[pkg-wine-party] Still building wine 1.5?

Andrew Ardill andrew.ardill at gmail.com
Wed Oct 30 04:02:21 UTC 2013

Thanks Mike, the work I've seen looks great.

The thing I am most interested in is getting a (much) more recent
version of wine packaged. Is there any reason we shouldn't aim for a
1.7 release?

I have struggled with trying to identify reasons why the package gets
held up. Is there a good way to find this out, or should I just keep
digging into release notes and bug reports?


Andrew Ardill

On 29 October 2013 18:28, Michael Gilbert <mgilbert at debian.org> wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 5:00 PM, Andrew Ardill wrote:
>> Floris, thist list doesn't seem to be too active.
>> The most recent activity I have seen is a set of fixes to
>> wine-unstable that are sitting in the New Queue
>> (http://ftp-master.debian.org/new.html)
>> Those (http://ftp-master.debian.org/new/wine-unstable_1.5.31-1.html)
>> have been sitting there for almost a month, not sure why they haven't
>> been accepted. They should fix a number of existing reported problems
>> on the QA listing
>> (http://packages.qa.debian.org/w/wine-unstable.html).
>> I am interested in getting a more recent version packaged, but
>> messages to the list seem to go unanswered. I might try reaching out
>> to Michael Gilbert directly (ccing him in case he sees this) as he
>> seems to have uploaded most recent updates.
> I've been waiting on ftp master review on that before continuing work,
> though if it waits much longer, I may just go ahead with 1.6.
> The best way to contribute to the wine package is to propose patches
> for whatever issues interest you (better to submit bug reports so the
> info gets better preserved).
> Best wishes,
> Mike
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