[pkg-wine-party] DM upload rights

Jens Reyer jre.winesim at gmail.com
Fri Jul 15 18:15:22 UTC 2016

On 13.07.2016 18:11, Jens Reyer wrote:
> [For uploads to unstable] I'd usually try to make new releases only together with new
> upstream releases and to push my other changes in advance.

For clarification: I'd push my other *packaging* changes *to git* in
advance - so basically the same workflow as today, just that I'd
sometimes make an upload myself after a few days, if there's neither a
comment nor an upload by you.
Contrary I'd push (trivial) upstream releases to git just the same time
as doing the upload.

> dcut --force dm --uid 8826EBE8FCF726EE182E23D779C43E620B039B35
>  --allow wine wine-development khronos-api

Sorry, forgot to mention: You need dcut from *dput-ng* for this.


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