[pkg-wine-party] Bug#697686: Bug#697686: libwine-alsa-unstable: ALSA Audio playback in WINE locks up ALSA capture

Michael Gilbert michael.s.gilbert at gmail.com
Sat Jun 1 16:50:46 UTC 2013

control: tag -1 upstream
control: tag -1 wishlist

On Tue, Jan 8, 2013 at 8:44 AM, Torsten Crass wrote:
> Package: libwine-alsa-unstable
> Version: 1.5.6-2
> Severity: normal
> Dear Maintainer,
> when trying to record sound (e.g. using arecord) played by some application
> running on WINE (e.g. vlc.exe) via ALSA, and if the recording application is
> launched *before* the playback application, recording stops immediately when
> playback starts, and after a while ALSA reports an "Input/output error".
> This does not happen with native playback applications, e.g. the Linux
> version of vlc.


Would you mind submitting this to the upstream bug reporting system
[0]?  I won't have time to look into this.

Best wishes,

[0] http://bugs.winehq.org

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