parse_bug_id("http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?ctype=xml&id=12345"))
+    _example_bug = """
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
+<!DOCTYPE bugzilla SYSTEM "https://bugs.webkit.org/bugzilla.dtd">
+<bugzilla version="3.2.3"
+          urlbase="https://bugs.webkit.org/"
+          maintainer="admin at webkit.org"
+          exporter="eric at webkit.org"
+    <bug>
+          <bug_id>32585</bug_id>
+          <creation_ts>2009-12-15 15:17 PST</creation_ts>
+          <short_desc>bug to test bugzilla-tool and commit-queue failures</short_desc>
+          <delta_ts>2009-12-27 21:04:50 PST</delta_ts>
+          <reporter_accessible>1</reporter_accessible>
+          <cclist_accessible>1</cclist_accessible>
+          <classification_id>1</classification_id>
+          <classification>Unclassified</classification>
+          <product>WebKit</product>
+          <component>Tools / Tests</component>
+          <version>528+ (Nightly build)</version>
+          <rep_platform>PC</rep_platform>
+          <op_sys>Mac OS X 10.5</op_sys>
+          <bug_status>NEW</bug_status>
+          <priority>P2</priority>
+          <bug_severity>Normal</bug_severity>
+          <target_milestone>---</target_milestone>
+          <everconfirmed>1</everconfirmed>
+          <reporter name="Eric Seidel">eric at webkit.org</reporter>
+          <assigned_to name="Nobody">webkit-unassigned at lists.webkit.org</assigned_to>
+          <cc>foo at bar.com</cc>
+    <cc>example at example.com</cc>
+          <long_desc isprivate="0">
+            <who name="Eric Seidel">eric at webkit.org</who>
+            <bug_when>2009-12-15 15:17:28 PST</bug_when>
+            <thetext>bug to test bugzilla-tool and commit-queue failures
+Ignore this bug.  Just for testing failure modes of bugzilla-tool and the commit-queue.</thetext>
+          </long_desc>
+    </bug>
+    _expected_example_bug_parsing = {
+        "id" : 32585,
+        "title" : u"bug to test bugzilla-tool and commit-queue failures",
+        "cc_emails" : ["foo at bar.com", "example at example.com"],
+        "reporter_email" : "eric at webkit.org",
+        "assign_to_email" : "webkit-unassigned at lists.webkit.org",
+        "attachments" : [],
+    }
+    def _assert_dictionaries_equal(self, actual, expected):
+        # Make sure we aren't parsing more or less than we expect
+        self.assertEquals(sorted(actual.keys()), sorted(expected.keys()))
+        for key, expected_value in expected.items():
+            self.assertEquals(actual[key], expected_value, ("Failure for key: %s: Actual='%s' Expected='%s'" % (key, actual[key], expected_value)))
+    def test_bug_parsing(self):
+        bug = Bugzilla()._parse_bug_page(self._example_bug)
+        self._assert_dictionaries_equal(bug, self._expected_example_bug_parsing)
+    # This could be combined into test_bug_parsing later if desired.
     def test_attachment_parsing(self):
         bugzilla = Bugzilla()
         soup = BeautifulSoup(self._example_attachment)
         attachment_element = soup.find("attachment")
         attachment = bugzilla._parse_attachment_element(attachment_element, self._expected_example_attachment_parsing['bug_id'])
-        # Make sure we aren't parsing more or less than we expect
-        self.assertEquals(sorted(attachment.keys()), sorted(self._expected_example_attachment_parsing.keys()))
-        for key, expected_value in self._expected_example_attachment_parsing.items():
-            self.assertEquals(attachment[key], expected_value, ("Failure for key: %s: Actual='%s' Expected='%s'" % (key, attachment[key], expected_value)))
+        self._assert_dictionaries_equal(attachment, self._expected_example_attachment_parsing)
     _sample_attachment_detail_page = """
 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
diff --git a/WebKitTools/Scripts/modules/commands/upload.py b/WebKitTools/Scripts/modules/commands/upload.py
index c0e4927..98d3ee9 100644
--- a/WebKitTools/Scripts/modules/commands/upload.py
+++ b/WebKitTools/Scripts/modules/commands/upload.py
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ class MarkBugFixed(Command):
             needs_prompt = True
             (bug_id, svn_revision) = self._determine_bug_id_and_svn_revision(tool, bug_id, svn_revision)
-        log("Bug: <%s> %s" % (tool.bugs.short_bug_url_for_bug_id(bug_id), tool.bugs.fetch_title_from_bug(bug_id)))
+        log("Bug: <%s> %s" % (tool.bugs.short_bug_url_for_bug_id(bug_id), tool.bugs.fetch_bug(bug_id)["title"]))
         log("Revision: %s" % svn_revision)
         if options.open_bug:

WebKit Debian packaging

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