[pkg-wine-party] Please upload wine 1.8.2-1

Jens Reyer jre.winesim at gmail.com
Tue May 3 19:38:57 UTC 2016

Hi again

On 04/29/2016 05:01 PM, Jens Reyer wrote:
> Imo it's time for 1.8.2-1 now. We got a new upstream version, and a lot
> of fixes here.

It seems Mike is quite busy atm. Therefore I'd like to ask Stephen to
push wine 1.8.2-1 to the archive (if Mike finds the time before, all the
better of course). AFAIK Mike has no objections to any of my changes. If
there is any issue please tell me. Of course I'll take full
responsibility for this version.

I think this version is quite important because currently both wine and
wine-development users in testing/unstable don't have the ttf fonts,
which breaks several things. To avoid this in jessie-backports I already
stopped my work there, but would like to resume it.
Next to that there are several output changes/bug fixes. Finally there's
a lot of internal stuff I'd like to test a few weeks before finally
adding the Debian alternatives system.

For preparing the upload: I assume Mike usually creates the orig.tar.bz2
with uscan. In the changelog you'd just need to change the dist to unstable.

Greets, I hope you are well!

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