[Pkg-wmaker-commits] [wmitime] branch master created (now bd30bf6)

Doug Torrance dtorrance-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Aug 22 01:34:29 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

dtorrance-guest pushed a change to branch master
in repository wmitime.

        at  bd30bf6   debian/changelog: Update; set distribution to unstable.

This branch includes the following new commits:

       new  66d6b53   Imported upstream version 0.3
       new  fd23924   Imported Debian patch 0.3-7
       new  87110f2   debian/control: bump standards
       new  19ddef6   debian/menu: Correct section=
       new  556b052   debian/changelog: document menu: section=, control: Standards-version
       new  1acbe0d   debian/rules: (clean): Add -f test for Makefile
       new  b7ae739   debian/rules: remove extra newline
       new  2c09219   debian/control: (Description): Rephrase
       new  8aff0ac   debian/patches/*: chmod 755
       new  6dbcb85   debian/patches/20_makefile-CC.dpatch: update
       new  584a5aa   debian/rules: (configure-stamp) Move target patch to correct place
       new  3d7bd69   debian/control: Add Vcs-* headers
       new  29b4b51   debian/changelog: Reformat 0.3-7 change listing
       new  bf70fa7   debian/control: Fix typo: zSection => Section
       new  9ad6a91   debian/copyright: Fix typos: Redebianized, LGPL, Copyright year
       new  99735a6   debian/debian-vars.mk: Fix typo: Comman => Common
       new  1570188   debian/changelog: Document changes by Ricardo Mones
       new  cc85c5c   debian/rules: (man): tabify target. Adjust comments
       new  1e5d1b1   debian/changelog: Adjust wording of 0.3-7 to active voice
       new  a78a4c1   debian/changelog: REmove comment about debian/wmitime.1x.man
       new  0126b76   debian/*.mk: update
       new  bbd3abd   debian/rules: install *.desktop file
       new  ed1ed4d   debian/wmitime.desktop: add
       new  ed5b8bc   debian/rules: (build-stamp): add MAKE_FLAGS
       new  f480c70   debian/wmitime.desktop: (Encoding): remove
       new  5a28e13   debian/control: (Homepage): Add
       new  5014271   debian/copyright: Use ISO dates
       new  ff7f32d   debian/watch: add
       new  2385fb4   debian/changelog: (0.3-8): Document changes
       new  75f0037   debian/control: (Standards-Version): Update to 3.8.0
       new  c41e8dc   raise debhelper from 5 to 7
       new  e0be031   debian/debian-vars.mk: remove extra newline
       new  ac59caf   debian/control: add article
       new  5e7520f   debian/copyright: Adjust Dave Clark's copyright years according to original README
       new  1b60e85   debian/rules: comment out dh_installdocs
       new  351f751   debian/changelog: remove BUGS, README
       new  d16d729   debian/patches/10_hungarian-date.dpatch: (DP): add documentation
       new  b4bc202   debian/changelog: 10_hungarian-date.dpatch: (DP): add documentation
       new  600c786   debian/rules: Fix dh_installdocs call for missing debian/copyright
       new  3bbe4f9   Initial dockapps git repo
       new  26c1c37   compat: 9
       new  6272da2   rules: dh(1). Hardened CFLAGS
       new  0728821   control: standards 3.9.2, debhelper 9
       new  bdaf5e9   copyright: DEP5
       new  d83221d   debian/patches/*.dpatch: Dpatch to quilt
       new  4a10f61   debian/patches/: add headers
       new  82d6f57   debian/changelog: 0.3-9
       new  391b716   debian/*.mk: update
       new  3cf1a92   debian/rules: Fix typo
       new  8547fb0   debian/patches/20-makefile-CC.patch: refresh
       new  04e8e2f   debian/source/format: new
       new  a40fa6a   debian/rules: Ajust MAKE_FLAGS
       new  a9d4d73   debian/control: (Homepage): URL No longer exists
       new  3e02299   debian/control: (Description): Longer. (Depends): add misc:Depends
       new  3a1319c   debian/copyright: Chnage Custom to GPL-2+
       new  5775917   debian/changelog: 0.3-10
       new  7ac8d65   debian/control: (Homepage): Point to BSD
       new  da84f7c   debian/: rename files
       new  56f4e69   debian/rules: update desktop file install
       new  4c47856   debian/changelog: Manual page from *.1x* to *.1*
       new  2697636   debian/rules: call man
       new  e0c7001   debian/wmitime.1: delete generated file
       new  970efa4   debian/changelog: delete *.1
       new  7619656   debian/manpages: new file
       new  5b4ec9f   debian/wmitime.desktop: restore
       new  a75baaa   debian/rules: restore wmitime.desktop
       new  7393a91   debian/rules: (override_dh_auto_install): Fix typo in target name
       new  268cfb0   copyright: format 1.0
       new  18379b7   rules: harden all
       new  6c9b77c   control: standards
       new  668a3e3   changelog: standards
       new  fa7bdb0   control: rm dpkg-dev
       new  b703018   rm debian-vars.mk
       new  276cd13   install: install desktop
       new  2497c9f   rules: (-override_dh_auto_install): rm
       new  97e9f8a   changelog: rm debian-vars.mk
       new  efa38c3   debian/changelog: Hompage update
       new  4582839   0.3-11: use CPPFLAGS
       new  b0d4ad7   Mass update GPLv2 from http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.txt
       new  74e6508   Mass update FSF address
       new  6f45e0a   Fix Vcs-* URL in debian/control.
       new  5b58002   New maintainer (Closes: #714747).
       new  8a884d9   debian/control: Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.5; no changes required.
       new  0b74851   debian/control: Update Homepage and Vcs-* fields.
       new  7f6e7f4   debian/copyright: Update Upstream-* and Source fields.
       new  1c45e43   Include manpage rather than creating during build.  Remove pod2man.mk and wmitime.1.pod, add wmtime.1, and remove man target from debian/rules.
       new  cb5ebb8   debian/rules: Use --sourcedirectory option instead of using overrides to pass -C to specify source directory.
       new  bbb81ce   debian/patches/make-install.patch: Use DESTDIR when running make install.
       new  48f0755   debian/patches/*0-*.patch: Update keywords in previous patches.
       new  30df0f6   debian/wmitime.desktop: Fill in Generic and Comment fields, add Keywords field.
       new  cc66831   debian/rules: Remove unnecessary variables; update override_dh_auto_build to use dh_auto_build instead of MAKE.
       new  b74dceb   debian/patches/allow_display_with_no_args.patch: Print warning when user runs wmitime -display without an argument instead of segfaulting (Closes: #716466).
       new  dfb31f6   debian/install: Remove installation of /usr/bin/wmitime; now installed by dh_auto_install.
       new  90ad932   debian/copyright: Remove deprecated X-Comment field.
       new  1bae4d3   debian/patches/make-install.patch: Create installation directory.
       new  3100aaa   Update debian/changelog.
       new  6af94fb   debian/watch: Update with new location.
       new  a8d565a   Mass update GPLv2 from http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.txt
       new  622cbb9   Mass update FSF address
       new  0e44ae0   New upstream version.
       new  d80db8e   debian/control, debian/copyright: Update to new windowmaker.org homepage.
       new  c41c168   Update debian/changelog for version 0.3+20120605-1; format earlier entries.
       new  395e8cb   debian/changelog: Reformat (patch by Adrian Glaubitz).
       new  c410160   Remove trailing whitespace.
       new  a41a85b   wmitime: Allow -display option with no argument
       new  d313095   wmitime: Update Makefile.
       new  80d331b   wmitime: Improve locale support.
       new  53e7175   wmitime: Remove C++ style comments.
       new  da1571e   wmitime: Remove references to config file in source; nonexistent feature.
       new  fc72d1c   wmitime: Update contact information.
       new  f6fbb4b   wmitime: Add manpage.
       new  ced51c7   wmitime: Add desktop file.
       new  a15b25b   wmitime: Remove wmitime-master-led.xpm; unused duplicate file.
       new  7fed382   wmitime: Do not include or compile unused wmgeneral files.
       new  46b9ebc   wmitime: Bump to version 0.4.
       new  af898f9   Import upstream version 0.4
       new  96909c8   Remove files removed upstream.
       new  6398ecc   debian/patches: Remove directory; patches applied upstream.
       new  41285f1   debian/(manpages|wmitime.1): Remove files; manpage added upstream.
       new  d5e1734   debian/(install|wmitime.desktop): Remove files; desktop file added upstream.
       new  7fbb76d   debian/rules: Add get-orig-source target.
       new  d786780   debian/rules: Update override_dh_auto_build target to pass CFLAGS to new upstream Makefile.
       new  ddfce3b   debian/rules: Add override_dh_auto_install target to pass PREFIX to new upstream Makefile.
       new  e5cfdda   debian/rules: Remove --sourcedirectory=wmitime.
       new  05aa9fc   debian/changelog: Draft for version 0.4-1.
       new  289e44e   debian/control: Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.6; no changes required.
       new  bd30bf6   debian/changelog: Update; set distribution to unstable.

The 127 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-wmaker/wmitime.git

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