[pkg-wine-party] Bug#777467: Bug#777467: libwine-development: does not support libxml2

Stephen Kitt skitt at debian.org
Sun Feb 8 20:27:57 UTC 2015


On Sun, 08 Feb 2015 16:05:47 +0100, jre <jre.winesim at gmail.com> wrote:
> libwine-development 1.7.35-2 from experimental does not depend on
> libxml2. All other versions seem to be ok though.
> When I rebuild it locally with gbp the dependency is there again.
> Looking at debian/control.in and the last changes I wouldn't expect
> otherwise, everything looks ok.
> So no idea if it is something with the build daemons or Stephen's
> specific upload.

Thanks for pointing this out. debian/control doesn't declare a
build-dependency on libxml2-dev, so it isn't installed on the buildds; and my
upload forced a rebuild on the buildds for all arches (I don't upload
binaries any more).

I'm preparing a fix, the upload should be ready in a little while...


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