[pkg-wine-party] Bug#733556: binfmt detectors for Windows executables

Stephen Kitt skitt at debian.org
Sat Mar 8 12:44:15 UTC 2014


I was working on restoring binfmt support to wine
(http://bugs.debian.org/733556) and I came across the detectors spec in
binfmt-support. The latter mentions detection code to handle Windows binaries
which Alp Toker has - is that still the case, Alp?

I quote:
	As far as wine is concerned, the modification should be as follows:
	add /usr/lib/wine/binfmt-detector-wine or similar with the Win32
	format detection code (Alp has the details of this, it's a few dozen
	lines of C), and add 'detector /usr/lib/wine/binfmt-detector-wine' to

Thanks in advance,

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