[pkg-wine-party] Bug#793879: Failed to connect to the mount manager in win64

jre jre.winesim at gmail.com
Wed Jul 29 01:38:09 UTC 2015

On 07/29/2015 02:28 AM, Eric Christensen wrote:
> On Wednesday, July 29, 2015 01:33:22 AM Jens Reyer wrote:
>> Given your "file" results your exe is 32-bit, so use this (again, after
>> deleting your old .wine and .wine64):
>>   export WINEARCH=win32
>>   wine amhc34062b.exe
> Okay, so this is weird:
> $ wine amhc34062b.exe 
> error: unable to find wine executable.  this shouldn't happen.
> From there, I made sure I removed wine64 and even removed wine and
> reinstalled it.  That yielded the "unable to find wine executable"
> error.

Please run the following command and post the output after "-- System Information:":

reportbug --template -T none -s none -S normal -b --list-cc none -q wine

Also check the executable links themselves (errors in the link are not catched:

ls -l /usr/bin/wine32 /usr/bin/wine64
ls -l --dereference /usr/bin/wine32 /usr/bin/wine64

> Before this:
> $ rm -fr .wine
> $ rm -fr .wine64/$
Typo in terminal? Could explain a part of the story.

> $ export WINEARCH=win32
> $ wine amhc34062b.exe 
> wine: created the configuration directory '/home/echristensen/.wine64'
> wine: '/home/echristensen/.wine64' is a 32-bit installation, it cannot support 
> 64-bit applications.

Did you change terminals or something like that? Don't do that. Perhaps reboot your
system. And for every new try remove your old wineprefixes, just because ....

Verify your settings:
ls -l ~/.wine ~/.wine64

Then try (one line!):
WINEARCH=win32 WINEDEBUG="fixme+all,err+all" WINEPREFIX="$HOME/.wine" wine amhc34062b.exe


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