[Pkg-wmaker-commits] [wmmemload] 60/103: wmmemload: Use sysctl to get memory usage in FreeBSD.

Doug Torrance dtorrance-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Aug 24 03:11:45 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

dtorrance-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository wmmemload.

commit 04c16bf4b4d424f51938862102e46aed4f4b7546
Author: Doug Torrance <dtorrance at monmouthcollege.edu>
Date:   Thu Oct 9 23:50:13 2014 -0500

    wmmemload: Use sysctl to get memory usage in FreeBSD.
    Previously, kvm_read was used to get the memory usage in FreeBSD.  However,
    this has been deprecated in favor of sysctl.  This patch implements this
    Some work had previously been done in this direction, as could be seen in
    the file src/mem_freebsd_sysctl.c.  Since this file is no longer needed, it
    has been removed.
    Additionally, some formatting has been done on the remaining older code for
    a more consistent style.
 src/Makefile.am          |   1 -
 src/mem_freebsd.c        | 196 +++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 src/mem_freebsd_sysctl.c |  63 ---------------
 3 files changed, 106 insertions(+), 154 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/Makefile.am b/src/Makefile.am
index aad4d51..7dff778 100644
--- a/src/Makefile.am
+++ b/src/Makefile.am
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ wmmemload_SOURCES =   \
 EXTRA_wmmemload_SOURCES = \
 	mem_linux.c \
 	mem_freebsd.c \
-	mem_freebsd_sysctl.c \
 	mem_openbsd.c \
diff --git a/src/mem_freebsd.c b/src/mem_freebsd.c
index 00d10b1..3b12346 100644
--- a/src/mem_freebsd.c
+++ b/src/mem_freebsd.c
@@ -13,116 +13,132 @@
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <unistd.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
 #include "mem.h"
 #include <kvm.h>
 #include <fcntl.h>
-#include <sys/vmmeter.h>
+#include <sys/errno.h>
+#include <sys/sysctl.h>
 #include <time.h>
-static kvm_t *kvm_data = NULL;
-static int pageshift;
-static struct nlist nlst[] = { {"_cp_time"}, {"_cnt"}, {0} };
+static kvm_t *kvm_data;
 /* initialize function */
 void mem_init(void)
-    int pagesize = getpagesize();
-    pageshift = 0;
-    while (pagesize > 1) {
-	pageshift++;
-	pagesize >>= 1;
-    }
-    kvm_data = kvm_open(NULL, NULL, NULL, O_RDONLY, "kvm_open");
-    if (kvm_data == NULL) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "can't open kernel virtual memory");
-	exit(1);
-    }
-    kvm_nlist(kvm_data, nlst);
-    if (nlst[0].n_type == 0 || nlst[1].n_type == 0) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "error extracting symbols");
-	exit(1);
-    }
-    /* drop setgid & setuid (the latter should not be there really) */
-    seteuid(getuid());
-    setegid(getgid());
-    if (geteuid() != getuid() || getegid() != getgid()) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "unable to drop privileges");
-	exit(1);
-    }
+	kvm_data = kvm_open(NULL, NULL, NULL, O_RDONLY, "kvm_open");
+	if (kvm_data == NULL) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "can't open kernel virtual memory");
+		exit(1);
+	}
+	/* drop setgid & setuid (the latter should not be there really) */
+	seteuid(getuid());
+	setegid(getgid());
+	if (geteuid() != getuid() || getegid() != getgid()) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "unable to drop privileges");
+		exit(1);
+	}
+	return;
+#define GETSYSCTL(name, var) getsysctl(name, &(var), sizeof(var))
+static void getsysctl(const char *name, void *ptr, size_t len)
+	size_t nlen = len;
+	if (sysctlbyname(name, ptr, &nlen, NULL, 0) == -1) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "top: sysctl(%s...) failed: %s\n", name,
+			strerror(errno));
+		exit(1);
+	}
+	if (nlen != len) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "top: sysctl(%s...) expected %lu, got %lu\n",
+			name, (unsigned long)len, (unsigned long)nlen);
+		exit(1);
+	}
 /* return mem/swap usage in percent 0 to 100 */
 void mem_getusage(int *per_mem, int *per_swap, const struct mem_options *opts)
-    struct vmmeter vm;
-    int bufspace;
-    static int swap_firsttime = 1;
-    static int swappgsin = -1;
-    static int swappgsout = -1;
-    static int swapmax = 0, swapused = 0;
-    time_t cur_time;
-    static time_t last_time_swap = 0;
-    u_int mused;
-    /* get mem usage */
-    if (kvm_read(kvm_data, nlst[0].n_value, &bufspace, sizeof(bufspace)) !=
-	sizeof(bufspace))
-	exit(1);
-    if (kvm_read(kvm_data, nlst[1].n_value, &vm, sizeof(vm)) != sizeof(vm))
-	exit(1);
-    /* get swap usage */
-    /* only calculate when first time or when changes took place         */
-    /* do not call it more than 1 time per 2 seconds                     */
-    /* otherwise it can eat up to 50% of CPU time on heavy swap activity */
-    cur_time = time(NULL);
-    if (swap_firsttime ||
-	(((vm.v_swappgsin > swappgsin) || (vm.v_swappgsout > swappgsout))
-	 && cur_time > last_time_swap + 1)) {
-	struct kvm_swap swap;
-	int n;
-	swapmax = 0;
-	swapused = 0;
-	n = kvm_getswapinfo(kvm_data, &swap, 1, 0);
-	if (n >= 0 && swap.ksw_total != 0) {
-	    swapmax = swap.ksw_total;
-	    swapused = swap.ksw_used;
+	u_int mtotal, mwired, mcached, mfree, mused;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+	u_int pagesize;
+	u_int new_swappgsin, new_swappgsout;
+	static int swap_firsttime = 1;
+	static int swappgsin = -1;
+	static int swappgsout = -1;
+	static int swapmax, swapused;
+	time_t cur_time;
+	static time_t last_time_swap;
+	/* get mem usage */
+	GETSYSCTL("vm.stats.vm.v_page_count", mtotal);
+	GETSYSCTL("vm.stats.vm.v_wire_count", mwired);
+	GETSYSCTL("vm.stats.vm.v_cache_count", mcached);
+	GETSYSCTL("vm.stats.vm.v_free_count", mfree);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+	GETSYSCTL("hw.pagesize", pagesize);
+	/* get swap usage */
+	/* only calculate when first time or when changes took place         */
+	/* do not call it more than 1 time per 2 seconds                     */
+	/* otherwise it can eat up to 50% of CPU time on heavy swap activity */
+	cur_time = time(NULL);
+	GETSYSCTL("vm.stats.vm.v_swappgsin", new_swappgsin);
+	GETSYSCTL("vm.stats.vm.v_swappgsout", new_swappgsout);
+	if (swap_firsttime ||
+	    (((new_swappgsin > swappgsin) || (new_swappgsout > swappgsout))
+	     && cur_time > last_time_swap + 1)) {
+		struct kvm_swap swap;
+		int n;
+		swapmax = 0;
+		swapused = 0;
+		n = kvm_getswapinfo(kvm_data, &swap, 1, 0);
+		if (n >= 0 && swap.ksw_total != 0) {
+			swapmax = swap.ksw_total;
+			swapused = swap.ksw_used;
+		}
+		swap_firsttime = 0;
+		last_time_swap = cur_time;
-	swap_firsttime = 0;
-	last_time_swap = cur_time;
-    }
-    swappgsin = vm.v_swappgsin;
-    swappgsout = vm.v_swappgsout;
+	swappgsin = new_swappgsin;
+	swappgsout = new_swappgsout;
 #ifdef DEBUG
-    printf ("-------------------\n");
-    printf ("total:%10d\n", vm.v_page_count * vm.v_page_size);
-    printf ("free :%10d\n", vm.v_free_count * vm.v_page_size);
-    printf ("act  :%10d\n", vm.v_active_count * vm.v_page_size);
-    printf ("inact:%10d\n", vm.v_inactive_count * vm.v_page_size);
-    printf ("wired:%10d\n", vm.v_wire_count * vm.v_page_size);
-    printf ("cache:%10d\n", vm.v_cache_count * vm.v_page_size);
-    printf ("-------------------\n");
+	printf("-------------------\n");
+	printf("total:%10d\n", mtotal * pagesize);
+	printf("free :%10d\n", mfree * pagesize);
+	printf("wired:%10d\n", mwired * pagesize);
+	printf("cache:%10d\n", mcached * pagesize);
+	printf("-------------------\n");
-    /* calc mem/swap usage in percent */
-    mused = vm.v_page_count - vm.v_free_count;
-    if (opts->ignore_wired) mused -= vm.v_wire_count;
-    if (opts->ignore_cached) mused -= vm.v_cache_count;
-    *per_mem = 100 * (double) mused / (double) vm.v_page_count;
-    *per_swap = 100 * (double) swapused / (double) swapmax;
-    if (*per_mem > 97) *per_mem = 100;
+	/* calc mem/swap usage in percent */
+	mused = mtotal - mfree;
+	if (opts->ignore_wired)
+		mused -= mwired;
+	if (opts->ignore_cached)
+		mused -= mcached;
+	*per_mem = 100 * (double) mused / (double) mtotal;
+	*per_swap = 100 * (double) swapused / (double) swapmax;
+	if (*per_mem > 97)
+		*per_mem = 100;
diff --git a/src/mem_freebsd_sysctl.c b/src/mem_freebsd_sysctl.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a872f46..0000000
--- a/src/mem_freebsd_sysctl.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
- * mem_freebsd.c - module to get memory/swap usages in percent, for FreeBSD
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 Seiichi SATO <ssato at sh.rim.or.jp>
- *
- * licensed under the GPL
- */
-#include "config.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "mem.h"
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/sysctl.h>
-#include <vm/vm_param.h>
-#include <sys/vmmeter.h>
-/* initialize function */
-void mem_init(void)
-    return;
-/* return mem/swap usage in percent 0 to 100 */
-void mem_getusage(int *per_mem, int *per_swap, const struct mem_options *opts)
-    struct vmtotal vm;
-    size_t size = sizeof(vm);
-    static int mib[] = { CTL_VM, VM_METER };
-    /* get mem usage */
-    if (sysctl(mib, 2, &vm, &size, NULL, 0) < 0)
-	bzero(&vm, sizeof(vm));
-    /* calc mem usage in percent */
-    /* FIXME: the total usage(t_rm and t_free) is incorrect?? */
-    if (vm.t_rm > 0)
-	*per_mem = 100 * (double) vm.t_rm / (double) (vm.t_rm + vm.t_free);
-    if (*per_mem > 95)
-	*per_mem = 100;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    printf("t_vm      total virtual memory         %6lu\n", vm.t_vm);
-    printf("t_rm      total real memory in use     %6lu\n", vm.t_rm);
-    printf("t_arm     active real memory           %6lu\n", vm.t_arm);
-    printf("t_rmshr   shared real memory           %6lu\n", vm.t_rmshr);
-    printf("t_armshr  active shared real memory    %6lu\n", vm.t_armshr);
-    printf("t_free    free memory pages            %6lu\n", vm.t_free);
-    printf("--------------------------------------------\n");
-    /* get swap usage */
-    /* not written yet.. can i get swap usage via sysctl? */
-    *per_swap = 0;
-    return;

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-wmaker/wmmemload.git

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