[Pkg-wmaker-commits] [wmcdplay] 56/79: wmcdplay: Create ChangeLog.
Doug Torrance
dtorrance-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Aug 20 11:04:34 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
dtorrance-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository wmcdplay.
commit f3ace98761a10f38028b6960c81865ff0b20f2a8
Author: Doug Torrance <dtorrance at monmouthcollege.edu>
Date: Thu Dec 18 12:30:55 2014 -0600
wmcdplay: Create ChangeLog.
Previously, release history was kept in README. This has been separated out
into a new file to avoid a "no-upstream-changelog" Lintian warning in the
Debian package.
README => ChangeLog | 114 ----------------------------------------------------
README | 95 -------------------------------------------
2 files changed, 209 deletions(-)
diff --git a/README b/ChangeLog
similarity index 56%
copy from README
copy to ChangeLog
index 38e84b0..4744933 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,117 +1,3 @@
-wmcdplay - A cd player designed for WindowMaker
-Copyright (C) 1998 Sam Hawker <shawkie at geocities.com>
-This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
-This software is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
-under certain conditions
-See the COPYING file for details.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-Sam Hawker
-shawkie at geocities.com
-autoreconf -i
-make install
-Release 0.6 introduced track selection.
-Actually, track selection is a slightly more logical version of the random/repeat
-functions found in Creative Labs' SB16 software suite for win95.
-The major change is that the previous releases just played from current position
-to the end of the cd.
-Now we play a single track, and when you set the track selection mode, you just
-tell the cd player what to do at the end of the track. Here are the options:
-0 None - just stop
-1 Next - play next (audio) track (stop if end of cd)
-2 Repeat - play this track again
-3 RepeatCD - play next (audio) track (start from first track if end of cd)
-4 Random - select an audio track at random and play it
-The led display symbols for the modes are now part of the artwork file.
-The mode defaults to Next, but can be changed with the "-t track_selection" command
-line argument, or by clicking on the track selection mode led display.
-The main consequence of this approach is that when using Random, you will
-probably here a track twice before every track on the cd has been played once.
-(Most cd players have a playlist listing all tracks in a randomized order)
-Also, wmcdplay will always begin with track 1.
-Furthermore, the Next and Prev buttons will always move through track numbers on the
-cd (rather than, for instance, selecting random tracks).
-(thanks to tygris at erols.com)
-This release includes in a new command line option (actually, its "-a"
-and artwork files are now loaded with "-f artwork_file").
-The effect this has is to enable shape support (it implies "-s"), and
-to reduce the size of the window to 56x56 pixels.
-The "-position position" option has also been added, so you can push
-wmcdplay off the edge of the screen while it gets swallowed.
-To put wmmount in your Wharf, add the following line in the appropriate
-part of your .steprc
-*Wharf wmmount nil MaxSwallow "wmmount" wmmount -a -position -0-0 &
-It is also possible (by editing and recompiling the afterstep sources),
-to make Wharf handle the new 56x56 pixel window properly - yes, I add
-an option to use a 56x56 pixel window, even though the AfterStep Wharf
-really wants 55x57 pixel ones.
-I am told (by tygris at erols.com):
-"Locate Wharf.c (or is it Wharf.cc?) Should be in
-AfterStep-1.0/modules/Wharf. Locate this:
- if (Buttons[button].maxsize) {
- Buttons[button].icons[0].w = 55;
- Buttons[button].icons[0].h = 57;
- }
-and change the 55 and 57 to 56's. Save and compile."
-You may have trouble linking wmmount with the compiler supplied on some
-recent distributions (eg. Debian 2.0 & RedHat 5.1).
-It can be made to build by adding the following line to the top of the
-Imakefile, before executing xmkmf:
-CC = c++
-I am not sure of the effect this has on memory usage, etc.
diff --git a/README b/README
index 38e84b0..855676b 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -110,98 +110,3 @@ Imakefile, before executing xmkmf:
CC = c++
I am not sure of the effect this has on memory usage, etc.
-Release 0.1 22/01/98 Poor window repaint technique.
- Incorrect display if paused on startup.
- Does not show Tray Open if opened by button on drive,
- (I think this can only be done if the drive is empty).
-Release 0.2 23/01/98 Improved window repaints.
- Correct display even if paused on startup.
- Improved interface on 'other' window managers.
-Release 0.3 07/02/98 Handles multisession CD properly.
- Now free's ALL pixmaps on exit (i hope).
- And GCs :-).
- Major re-write and interface alterations.
- Option for led display color.
- Smaller and better written.
-Release 0.4 12/02/98 Highly customizable user interface. You chose:
- Basic pixmap,
- How many buttons,
- Size, shape, position of buttons (polygons),
- Actions for each button in each state:
- (Stop, Stop Data, Play, Pause, Ejected),
- Led and symbol pixmaps,
- Position of displays.
-Release 0.5 24/02/98 Fixed bug relating to manual window positioning.
- Fixed error in grey.art.
-Release 0.6 04/03/98 Rewritten cdctl engine.
- Some more changes to artwork:
- Different states,
- Different actions.
- Random/Repeat track selection.
- Reduced CPU load (thanks to aseltine at cd.umass.edu),
- It wasn't high on my K6 233MHz box :-).
-Release 0.7 12/03/98 Better track selection.
- Command line option to set track selection mode.
- Yet more changes to artwork:
- Hiding of do-NOTHING buttons now optional,
- Symbols can be drawn onto non-solid background.
- New name (wmcdplay).
- Now works on 8bpp displays with full colormaps.
- (thanks to devernay at istar.fr on the mailing-list)
-Release 0.8 07/05/98 Now GPL.
- Added "-v volume" command line argument.
- Added "-b back_color" command line argument,
- ("-b darkslategrey -l cyan" gives a nice backlit look).
- Reduced cpu load.
- Relative or absolute time display,
- (click time display to switch).
- More changes to artwork:
- Led pixmaps now part of artwork,
- Symbolic color names can now be used in all pixmaps:
- led_color_high,
- led_color_med,
- led_color_low,
- color_back.
- All pixmaps now use standard names:
- cdplayer.xpm = cdplayer_xpm,
- symbols.xpm = symbols_xpm,
- led.xpm = led_xpm,
- ledsym.xpm = ledsym_xpm,
- ledtsel.xpm = ledtsel_xpm.
- Entries specifying symbol dimensions no longer needed,
- "symbols.xpm" now includes a symbol for NOTHING,
- New piece of artwork, "newstyle.art",
- New directory structure and scripts.
- Track selection should be more reliable now.
-Release 1.0 05/09/98 Added some error checking.
-Beta1 "-a artwork_file" is now "-f artwork_file", sorry ;-).
- Added "-a" command line argument for AfterStep users.
- Added "-position position" command line argument.
- Command line arguments, "-a", "-w" and "-s" are now toggle,
- so if you enable one at compile-time, you can override
- it at run-time.
- Track selection actually works now??
- (anyone notice a recurring theme here??)
- Seperate update interval for when drive is empty.
- (thanks to .....)
- Fixed problem with (some?) SCSI devices refusing to
- give LBA values. Thanks to the linux ide-scsi-emulator.
- Now looks in some known directories for artwork files as
- a last resort.
- Improved artwork loading (it was very brain-dead).
- Formatting changes in artwork files (ARTWORK documentation
- is now up-to-date).
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-wmaker/wmcdplay.git
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