[Pkg-wmaker-commits] [wmget] branch master created (now 671cae5)

Doug Torrance dtorrance-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Aug 23 17:05:57 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

dtorrance-guest pushed a change to branch master
in repository wmget.

        at  671cae5   debian/changelog: Add entry for version 0.6.0-5.

This branch includes the following new commits:

       new  7b206d9   Imported Upstream version 0.6.0
       new  253478e   Imported Debian patch 0.6.0-1.1
       new  83936ec   Imported Debian patch 0.6.0-1.2
       new  9dc8886   Imported Debian patch 0.6.0-2
       new  c48bcf2   Imported Debian patch 0.6.0-3
       new  089b5ad   debian/compat: Bump to 9.
       new  42bddfd   New maintainer (Closes: #XXX).
       new  b67568c   debian/control: Bump versioned dependency on debhelper to >=9.
       new  d469f59   debian/control: Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.6.
       new  ff9a34f   debian/control: Add Homepage and Vcs-*.
       new  b24921a   debian/control: Remove trailing whitespace from Description.
       new  3f97c57   debian/source/format: New file; use 3.0 (quilt).
       new  2cd2c46   debian/rules: Add get-orig-source target.
       new  915f070   debian/rules: Update to use dh.
       new  e24553e   debian/patches: (01_Makefile.dpatch) Convert to quilt, add DEP3 header, and rename to 01_Makefile.patch.
       new  fb3d2fb   debian/rules: Add override_dh_auto_build target to use CFLAGS and LDFLAGS from dpkg-buildflags.
       new  e298961   debian/patches: (01_Makefile.patch) Tidy up build flags and fix linking order.
       new  0c1ae4e   debian/patches: (01_Makefile.patch) Honor DESTDIR variable.
       new  d63139e   debian/rules: Add override_dh_auto_install target to set PREFIX to /usr.
       new  02a88c2   debian/control: Add ${misc:Depends} to Depends.
       new  b274abb   debian/control: Remove dpatch from Build-Depends.
       new  40125ca   debian/control: Switch Build-Depends on libcurl3-dev to libcurl4-openssl-dev.
       new  018fa95   debian/copyright: Update to DEP5 machine-readable format v1.0.
       new  d83c04e   debian/patches/fix_-Wpointer-to-int-cast.patch: Fix compiler warnings.
       new  133b0ff   debian/rules: Update override_dh_auto_install target to use LDFLAGS from dpkg-buildflags.
       new  0ed6091   debian/docs: Remove wmget.refentry.xml; this is the source file for the manpage, not user-readable documentation.
       new  1911c18   debian/{docs,install}: Move wmget-test.pl from /usr/share/doc/wmget to /usr/share/wmget.
       new  4705603   debian/control: Add ${perl:Depends} to Depends.
       new  336ff73   debian/patches/fix_resource_leaks.patch: Call fclose() on all the files we fopen().
       new  f666c23   debian/changelog: Draft for version 0.6.0-4.
       new  b4b24b3   debian/changelog: Reformat previous entries.
       new  6d7c965   debian/patches/01_Makefile.patch: Drop unnecessary -lm from LIBS.
       new  bc8b0b6   debian/changelog: Update.
       new  401b7e6   debian/changelog: Set distribution to unstable.
       new  689a1bb   debian/watch: Bump version to 3.
       new  ce29cd1   debian/changelog: Update.
       new  ef3677d   debian/control: Update Vcs-*.
       new  2a89faf   debian/control: Set Debian Window Maker Team as Maintainer; move self to Uploaders with updated email address.
       new  60e3cdc   debian/{copyright,patches}: Update email address.
       new  69d3372   debian/control: Tidy using wrap-and-sort.
       new  671cae5   debian/changelog: Add entry for version 0.6.0-5.

The 41 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-wmaker/wmget.git

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