[Pkg-wmaker-commits] [wmclock] 08/66: wmclock: Remove wmclock.spec.in; not needed upstream.
Doug Torrance
dtorrance-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Aug 20 10:52:48 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
dtorrance-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository wmclock.
commit 467ba22af86719ae9688214b4ddd343ddcefbe34
Author: Doug Torrance <dtorrance at monmouthcollege.edu>
Date: Thu Dec 11 09:18:10 2014 -0600
wmclock: Remove wmclock.spec.in; not needed upstream.
wmclock.spec.in | 128 --------------------------------------------------------
1 file changed, 128 deletions(-)
diff --git a/wmclock.spec.in b/wmclock.spec.in
deleted file mode 100644
index b8c90a0..0000000
--- a/wmclock.spec.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-# User-Defined Macros:
-# %%define <name> <expansion>
-%define Name wmclock
-%define Version @VERSION@
-%define Release 1
-%define Prefix /usr/local
-%define ExecPrefix /usr/local
-Summary: dockable clock applet for Window Maker
-Name: %{Name}
-Version: %{Version}
-Release: %{Release}
-Copyright: GPL
-Group: User Interface/X
-URL: http://www.bluestop.org/wmclock/
-Source0: http://www.bluestop.org/wmclock/%{Name}-%{Version}.tar.gz
-#Prefix: %{Prefix}
-BuildRoot: /tmp/%{Name}-%{Version}-%{Release}-root
-Wmclock is an applet which displays the date and time in a dockable
-tile in the same style as the clock from the NEXTSTEP(tm) operating
-system. Wmclock is specially designed for the Window Maker window
-manager, by Alfredo Kojima, and features multiple language support,
-twenty-four-hour and twelve-hour (am/pm) time display, and, optionally,
-can run a user-specified program on a mouse click. Wmclock is derived
-from asclock, a similar clock for the AfterStep window manager.
-#%patch0 -b .orig
-#function Replace() {
-# local fil="$1"
-# local sep="$2"
-# local old="$3"
-# local new="$4"
-# local suf="$5"
-# [ -z "${suf}" ] && suf='~'
-# mv -f ${fil} ${fil}${suf}
-# cat ${fil}${suf} | sed -e "s${sep}${old}${sep}${new}${sep}g" >$fil
-if [ -z "${CC}" ]; then
- if [ -n "`which gcc`" ]; then
- CC="gcc"
- else
- CC="cc"
- fi
-export CC
-./configure --lang english
-function CheckBuildRoot() {
- # do a few sanity checks on the BuildRoot
- # to make sure we don't damage a system
- case "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}" in
- ''|' '|/|/bin|/boot|/dev|/etc|/home|/lib|/mnt|/root|/sbin|/tmp|/usr|/var)
- echo "Yikes! Don't use '${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}' for a BuildRoot!"
- echo "The BuildRoot gets deleted when this package is rebuilt;"
- echo "something like '/tmp/build-blah' is a better choice."
- return 1
- ;;
- *) return 0
- ;;
- esac
-function CleanBuildRoot() {
- if CheckBuildRoot; then
- rm -rf "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}"
- else
- exit 1
- fi
-for i in \
- %{Prefix} \
- %{Prefix}/share \
- %{Prefix}/share/%{Name} \
- %{ExecPrefix} \
-; do
- mkdir -p "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}${i}"
-make DESTDIR="${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}" install
-make DESTDIR="${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}" install.man
-make DESTDIR="${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}" install.share
-function CheckBuildRoot() {
- # do a few sanity checks on the BuildRoot
- # to make sure we don't damage a system
- case "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}" in
- ''|' '|/|/bin|/boot|/dev|/etc|/home|/lib|/mnt|/root|/sbin|/tmp|/usr|/var)
- echo "Yikes! Don't use '${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}' for a BuildRoot!"
- echo "The BuildRoot gets deleted when this package is rebuilt;"
- echo "something like '/tmp/build-blah' is a better choice."
- return 1
- ;;
- *) return 0
- ;;
- esac
-function CleanBuildRoot() {
- if CheckBuildRoot; then
- rm -rf "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}"
- else
- exit 1
- fi
-%attr(- ,root,root) %doc COPYING ChangeLog INSTALL README
-%attr(0755,root,root) %{ExecPrefix}/bin/wmclock
-%attr(0755,root,root) %{ExecPrefix}/man/man1/wmclock.1*
-%attr(0755,root,root) %dir %{Prefix}/share/wmclock
-%attr(- ,root,root) %{Prefix}/share/wmclock/*
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-wmaker/wmclock.git
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