[Pkg-wmaker-commits] [wmfrog] 110/145: Import upstream version (git snapshot) 0.3.1+20130905.

Doug Torrance dtorrance-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Aug 23 05:46:35 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

dtorrance-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository wmfrog.

commit 03b270cd6607c12e5c9c08ec59965731ab76fef0
Author: Doug Torrance <dtorrance at monmouthcollege.edu>
Date:   Sat Aug 23 00:47:44 2014 -0500

    Import upstream version (git snapshot) 0.3.1+20130905.
 Src/weather.pl | 500 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 Src/wmfrog     | Bin 0 -> 216024 bytes
 2 files changed, 299 insertions(+), 201 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Src/weather.pl b/Src/weather.pl
index 7933392..9f07221 100755
--- a/Src/weather.pl
+++ b/Src/weather.pl
@@ -1,254 +1,356 @@
-#Thibaut Colar: http://www.colar.net/ 
-#The Weather data can be retrieved through http of ftp.
-#Http is faster, however this might get broken if NOAA change their webpage layout
-#in wich case you should choose ftp.
+#   Copyright
+#       Copyright (C) 2002,2010 Thibaut Colar <thibautc at pcf.com>
+#   License
+#       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#       it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#       the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#       (at your option) any later version.
+#       This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#       but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#       GNU General Public License for more details.
+#       You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#       along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#   Description
+#       See http://www.colar.net
+#       The Weather data can be retrieved through http of ftp. Http is
+#       faster, however this might get broken if NOAA change their
+#       webpage layout in wich case you should choose ftp.
 $mode="http"; # html || ftp
 $debug = 0; # turn On/Off debugging
+sub debug ($)
+    my ($str) = @_;
+    if ( $debug )
+    {
+	print "$str\n";
+    }
 # Start:
+($station, $tmpfolder) = @ARGV;
 debug("station: $station ; tmpfolder: $tmpfolder");
+mkdir $tmpfolder;
+$html = "http://weather.noaa.gov/cgi-bin/mgetmetar.pl?cccc=${station}";
+$ftp  = "ftp://weather.noaa.gov/data/observations/metar/stations/${station}.TXT";
+$url  = $html;
-if($mode eq "ftp")
+if ( $mode eq "ftp" )
-    $url=$ftp;
+    $url = $ftp;
-# change this line if wget isn't in your path:
-`wget -q -O ${tmpfolder}/${station}_dat $url`;
-if($mode eq "http")
+# Change this line if wget isn't in your path:
+system "wget -q -O $tmpfolder/${station}_dat $url";
+$line = "";
+$file = "$tmpfolder/${station}_dat";
+open DATA, "<", $file;
+# Not used: $allGood = 0;
+if ( $mode eq "http" )
-    while((! ($line=~m/START BODY OF TEXT HERE/)) && !eof(DATA))
+    while ( (! ($line =~ m/START BODY OF TEXT HERE/))  and  not eof DATA)
-		$line=<DATA>;
+	$line = <DATA>;
-    $i=0;
-    while($i!=12 && !eof(DATA))
+    $i = 0;
+    while ( $i != 12  and  not eof DATA )
-		$line=<DATA>;
-		$i++;
+	$line = <DATA>;
+	$i++;
+if ( eof DATA )
-	debug("Unreadable HTML source, no point going any further, stopping\n");
-	exit(0);
+    debug("Unreadable HTML source, no point going any further, stopping\n");
+    exit 0;
+$line = <DATA>;
 chomp $line;
-($junk,$time)=split(/\ /,$line);
-if($mode eq "http")
+$time = (split /\ /, $line)[1];
+($hour, $minute) = split /:/, $time;
+$line = "";
+if ( $mode eq "http" )
-    $i=0;
-    while($i!=8)
+    $i = 0;
+    while ( $i != 8 )
-		$line=<DATA>;
-		$i++;
+	$line = <DATA>;
+	$i++;
+$newLine = <DATA>;
+$line   .= $newLine;
 chomp $line;
-$line="METAR $station $line";
+$line = ~s/<hr>//;
+$line = "METAR $station $line";
 close DATA;
 chomp $line;
- at args=split(/\ /,$line);
+ at args = split /\ /, $line;
 debug("line: $line");
 debug("args: @args");
 debug("line: $line");
-if(($station eq 'METAR') or ($station eq 'SPECI'))
+$i = 0;
+$station = $args[$i];
+if ( $station eq 'METAR'  or  $station eq 'SPECI' )
-	$station=@args[$i+1];
-	$i++
+    $station = $args[$i+1];
+    $i++
-$i++;#date (ln 1)
-$i++;#time (ln 1)
-$i++;#station (ln 2)
-$i++;#datetime (ln 2)
-if($wind eq 'AUTO')
+$i++;                                   # date (ln 1)
+$i++;                                   # time (ln 1)
+$i++;                                   # station (ln 2)
+$i++;                                   # datetime (ln 2)
+$wind = $args[$i];
+if ( $wind eq 'AUTO' )
-	$wind=@args[$i+1];
-	$i++;
+    $wind = $args[$i+1];
+    $i++;
 debug("wind: $wind");
+$visibility = $args[$i];
+$i++;                                   # Visibility
 debug("vis: $visibility");
-#if( ! ($visibility=~m/SM/ || ($visibility eq "CAVOK") || ($visibility eq "9999") ))
+#unless( $visibility =~ m/SM/  or  $visibility eq "CAVOK"  or  $visibility eq "9999" )
-#	$i++; # visibility with fractions, not using
+#       $i++; # visibility with fractions, not using
+$next = $args[$i];
+if ( $next =~ m/\// )
-	$i++; # fractional visibility, skipping
+    $i++;			     # fractional visibility, skipping
-while((! (@args[$i]=~/\//)) && ($i<@args))
+$weather = "";
+$clouds  = " ";
+while (  not $args[$i] =~ /\//  and  $i < @args )
-    $intensity="";
-    $desc="";
-    $precip="";
-    $obsc="";
-    $misc="";
-    $j=0;
-    $curent=@args[$i];
+    $intensity  = "";
+    $desc	= "";
+    $precip	= "";
+    $obsc	= "";
+    $misc	= "";
+    $j		= 0;
+    $curent	= $args[$i]
+    $wasCloud   = "no";
     debug("cur : $curent");
-    $wasCloud="no";
-    if($curent=~/^CAVOK/)
+    if ( $curent =~ /^CAVOK/ )
-	   $clouds.="CAVOK,0;";
-	   $wasCloud="yes";
+           $clouds .= "CAVOK,0;";
+           $wasCloud = "yes";
-    if($curent=~/^VV/)
+    if ( $curent =~ /^VV/ )
-		$clouds.="VV,".substr($curent,2,3).";";
-		$wasNotCloud="yes";
+            $clouds .= "VV,".substr($curent,2,3).";";
+            # Not used: $wasNotCloud = "yes";
-    if(($curent=~/^CLR/) or ($curent=~/^SCK/) or ($curent=~/^FEW/) or ($curent=~/^SCT/)  or ($curent=~/^BKN/)   or ($curent=~/^OVC/))
+    if ( $curent =~ /^CLR/ or
+	 $curent =~ /^SCK/ or
+	 $curent =~ /^FEW/ or
+	 $curent =~ /^SCT/ or
+	 $curent =~ /^BKN/ or
+	 $curent =~ /^OVC/ )
-	   $clouds.=substr($curent,0,3).",".substr($curent,3,3).";";	   
-	   $wasCloud="yes";
+           $clouds .= substr($curent, 0, 3) . ","
+	            . substr($curent, 3, 3) . ";" ;
+           $wasCloud = "yes";
-	if(($wasCloud ne "yes"))
+    if ( $wasCloud ne "yes")
+    {
+	if ( length $curent > 0 )
-		if(length($curent)>0)
-		{
-			# Should be weather
-			if($curent=~/^\-/)
-			{
-				$intensity="-";
-				$j=1;
-			}
-			if($curent=~/^\+/)
-			{
-				$intensity="+";
-				$j=1;	
-			}
-			if($curent=~/^VC/)
-			{
-				$j=2;
-			}
-			$curent=substr($curent,$j);
-		    if(($curent=~/^MI/) or ($curent=~/^PR/) or ($curent=~/^BC/) or ($curent=~/^DR/) or ($curent=~/^BL/) or ($curent=~/^SH/) or ($curent=~/^TS/) or ($curent=~/^FZ/) )
-		    {
-				$desc=substr($curent,0,2);
-				$curent=substr($curent,2);
-		    }
-		    if(($curent=~/^DZ/) or ($curent=~/^RA/) or ($curent=~/^SN/) or ($curent=~/^SG/) or ($curent=~/^IC/) or ($curent=~/^PE/) or ($curent=~/^GR/) or ($curent=~/^GX/) or ($curent=~/^UP/))
-		    {
-				$precip=substr($curent,0,2);
-				$curent=substr($curent,2);
-		    }
-		    if(($curent=~/^BR/) or ($curent=~/^FG/) or ($curent=~/^FU/) or ($curent=~/^VA/) or ($curent=~/^DU/) or ($curent=~/^SA/) or ($curent=~/^HZ/) or ($curent=~/^PY/))
-		    {
-				$obsc=substr($curent,0,2);
-				$curent=substr($curent,2);
-		    }
-		    if(($curent=~/^PO/) or ($curent=~/^SQ/) or ($curent=~/^FC/) or ($curent=~/^SS/))
-		    {
-				$misc=substr($curent,0,2);
-		    }
-		    $weather.="$intensity,$desc,$precip,$obsc,$misc;";
-		}
-	}    
+	    if ( $curent =~ /^\-/ )	# Should be weather
+	    {
+		$intensity = "-";
+		$j = 1;
+	    }
+	    if ( $curent =~ /^\+/ )
+	    {
+		$intensity="+";
+		$j = 1;
+	    }
+	    if ( $curent =~ /^VC/ )
+	    {
+		$j = 2;
+	    }
+	    $curent = substr $curent, $j;
+	    if ( $curent =~ /^MI/ or
+		 $curent =~ /^PR/ or
+		 $curent =~ /^BC/ or
+		 $curent =~ /^DR/ or
+		 $curent =~ /^BL/ or
+		 $curent =~ /^SH/ or
+		 $curent =~ /^TS/ or
+		 $curent =~ /^FZ/ )
+	    {
+		$desc   = substr $curent, 0, 2;
+		$curent = substr $curent, 2;
+	    }
+	    if ( $curent=~/^DZ/ or
+		 $curent=~/^RA/ or
+		 $curent=~/^SN/ or
+		 $curent=~/^SG/ or
+		 $curent=~/^IC/ or
+		 $curent=~/^PE/ or
+		 $curent=~/^GR/ or
+		 $curent=~/^GX/ or
+		 $curent=~/^UP/ )
+	    {
+		$precip = substr $curent, 0, 2;
+		$curent = substr $curent, 2;
+	    }
+	    if ( $curent=~/^BR/ or
+		 $curent=~/^FG/ or
+		 $curent=~/^FU/ or
+		 $curent=~/^VA/ or
+		 $curent=~/^DU/ or
+		 $curent=~/^SA/ or
+		 $curent=~/^HZ/ or
+		 $curent=~/^PY/ )
+	    {
+		$obsc   = substr $curent, 0, 2;
+		$curent = substr $curent, 2;
+	    }
+	    if ( $curent=~/^PO/ or
+		 $curent=~/^SQ/ or
+		 $curent=~/^FC/ or
+		 $curent=~/^SS/ )
+	    {
+		$misc = substr $curent, 0, 2;
+	    }
+	    $weather .= "$intensity,$desc,$precip,$obsc,$misc;" ;
+	}
+    }
-($temp,$dew)=split(/\//, at args[$i]);
+($temp, $dew) = split /\//, $args[$i];
+$dir   = substr $wind, 0, 3;
+$speed = substr $wind, 3, 2;
-if($wind=~/G/ )
+if ( $wind =~ /G/ )
-    $gust=substr($wind,6,2);
-    $windUnit=substr($wind,8,length($wind))
+    $gust     = substr $wind, 6, 2;
+    $windUnit = substr $wind, 8, length $wind;
-    $windUnit=substr($wind,5,length($wind));
+    $windUnit = substr $wind, 5, length $wind;
+if ( length $weather == 0 )
-    $weather=",,,,;";
+    $weather = ",,,,;" ;
+if ( length $clouds == 0 )
-    $clouds=",,,,;";
+    $clouds = ",,,,;" ;
+$temp =~ s/M/-/g;
+$dew  =~ s/M/-/g;
-if($hour eq "")
+if ( $hour eq "" )
-	$hour=0;
+    $hour = 0;
-if($minute eq "")
+if ( $minute eq "" )
-	$minute=0;
+    $minute = 0;
-if($speed eq "")
+if ( $speed eq "" )
-	$speed=0;
+    $speed = 0;
-if($dir eq "")
+if ( $dir eq "" )
-	$dir=-1;
+    $dir = -1;
-if($gust eq "")
+if ( $gust eq "" )
-	$gust=0;
+    $gust = 0;
-if($temp eq "")
+if ( $temp eq "" )
-	$temp=0;
-	$station="";
+    $temp    = 0;
+    $station = "";
-if($dew eq "")
+if ( $dew eq "" )
-	$dew="-999";#makes humidity 0
-	$station="";
+    $dew     = "-999";			# makes humidity 0
+    $station = "";
@@ -263,63 +365,59 @@ debug("Temp:$temp");
-#check for ok temperature
-open(GREP, "grep Temp $tmpfolder/${station} | ");
+# Check for ok temperature
+open GREP, "grep Temp $tmpfolder/${station} | ";
+$templine = <GREP>;
+$templine = ~m/^Temp:(.*)$/;
-	$lattemp=$1;
-	if($temp>-50 && $temp<150)
+    if ( $temp > -50  and  $temp < 150 )
+    {
+	if ( $lasttemp > -50  and  $lasttemp < 150 )
-		if($lasttemp>-50 && $lasttemp<150)
+	    if ( $temp > -2  and  $temp < 2 )
+	    {
+		if ( $lasttemp > 7  or  $lasttemp < -7 )
-			if($temp>-2 && $temp<2)
-			{
-				if($lasttemp>7 || $lasttemp<-7)
-				{
-					#probably invalid
-					$station="";
-				}
-			}
+		    $station = "";	# probably invalid
+	    }
-	else
-	{
-		$station="";
-	}
+    }
+    else
+    {
+	$station = "";
+    }
 close GREP;
 debug("Station: $station");
+if ( length $station == 4 )
-	debug("Data OK");
-	open(FILE,"> $tmpfolder/${station}");
-	print FILE "Hour:$hour\n";
-	print FILE "Minute:$minute\n";
-	print FILE "Station:$station\n";
-	print FILE "WindDir:$dir\n";
-	print FILE "WindSpeed:$speed\n";
-	print FILE "WindGust:$gust\n";
-	print FILE "Weather:$weather\n";
-	print FILE "Clouds:$clouds\n";
-	print FILE "Temp:$temp\n";
-	print FILE "Dew:$dew\n";
-	close FILE
+    debug("Data OK");
+    open FILE, ">", "$tmpfolder/${station}";
+    print FILE "Hour:$hour\n";
+    print FILE "Minute:$minute\n";
+    print FILE "Station:$station\n";
+    print FILE "WindDir:$dir\n";
+    print FILE "WindSpeed:$speed\n";
+    print FILE "WindGust:$gust\n";
+    print FILE "Weather:$weather\n";
+    print FILE "Clouds:$clouds\n";
+    print FILE "Temp:$temp\n";
+    print FILE "Dew:$dew\n";
+    close FILE
-	debug("Invalid data, not writing to file, stopping\n");
+    debug("Invalid data, not writing to file, stopping\n");
-# end main
-sub debug()
-	my($str) = @_;
-	if($debug)
-	{
-		print "$str\n";
-	}
+# End of file
diff --git a/Src/wmfrog b/Src/wmfrog
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..24d258b
Binary files /dev/null and b/Src/wmfrog differ

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-wmaker/wmfrog.git

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