[SCM] WebKit Debian packaging branch, debian/unstable, updated. debian/1.1.18-1-697-g2f78b87
eric at webkit.org
eric at webkit.org
Wed Jan 20 22:26:01 UTC 2010
The following commit has been merged in the debian/unstable branch:
commit ac1627679b429c5a0649aaaba91b48f8c48958de
Author: eric at webkit.org <eric at webkit.org@268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc>
Date: Fri Jan 15 20:36:25 2010 +0000
2010-01-15 Chris Jerdonek <chris.jerdonek at gmail.com>
Reviewed by David Kilzer.
Altered parseDiffHeader() to skip unrecognized lines and
other minor clean-ups.
* Scripts/VCSUtils.pm:
- Changed parseDiffHeader() as follows:
- Skips over unrecognized lines.
- Addressed FIXME to remove substitution for "diff" line.
- Renamed "version" header hash key to "sourceRevision".
- Eliminated "copiedFromVersion" header hash key.
- Included "sourceRevision" also for copied files.
- Checks that copy revision number matches "sourceRevision".
- No longer returns $foundHeaderEnding.
- Dies if header ending not found.
- Diff header dividing line now always added.
* Scripts/webkitperl/VCSUtils_unittest/parseDiffHeader.pl:
- Made necessary changes in parseDiffHeader() unit tests.
- Shortened the file paths in some test cases.
git-svn-id: http://svn.webkit.org/repository/webkit/trunk@53340 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc
diff --git a/WebKitTools/ChangeLog b/WebKitTools/ChangeLog
index d0dd55c..7a3586e 100644
--- a/WebKitTools/ChangeLog
+++ b/WebKitTools/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,28 @@
+2010-01-15 Chris Jerdonek <chris.jerdonek at gmail.com>
+ Reviewed by David Kilzer.
+ Altered parseDiffHeader() to skip unrecognized lines and
+ other minor clean-ups.
+ https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=33476
+ * Scripts/VCSUtils.pm:
+ - Changed parseDiffHeader() as follows:
+ - Skips over unrecognized lines.
+ - Addressed FIXME to remove substitution for "diff" line.
+ - Renamed "version" header hash key to "sourceRevision".
+ - Eliminated "copiedFromVersion" header hash key.
+ - Included "sourceRevision" also for copied files.
+ - Checks that copy revision number matches "sourceRevision".
+ - No longer returns $foundHeaderEnding.
+ - Dies if header ending not found.
+ - Diff header dividing line now always added.
+ * Scripts/webkitperl/VCSUtils_unittest/parseDiffHeader.pl:
+ - Made necessary changes in parseDiffHeader() unit tests.
+ - Shortened the file paths in some test cases.
2010-01-14 Yuzo Fujishima <yuzo at google.com>
Reviewed by Alexey Proskuryakov.
diff --git a/WebKitTools/Scripts/VCSUtils.pm b/WebKitTools/Scripts/VCSUtils.pm
index 18adb15..764fdbd 100644
--- a/WebKitTools/Scripts/VCSUtils.pm
+++ b/WebKitTools/Scripts/VCSUtils.pm
@@ -370,6 +370,7 @@ sub gitdiff2svndiff($)
return "Index: $1$POSTMATCH";
if (m#^index [0-9a-f]{7}\.\.[0-9a-f]{7} [0-9]{6}#) {
+ # FIXME: No need to return dividing line once parseDiffHeader() is used.
return "===================================================================$POSTMATCH";
if (m#^--- \w/([^\r\n]+)#) {
@@ -385,7 +386,9 @@ sub gitdiff2svndiff($)
# the file handle so the last line read is the first line after the
# parsed header block.
-# This subroutine dies if given leading junk.
+# This subroutine dies if given leading junk or if the end of the header
+# block could not be detected. The last line of a header block is a
+# line beginning with "+++".
# Args:
# $fileHandle: advanced so the last line read is the first line of the
@@ -393,19 +396,18 @@ sub gitdiff2svndiff($)
# "Index:" line.
# $line: the line last read from $fileHandle
-# Returns ($headerHashRef, $foundHeaderEnding, $lastReadLine):
+# Returns ($headerHashRef, $lastReadLine):
# $headerHashRef: a hash reference representing a diff header
-# copiedFromPath: the path in the "from" clause, if any.
-# copiedFromVersion: the revision number in the "from" clause, if any.
+# copiedFromPath: if a file copy, the path from which the file was
+# copied. Otherwise, undefined.
# indexPath: the path in the "Index:" line.
+# sourceRevision: the revision number of the source. This is the same
+# as the revision number the file was copied from, in
+# the case of a file copy.
# svnConvertedText: the header text converted to SVN format.
-# Unrecognized Git lines are left alone.
-# version: the revision number of the source.
-# $foundHeaderEnding: whether the last header block line was found.
-# This is a line beginning with "+++".
-# $lastReadLine: the line last read from $fileHandle. If EOF has not
-# been reached, this is the first line after the
-# header ending.
+# Unrecognized lines are discarded.
+# $lastReadLine: the line last read from $fileHandle. This is the first
+# line after the header ending.
sub parseDiffHeader($$)
my ($fileHandle, $line) = @_;
@@ -425,8 +427,9 @@ sub parseDiffHeader($$)
my %header;
- my $foundHeaderEnding = 0;
- my $lastReadLine;
+ my $foundHeaderEnding;
+ my $lastReadLine;
+ my $sourceRevision;
my $svnConvertedText = $line;
while (<$fileHandle>) {
# Temporarily strip off any end-of-line characters to simplify
@@ -436,31 +439,45 @@ sub parseDiffHeader($$)
$_ = &$filter($_) if $filter;
- # Fix paths on "diff", "---", and "+++" lines to match the
- # leading index line.
- s/\S+$/$indexPath/ if /^diff/; # FIXME: Can this ever occur? If so, include
- # a unit test. Otherwise, remove it.
- s/^--- \S+/--- $indexPath/;
- if (/^--- .+\(from (\S+):(\d+)\)$/) {
- $header{copiedFromPath} = $1;
- $header{copiedFromVersion} = $2 if ($2 != 0);
- } elsif (/^--- .+\(revision (\d+)\)$/) {
- $header{version} = $1 if ($1 != 0);
+ # Fix paths on ""---" and "+++" lines to match the leading
+ # index line.
+ if (s/^--- \S+/--- $indexPath/) {
+ # ---
+ if (/^--- .+\(revision (\d+)\)/) {
+ $sourceRevision = $1 if ($1 != 0);
+ if (/\(from (\S+):(\d+)\)$/) {
+ # The "from" clause is created by svn-create-patch, in
+ # which case there is always also a "revision" clause.
+ $header{copiedFromPath} = $1;
+ die("Revision number \"$2\" in \"from\" clause does not match " .
+ "source revision number \"$sourceRevision\".") if ($2 != $sourceRevision);
+ }
+ }
+ $_ = "=" x 67 . "$eol$_"; # Prepend dividing line ===....
} elsif (s/^\+\+\+ \S+/+++ $indexPath/) {
+ # +++
$foundHeaderEnding = 1;
+ } else {
+ # Skip unrecognized lines.
+ next;
- $svnConvertedText .= "$_$eol"; # Also restore EOL characters.
+ $svnConvertedText .= "$_$eol"; # Also restore end-of-line characters.
if ($foundHeaderEnding) {
$lastReadLine = <$fileHandle>;
} # $lastReadLine is undef if while loop ran out.
+ if (!$foundHeaderEnding) {
+ die("Did not find end of header block corresponding to index path \"$indexPath\".");
+ }
$header{indexPath} = $indexPath;
+ $header{sourceRevision} = $sourceRevision;
$header{svnConvertedText} = $svnConvertedText;
- return (\%header, $foundHeaderEnding, $lastReadLine);
+ return (\%header, $lastReadLine);
# If possible, returns a ChangeLog patch equivalent to the given one,
diff --git a/WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitperl/VCSUtils_unittest/parseDiffHeader.pl b/WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitperl/VCSUtils_unittest/parseDiffHeader.pl
index 8c861aa..d095dc0 100644
--- a/WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitperl/VCSUtils_unittest/parseDiffHeader.pl
+++ b/WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitperl/VCSUtils_unittest/parseDiffHeader.pl
@@ -38,10 +38,9 @@ use VCSUtils;
my @headerKeys = ( # The $headerHashRef keys to check.
- "copiedFromVersion",
+ "sourceRevision",
- "version",
# Test parseDiffHeader() for the given $diffTestHashRef.
@@ -54,7 +53,7 @@ sub doDiffTest($)
my $line = <$fileHandle>;
- my ($headerHashRef, $foundHeaderEnding, $lastReadLine) = VCSUtils::parseDiffHeader($fileHandle, $line);
+ my ($headerHashRef, $lastReadLine) = VCSUtils::parseDiffHeader($fileHandle, $line);
my $titleHeader = "parseDiffHeader(): [$diffTestHashRef->{diffName}] ";
my $title;
@@ -64,32 +63,13 @@ sub doDiffTest($)
is($headerHashRef->{$headerKey}, $diffTestHashRef->{$headerKey}, $title);
- is($foundHeaderEnding, $diffTestHashRef->{foundHeaderEnding}, "${titleHeader}foundHeaderEnding");
is($lastReadLine, $diffTestHashRef->{lastReadLine}, "${titleHeader}lastReadLine");
my $nextLine = <$fileHandle>;
is($nextLine, $diffTestHashRef->{nextLine}, "${titleHeader}nextLine");
-my @diffTests = ({
- # New test: missing closing header line
- diffName => "SVN: incomplete header",
- inputText => <<'END',
-Index: WebKitTools/Scripts/VCSUtils.pm
- # Header keys to check
- svnConvertedText => <<'END',
-Index: WebKitTools/Scripts/VCSUtils.pm
- copiedFromPath => undef,
- copiedFromVersion => undef,
- indexPath => "WebKitTools/Scripts/VCSUtils.pm",
- version => undef,
- # Other values to check
- foundHeaderEnding => 0,
- lastReadLine => undef,
- nextLine => undef,
+my @diffTests = (
# New test
diffName => "SVN: simple",
@@ -109,11 +89,9 @@ Index: WebKitTools/Scripts/VCSUtils.pm
+++ WebKitTools/Scripts/VCSUtils.pm (working copy)
copiedFromPath => undef,
- copiedFromVersion => undef,
indexPath => "WebKitTools/Scripts/VCSUtils.pm",
- version => "53004",
+ sourceRevision => "53004",
# Other values to check
- foundHeaderEnding => 1,
lastReadLine => "@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ use strict;\n",
nextLine => " use warnings;\n",
@@ -136,11 +114,9 @@ Index: WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitperl/VCSUtils_unittest/parseDiffHeader.pl
+++ WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitperl/VCSUtils_unittest/parseDiffHeader.pl (revision 0)
copiedFromPath => undef,
- copiedFromVersion => undef,
indexPath => "WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitperl/VCSUtils_unittest/parseDiffHeader.pl",
- version => undef,
+ sourceRevision => undef,
# Other values to check
- foundHeaderEnding => 1,
lastReadLine => "@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@\n",
nextLine => "+#!/usr/bin/perl -w\n",
@@ -148,82 +124,76 @@ END
# New test
diffName => "SVN: copy",
inputText => <<'END',
-Index: WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/move_test.py
+Index: index_path.py
---- WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/move_test.py (revision 53047) (from WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/__init__.py:53048)
-+++ WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/move_test.py (working copy)
+--- index_path.py (revision 53048) (from copied_from_path.py:53048)
++++ index_path.py (working copy)
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
-+# Required for Python to search this directory for module files
++# Python file...
# Header keys to check
svnConvertedText => <<'END',
-Index: WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/move_test.py
+Index: index_path.py
---- WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/move_test.py (revision 53047) (from WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/__init__.py:53048)
-+++ WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/move_test.py (working copy)
+--- index_path.py (revision 53048) (from copied_from_path.py:53048)
++++ index_path.py (working copy)
- copiedFromPath => "WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/__init__.py",
- copiedFromVersion => "53048",
- indexPath => "WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/move_test.py",
- version => undef,
+ copiedFromPath => "copied_from_path.py",
+ indexPath => "index_path.py",
+ sourceRevision => 53048,
# Other values to check
- foundHeaderEnding => 1,
lastReadLine => "@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@\n",
- nextLine => "+# Required for Python to search this directory for module files\n",
+ nextLine => "+# Python file...\n",
# New test
diffName => "SVN: \\r\\n lines",
inputText => <<END, # No single quotes to allow interpolation of "\r"
-Index: WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/move_test.py\r
+Index: index_path.py\r
---- WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/move_test.py (revision 53047) (from WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/__init__.py:53048)\r
-+++ WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/move_test.py (working copy)\r
+--- index_path.py (revision 53048) (from copied_from_path.py:53048)\r
++++ index_path.py (working copy)\r
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@\r
-+# Required for Python to search this directory for module files\r
++# Python file...\r
# Header keys to check
svnConvertedText => <<END, # No single quotes to allow interpolation of "\r"
-Index: WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/move_test.py\r
+Index: index_path.py\r
---- WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/move_test.py (revision 53047) (from WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/__init__.py:53048)\r
-+++ WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/move_test.py (working copy)\r
+--- index_path.py (revision 53048) (from copied_from_path.py:53048)\r
++++ index_path.py (working copy)\r
- copiedFromPath => "WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/__init__.py",
- copiedFromVersion => "53048",
- indexPath => "WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/move_test.py",
- version => undef,
+ copiedFromPath => "copied_from_path.py",
+ indexPath => "index_path.py",
+ sourceRevision => 53048,
# Other values to check
- foundHeaderEnding => 1,
lastReadLine => "@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@\r\n",
- nextLine => "+# Required for Python to search this directory for module files\r\n",
+ nextLine => "+# Python file...\r\n",
# New test
diffName => "SVN: path corrections",
inputText => <<'END',
-Index: WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/move_test.py
+Index: index_path.py
---- bad_path (revision 53047) (from WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/__init__.py:53048)
+--- bad_path (revision 53048) (from copied_from_path.py:53048)
+++ bad_path (working copy)
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
-+# Required for Python to search this directory for module files
++# Python file...
# Header keys to check
svnConvertedText => <<'END',
-Index: WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/move_test.py
+Index: index_path.py
---- WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/move_test.py (revision 53047) (from WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/__init__.py:53048)
-+++ WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/move_test.py (working copy)
+--- index_path.py (revision 53048) (from copied_from_path.py:53048)
++++ index_path.py (working copy)
- copiedFromPath => "WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/__init__.py",
- copiedFromVersion => "53048",
- indexPath => "WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/move_test.py",
- version => undef,
+ copiedFromPath => "copied_from_path.py",
+ indexPath => "index_path.py",
+ sourceRevision => 53048,
# Other values to check
- foundHeaderEnding => 1,
lastReadLine => "@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@\n",
- nextLine => "+# Required for Python to search this directory for module files\n",
+ nextLine => "+# Python file...\n",
# New test
@@ -243,11 +213,9 @@ Index: WebCore/rendering/style/StyleFlexibleBoxData.h
+++ WebCore/rendering/style/StyleFlexibleBoxData.h
copiedFromPath => undef,
- copiedFromVersion => undef,
indexPath => "WebCore/rendering/style/StyleFlexibleBoxData.h",
- version => undef,
+ sourceRevision => undef,
# Other values to check
- foundHeaderEnding => 1,
lastReadLine => "@@ -47,7 +47,6 @@ public:\n",
nextLine => undef,
@@ -266,23 +234,20 @@ END
# Header keys to check
svnConvertedText => <<'END',
Index: LayoutTests/http/tests/security/listener/xss-inactive-closure.html
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..3c9f114
--- LayoutTests/http/tests/security/listener/xss-inactive-closure.html
+++ LayoutTests/http/tests/security/listener/xss-inactive-closure.html
copiedFromPath => undef,
- copiedFromVersion => undef,
indexPath => "LayoutTests/http/tests/security/listener/xss-inactive-closure.html",
- version => undef,
+ sourceRevision => undef,
# Other values to check
- foundHeaderEnding => 1,
lastReadLine => "@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@\n",
nextLine => "+<html>\n",
-plan(tests => @diffTests * 8); # Eight assertions per call to doDiffTest().
+plan(tests => @diffTests * 6); # Multiply by number of assertions per call to doDiffTest().
foreach my $diffTestHashRef (@diffTests) {
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