[SCM] WebKit Debian packaging branch, debian/unstable, updated. debian/1.1.18-1-697-g2f78b87
eric at webkit.org
eric at webkit.org
Wed Jan 20 22:27:47 UTC 2010
The following commit has been merged in the debian/unstable branch:
commit 7bee78c832a49cf2bb1639c430ae249fa825785a
Author: eric at webkit.org <eric at webkit.org@268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc>
Date: Mon Jan 18 13:33:41 2010 +0000
2010-01-18 Daniel Bates <dbates at rim.com>
Reviewed by Eric Seidel.
Following up on changes made with respect to bug #33498, we should
fix the the style errors found by the style bot.
Moreover, this fixes all the style errors found by check-webkit-style
except the use of an underline in the variable name _niflags. We should
fix this in a second run through for all the other variables names that
contain an underline because there are many.
No functionality was changed. So, no new tests.
* rendering/style/SVGRenderStyle.h:
git-svn-id: http://svn.webkit.org/repository/webkit/trunk@53402 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc
diff --git a/WebCore/ChangeLog b/WebCore/ChangeLog
index 87492f7..dcd977d 100644
--- a/WebCore/ChangeLog
+++ b/WebCore/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,33 @@
+2010-01-18 Daniel Bates <dbates at rim.com>
+ Reviewed by Eric Seidel.
+ https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=33726
+ Following up on changes made with respect to bug #33498, we should
+ fix the the style errors found by the style bot.
+ Moreover, this fixes all the style errors found by check-webkit-style
+ except the use of an underline in the variable name _niflags. We should
+ fix this in a second run through for all the other variables names that
+ contain an underline because there are many.
+ No functionality was changed. So, no new tests.
+ * rendering/style/SVGRenderStyle.h:
+ (WebCore::SVGRenderStyle::create):
+ (WebCore::SVGRenderStyle::copy):
+ (WebCore::SVGRenderStyle::operator!=):
+ (WebCore::SVGRenderStyle::hasStroke):
+ (WebCore::SVGRenderStyle::hasFill):
+ (WebCore::SVGRenderStyle::InheritedFlags::operator==):
+ (WebCore::SVGRenderStyle::InheritedFlags::operator!=):
+ (WebCore::SVGRenderStyle::NonInheritedFlags::operator==):
+ (WebCore::SVGRenderStyle::NonInheritedFlags::operator!=):
+ (WebCore::SVGRenderStyle::NonInheritedFlags::):
+ (WebCore::SVGRenderStyle::):
+ (WebCore::SVGRenderStyle::setBitDefaults):
2010-01-18 Andrei Popescu <andreip at google.com>
Reviewed by Adam Barth.
diff --git a/WebCore/rendering/style/SVGRenderStyle.h b/WebCore/rendering/style/SVGRenderStyle.h
index b0f2aac..c7f85db 100644
--- a/WebCore/rendering/style/SVGRenderStyle.h
+++ b/WebCore/rendering/style/SVGRenderStyle.h
@@ -34,182 +34,182 @@
namespace WebCore {
- class FloatRect;
- class IntRect;
- class RenderObject;
- class RenderStyle;
- class SVGRenderStyle : public RefCounted<SVGRenderStyle> {
- public:
- static PassRefPtr<SVGRenderStyle> create() { return adoptRef(new SVGRenderStyle); }
- PassRefPtr<SVGRenderStyle> copy() const { return adoptRef(new SVGRenderStyle(*this));}
- ~SVGRenderStyle();
- bool inheritedNotEqual(const SVGRenderStyle*) const;
- void inheritFrom(const SVGRenderStyle*);
- // FIXME: These functions should move to ShadowData.
- void inflateForShadow(IntRect&) const;
- void inflateForShadow(FloatRect&) const;
- bool operator==(const SVGRenderStyle&) const;
- bool operator!=(const SVGRenderStyle& o) const { return !(*this == o); }
- // SVG CSS Properties
- SVG_RS_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE(EAlignmentBaseline, AlignmentBaseline, alignmentBaseline, AB_AUTO)
- SVG_RS_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE(EDominantBaseline, DominantBaseline, dominantBaseline, DB_AUTO)
- SVG_RS_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE(EBaselineShift, BaselineShift, baselineShift, BS_BASELINE)
- SVG_RS_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_INHERITED(LineCap, CapStyle, capStyle, ButtCap)
- SVG_RS_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_INHERITED(EColorInterpolation, ColorInterpolation, colorInterpolation, CI_SRGB)
- SVG_RS_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_INHERITED(EColorInterpolation, ColorInterpolationFilters, colorInterpolationFilters, CI_LINEARRGB)
- SVG_RS_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_INHERITED(EColorRendering, ColorRendering, colorRendering, CR_AUTO)
- SVG_RS_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_INHERITED(EImageRendering, ImageRendering, imageRendering, IR_AUTO)
- SVG_RS_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_INHERITED(LineJoin, JoinStyle, joinStyle, MiterJoin)
- SVG_RS_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_INHERITED(EShapeRendering, ShapeRendering, shapeRendering, SR_AUTO)
- SVG_RS_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_INHERITED(EWritingMode, WritingMode, writingMode, WM_LRTB)
- SVG_RS_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_INHERITED(EGlyphOrientation, GlyphOrientationHorizontal, glyphOrientationHorizontal, GO_0DEG)
- SVG_RS_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_INHERITED(EGlyphOrientation, GlyphOrientationVertical, glyphOrientationVertical, GO_AUTO)
- // SVG CSS Properties (using DataRef's)
- SVG_RS_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_DATAREF_WITH_INITIAL(float, fill, opacity, FillOpacity, fillOpacity, 1.0f)
- SVG_RS_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_DATAREF_WITH_INITIAL_REFCOUNTED(SVGPaint, fill, paint, FillPaint, fillPaint, SVGPaint::defaultFill())
- SVG_RS_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_DATAREF_WITH_INITIAL(float, stroke, opacity, StrokeOpacity, strokeOpacity, 1.0f)
- SVG_RS_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_DATAREF_WITH_INITIAL_REFCOUNTED(SVGPaint, stroke, paint, StrokePaint, strokePaint, SVGPaint::defaultStroke())
- SVG_RS_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_DATAREF_WITH_INITIAL_REFCOUNTED(CSSValueList, stroke, dashArray, StrokeDashArray, strokeDashArray, 0)
- SVG_RS_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_DATAREF_WITH_INITIAL(float, stroke, miterLimit, StrokeMiterLimit, strokeMiterLimit, 4.0f)
- SVG_RS_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_DATAREF_WITH_INITIAL_REFCOUNTED(CSSValue, stroke, width, StrokeWidth, strokeWidth, 0)
- SVG_RS_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_DATAREF_WITH_INITIAL_REFCOUNTED(CSSValue, stroke, dashOffset, StrokeDashOffset, strokeDashOffset, 0);
- SVG_RS_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_DATAREF_WITH_INITIAL(float, stops, opacity, StopOpacity, stopOpacity, 1.0f)
- SVG_RS_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_DATAREF_WITH_INITIAL(Color, stops, color, StopColor, stopColor, Color(0, 0, 0))
- SVG_RS_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_DATAREF_WITH_INITIAL(String, clip, clipPath, ClipPath, clipPath, String())
- SVG_RS_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_DATAREF_WITH_INITIAL(String, mask, maskElement, MaskElement, maskElement, String())
- SVG_RS_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_DATAREF_WITH_INITIAL(String, markers, startMarker, StartMarker, startMarker, String())
- SVG_RS_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_DATAREF_WITH_INITIAL(String, markers, midMarker, MidMarker, midMarker, String())
- SVG_RS_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_DATAREF_WITH_INITIAL(String, markers, endMarker, EndMarker, endMarker, String())
- SVG_RS_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_DATAREF_WITH_INITIAL(String, misc, filter, Filter, filter, String())
- SVG_RS_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_DATAREF_WITH_INITIAL(float, misc, floodOpacity, FloodOpacity, floodOpacity, 1.0f)
- SVG_RS_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_DATAREF_WITH_INITIAL(Color, misc, floodColor, FloodColor, floodColor, Color(0, 0, 0))
- SVG_RS_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_DATAREF_WITH_INITIAL(Color, misc, lightingColor, LightingColor, lightingColor, Color(255, 255, 255))
- SVG_RS_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_DATAREF_WITH_INITIAL_REFCOUNTED(CSSValue, misc, baselineShiftValue, BaselineShiftValue, baselineShiftValue, 0)
- SVG_RS_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_DATAREF_WITH_INITIAL_OWNPTR(ShadowData, shadowSVG, shadow, Shadow, shadow, 0)
- // convenience
- bool hasStroke() const { return (strokePaint()->paintType() != SVGPaint::SVG_PAINTTYPE_NONE); }
- bool hasFill() const { return (fillPaint()->paintType() != SVGPaint::SVG_PAINTTYPE_NONE); }
- static float cssPrimitiveToLength(const RenderObject*, CSSValue*, float defaultValue = 0.0f);
- protected:
- // inherit
- struct InheritedFlags {
- bool operator==(const InheritedFlags& other) const
- {
- return (_colorRendering == other._colorRendering) &&
- (_imageRendering == other._imageRendering) &&
- (_shapeRendering == other._shapeRendering) &&
- (_clipRule == other._clipRule) &&
- (_fillRule == other._fillRule) &&
- (_capStyle == other._capStyle) &&
- (_joinStyle == other._joinStyle) &&
- (_textAnchor == other._textAnchor) &&
- (_colorInterpolation == other._colorInterpolation) &&
- (_colorInterpolationFilters == other._colorInterpolationFilters) &&
- (_writingMode == other._writingMode) &&
- (_glyphOrientationHorizontal == other._glyphOrientationHorizontal) &&
- (_glyphOrientationVertical == other._glyphOrientationVertical);
- }
- bool operator!=(const InheritedFlags& other) const
- {
- return !(*this == other);
- }
- unsigned _colorRendering : 2; // EColorRendering
- unsigned _imageRendering : 2; // EImageRendering
- unsigned _shapeRendering : 2; // EShapeRendering
- unsigned _clipRule : 1; // WindRule
- unsigned _fillRule : 1; // WindRule
- unsigned _capStyle : 2; // LineCap
- unsigned _joinStyle : 2; // LineJoin
- unsigned _textAnchor : 2; // ETextAnchor
- unsigned _colorInterpolation : 2; // EColorInterpolation
- unsigned _colorInterpolationFilters : 2; // EColorInterpolation
- unsigned _writingMode : 3; // EWritingMode
- unsigned _glyphOrientationHorizontal : 3; // EGlyphOrientation
- unsigned _glyphOrientationVertical : 3; // EGlyphOrientation
- } svg_inherited_flags;
- // don't inherit
- struct NonInheritedFlags {
- // 32 bit non-inherited, don't add to the struct, or the operator will break.
- bool operator==(const NonInheritedFlags &other) const { return _niflags == other._niflags; }
- bool operator!=(const NonInheritedFlags &other) const { return _niflags != other._niflags; }
- union {
- struct {
- unsigned _alignmentBaseline : 4; // EAlignmentBaseline
- unsigned _dominantBaseline : 4; // EDominantBaseline
- unsigned _baselineShift : 2; // EBaselineShift
- // 22 bits unused
- } f;
- uint32_t _niflags;
- };
- } svg_noninherited_flags;
- // inherited attributes
- DataRef<StyleFillData> fill;
- DataRef<StyleStrokeData> stroke;
- DataRef<StyleMarkerData> markers;
- DataRef<StyleTextData> text;
- // non-inherited attributes
- DataRef<StyleStopData> stops;
- DataRef<StyleClipData> clip;
- DataRef<StyleMaskData> mask;
- DataRef<StyleMiscData> misc;
- DataRef<StyleShadowSVGData> shadowSVG;
- private:
- enum CreateDefaultType { CreateDefault };
- SVGRenderStyle();
- SVGRenderStyle(const SVGRenderStyle&);
- SVGRenderStyle(CreateDefaultType); // Used to create the default style.
- void setBitDefaults()
+class FloatRect;
+class IntRect;
+class RenderObject;
+class RenderStyle;
+class SVGRenderStyle : public RefCounted<SVGRenderStyle> {
+ static PassRefPtr<SVGRenderStyle> create() { return adoptRef(new SVGRenderStyle); }
+ PassRefPtr<SVGRenderStyle> copy() const { return adoptRef(new SVGRenderStyle(*this));}
+ ~SVGRenderStyle();
+ bool inheritedNotEqual(const SVGRenderStyle*) const;
+ void inheritFrom(const SVGRenderStyle*);
+ // FIXME: These functions should move to ShadowData.
+ void inflateForShadow(IntRect&) const;
+ void inflateForShadow(FloatRect&) const;
+ bool operator==(const SVGRenderStyle&) const;
+ bool operator!=(const SVGRenderStyle& o) const { return !(*this == o); }
+ // SVG CSS Properties
+ SVG_RS_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE(EAlignmentBaseline, AlignmentBaseline, alignmentBaseline, AB_AUTO)
+ SVG_RS_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE(EDominantBaseline, DominantBaseline, dominantBaseline, DB_AUTO)
+ SVG_RS_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE(EBaselineShift, BaselineShift, baselineShift, BS_BASELINE)
+ SVG_RS_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_INHERITED(LineCap, CapStyle, capStyle, ButtCap)
+ SVG_RS_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_INHERITED(EColorInterpolation, ColorInterpolation, colorInterpolation, CI_SRGB)
+ SVG_RS_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_INHERITED(EColorInterpolation, ColorInterpolationFilters, colorInterpolationFilters, CI_LINEARRGB)
+ SVG_RS_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_INHERITED(EColorRendering, ColorRendering, colorRendering, CR_AUTO)
+ SVG_RS_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_INHERITED(EImageRendering, ImageRendering, imageRendering, IR_AUTO)
+ SVG_RS_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_INHERITED(LineJoin, JoinStyle, joinStyle, MiterJoin)
+ SVG_RS_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_INHERITED(EShapeRendering, ShapeRendering, shapeRendering, SR_AUTO)
+ SVG_RS_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_INHERITED(EWritingMode, WritingMode, writingMode, WM_LRTB)
+ SVG_RS_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_INHERITED(EGlyphOrientation, GlyphOrientationHorizontal, glyphOrientationHorizontal, GO_0DEG)
+ SVG_RS_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_INHERITED(EGlyphOrientation, GlyphOrientationVertical, glyphOrientationVertical, GO_AUTO)
+ // SVG CSS Properties (using DataRef's)
+ SVG_RS_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_DATAREF_WITH_INITIAL(float, fill, opacity, FillOpacity, fillOpacity, 1.0f)
+ SVG_RS_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_DATAREF_WITH_INITIAL_REFCOUNTED(SVGPaint, fill, paint, FillPaint, fillPaint, SVGPaint::defaultFill())
+ SVG_RS_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_DATAREF_WITH_INITIAL(float, stroke, opacity, StrokeOpacity, strokeOpacity, 1.0f)
+ SVG_RS_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_DATAREF_WITH_INITIAL_REFCOUNTED(SVGPaint, stroke, paint, StrokePaint, strokePaint, SVGPaint::defaultStroke())
+ SVG_RS_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_DATAREF_WITH_INITIAL_REFCOUNTED(CSSValueList, stroke, dashArray, StrokeDashArray, strokeDashArray, 0)
+ SVG_RS_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_DATAREF_WITH_INITIAL(float, stroke, miterLimit, StrokeMiterLimit, strokeMiterLimit, 4.0f)
+ SVG_RS_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_DATAREF_WITH_INITIAL_REFCOUNTED(CSSValue, stroke, width, StrokeWidth, strokeWidth, 0)
+ SVG_RS_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_DATAREF_WITH_INITIAL_REFCOUNTED(CSSValue, stroke, dashOffset, StrokeDashOffset, strokeDashOffset, 0);
+ SVG_RS_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_DATAREF_WITH_INITIAL(float, stops, opacity, StopOpacity, stopOpacity, 1.0f)
+ SVG_RS_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_DATAREF_WITH_INITIAL(Color, stops, color, StopColor, stopColor, Color(0, 0, 0))
+ SVG_RS_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_DATAREF_WITH_INITIAL(String, clip, clipPath, ClipPath, clipPath, String())
+ SVG_RS_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_DATAREF_WITH_INITIAL(String, mask, maskElement, MaskElement, maskElement, String())
+ SVG_RS_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_DATAREF_WITH_INITIAL(String, markers, startMarker, StartMarker, startMarker, String())
+ SVG_RS_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_DATAREF_WITH_INITIAL(String, markers, midMarker, MidMarker, midMarker, String())
+ SVG_RS_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_DATAREF_WITH_INITIAL(String, markers, endMarker, EndMarker, endMarker, String())
+ SVG_RS_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_DATAREF_WITH_INITIAL(String, misc, filter, Filter, filter, String())
+ SVG_RS_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_DATAREF_WITH_INITIAL(float, misc, floodOpacity, FloodOpacity, floodOpacity, 1.0f)
+ SVG_RS_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_DATAREF_WITH_INITIAL(Color, misc, floodColor, FloodColor, floodColor, Color(0, 0, 0))
+ SVG_RS_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_DATAREF_WITH_INITIAL(Color, misc, lightingColor, LightingColor, lightingColor, Color(255, 255, 255))
+ SVG_RS_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_DATAREF_WITH_INITIAL_REFCOUNTED(CSSValue, misc, baselineShiftValue, BaselineShiftValue, baselineShiftValue, 0)
+ SVG_RS_DEFINE_ATTRIBUTE_DATAREF_WITH_INITIAL_OWNPTR(ShadowData, shadowSVG, shadow, Shadow, shadow, 0)
+ // convenience
+ bool hasStroke() const { return (strokePaint()->paintType() != SVGPaint::SVG_PAINTTYPE_NONE); }
+ bool hasFill() const { return (fillPaint()->paintType() != SVGPaint::SVG_PAINTTYPE_NONE); }
+ static float cssPrimitiveToLength(const RenderObject*, CSSValue*, float defaultValue = 0.0f);
+ // inherit
+ struct InheritedFlags {
+ bool operator==(const InheritedFlags& other) const
- svg_inherited_flags._clipRule = initialClipRule();
- svg_inherited_flags._colorRendering = initialColorRendering();
- svg_inherited_flags._fillRule = initialFillRule();
- svg_inherited_flags._imageRendering = initialImageRendering();
- svg_inherited_flags._shapeRendering = initialShapeRendering();
- svg_inherited_flags._textAnchor = initialTextAnchor();
- svg_inherited_flags._capStyle = initialCapStyle();
- svg_inherited_flags._joinStyle = initialJoinStyle();
- svg_inherited_flags._colorInterpolation = initialColorInterpolation();
- svg_inherited_flags._colorInterpolationFilters = initialColorInterpolationFilters();
- svg_inherited_flags._writingMode = initialWritingMode();
- svg_inherited_flags._glyphOrientationHorizontal = initialGlyphOrientationHorizontal();
- svg_inherited_flags._glyphOrientationVertical = initialGlyphOrientationVertical();
- svg_noninherited_flags._niflags = 0;
- svg_noninherited_flags.f._alignmentBaseline = initialAlignmentBaseline();
- svg_noninherited_flags.f._dominantBaseline = initialDominantBaseline();
- svg_noninherited_flags.f._baselineShift = initialBaselineShift();
+ return (_colorRendering == other._colorRendering)
+ && (_imageRendering == other._imageRendering)
+ && (_shapeRendering == other._shapeRendering)
+ && (_clipRule == other._clipRule)
+ && (_fillRule == other._fillRule)
+ && (_capStyle == other._capStyle)
+ && (_joinStyle == other._joinStyle)
+ && (_textAnchor == other._textAnchor)
+ && (_colorInterpolation == other._colorInterpolation)
+ && (_colorInterpolationFilters == other._colorInterpolationFilters)
+ && (_writingMode == other._writingMode)
+ && (_glyphOrientationHorizontal == other._glyphOrientationHorizontal)
+ && (_glyphOrientationVertical == other._glyphOrientationVertical);
- };
+ bool operator!=(const InheritedFlags& other) const
+ {
+ return !(*this == other);
+ }
+ unsigned _colorRendering : 2; // EColorRendering
+ unsigned _imageRendering : 2; // EImageRendering
+ unsigned _shapeRendering : 2; // EShapeRendering
+ unsigned _clipRule : 1; // WindRule
+ unsigned _fillRule : 1; // WindRule
+ unsigned _capStyle : 2; // LineCap
+ unsigned _joinStyle : 2; // LineJoin
+ unsigned _textAnchor : 2; // ETextAnchor
+ unsigned _colorInterpolation : 2; // EColorInterpolation
+ unsigned _colorInterpolationFilters : 2; // EColorInterpolation
+ unsigned _writingMode : 3; // EWritingMode
+ unsigned _glyphOrientationHorizontal : 3; // EGlyphOrientation
+ unsigned _glyphOrientationVertical : 3; // EGlyphOrientation
+ } svg_inherited_flags;
+ // don't inherit
+ struct NonInheritedFlags {
+ // 32 bit non-inherited, don't add to the struct, or the operator will break.
+ bool operator==(const NonInheritedFlags &other) const { return _niflags == other._niflags; }
+ bool operator!=(const NonInheritedFlags &other) const { return _niflags != other._niflags; }
+ union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned _alignmentBaseline : 4; // EAlignmentBaseline
+ unsigned _dominantBaseline : 4; // EDominantBaseline
+ unsigned _baselineShift : 2; // EBaselineShift
+ // 22 bits unused
+ } f;
+ uint32_t _niflags;
+ };
+ } svg_noninherited_flags;
+ // inherited attributes
+ DataRef<StyleFillData> fill;
+ DataRef<StyleStrokeData> stroke;
+ DataRef<StyleMarkerData> markers;
+ DataRef<StyleTextData> text;
+ // non-inherited attributes
+ DataRef<StyleStopData> stops;
+ DataRef<StyleClipData> clip;
+ DataRef<StyleMaskData> mask;
+ DataRef<StyleMiscData> misc;
+ DataRef<StyleShadowSVGData> shadowSVG;
+ enum CreateDefaultType { CreateDefault };
+ SVGRenderStyle();
+ SVGRenderStyle(const SVGRenderStyle&);
+ SVGRenderStyle(CreateDefaultType); // Used to create the default style.
+ void setBitDefaults()
+ {
+ svg_inherited_flags._clipRule = initialClipRule();
+ svg_inherited_flags._colorRendering = initialColorRendering();
+ svg_inherited_flags._fillRule = initialFillRule();
+ svg_inherited_flags._imageRendering = initialImageRendering();
+ svg_inherited_flags._shapeRendering = initialShapeRendering();
+ svg_inherited_flags._textAnchor = initialTextAnchor();
+ svg_inherited_flags._capStyle = initialCapStyle();
+ svg_inherited_flags._joinStyle = initialJoinStyle();
+ svg_inherited_flags._colorInterpolation = initialColorInterpolation();
+ svg_inherited_flags._colorInterpolationFilters = initialColorInterpolationFilters();
+ svg_inherited_flags._writingMode = initialWritingMode();
+ svg_inherited_flags._glyphOrientationHorizontal = initialGlyphOrientationHorizontal();
+ svg_inherited_flags._glyphOrientationVertical = initialGlyphOrientationVertical();
+ svg_noninherited_flags._niflags = 0;
+ svg_noninherited_flags.f._alignmentBaseline = initialAlignmentBaseline();
+ svg_noninherited_flags.f._dominantBaseline = initialDominantBaseline();
+ svg_noninherited_flags.f._baselineShift = initialBaselineShift();
+ }
} // namespace WebCore
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