[Pkg-wmaker-commits] [wmcliphist] branch master created (now 0781aef)

Doug Torrance dtorrance-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Aug 18 01:51:33 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

dtorrance-guest pushed a change to branch master
in repository wmcliphist.

        at  0781aef   debian/changelog: Change distribution to unstable; close ITP bug.

This branch includes the following new commits:

       new  ce8e25a   Imported Upstream version 0.6
       new  0784944   Imported Debian patch 0.6-2
       new  a46c899   Imported Debian patch 0.6-3
       new  ef39f1f   Imported Debian patch 0.6-4
       new  dcd18b6   wmcliphist: Add version 2.0 to repository.
       new  6b7ed5c   wmcliphist: Add X11 build flags; otherwise wmcliphist fails to build.
       new  30ad8b7   wmcliphist: Add <sys/stat.h> to includes.
       new  f472aad   wmcliphist: Fix unused but set variable compiler warning.
       new  30ef012   wmcliphist: Switch from angled brackets to quotes for local includes.
       new  b7a1ae3   wmcliphist: Remove trailing whitespace.
       new  72193ea   wmcliphist: Remove foodock library; use GTK dockapp code from wmpasman.
       new  84b1450   wmcliphist: Replace deprecated GTK symbols.
       new  901b577   wmcliphist: Replace xpm icons with png.
       new  a0d7fa5   wmcliphist: Migrate to GTK3; remove bitmaps in favor of Cairo for mask.
       new  bc3ac4b   wmcliphist: Fix new compiler warnings that appeared after GTK3 transition.
       new  9cd23da   wmcliphist: Remove .spec file; not needed upstream.
       new  f7df4e5   wmcliphist: Add manpage from Debian.
       new  b7a3d52   wmcliphist: Remove Mercurial directory.
       new  a3ba416   wmcliphist: Add -v command line option to print version.
       new  55e4fdf   wmcliphist: Add -b command line option to select which clipboard to manage.
       new  c4423ea   wmcliphist: Release version 2.1.
       new  5a6c91d   Import upstream version 2.1.
       new  4eadd15   Remove files which have been removed upstream.
       new  831edd7   debian/compat: Bump to 9.
       new  ad410f6   New maintainer.
       new  f95f567   debian/control: Bump versioned dependency on debhelper to >=9.
       new  c985890   debian/source/format: New file; use 3.0 (quilt).
       new  9176134   debian/control: Add Homepage and Vcs-* fields.
       new  c7beee2   debian/wmcliphist.sgml: Remove file; was used to generate manpage, which is now included upstream.
       new  5ff5260   debian/control: Remove Build-Depends on dockbook-to-man.
       new  e01b3eb   debian/control: Remove Build-Depends on dpatch.
       new  c8f602a   debian/control: Replace Build-Depends on libglib1.2-dev and libgtk1.2-dev with libgtk-3-dev.
       new  d86742e   debian/docs: Remove debian/wmcliphistrc; nonexistent file.
       new  1919ce1   debian/examples: New file; add wmcliphistrc.
       new  dfe9ec6   debian/dirs: Remove unnecessary file.
       new  bd3af1f   debian/control: Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.6.
       new  545b0e4   debian/copyright: Update to DEP 5 (version 1.0) format.
       new  f71cb8c   debian/changelog: Draft for version 2.1-1.
       new  4e262b2   debian/rules: Update to use dh.
       new  bea6ba9   debian/control: Add ${misc:Depends} to Depends.
       new  efd7864   debian/menu: Update section.
       new  a2291e0   debian/menu: Quote strings.
       new  5c6508e   debian/watch: New file.
       new  2aca835   debian/rules: Add get-orig-source target.
       new  fcb58b8   debian/rules: Add "-Wl,--as-needed" to LDFLAGS; avoids "useless dependency" warnings from dpkg-shlibdeps.
       new  eb47513   debian/patches: (deprecated-declarations.patch, maybe-uninitialized.patch) Fix compiler warnings.
       new  f820fdb   debian/changelog: Update with latest changes.
       new  c1ae4e8   debian/changelog: Reformat previous entries.
       new  0781aef   debian/changelog: Change distribution to unstable; close ITP bug.

The 49 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-wmaker/wmcliphist.git

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