[pkg-wine-party] Bug#806201: Bug#806201: wine 1.8~rc1 don't start 64 bit exe files

Jens Reyer jre.winesim at gmail.com
Thu Nov 26 14:50:05 UTC 2015

On 11/25/2015 11:38 AM, Heiko Ernst wrote:
> wine 1.8.~rc1 don't start 64 bit exe files. error is in German "wine:
> Fehlerhaftes EXE-Format für ..........." I have testet it with total commander
> installation.

This should work if you do a "export WINEARCH=win64" first. Please confirm.

I'll come up with yet another patch for the wine script to fix this
soon, making it 2 steps:
1. Do we want 32 or 64 bit?
2. Is the binary available?

The real solution would be WoW64 (#767048).


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