[pkg-wine-party] [SCM] Debian Wine packaging annotated tag, wine-1.1.42, created. wine-1.1.42
Alexandre Julliard
julliard at winehq.org
Sat Jun 9 07:22:04 UTC 2012
The annotated tag, wine-1.1.42 has been created
at 3d830f6f8f4b984fb23a4dccaac4953e44b53186 (tag)
tagging bb5f5c26adf1e9ce744d20a6c04a568f31da855d (commit)
replaces wine-1.1.41
tagged by Alexandre Julliard
on Fri Apr 2 19:43:46 2010 +0200
- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Release 1.1.42
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
Alexandre Julliard (89):
makefiles: Generate all the static lib rules inside the corresponding shell function.
makefiles: Generate all the test rules inside the corresponding shell function.
makefiles: Generate all the dll rules inside the corresponding shell function.
makefiles: Generate all the program rules inside the corresponding shell function.
makefiles: Add a configure macro for tools directories.
makefiles: Define the variables that are used by aclocal macros in aclocal too.
makefiles: Generate all the top-level make rules inside the corresponding shell function.
winex11: Don't make the owner window managed if its popup isn't.
server: Add a helper function to change a queue thread input.
server: Add support for storing the cursor and show count in the thread input structure.
user32: Store the current cursor and show count in the server.
configure: Makefile should be generated last.
user32/tests: Fix a couple of race conditions.
version: Support loading resources from both 32-bit and 64-bit PE binaries.
makefiles: Output all the import lib dependencies explicitly for each module.
makefiles: Output all the test rules explicitly for each module.
makefiles: Output all the program rules explicitly for each module.
makefiles: Output all the static library rules explicitly for each module.
makefiles: Output all the dll install rules explicitly for each module.
makefiles: Output all the tool install rules explicitly for each module.
makefiles: Output all the documentation rules explicitly for each module.
makefiles: Fix test rules to allow parallel makes again.
makefiles: Output the top-level installation rules explicitly for each module.
makefiles: Output the top-level build rules explicitly for each module.
makefiles: Add a helper function for rules that are common to all directories.
makefiles: Output the top-level depend rules explicitly for each module.
makefiles: Output the top-level clean rules explicitly for each module.
makefiles: Add shell functions to generate dependencies for symlinks and rule files.
makefiles: Bypass the normal substitution mechanism for the makefile dependencies.
widl: Long constants must be 32-bit on all platforms.
msi: Reset the MsiEnumProductsW index on failure.
makefiles: Install bindir programs from the top-level makefile.
makefiles: Move wineapploader to the tools directory and get rid of the programs makefile.
makefiles: Don't create font symlinks when fonts are disabled.
setupapi: Only cleanup fake dlls once the whole section has been executed.
setupapi: Create proper AMD64 fake dlls on 64-bit.
wine.inf: Some fake dlls should only be created for 32-bit.
user32: Always start the 64-bit version of explorer.exe on Wow64.
ole32: Always start the 64-bit version of rpcss.exe on Wow64.
rpcrt4: Always start the 64-bit version of rpcss.exe on Wow64.
shell32: Always start the 64-bit version of winemenubuilder.exe on Wow64.
shdocvw: Always start the 64-bit version of winemenubuilder.exe on Wow64.
user32: Always start the 64-bit version of wineboot.exe on Wow64.
start: Pass a valid filename argument to FormatMessage.
loader: Rename the 32-bit loader in the build tree too when doing a Wow64 build.
configure: Create a few symlinks needed for running in Wow64 mode inside the build tree.
kernel32: Add support for starting binaries in 32/64-bit mode from the other mode.
kernel32: Fix processing of spaces in command line for builtin exes.
wrc: Move temp file management from wpp directly into the load_file function.
widl: Move temp file management from wpp to widl.
wpp: Get rid of wpp_parse_temp, temp file management is better left to callers.
wpp: Build with -fPIC to allow libwpp to be used from dlls.
wineboot: Use rundll32 to apply wine.inf instead of calling setupapi directly.
wineboot: Start an additional 32-bit instance of rundll32 on 64-bit platforms to do the Wow64-specific setup.
wine.inf: Add a Wow64Install section for the Wow64-specific configuration.
wineboot: Display a wait dialog while processing wine.inf.
kernel32: Increase the wineboot timeout.
user32: Pack the CREATESTRUCTW structure in messages to allow crossing 32/64 boundaries.
user32: Pack the various owner-draw structures in messages to allow crossing 32/64 boundaries.
user32: Pack the WINDOWPOS structure in messages to allow crossing 32/64 boundaries.
user32: Pack the COPYDATASTRUCT structure in messages to allow crossing 32/64 boundaries.
user32: Pack the HELPINFO structure in messages to allow crossing 32/64 boundaries.
user32: Pack the NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS structure in messages to allow crossing 32/64 boundaries.
user32: Pack the MSG structure in messages to allow crossing 32/64 boundaries.
user32: Pack the MDINEXTMENU structure in messages to allow crossing 32/64 boundaries.
user32: Pack the MDICREATESTRUCTW structure in messages to allow crossing 32/64 boundaries.
user32: Pack the low-level hook structure in messages to allow crossing 32/64 boundaries.
user32: Pack the structure for WM_DDE_ACK to allow crossing 32/64 boundaries.
shell32: Pack the appbar data structure to allow crossing 32/64 boundaries.
shell32: Pack the systray data structure to allow crossing 32/64 boundaries.
msxml3: Remove unnecessary string constants.
ntdll/tests: Fix a number of test failures on Wow64.
ntdll/tests: Port functions use the 64-bit structure on Wow64.
ntdll/tests: Don't free a string that wasn't allocated.
configure: Don't build rpcss or winemenubuilder for Wow64.
server: Don't set the Wow64 flag on a Wow6432Node since it's already a 32-bit node.
server: Set a proper error code when dup_fd_object fails.
server: Fix 64-bit alignment of the context structure.
server: Update trace for new error codes.
server: Update the registry key and value name length limits to the now documented values.
advapi32: Don't use the static Unicode buffer for value names since they can be larger than MAX_PATH.
advapi32: Add support for the KEY_WOW64_32KEY flag in RegCreateKey on 64-bit.
advapi32: Add support for the KEY_WOW64_32KEY flag in RegOpenKey on 64-bit.
server: Disallow all operations on deleted registry keys.
ntdll/tests: Skip a couple of exception tests that crash on Wow64.
shlwapi: Fix SHCreateWorkerWindowA for 64-bit.
user32/tests: Use the correct type for the bits pointer in CreateDIBSection calls.
mshtml/tests: Don't crash when Gecko is missing.
Release 1.1.42.
Alistair Leslie-Hughes (2):
rpcrt4: Added stub function CreateStubFromTypeInfo.
oleaut32: Add ISupportErrorInfo registry entry.
Andrew Eikum (1):
mshtml: Fix typo determining if channel is HTTP.
Andrew Nguyen (6):
advapi32: Fix SystemFunction036 prototype to match ntsecapi.h.
include: Add prototypes for RtlEncryptMemory and RtlDecryptMemory in ntsecapi.h.
dxdiagn: Fix return value of IDxDiagContainer::GetProp on property search failure.
dxdiagn: Successfully copy to destination variants with an invalid type in IDxDiagContainer::GetProp.
kernel32: Improve parameter validation in OpenConsoleW.
kernel32: Don't set last error on success in OpenConsoleW.
André Hentschel (13):
ntdll: Fix error strict mode tests on vista+.
ntdll: Update error code mapping.
kernel32: Fix return value of FlsFree.
msxml3: Fix a typo in a comment.
winegcc: Make condition easier to read and look like the statement after the block.
kernel32: Make process traces aware of 64-bit.
oleaut32: Add some spaces to the test output for better reading.
wineboot: Update German translation.
msxml3: Make xmlnode_get_parsed a stub.
msxml3: Make xmlnode_get_specified a stub.
documentation: Remove all occurrence of bugs.sgml.
loader/manpages: Replace all occurrence of bugs.sgml.
c2man: Replace link to documentation.sgml.
Aurimas Fišeras (1):
wineboot: Update Lithuanian translation.
Austin English (1):
cmd: Add testcases for goto.
Chris Robinson (2):
openal32: Remove the ALCcontext wrapper.
openal32: Add support for ALC_EXT_thread_local_context.
Christian Costa (10):
d3dx9_36: Add stubbed interface for ID3DXEffect.
d3dxof: Increase MAX_SUBOBJECTS and do the corresponding checks at the right place.
d3dx9_36: Implement D3DXCreateEffectPool and ID3DXEffectPool interface.
d3dx9_36: Remove useless includes.
d3dx9_36: Add stub for D3DXCreateEffectCompiler.
d3dx9_36: Implement D3DXCreateEffectEx and make D3DXCreateEffect use it.
d3dx9_36: Add stub for D3DXLoadVolumeFromMemory.
d3dx9_36: Implement D3DXCreateLine and add stubbed interface for ID3DXLine + tests.
d3dx9_36: Improve FIXMEs and TRACEs for sprite.
d3dx9_36: Improve FIXMEs and TRACEs for font.
Damjan Jovanovic (4):
usbd.sys: Implement URB building functions.
ntoskrnl.exe: Implement IoCompleteRequest.
include: Define IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation based on NONAMELESSUNION and NONAMELESSSTRUCT.
mountmgr: Frame device service functions with IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation and IoCompleteRequest.
Detlef Riekenberg (1):
msvcr90/tests: Add tests for _initterm_e.
Eric Pouech (27):
dbghelp: Added helper to image_file_map to map also directory out of PE executables.
dbghelp: Implemented SymFunctionTableAccess.
dbghelp: Removed the not-useful start_data field out of dwarf2_traverse_context_t.
dbghelp: Fix local/parameters enumeration on 64bit platforms.
dbghelp: Properly bail out if get an error while reading ELF header.
dbghelp: Enhanced x86_64 stack unwinding with PE's function table data.
dbghelp: Fixed a couple of portability issues to 64bit platforms.
dbghelp: Don't try to hardwire the dwarf's "word size", but get it properly.
dbghelp: In dwarf parsing, correctly get the size of addresses in location lists.
dbghelp: Created a CPU method to map dwarf register number to codeview register number.
dbghelp: Keep the .debug_frame section mapped when parsing dwarf debug_info (needed for CFA management).
dbghelp: Extend the CPU object in order to manipulate context's registers (getting context's content & register names).
dbghelp: Added CFA information to dbghelp's dwarf.h.
dbghelp: Added preliminary CFA management.
winedbg: Store for context variables only the offsets of each register (instead of the address of the register in dbg_context).
dbghelp: In dwarf attribute parsing, ensure that we do have a block when parsing a block.
dbghelp: In dwarf parsing, correctly handle the DW_OP_regx option.
dbghelp: Rewrite SymGetModuleBase so that it relies on 64 bit version.
dbghelp: When unwinding the stack, stop if the current address isn't in a known module.
winedbg: Store the CONTEXT in each stack frame to enable register access in the non topmost frames.
winedbg: When filling an imagehlp frame information, also do the stack field, it's used on x86-64 platforms.
winedbg: Add some missing symbol flags to pick up local/parameters variables in symbol pickers.
winedbg: Allow backtraces to properly return address outside functions.
dbghelp: Implement the new register methods for x86.
dbghelp: Store delta used for re-locating a module.
dbghelp: Extend dwarf stack unwinding by reading information out of .debug_frame sections.
dbghelp: When handling a P augmentation in FDE/DIE parsing, throw away the DW_EH_indirect flag, as we don't handle the result.
Francois Gouget (16):
winemapi: Add a trailing '\n' to FIXME()s.
rsaenh: Use NULL instead of casting 0.
kernel32/tests: Remove a space after a '\n' in a skip().
avifil32/tests: Add or fix the trailing '\n' of ok() calls.
d3dx9_36: Add a trailing '\n' to a TRACE().
dxdiagn/tests: Add a trailing '\n' to an ok() call.
comctl32/tests: fix an ok() call's trailing '\n'.
msxml3: Add a trailing '\n' to a TRACE().
hlink/tests: Add a trailing '\n' to an ok() call.
appwiz.cpl: Use SUBLANG_NEUTRAL for Spanish.
qedit: Don't cast NULL.
shell32/tests: Remove spaces before '\n'.
Assorted spelling and case fixes.
gdiplus/tests: Fix compilation on systems that don't support nameless unions.
winedbg: Fix compilation with gcc 2.95 and non-GNU compilers.
oleaut32/tests: Fix compilation on systems that don't support nameless unions.
Frédéric Delanoy (1):
wineboot: Updated French translation.
Gerald Pfeifer (1):
crypt32: Fix type of empty in encodeBase64W().
Hans Leidekker (27):
msi: Display the file identifier instead of the filename in the SelfRegModules and SelfUnregModules actions.
msi: The AppSearch and CCPSearch actions must be run only once.
msi: Set the action taken in the ProcessComponents and InstallFiles actions.
msi: Implement a second cabinet extractor on top of IStream and use it to extract embedded cabinets.
msi: Update the UI in the UnpublishFeatures action.
msi: Display REG_EXPAND_SZ values too in the WriteRegistryValues action.
msi: Don't crash on null last parameter in MsiDecomposeDescriptor.
msi: Remove stream from streams cache before destroying it.
msi: Search network sources in addition to disk sources.
dnsapi: Add a version resource.
dnsapi: _res is per-thread in glibc.
include: Add some missing defines.
msi: Update the UI in the StartServices and StopServices actions.
msi: Return the right error when a cabinet cannot be extracted.
msi: Keep source directory and cabinet file separate.
msi: Implement the Reinstall control event.
msi: Improve the SetODBCFolders action stub.
rsaenh: Add some tests for the hash functions.
msi: Implement the UnregisterClassInfo standard action.
msi: Set the action taken in the RegisterExtensionInfo and RegisterClassInfo actions.
msi: Add tests for registering and unregistering class info.
msi: Implement the UnregisterProgIdInfo standard action.
msi: Implement the UnregisterExtensionInfo standard action.
msi: Add tests for registering and unregistering extension info.
msi: Implement the UnregisterMIMEInfo standard action.
msi: Add tests for registering and unregistering MIME info.
msi: Reset the MsiEnumPatchesExW index on failure.
Henri Verbeet (42):
wined3d: Disable two-sided stencil when doing stencil clears.
wined3d: Just mark the stencil write mask dirty in IWineD3DDeviceImpl_ClearSurface().
wined3d: Use the same order of operations for depth clears as for stencil clears.
wined3d: Just mark the color write mask dirty in IWineD3DDeviceImpl_ClearSurface().
d3d9/tests: Add some message processing to test_wndproc().
d3d8/tests: Add some message processing to test_wndproc().
wined3d: Add GL locking to match_fbo_tex_update().
wined3d: glColorMask() changes the write mask for all render targets.
wined3d: Add support for EXT_draw_buffers2.
wined3d: Implement independent color write masks.
wined3d: Don't warn about independent color write masks when the masks are all the same.
wined3d: Add support for partial updates of compressed surfaces to IWineD3DDeviceImpl_UpdateSurface().
include: Specify some fields of the SYSTEM_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION structure.
ntdll: Return a more reasonable value for "Reserved3".
ddrawex: Directly return the ddraw surface in IDirectDraw4Impl_GetSurfaceFromDC().
ddrawex: Correctly retrieve the "outer" surface in IDirectDraw3Impl_GetSurfaceFromDC().
ddrawex/tests: Add some tests for GetSurfaceFromDC().
wined3d: GL errors aren't FIXMEs.
wined3d: Initialization functions don't allocate.
wined3d: Use GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH for partial updates of regular surfaces in IWineD3DDeviceImpl_UpdateSurface().
wined3d: Source and destination formats should match in IWineD3DDeviceImpl_UpdateSurface().
wined3d: Add more general support for partial updates of compressed surfaces to IWineD3DDeviceImpl_UpdateSurface().
wined3d: Calculate "offset" in the appropriate path in IWineD3DDeviceImpl_UpdateSurface().
wined3d: Get rid of destFormat and srcFormat in IWineD3DDeviceImpl_UpdateSurface().
wined3d: Cleanup variable naming in IWineD3DDeviceImpl_UpdateSurface().
wined3d: Get rid of some mostly useless local variables in IWineD3DDeviceImpl_UpdateSurface().
wined3d: Remove a redundant initialization in IWineD3DDeviceImpl_UpdateSurface().
wined3d: Remove some unused / duplicate render states.
wined3d: Print a FIXME/WARN for all unsupported vertex blend flags.
wined3d: Add a state table entry for WINED3DRS_TWEENFACTOR.
wined3d: Don't call directly into the state table.
wined3d: Use the rep instead of the apply function to determine if a state is used.
wined3d: Explicitly set the state handler to NULL for states with a representative.
wined3d: Verify each state table entry has either a handler or a representative.
wined3d: Add a state table entry for WINED3DRS_INDEXEDVERTEXBLENDENABLE.
wined3d: Remove some superfluous white space and braces from the card selection functions.
wined3d: Verify state representatives represent themselves.
wined3d: Add a state handler for WINED3DRS_ZVISIBLE.
wined3d: Remove some unused render states.
wined3d: Move handling of the unimplemented WINED3DRS_BORDERCOLOR state to ddraw.
wined3d: Move handling of the unimplemented WINED3DRS_STIPPLEPATTERN states to ddraw.
wined3d: Verify all render states have a handler.
Huw Davies (5):
dispex: Use the upper WORD of the flags parameter to indicate whether the optional [out] parameters are NULL.
dispex: Call the deferred fill in function before returning from the server.
dispex: Check whether the server function changes the type of the arguments.
oleaut32: Only oleautomation interfaces as well as all dispinterfaces should be registered.
oleaut32: Only unregister those types that were registered.
Ilya Basin (2):
msvcmaker: Extract wine_test_dsp_files from C_SRCS variable.
shell32: Enable dde for SEE_MASK_CLASSALL.
Jacek Caban (5):
mshtml: Moved builtin properties lookup to separate function.
mshtml: Moved builtin property invocation to separate function.
mshtml: Added IHTMLElement::removeAttribute implementation.
mshtml: Added IHTMLElement:removeAttribute tests.
mshtml: Skip script tests on too old IE.
Juan Lang (6):
crypt32: Fix overestimating size required for base64-encoded strings.
crypt32: Use an empty string as a separator when no separator is desired to avoid special cases for NULL.
iphlpapi: Remove an unused define.
rsaenh: Add tests of KP_SALT parameter.
rsaenh: Support setting salt via KP_SALT (resend).
rsaenh: Don't return salt for algorithms that don't support it.
Justin Chevrier (4):
gdiplus/tests: Add GdipGetFontHeightGivenDPI tests.
gdiplus: Handle UnitWorld in GdipGetFontHeightGivenDPI.
include: Fix GdipSetPathGradientSurroundColorsWithCount definition.
gdiplus: Add GdipGetPathGradientSurroundColorCount stub with tests.
Jörg Höhle (8):
include: Add some multimedia defines not present in win9x.
winmm/tests: Use cpp's __LINE__ to print meaningful line numbers.
winmm: Support MCI "close all" command.
winmm: Improve MCI's Sysinfo command.
winmm: Improve MCI's Sysinfo string command.
mciwave: MCI Set Input|Output allows to select wave device.
mciwave: MCI Status returns string resource when appropriate.
winmm/tests: Add more MCI tests.
Konstantin Kondratyuk (1):
ole32: Add missed initialization of virtual function table.
Louis Lenders (2):
Quiet two noisy FIXME's.
wine.inf: Add another .Net Framework key.
Maarten Lankhorst (6):
mmdevapi: Add a few more render tests.
mmdevapi: Add capture tests.
winmm: Defer loading drivers until they are requested.
winmm: Remove some dead code.
winmm: Clean up MMDRV_Init.
winmm: Clean up mapper code.
Marcus Meissner (1):
kernel32: Initialize env (Coverity).
Matteo Bruni (3):
d3dx9: Partial implementation of D3DXAssembleShader function.
d3dx9: Implement D3DXAssembleShader function, really basic shader assembler.
d3dx9: Implement a basic bytecode writer.
Michael Stefaniuc (8):
comctl32/tests: Use the SendMessage instead of ListView_Scroll.
rpcrt4/tests: Fix duplicate expressions in if conditions.
inetmib1/tests: Fix duplicate expressions in if condition.
shell32: Use FAILED instead of !SUCCEEDED.
kernel32/tests: Remove superfluous casts of integer constants.
winecoreaudio.drv: Remove superfluous casts of zero.
wined3d: Remove superfluous cast of zero.
rsaenh: Remove superfluous casts of zero.
Mike Kaplinskiy (3):
ws2_32: Use ntstatus in overlapped functions.
ws2_32/tests: Test a WSARecv error condition.
ws2_32/tests: Fix win9x test failure.
Mikhail Maroukhine (42):
comctl32/tests: Remove superfluous casts.
comctl32: Fix compiler warnings with flag -Wcast-qual.
comctl32: Fix incorrect const type casting.
comctl32: Fix compiler warnings.
advapi32: Fix compiler warnings with flag -Wcast-qual.
appwiz.cpl: Fix compiler warnings with flag -Wcast-qual.
objbase.h: CLSIDFromString: Add constness to the parameters declaration in accordance with MSDN.
wininet: Fix compiler warnings with flag -Wcast-qual.
server: Fix compiler warning with flag -Wcast-qual.
cabinet: Fix compiler warning with flag -Wcast-qual.
comdlg32: Fix compiler warnings with flag -Wcast-qual.
d3d10: Fix compiler warnings with flag -Wcast-qual.
d3dx9_36: Fix compiler warnings with flag -Wcast-qual.
dbghelp: Fix compiler warnings with flag -Wcast-qual.
gdi32: Fix compiler warnings with flag -Wcast-qual.
gdiplus: Fix compiler warnings with flag -Wcast-qual.
localspl: Fix compiler warnings with flag -Wcast-qual.
mmdevapi: Fix compiler warnings with flag -Wcast-qual.
msctf: Fix compiler warnings with flag -Wcast-qual.
msgsm32.acm: Fix compiler warnings with flag -Wcast-qual.
mshtml: Fix compiler warnings with flag -Wcast-qual.
msi: Fix compiler warnings with flag -Wcast-qual.
msxml3: Fix compiler warnings with flag -Wcast-qual.
ntdll: Fix compiler warnings with flag -Wcast-qual.
ole: Fix compiler warnings with flag -Wcast-qual.
rsaenh: Fix compiler warnings with flag -Wcast-qual.
shell32: Fix compiler warnings with flag -Wcast-qual.
shlwapi: Fix compiler warnings with flag -Wcast-qual.
user32: Fix compiler warnings with flag -Wcast-qual.
usp10: Fix compiler warnings with flag -Wcast-qual.
winex11.drv: Fix compiler warnings with flag -Wcast-qual.
wininet: Fix compiler warnings with flag -Wcast-qual.
wintrust: Fix compiler warnings with flag -Wcast-qual.
ws2_32: Fix compiler warnings with flag -Wcast-qual.
programs: Fix compiler warnings with flag -Wcast-qual.
tools: Fix compiler warnings with flag -Wcast-qual.
rsaenh/tests: Fix compiler warnings with flag -Wcast-qual.
imm32: Fix compiler warnings with flag -Wcast-qual.
quartz: Fix compiler warnings with flag -Wcast-qual.
rpcrt4: Fix compiler warnings with flag -Wcast-qual.
user32: Fix compiler warnings with flag -Wcast-qual.
advapi32: Fix compiler warnings with flag -Wcast-qual.
Morten Rønne (1):
krnl386.exe: Fix VGA video mode 17.
Nikolay Sivov (31):
shell32: Properly fail for unsupported interfaces in IShellView::GetItemObject.
shell32: Some debug tracing improvements.
shell32: Add IPersist support for desktop IShellFolder.
shell32: Add a note about a possible crash on NULL input.
shell32: Remove a useless debug switch, fix prototype.
shell32: Add a stub IShellFolderView for IShellView.
shell32: Add IShellFolderView::GetSelectedObjects implementation for IShellView.
shell32: Implement some IShellFolderView methods over IFolderView.
shell32: Add IShellFolderView::SetRedraw implementation.
shell32: Implement IShellFolderView::QuerySupport no-op method.
shell32: IShellView::ContextSensitiveHelp not implemented.
shell32: Add IShellFolderView::RemoveObject for IShellView.
shell32/tests: Use strict comparison for return values.
shell32: Add IFolderView::Item implementation.
shell32/tests: Fix a test crash on Win9x.
cmd: Ignore spaces before goto label.
shlwapi: Implement IUnknown_QueryServiceExec with tests.
shlwapi: Fix prototype for SHGetShellKey and extend trace.
shlwapi: Added IUnknown_ProfferService implementation with tests.
shlwapi: Fix some memory, handle and reference count leaks in RegisterDefaultAcceptHeaders.
shlwapi: Fix IUnknown_AtomicRelease prototype and simplify body a bit.
shlwapi: Fix interface leaks in SHIsSameObject.
shlwapi: Complete IUnknown_SetOwner call.
shlwapi: Use public define for QISearch table entry, make it available by name (as on Vista+).
shlwapi/tests: Use a single trace call variable for all tests.
shlwapi: More trace for menu related helpers.
shlwapi: Fix SHCreateWorkerWindowW fallback to A-call condition.
shlwapi: Some SHCreateWorkerWindowA tests.
shell32: Rename desktop folder data structure to reflect its meaning.
shell32: Rename My Computer folder implementation structure.
t2embed: Add TTGetEmbeddingType stub.
Paul Vriens (9):
msi/tests: Remove temporary files.
shell32/tests: Fix test failures on Win95, Win98 and NT4.
msi/tests: Fix test failures on W2K with Windows Installer 2.x.
msi/tests: Fix test failures on W2K with Windows Installer 2.x.
msi/tests: Fix test failures on W2K with Windows Installer 3.0.
mmdevapi/tests: Fix test failure on some Vista boxes.
msxml3/tests: Skip some tests when network connection can't be made.
ddrawex/tests: Don't crash on some Win98/WinMe boxes.
d3d9/tests: Initialize a variable (Coverity).
Piotr Caban (14):
msvcrt: Update msvcrt.spec.
msvcrt: Added strnlen implementation.
msvcr90: Implement _encode_pointer and _decode_pointer.
msvcr90: Added _encoded_null() implementation.
msvcr90: Added _get/set_invalid_parameter_handler implementation.
msvcr90: Added implementation of __sys_nerr and __sys_errlist.
msvcrt: Rename functions conflicting with mingw headers.
msvcrt: Avoid using scalb function.
msvcrt: Avoid using localtime_r.
msvcrt: Added _strtoi64 implementation.
msvcrt: Added _strtoui64 implementation.
msvcrt: Move invalid parameter tests to msvcr90.
msvcrt: Fix _get/_set_invalid_parameter_handler implementation.
msvcrt: Added implementation of _controlfp_s.
Rob Shearman (14):
widl: Don't pre-calculate buffer size for arrays that aren't treated as reference pointers.
widl: Convert assign_stub_out_args to using typegen_detect_type and fix the non-conformant array case.
rpcrt4: Add test for [out] non-conformant array.
widl: Fix writing of MaxCount expressions for conformant strings declared using array form.
widl: Fix crash when trying to declare a fixed size array with a size_is attribute.
widl: Issue an error if a context handle variable is declared outside of a function.
include: Change an unsized [out] string to be sized in IMultiLanguage2.
widl: Issue an error if an out parameter is a conformant string.
widl: Remove func_t type.
widl: Fix the calculation of casted integer constant expressions.
widl: Return a pointer to the correct part of the string from the lexer for WSTRQUOTE tokens.
widl: Remove the current_func variable.
widl: Make use of string_of_type in write_conf_or_var_desc.
widl: Check whether an expression is a constant one before assuming it is a toplevel conformance when writing conformance or variance descriptors.
Roderick Colenbrander (19):
wined3d: Fix depth blit regression.
wined3d: Use the format table instead of WGL-checks in CheckDepthStencilMatch when FBOs are used.
wined3d: Remove WGL RGBA float support because it doesn't make sense without pbuffers.
wined3d: Move argb_to_fmt to utils.c as a helper function to be used in more places.
wined3d: Introduce a helper function which converts a color from the surface format to ARGB.
wined3d: Add color_fill to blit_shader.
wined3d: Add a helper function for getting a valid rectangle.
wined3d: Use RECT instead of WINED3DRECT in more parts of BltOverride.
ddraw: Add some DirectDraw Blt tests.
d3d9: Add source/destination and backbuffer tests for StretchRect.
wined3d: Fix a destination flipping bug using the destination rectangle.
wined3d: Disable flipping through the source rectangle in BltOverride.
wined3d: Use RECT instead of WINED3DRECT in stretch_rect_fbo.
wined3d: Use RECT instead of WINED3DRECT in fb_copy_to_texture_direct.
wined3d: Use RECT instead of WINED3DRECT in fb_copy_to_texture_hwstretch.
wined3d: Remove the last use of the WINED3DRECT destination rectangle in BltOverride.
wined3d: Remove some unneeded source rectangle calculations from BltOverride.
wined3d: Move upsideDown calculation to blit implementation.
wined3d: Remove the swapchain parameter from fb_copy_to_texture_hwstretch in order to unify all blit calls.
Stefan Dösinger (8):
wined3d: Add a function for deleting the GL buffer.
wined3d: Partially implement unserialized buffers with the apple extension.
wined3d: Implement manual buffer fencing.
wined3d: Don't check WGL depth stencil limitations with FBOs.
wined3d: Don't advertise float formats as supported by WGL.
wined3d: Split out offscreen rendering concerns from FindContext.
wined3d: Control the onscreen depth stencil format in the swapchain.
wined3d: Use FBOs when the onscreen depth stencil format isn't suitable.
Stefan Leichter (2):
ws2_32: Partly implement level IPPROTO_IPV6 of setsockopt.
ws2_32: Partly implement level IPPROTO_IPV6 of getsockopt.
Sébastien Ramage (1):
user32: End scrollbar tracking if the mouse capture is lost.
Vincent Povirk (37):
oleaut32: Allow named args to be combined with positional args in fnInvoke.
include: Add definition for IWICBitmapClipper.
windowscodecs: Make the IWICPalette implementation thread-safe.
ole32: Track the lowest possibly-free small block in storage files.
ole32: Don't register an IMallocSpy object when the ole trace is used.
ole32: Check the small block size limit of storage files.
windowscodecs: Add a stub TIFF decoder.
windowscodecs: Implement Initialize for the TIFF decoder.
windowscodecs: Implement GetFrameCount for the TIFF decoder.
windowscodecs: Implement GetFrame for the TIFF decoder.
windowscodecs: Implement GetPixelFormat for TIFF decoder.
windowscodecs: Implement GetSize for the TIFF decoder.
windowscodecs: Implement CopyPixels for the TIFF decoder.
windowscodecs: Add support for decoding RGB TIFF images.
gdiplus: Support decoders with multiple signatures.
gdiplus: Add support for decoding TIFF images.
gdiplus: Add a test for TIFF image loading.
wine.inf: Add some .NET Framework keys.
mscoree: Add a setting to access mono's tracing functionality.
mscoree: Show the names of requested GUIDs in stub fixmes.
wine.inf: Add more .NET framework keys.
mscoree: Stub ClrCreateManagedInstance.
gdiplus: Store a reference to the image in image graphics contexts.
gdiplus: Don't use gdi32 to draw to bitmaps with formats it can't handle.
gdiplus: Add tests for GdipDrawString.
gdiplus: Add a missing NULL check to GdipMeasureString.
gdiplus: Add a test for GdipMeasureString.
gdiplus: Rewrite GdipMeasureString using a helper function.
gdiplus: Rewrite GdipDrawString to share code with GdipMeasureString.
gdiplus: Fix the linesfilled calculation in GdipMeasureString.
gdiplus: Add tests for GdipMeasureCharacterRanges.
gdiplus: Implement GdipMeasureCharacterRanges.
gdiplus: Implement GdipImageRotateFlip.
advapi32: Add tests for registry keys that have been deleted.
advapi32: Add test for RegDeleteValue.
winex11.drv: Clip rectangle values to 16-bit limits.
gdiplus: Implement GdipFlush.
William Waghorn (1):
dsound: Ensure device name and description buffers are NUL terminated.
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