[pkg-wine-party] Suggested changes for git branch stretch

Jens Reyer jre.winesim at gmail.com
Sat Mar 12 18:01:47 UTC 2016


I'd propose the following changes for the stretch branch (cherrypicked
from master, their commit messages are the indented lines). I'll commit
them if I hear no objection.

Fix for #816014 (/usr/bin/wine hides errors by default) and #816017
(/usr/bin/wineserver: unnecessary noise on stderr). Or do we want to
test this more? IMO it's a fine compromise:
  Re-enable err output (Source: release 1.9.4-2)
  Drop version output (Source: release 1.9.5-1)

Fix current wine in the archive:
  Break older wine32|64 without reverse version requirement.

Fix for current git;
  Install winegcc script again to specify WINEBUILD.

Feature: Provide more programs/tools in /usr/bin and ship their manpages.[1]
  Add winepath symlink and manpage in wine.
  Fix wmc and wrc symlinks.
  Add winecpp and wineg++ symlinks in -tools.
  Add symlinks in /usr/bin for installed tools.
  Add patch to fix macro not defined errors from man.
  Install all manpages for all installed executables.
  Drop wine32 manpage.


[1]: I really want to have the Debian alternatives system for wine and
wine-development in stretch. Although not a strict requirement for this,
I suggest to bring/keep the *relevant* packaging in sync (as done with
these proposed commits), make another wine (stable) release, wait a few
weeks and then roll out the Debian alternatives system (sometime between
April and June, giving us more than 6 months for testing). Waiting for
Wine 2.0 (which will probably make it in stretch given the recent change
of the freeze date) would be too late for bigger changes.

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