[Pkg-wmaker-commits] [wmbattery] 01/241: Initial revision

Doug Torrance dtorrance-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Aug 24 23:37:17 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

dtorrance-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository wmbattery.

commit adb95e0f8de8e07bc70fc28a6a83a5eb21f98258
Author: joey <joey at a4a2c43b-8ac3-0310-8836-e0e880c912e2>
Date:   Sun Sep 5 17:54:00 1999 +0000

    Initial revision
 COPYING            | 339 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 INSTALL            |  11 ++
 Makefile           |  21 +++
 README             |  29 ++++
 TODO               |   7 +
 battery_high.xpm   |  19 +++
 battery_low.xpm    |  20 +++
 battery_medium.xpm |  20 +++
 battery_none.xpm   |  18 +++
 bigfont.xpm        |  17 +++
 charging.xpm       |  19 +++
 debian/changelog   |  20 +++
 debian/control     |  23 ++++
 debian/copyright   |  26 ++++
 debian/menu        |   2 +
 debian/rules       |  76 +++++++++++
 dial_bright.xpm    |  41 ++++++
 dial_dim.xpm       |  41 ++++++
 face.xpm           |  73 ++++++++++
 mask.xbm           |  46 +++++++
 nocharging.xpm     |  18 +++
 plugged.xpm        |  17 +++
 smallfont.xpm      |  16 +++
 unplugged.xpm      |  17 +++
 wmbattery.1        |  32 +++++
 wmbattery.1x       |  32 +++++
 wmbattery.c        | 391 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 wmbattery.h        |  86 ++++++++++++
 28 files changed, 1477 insertions(+)

diff --git a/COPYING b/COPYING
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a43ea21
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
+		       Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+                          675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+			    Preamble
+  The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it.  By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.  This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it.  (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Library General Public License instead.)  You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+  To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+  For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code.  And you must show them these terms so they know their
+  We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+  Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software.  If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+  Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents.  We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary.  To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.

+  0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License.  The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language.  (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".)  Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope.  The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+  1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+  2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+    a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+    stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+    b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+    whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+    part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+    parties under the terms of this License.
+    c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+    when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+    interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+    announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+    notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+    a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+    these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+    License.  (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+    does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+    the Program is not required to print an announcement.)

+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.  If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works.  But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+  3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+    a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+    source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+    1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+    b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+    years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+    cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+    machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+    distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+    customarily used for software interchange; or,
+    c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+    to distribute corresponding source code.  (This alternative is
+    allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+    received the program in object code or executable form with such
+    an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it.  For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable.  However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.

+  4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License.  Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+  5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it.  However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works.  These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.  Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+  6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+  7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all.  For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices.  Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.

+  8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded.  In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+  9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time.  Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation.  If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+  10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission.  For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this.  Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.

+	Appendix: How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+  If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+  To do so, attach the following notices to the program.  It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+    <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+    Copyright (C) 19yy  <name of author>
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+    Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+    Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) 19yy name of author
+    Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+    This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+    under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License.  Of course, the commands you use may
+be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
+mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary.  Here is a sample; alter the names:
+  Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
+  `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
+  <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+  Ty Coon, President of Vice
+This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
+proprietary programs.  If your program is a subroutine library, you may
+consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
+library.  If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
+Public License instead of this License.
diff --git a/INSTALL b/INSTALL
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78d424c
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Quickstart: run "make test" to compile and test the program.
+To install, you should first edit the Makefile - pay special attention to
+the setting for ICONDIR, this is a directory the icons used by this program
+will go in and defaults to /usr/share/icons/wmbattery.
+If the Makefile looks ok, install it like so:
+	make
+	make install
+Note that you will need libxpm to build and use the program.
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b29c35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ICONDIR = /usr/share/icons/wmbattery
+BINDIR  = /usr/X11R6/bin
+MANDIR  = /usr/X11R6/man/man1
+LIBDIR  = -L/usr/X11R6/lib
+LIBS    = -lXpm -lXext
+CFLAGS  = -g -DICONDIR=\"$(ICONDIR)\" -O2 -Wall
+wmbattery: wmbattery.c wmbattery.h
+	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LIBDIR) $(LIBS) wmbattery.c -o wmbattery
+	rm -f wmbattery
+install: wmbattery
+	install -s wmbattery $(PREFIX)/$(BINDIR)
+	install -m 644 wmbattery.1 $(PREFIX)/$(MANDIR)
+	install -m 644 *.xpm $(PREFIX)/$(ICONDIR)
+test: wmbattery
+	./wmbattery
diff --git a/README b/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..05f85f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+Wmbattery displays the status of your laptop's battery in a small icon. This
+includes if it is plugged in, if the battery is charging, how many minutes
+of battery life remain, battery life remaining (with both a percentage and a
+graph), and battery status (high - green, low - yellow, or critical - red).
+Wmbattery is based heavily on wmapm by Chris D. Faulhaber <jedgar at speck.ml.org>
+-- see the copyright file for more information.
+Wmapm is a nice program - why have I modified it into wmbattery? Here are
+some improvements in wmbattery:
+  - Improved icon layout. I crammed the same information into less space
+    while making the icon more elegant and visually pleasing (IMHO).
+  - Easier to drag onto dock.
+  - Displays 100% when your battery is full (wmapm is limited to 99% maximum).
+  - It consumes a little less memory.
+  - Uses only 8 colors.
+  - You can run in on a different display via -d (broken in wmapm).
+Conversely, here are some reasons to stick with wmapm:
+  - It's a more mature program.
+  - You like its look.
+  - It has a neat rainbow-colored progress bar.
+  - You need freebsd support (should be added to wmbattery eventually).
+The homepage for wmbattery is <http://kitenet.net/programs/wmbattery/>
+-- Joey Hess <joey at kitenet.net>
diff --git a/TODO b/TODO
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a442a1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TODO
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+* The dial doesn't fill up/drain out very prettily. Add some code to special
+  case things so it looks better.
+* Can /proc/apm be kept open and rewound?
+* Make it load up the mask from file, not #include it.
+* Allow user-settable colors, like asclock does.
+* Allow the user to define when it should display different battery colors.
+* Also, allow flashing battery to be turned on for critical.
diff --git a/battery_high.xpm b/battery_high.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..034f8ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/battery_high.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * battery_high_xpm[] = {
+"25 13 3 1",
+" 	c #208120812081",
+".	c #2081B2CAAEBA",
+"X	c #000049244103",
+" .....................   ",
+".X                   X.  ",
+".                     .  ",
+".    XXX   XXX   .    .  ",
+". X X   X X   X . . . ...",
+". X X   X X   X  . .  ...",
+".    XXX   XXX    .   ...",
+". X X   X X   X  . .  ...",
+". X X   X X   X . . . ...",
+".    XXX   XXX     .  .  ",
+".                     .  ",
+".X                   X.  ",
+" .....................   "};
diff --git a/battery_low.xpm b/battery_low.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c707a75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/battery_low.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * battery_low_xpm[] = {
+"25 13 4 1",
+" 	c #208120812081",
+".	c #FFFF00000000",
+"X	c #000049244103",
+"o	c #2081B2CAAEBA",
+" .....................   ",
+".X                   X.  ",
+".                     .  ",
+".    XXX   XXX   o    .  ",
+". X X   X X   X o o o ...",
+". X X   X X   X  o o  ...",
+".    XXX   XXX    o   ...",
+". X X   X X   X  o o  ...",
+". X X   X X   X o o o ...",
+".    XXX   XXX     o  .  ",
+".                     .  ",
+".X                   X.  ",
+" .....................   "};
diff --git a/battery_medium.xpm b/battery_medium.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..730f0ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/battery_medium.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * battery_medium_xpm[] = {
+"25 13 4 1",
+" 	c #208120812081",
+".	c #FFFFFFFF0000",
+"X	c #000049244103",
+"o	c #2081B2CAAEBA",
+" .....................   ",
+".X                   X.  ",
+".                     .  ",
+".    XXX   XXX   o    .  ",
+". X X   X X   X o o o ...",
+". X X   X X   X  o o  ...",
+".    XXX   XXX    o   ...",
+". X X   X X   X  o o  ...",
+". X X   X X   X o o o ...",
+".    XXX   XXX     o  .  ",
+".                     .  ",
+".X                   X.  ",
+" .....................   "};
diff --git a/battery_none.xpm b/battery_none.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d97902f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/battery_none.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * battery_none_xpm[] = {
+"25 13 2 1",
+" 	c #208120812081",
+".	c #000049244103",
+" .....................   ",
+"..                   ..  ",
+".                     .  ",
+".    ...   ...   .    .  ",
+". . .   . .   . . . . ...",
+". . .   . .   .  . .  ...",
+".    ...   ...    .   ...",
+". . .   . .   .  . .  ...",
+". . .   . .   . . . . ...",
+".    ...   ...     .  .  ",
+".                     .  ",
+"..                   ..  ",
+" .....................   "};
diff --git a/bigfont.xpm b/bigfont.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0ab6fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bigfont.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * bigfont_xpm[] = {
+"73 9 5 1",
+" 	c #208120812081",
+".	c #2081B2CAAEBA",
+"X	c #000049244103",
+"o	c #104079E779E7",
+"O	c #18618A288617",
+" ....   XXXXo o....O o....o oXXXXo o....o o....O o....o o....O o....O    ",
+".    . X    . X    . X    . .    . .    X .    X X    . .    . .    .  XX",
+".    . X    . X    . X    . .    . .    X .    X X    . .    . .    .  XX",
+".    . X    . X    . X    . .    . .    X .    X X    . .    . .    .    ",
+"oXXXXo  XXXXo o....o o....o o....o o....o o....o  XXXXo o....o o....o    ",
+".    . X    . .    X X    . X    . X    . .    . X    . .    . X    .    ",
+".    . X    . .    X X    . X    . X    . .    . X    . .    . X    .  XX",
+".    . X    . .    X X    . X    . X    . .    . X    . .    . X    .  XX",
+" ....   XXXXo o....o o....o  XXXXo o....o o....o  XXXXo o....o o....o    "};
diff --git a/charging.xpm b/charging.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29c5f40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/charging.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char *charging[] = {
+/* width height num_colors chars_per_pixel */
+"    15     9        3            1",
+/* colors */
+". c #202020",
+"# c #004941",
+"a c #20b2ae",
+/* pixels */
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..409b716
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+wmbattery (1.0) unstable; urgency=low
+  * First release.
+  .
+  * Started with wmapm 1.2 sources. Gutted it and cleaned it up extensively
+    and turned it into wmbattery.
+  * Drew new faceplate and graphics.
+  * Converted manpage to refer to new program name.
+  * Reorganized source tree.
+  * Split single xpm up into lots of small xpms, loaded seperately.
+  * Cleaned up Makefile.
+  * Removed README, TODO, INSTALL, etc; I'll write my own.
+  * Parse command line with getopt.
+  * Made -d work to set the display.
+ -- Joey Hess <joeyh at master.debian.org>  Fri, 25 Dec 1998 18:03:21 -0500
+Local variables:
+mode: debian-changelog
diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..377ab6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+Source: wmbattery
+Section: x11
+Priority: extra
+Maintainer: Joey Hess <joeyh at master.debian.org>
+Package: wmbattery
+Architecture: any
+Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}
+Suggests: wmaker
+Description: Display laptop battery info, dockable in Windowmaker
+ Wmbattery displays the status of your laptop's battery in a small icon.
+ This includes if it is plugged in, if the battery is charging, how many
+ minutes of battery life remain, battery life remaining (with both a 
+ percentage and a graph), and battery status (high - green, low - yellow, 
+ or critical - red).
+ .
+ There's nothing in the program that makes it require WindowMaker, except
+ maybe the look. It can be docked in WindowMaker or Afterstep's dock.
+ .
+ To use this program you need to enable APM support for your kernel during
+ configuration; the corresponding questions are in the 'Character devices'
+ section. It will only work on laptops with an APM BIOS.
diff --git a/debian/copyright b/debian/copyright
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b660b98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/copyright
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Wmbattery is copyright (C) 1998 by Joey Hess <joey at kitenet.net>
+Wmbattery uses code and images from the following sources:
+  wmapm	 - (C) 1998 Chris D. Faulhaber <jedgar at speck.ml.org>
+  libapm - Rik Faith <faith at cs.unc.edu>
+  wmmon and wmgeneral - Martijm Pieterse <pieterse at xs4all.nl> and
+  			Antoine Nulle <warp at xs4all.nl> 
+I would also like to thank Anna Hess for artistic guidance.
+The following copyright applies to this package:
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+ Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
+ any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
+ more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA
diff --git a/debian/menu b/debian/menu
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b67b300
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/menu
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+?package(wmbattery):needs="x11" section="Apps/System" \
+	title="wmbattery" longtitle="wmbattery" command="wmbattery"
diff --git a/debian/rules b/debian/rules
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e0e5a33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/rules
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+#!/usr/bin/make -f
+# Sample debian/rules that uses debhelper. GNU copyright 1997 by Joey Hess.
+# Uncomment this to turn on verbose mode.
+#export DH_VERBOSE=1
+build: build-stamp
+	dh_testdir
+	$(MAKE)
+	touch build-stamp
+	dh_testdir
+	dh_testroot
+	rm -f build-stamp install-stamp
+	$(MAKE) clean
+	dh_clean
+install: install-stamp
+install-stamp: build-stamp
+	dh_testdir
+	dh_testroot
+	dh_clean -k
+	dh_installdirs
+	$(MAKE) PREFIX=debian/tmp install
+	touch install-stamp
+# Build architecture-independent files here.
+binary-indep: build install
+# We have nothing to do by default.
+# Build architecture-dependent files here.
+binary-arch: build install
+#	dh_testversion
+	dh_testdir
+	dh_testroot
+	dh_installdocs TODO README
+	dh_installexamples
+	dh_installmenu
+#	dh_installemacsen
+#	dh_installinit
+	dh_installcron
+	dh_installmanpages
+#	dh_undocumented
+	dh_installchangelogs
+	dh_link
+	dh_strip
+	dh_compress
+	dh_fixperms
+	dh_suidregister
+#	dh_makeshlibs
+	dh_installdeb
+	dh_shlibdeps
+	dh_gencontrol
+	dh_md5sums
+	dh_builddeb
+VERSION=$(shell expr "`dpkg-parsechangelog 2>/dev/null |grep Version:`" : '.*Version: \(.*\)')
+	dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -tc
+	if [ `hostname` = 'kite' ] ; then \
+		cp ../wmbattery_$(VERSION).tar.gz ../../public; \
+		rm /home/ftp/pub/code/wmbattery/* || true; \
+		cp debian/changelog /home/pub/programs/wmbattery/CHANGES; \
+		echo $(VERSION) > /home/pub/programs/wmbattery/LATEST-VERSION-IS; \
+		cd /home/ftp/pub/code/wmbattery; \
+		ln -sf ../debian/wmbattery_$(VERSION).tar.gz wmbattery_$(VERSION).tar.gz; \
+		ln -sf ../debian/wmbattery_$(VERSION).tar.gz wmbattery.tar.gz; \
+	fi
+source diff:                                                                  
+	@echo >&2 'source and diff are obsolete - use dpkg-source -b'; false
+binary: binary-indep binary-arch
+.PHONY: build clean binary-indep binary-arch binary install dist
diff --git a/dial_bright.xpm b/dial_bright.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..292ebd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dial_bright.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * dial_bright_xpm[] = {
+"56 31 7 1",
+" 	c #00000000FFFF",
+".	c #000000000000",
+"X	c #2081B2CAAEBA",
+"o	c #96589A699658",
+"+	c #208120812081",
+"@	c #000049244103",
+"                       ..........                       ",
+"                   ....XXXXXXXXXX....                   ",
+"                ...XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX...                ",
+"              ..XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX..              ",
+"             .XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXo             ",
+"          .XXXXXXXXXOOO          OOOXXXXXXXXXO          ",
+"         .XXXXXXXXOO                OOXXXXXXXXO         ",
+"        .XXXXXXXOO                    OOXXXXXXXO        ",
+"       .XXXXXXOO                        oXXXXXXXO       ",
+"      .XXXXXXO                           o.XXXXXXO      ",
+"     .XXXXXXO                              .XXXXXXO     ",
+"     .XXXXXO                                .XXXXXO     ",
+"    .XXXXXO                                  .XXXXXO    ",
+"   .XXXXXO                                    .XXXXXO   ",
+"   .XXXXXO                                    .XXXXXO   ",
+"  .XXXXXO                                      .XXXXXO  ",
+"  .XXXXO  ....................................  .XXXXO  ",
+"  .XXXXO  .++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++O  .XXXXO  ",
+" .XXXXXO  .++@@@@+++@@@@+++++++@@@@+++@@@@+++O  .XXXXXO ",
+" .XXXXO   .+ at ++++@+ at ++++@++X++ at ++++@+ at ++++@++O   .XXXXO ",
+" .XXXXO   .+ at ++++@+ at ++++@++X++ at ++++@+ at ++++@++O   .XXXXXO",
+".XXXXXO   .+ at ++++@+ at ++++@+++++ at ++++@+ at ++++@++O   .XXXXXO",
+".XXXXO    .++@@@@+++@@@@+++++++@@@@+++@@@@+++O    .XXXXO",
+".XXXXO    .+ at ++++@+ at ++++@+++++ at ++++@+ at ++++@++O    .XXXXO",
+".XXXXO    .+ at ++++@+ at ++++@++X++ at ++++@+ at ++++@++O    .XXXXO",
+".XXXXO    .+ at ++++@+ at ++++@++X++ at ++++@+ at ++++@++O    .XXXXO",
+".XXXXO    .++@@@@+++@@@@+++++++@@@@+++@@@@+++O    .XXXXO",
+".XXXXO    .++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++O    .XXXXO",
+".XXXXO    .++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++O    .XXXXO",
diff --git a/dial_dim.xpm b/dial_dim.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6982c8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dial_dim.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * dial_dim_xpm[] = {
+"56 31 7 1",
+" 	c #00000000FFFF",
+".	c #000000000000",
+"X	c #000049244103",
+"o	c #96589A699658",
+"+	c #208120812081",
+"@	c #2081B2CAAEBA",
+"                       ..........                       ",
+"                   ....XXXXXXXXXX....                   ",
+"                ...XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX...                ",
+"              ..XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX..              ",
+"             .XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXo             ",
+"          .XXXXXXXXXOOO          OOOXXXXXXXXXO          ",
+"         .XXXXXXXXOO                OOXXXXXXXXO         ",
+"        .XXXXXXXOO                    OOXXXXXXXO        ",
+"       .XXXXXXOO                        oXXXXXXXO       ",
+"      .XXXXXXO                           o.XXXXXXO      ",
+"     .XXXXXXO                              .XXXXXXO     ",
+"     .XXXXXO                                .XXXXXO     ",
+"    .XXXXXO                                  .XXXXXO    ",
+"   .XXXXXO                                    .XXXXXO   ",
+"   .XXXXXO                                    .XXXXXO   ",
+"  .XXXXXO                                      .XXXXXO  ",
+"  .XXXXO  ....................................  .XXXXO  ",
+"  .XXXXO  .++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++O  .XXXXO  ",
+" .XXXXXO  .++XXXX+++XXXX+++++++XXXX+++XXXX+++O  .XXXXXO ",
+" .XXXXO   .+X++++X+X++++X++ at ++X++++X+X++++X++O   .XXXXO ",
+" .XXXXO   .+X++++X+X++++X++ at ++X++++X+X++++X++O   .XXXXXO",
+".XXXXXO   .+X++++X+X++++X+++++X++++X+X++++X++O   .XXXXXO",
+".XXXXO    .++XXXX+++XXXX+++++++XXXX+++XXXX+++O    .XXXXO",
+".XXXXO    .+X++++X+X++++X+++++X++++X+X++++X++O    .XXXXO",
+".XXXXO    .+X++++X+X++++X++ at ++X++++X+X++++X++O    .XXXXO",
+".XXXXO    .+X++++X+X++++X++ at ++X++++X+X++++X++O    .XXXXO",
+".XXXXO    .++XXXX+++XXXX+++++++XXXX+++XXXX+++O    .XXXXO",
+".XXXXO    .++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++O    .XXXXO",
+".XXXXO    .++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++O    .XXXXO",
diff --git a/face.xpm b/face.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6cf1ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/face.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * face_xpm[] = {
+"64 64 6 1",
+" 	c None",
+".	c #00000000FFFF",
+"X	c #000000000000",
+"o	c #000049244103",
+"+	c #208120812081",
+"                                                                ",
+" .............................................................. ",
+" .............................................................. ",
+" .............................................................. ",
+" ..........................XXXXXXXXXX.......................... ",
+" ......................XXXXooooooooooXXXX...................... ",
+" ...................XXXooooooooooooooooooXXX................... ",
+" .................XXooooooooooooooooooooooooXX................. ",
+" ................XooooooooooooooooooooooooooooX................ ",
+" ..............XXooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooXX.............. ",
+" .............XoooooooooOOO..........OOOoooooooooO............. ",
+" ............XooooooooOO................OOooooooooO............ ",
+" ...........XoooooooOO....................OOoooooooO........... ",
+" ..........XooooooOO........................OXooooooO.......... ",
+" .........XooooooO............................XooooooO......... ",
+" ........XooooooO..............................XooooooO........ ",
+" ........XoooooO................................XoooooO........ ",
+" .......XoooooO..................................XoooooO....... ",
+" ......XoooooO....................................XoooooO...... ",
+" ......XoooooO....................................XoooooO...... ",
+" .....XoooooO......................................XoooooO..... ",
+" .....XooooO..X++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++O..XooooO..... ",
+" ....XoooooO..X++oooo+++oooo+++++++oooo+++oooo+++O..XoooooO.... ",
+" ....XooooO...X+o++++o+o++++o++o++o++++o+o++++o++O...XooooO.... ",
+" ....XooooO...X+o++++o+o++++o++o++o++++o+o++++o++O...XoooooO... ",
+" ...XoooooO...X+o++++o+o++++o+++++o++++o+o++++o++O...XoooooO... ",
+" ...XooooO....X++oooo+++oooo+++++++oooo+++oooo+++O....XooooO... ",
+" ...XooooO....X+o++++o+o++++o+++++o++++o+o++++o++O....XooooO... ",
+" ...XooooO....X+o++++o+o++++o++o++o++++o+o++++o++O....XooooO... ",
+" ...XooooO....X+o++++o+o++++o++o++o++++o+o++++o++O....XooooO... ",
+" ...XooooO....X++oooo+++oooo+++++++oooo+++oooo+++O....XooooO... ",
+" ...XooooO....X++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++O....XooooO... ",
+" ...XooooO....X++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++O....XooooO... ",
+" .............................................................. ",
+" .............................................................. ",
+" .............................................................. ",
+" .............................................................. ",
+" ...X++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++O... ",
+" ...X++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++O... ",
+" ...X+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ooooooooooooooooooooo++++O... ",
+" ...X+++++++++++++++++++++o++++++o+++++++++++++++++++++o+++O... ",
+" ...X++++++++++++++++++++ooo+++++o+++++++++++++++++++++o+++O... ",
+" ...X+++++oooo++++++++++ooo+oo+++o++++ooo+++ooo+++o++++o+++O... ",
+" ...X++++o+++ooo++++++++oo++++oo+o+o+o+++o+o+++o+o+o+o+ooo+O... ",
+" ...X++++o+++o+++++++++ooo+++++++o+o+o+++o+o+++o++o+o++ooo+O... ",
+" ...X++ooo+++o+++oo++++oo++++++++o++++ooo+++ooo++++o+++ooo+O... ",
+" ...X+o++o+++ooo+++oo+ooo++++++++o+o+o+++o+o+++o++o+o++ooo+O... ",
+" ...X+o+++oooo+++++++ooo+++++++++o+o+o+++o+o+++o+o+o+o+ooo+O... ",
+" ...X+o+++++++++++++++o++++++++++o++++ooo+++ooo+++++o++o+++O... ",
+" ...X+o++++++++++++++++++++++++++o+++++++++++++++++++++o+++O... ",
+" ...X++++++++++++++++++++++++++++o+++++++++++++++++++++o+++O... ",
+" ...X+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ooooooooooooooooooooo++++O... ",
+" ...X++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++O... ",
+" ...X++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++O... ",
+" ...X++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++O... ",
+" .............................................................. ",
+" .............................................................. ",
+" .............................................................. ",
+" .............................................................. ",
+"                                                                "};
diff --git a/mask.xbm b/mask.xbm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5541159
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mask.xbm
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+#define mask_width 64
+#define mask_height 64
+static unsigned char mask_bits[] = {
+  0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+  0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+  0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf8,
+  0x1f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0xff, 0xff, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00,
+  0x00, 0x00, 0xf0, 0xff, 0xff, 0x0f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfc, 0xff,
+  0xff, 0x3f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfe, 0xff, 0xff, 0x7f, 0x00, 0x00,
+  0x00, 0x80, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc0, 0xff, 0x07,
+  0xe0, 0xff, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe0, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0x07, 0x00,
+  0x00, 0xf0, 0x3f, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfc, 0x0f, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf8, 0x0f, 0x00,
+  0x00, 0xf0, 0x1f, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfc, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x3f, 0x00,
+  0x00, 0xfe, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x7f, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfe, 0x00, 0x00,
+  0x00, 0x00, 0x7f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x7f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfe, 0x00,
+  0x80, 0x3f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfc, 0x01, 0x80, 0x3f, 0x00, 0x00,
+  0x00, 0x00, 0xfc, 0x01, 0xc0, 0x1f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf8, 0x03,
+  0xc0, 0xcf, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xf3, 0x03, 0xc0, 0xcf, 0xff, 0xff,
+  0xff, 0xff, 0xf3, 0x03, 0xe0, 0xcf, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xf3, 0x07,
+  0xe0, 0xc7, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xe3, 0x07, 0xe0, 0xc7, 0xff, 0xff,
+  0xff, 0xff, 0xe3, 0x0f, 0xf0, 0xc7, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xe3, 0x0f,
+  0xf0, 0xc3, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xc3, 0x0f, 0xf0, 0xc3, 0xff, 0xff,
+  0xff, 0xff, 0xc3, 0x0f, 0xf0, 0xc3, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xc3, 0x0f,
+  0xf0, 0xc3, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xc3, 0x0f, 0xf0, 0xc3, 0xff, 0xff,
+  0xff, 0xff, 0xc3, 0x0f, 0xf0, 0xc3, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xc3, 0x0f,
+  0xf0, 0xc3, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xc3, 0x0f, 0xf0, 0xc3, 0xff, 0xff,
+  0xff, 0xff, 0xc3, 0x0f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+  0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+  0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+  0xf0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x0f, 0xf0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
+  0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x0f, 0xf0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x0f,
+  0xf0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x0f, 0xf0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
+  0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x0f, 0xf0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x0f,
+  0xf0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x0f, 0xf0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
+  0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x0f, 0xf0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x0f,
+  0xf0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x0f, 0xf0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
+  0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x0f, 0xf0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x0f,
+  0xf0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x0f, 0xf0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
+  0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x0f, 0xf0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x0f,
+  0xf0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x0f, 0xf0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
+  0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x0f, 0xf0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x0f,
+  0xf0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x0f, 0xf0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
+  0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x0f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+  0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+  0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+  0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, };
diff --git a/nocharging.xpm b/nocharging.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29c8838
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nocharging.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char *nocharging[] = {
+/* width height num_colors chars_per_pixel */
+"    15     9        2            1",
+/* colors */
+". c #202020",
+"# c #004941",
+/* pixels */
diff --git a/plugged.xpm b/plugged.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e62a263
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugged.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char *plugged[] = {
+/* width height num_colors chars_per_pixel */
+"    10     8        2            1",
+/* colors */
+". c #202020",
+"# c #20b2ae",
+/* pixels */
diff --git a/smallfont.xpm b/smallfont.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52077af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/smallfont.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * smallfont_xpm[] = {
+"67 7 6 1",
+" 	c #208120812081",
+".	c #2081B2CAAEBA",
+"X	c #000049244103",
+"o	c #18618A288617",
+"O	c #000079E771C6",
+"+	c #104079E779E7",
+" ...   XXXo o...o o...o oXXXo o...o o...o o...o o...o o...o  X    o",
+".   . X   . X   . X   . .   . .   X .   X X   . .   . .   . X X X .",
+".   . X   . X   . X   . .   . .   X .   X X   . .   . .   .  X X  .",
+"oXXXo  XXXo o...o  ...o o...o O...o o...o  XXXo o...o +...o   X   o",
+".   . X   . .   X X   . X   . X   . .   . X   . .   . X   .  X X  .",
+".   . X   . .   X X   . X   . X   . .   . X   . .   . X   . X X X .",
+" ...   XXX. o...o o...o  XXXo o...o o...o  XXXO o...o o...o    X  ."};
diff --git a/unplugged.xpm b/unplugged.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b74879
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unplugged.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char *unplugged[] = {
+/* width height num_colors chars_per_pixel */
+"    10     8        2            1",
+/* colors */
+". c #202020",
+"# c #004941",
+/* pixels */
diff --git a/wmbattery.1 b/wmbattery.1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d862d1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wmbattery.1
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+.TH WMBATTERY 1 "25 December 98"
+WMBATTERY \- Dockable APM/Battery Monitor
+.B wmbattery
+[-h] [-d display]
+.B wmbattery
+is an APM/Battery Monitor.  It is used to visually display and
+the APM/Battery status from the system's BIOS via the Linux kernel.
+Currently, wmbattery is only supported on Linux platforms as it interprets
+APM/Battery information directly from /proc/apm.  wmbattery is dockable
+using WindowMaker and AfterStep window-managers; under other
+window-managers, wmbattery appears as a nicely-sized 64x64 application.
+wmbattery displays the status of your laptop's battery in a small icon.
+This includes if it is plugged in, if the battery is charging, how many
+minutes of battery life remain, battery life remaining (with both a 
+percentage and a graph), and battery status (high - green, low - yellow, 
+or critical - red).
+.B \-h
+Display list of command-line options.
+.B \-d [display]
+Use the designated X display.
+Joey Hess <joey at kitenet.net>, based on wmapm by
+Chris D. Faulhaber <jedgar at speck.ml.org>
diff --git a/wmbattery.1x b/wmbattery.1x
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d862d1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wmbattery.1x
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+.TH WMBATTERY 1 "25 December 98"
+WMBATTERY \- Dockable APM/Battery Monitor
+.B wmbattery
+[-h] [-d display]
+.B wmbattery
+is an APM/Battery Monitor.  It is used to visually display and
+the APM/Battery status from the system's BIOS via the Linux kernel.
+Currently, wmbattery is only supported on Linux platforms as it interprets
+APM/Battery information directly from /proc/apm.  wmbattery is dockable
+using WindowMaker and AfterStep window-managers; under other
+window-managers, wmbattery appears as a nicely-sized 64x64 application.
+wmbattery displays the status of your laptop's battery in a small icon.
+This includes if it is plugged in, if the battery is charging, how many
+minutes of battery life remain, battery life remaining (with both a 
+percentage and a graph), and battery status (high - green, low - yellow, 
+or critical - red).
+.B \-h
+Display list of command-line options.
+.B \-d [display]
+Use the designated X display.
+Joey Hess <joey at kitenet.net>, based on wmapm by
+Chris D. Faulhaber <jedgar at speck.ml.org>
diff --git a/wmbattery.c b/wmbattery.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50ad4b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wmbattery.c
@@ -0,0 +1,391 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <X11/xpm.h>
+#include <X11/extensions/shape.h>
+#include <getopt.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include "wmbattery.h"
+#include "mask.xbm"
+Pixmap images[NUM_IMAGES];
+Window root, iconwin, win;
+int screen;
+XpmIcon icon;
+Display *display;
+GC NormalGC;
+void error(const char *fmt, ...) {
+  	va_list arglist;
+	va_start(arglist, fmt);
+	fprintf(stderr, "Error: ");
+	vfprintf(stderr, fmt, arglist);
+	fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+	va_end(arglist);
+  	exit(1);
+int apm_read(apm_info *i) {
+	FILE *str;
+  	char units[10];
+	char buffer[100];
+	if (!(str = fopen("/proc/apm", "r")))
+    		return 0;
+	fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 1, str);
+	buffer[sizeof(buffer) - 1] = '\0';
+	sscanf(buffer, "%s %d.%d %x %x %x %x %d%% %d %s\n",
+	       (char *)i->driver_version,
+	       &i->apm_version_major,
+	       &i->apm_version_minor,
+	       &i->apm_flags,
+	       &i->ac_line_status,
+	       &i->battery_status,
+		       &i->battery_flags,
+	       &i->battery_percentage,
+	       &i->battery_time,
+	       units);
+	i->using_minutes = !strncmp(units, "min", 3) ? 1 : 0;
+	if (i->driver_version[0] == 'B') { /* old style.  argh. */
+		strcpy((char *)i->driver_version, "pre-0.7");
+		i->apm_version_major  = 0;
+		i->apm_version_minor  = 0;
+		i->apm_flags          = 0;
+		i->ac_line_status     = 0xff;
+		i->battery_status     = 0xff;
+		i->battery_flags      = 0xff;
+		i->battery_percentage = -1;
+		i->battery_time       = -1;
+		i->using_minutes      = 1;
+		sscanf(buffer, "BIOS version: %d.%d",
+			&i->apm_version_major, &i->apm_version_minor);
+		fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 1, str);
+		sscanf(buffer, "Flags: 0x%02x", &i->apm_flags);
+		if (i->apm_flags & APM_32_BIT_SUPPORT) {
+			fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 1, str);
+			fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 1, str);
+			if (buffer[0] != 'P') {
+				if (!strncmp(buffer+4, "off line", 8))
+					i->ac_line_status = 0;
+				else if (!strncmp(buffer+4, "on line", 7))
+	  				i->ac_line_status = 1;
+				else if (!strncmp(buffer+4, "on back", 7))
+	  				i->ac_line_status = 2;
+				fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 1, str);
+				if (!strncmp(buffer+16, "high", 4))
+	  				i->battery_status = 0;
+				else if (!strncmp(buffer+16, "low", 3))
+	  				i->battery_status = 1;
+				else if (!strncmp(buffer+16, "crit", 4))
+	  				i->battery_status = 2;
+				else if (!strncmp(buffer+16, "charg", 5))
+	  				i->battery_status = 3;
+				fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 1, str);
+				if (strncmp(buffer+14, "unknown", 7))
+	  				i->battery_percentage = atoi(buffer + 14);
+				if (i->apm_version_major >= 1 && i->apm_version_minor >= 1) {
+	  				fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 1, str);
+	  				sscanf(buffer, "Battery flag: 0x%02x", &i->battery_flags);
+	  				fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 1, str);
+	  				if (strncmp(buffer+14, "unknown", 7))
+	    					i->battery_time = atoi(buffer + 14);
+				}
+      			}
+    		}
+	}
+       	/*
+	 * Fix possible kernel bug -- percentage
+         * set to 0xff (==255) instead of -1.
+	 */
+  	if (i->battery_percentage > 100)
+    		i->battery_percentage = -1;
+  	fclose(str);
+  	return 1;
+int apm_exists() {
+	apm_info i;
+        if (access("/proc/apm", R_OK))
+        	return 0;
+	return apm_read(&i);
+/* Load up the images this program uses. */
+void load_images() {
+  	int x;
+	char fn[128]; /* enough? */
+  	for(x=0; x < NUM_IMAGES; x++) {
+         	sprintf(fn, "%s/%s.xpm", ICONDIR, image_info[x].filename);
+                if (XpmReadFileToPixmap(display, root, fn, &images[x], NULL, NULL)) {
+		  	/* Check in current direcotry for fallback. */
+		  	sprintf(fn, "%s.xpm", image_info[x].filename);
+		  	if (XpmReadFileToPixmap(display, root, fn, &images[x], NULL, NULL)) {
+			 	error("Failed to load %s\n",fn);
+		}
+	}
+    }
+/* Returns the display to run on (or NULL for default). */
+char *parse_commandline(int argc, char *argv[]) {
+	int c=0;
+	char *ret=NULL;
+	extern char *optarg;
+  	while (c != -1) {
+  		c=getopt(argc, argv, "hd:");
+		switch (c) {
+		  case 'h':
+			printf("\nUsage: wmbattery [options]\n");
+              		printf("\t-d <display>\tselects target display\n");
+               		printf("\t-h\t\tdisplay this help\n\n");
+               		exit(0);
+		 	break;
+		  case 'd':
+		  	ret=optarg;
+      		}
+    	}
+  	return ret;
+/* Sets up the window and icon and all the nasty X stuff. */
+void make_window(char *display_name, int argc, char *argv[]) {
+	XClassHint classhint;
+	char *wname = argv[0];
+  	XTextProperty name;
+  	XGCValues gcv;
+  	int dummy=0, borderwidth = 1;
+	XSizeHints sizehints;
+  	XWMHints wmhints;
+	Pixel back_pix, fore_pix;
+	Pixmap pixmask;
+  	if (!(display = XOpenDisplay(display_name)))
+    		error("can't open display %s",XDisplayName(display_name));
+	screen=DefaultScreen(display);
+  	root=RootWindow(display, screen);
+  	/* Create window. */
+  	sizehints.flags = USSize | USPosition;
+  	sizehints.x = 0;
+  	sizehints.y = 0;
+  	XWMGeometry(display, screen, "", NULL, borderwidth,
+		    &sizehints, &sizehints.x, &sizehints.y,
+		    &sizehints.width, &sizehints.height, &dummy);
+	sizehints.width = 64;
+  	sizehints.height = 64;
+        back_pix = WhitePixel(display, screen);
+        fore_pix = BlackPixel(display, screen);
+  	win = XCreateSimpleWindow(display, root, sizehints.x, sizehints.y,
+				  sizehints.width, sizehints.height,
+				  borderwidth, fore_pix, back_pix);
+  	iconwin = XCreateSimpleWindow(display, win, sizehints.x,
+				      sizehints.y, sizehints.width,
+				      sizehints.height, borderwidth,
+				      fore_pix, back_pix);
+  	/* Activate hints */
+       	XSetWMNormalHints(display, win, &sizehints);
+        classhint.res_name = wname;
+   	classhint.res_class = wname;
+       	XSetClassHint(display, win, &classhint);
+  	if (! XStringListToTextProperty(&wname, 1, &name))
+	  	error("Can't allocate window name.");
+  	XSetWMName(display, win, &name);
+  	/* Create GC for drawing */
+  	gcv.foreground = fore_pix;
+  	gcv.background = back_pix;
+  	gcv.graphics_exposures = 0;
+  	NormalGC = XCreateGC(display, root, 
+			     GCForeground | GCBackground | GCGraphicsExposures,
+			     &gcv);
+  	pixmask = XCreateBitmapFromData(display, win, mask_bits,
+					mask_width,mask_height);
+  	XShapeCombineMask(display, win, ShapeBounding, 0, 0,
+			  pixmask, ShapeSet);
+  	XShapeCombineMask(display, iconwin, ShapeBounding, 0, 0,
+			  pixmask, ShapeSet);
+  	wmhints.initial_state = WithdrawnState;
+  	wmhints.icon_window = iconwin;
+  	wmhints.icon_x = sizehints.x;
+  	wmhints.icon_y = sizehints.y;
+  	wmhints.window_group = win;
+  	wmhints.flags = StateHint | IconWindowHint | 
+    			IconPositionHint | WindowGroupHint;
+  	XSetWMHints(display, win, &wmhints);
+  	XSetCommand(display, win, argv, argc);
+ 	XMapWindow(display, win);
+void flush_expose(Window w) {
+  	XEvent dummy;
+  	while (XCheckTypedWindowEvent(display, w, Expose, &dummy));
+void redraw_window() {
+  	flush_expose(iconwin);
+  	XCopyArea(display, images[FACE], iconwin, NormalGC, 0, 0,
+		  image_info[FACE].width, image_info[FACE].height, 0,0);
+  	flush_expose(win);
+  	XCopyArea(display, images[FACE], win, NormalGC, 0, 0, 
+		  image_info[FACE].width, image_info[FACE].height, 0,0);
+ * Display an image, using XCopyArea. Can display only part of an image,
+ * located anywhere.
+ */
+void copy_image(int image, int xoffset, int yoffset,
+		int width, int height, int x, int y) {
+	XCopyArea(display, images[image], images[FACE], NormalGC,
+		  xoffset, yoffset, width, height, x, y);
+ * Display a letter in one of two fonts, at the specified x position.
+ * Note that 10 is passed for special characters `:' or `1' at the 
+ * end of the font. 
+ */
+void draw_letter(int letter, int font, int x) {
+	copy_image(font, image_info[font].charwidth * letter, 0,
+		   image_info[font].charwidth, image_info[font].height,
+		   x, image_info[font].y);
+/* Display an image at its normal location. */
+void draw_image(int image) {
+  	copy_image(image, 0, 0, 
+		   image_info[image].width, image_info[image].height,
+		   image_info[image].x, image_info[image].y);
+int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
+	apm_info cur_info;
+	int time_left, hour_left, min_left, digit, x;
+	unsigned long sleep_time = DELAY;
+  	make_window(parse_commandline(argc, argv), argc ,argv);
+	/*  Check for APM support */
+  	if (! apm_exists)
+    		error("No APM support in kernel.");
+	load_images();
+	while (1) {
+      		if (! apm_read(&cur_info))
+      			error("Cannot read APM information.");
+    		/* Display if it's plugged in. */
+      		switch (cur_info.ac_line_status) {
+	  	  case 1:
+			draw_image(PLUGGED);
+			break;
+       	  	  default:
+			draw_image(UNPLUGGED);
+      		}
+	      	/* Display the appropriate color battery. */
+	      	switch (cur_info.battery_status) {
+		  case 0: /* high */
+		  case 3: /* charging */
+			draw_image(BATTERY_HIGH);
+			break;
+		  case 1:
+			draw_image(BATTERY_MEDIUM);
+			break;
+		  case 2:
+			draw_image(BATTERY_LOW);
+			break;
+		  default:
+			draw_image(BATTERY_NONE);
+	      	}
+	      	/* Show if the battery is charging. */
+	      	switch (cur_info.battery_status) {
+		  case 3:
+			draw_image(CHARGING);
+			break;
+		  default: /* Not charging */
+			draw_image(NOCHARGING);
+			break;
+	      	}
+	      	/*
+	       	 * Display the percent left dial. This has the side effect of
+	         * clearing the time left field. 
+	         */
+	  	x=DIAL_MULTIPLIER * cur_info.battery_percentage;
+	      	if (x >= 0) {
+			/* Start by displaying bright on the dial. */
+			copy_image(DIAL_BRIGHT, 0, 0,
+				   x, image_info[DIAL_BRIGHT].height,
+				   image_info[DIAL_BRIGHT].x,
+				   image_info[DIAL_BRIGHT].y);
+	      	}
+	      	/* Now display dim on the remainder of the dial. */
+	  	copy_image(DIAL_DIM, x, 0,
+			   image_info[DIAL_DIM].width - x,
+			   image_info[DIAL_DIM].height,
+			   image_info[DIAL_DIM].x + x,
+			   image_info[DIAL_DIM].y);
+	      	/* Show time left */
+	      	if (cur_info.battery_time >= 0) {
+	        	if (cur_info.using_minutes)
+	          		time_left = cur_info.battery_time;
+	        	else
+	          		time_left = cur_info.battery_time / 60; 
+	        	hour_left = time_left / 60;
+	        	min_left = time_left % 60;
+	        	digit = hour_left / 10;
+	        	draw_letter(digit,BIGFONT,HOURS_TENS_OFFSET);
+	        	digit = hour_left % 10;
+			draw_letter(digit,BIGFONT,HOURS_ONES_OFFSET);
+        		digit = min_left / 10;
+	        	draw_letter(digit,BIGFONT,MINUTES_TENS_OFFSET);
+	        	digit = min_left % 10;
+	        	draw_letter(digit,BIGFONT,MINUTES_ONES_OFFSET);
+	      	}
+	      	/* Show percent remaining */
+	      	if (cur_info.battery_percentage >= 0) {
+	        	digit = cur_info.battery_percentage / 10;
+        		if (digit == 10) {
+			  	/* 11 is the `1' for the hundreds place. */
+		  		draw_letter(11,SMALLFONT,HUNDREDS_OFFSET);
+		  		digit=0;
+			}
+			draw_letter(digit,SMALLFONT,TENS_OFFSET);
+			digit = cur_info.battery_percentage % 10;
+			draw_letter(digit,SMALLFONT,ONES_OFFSET);
+	      	}
+	  	else {
+		  	/* There is no battery, so we need to dim out the
+			 * colon and percent sign that are normally bright. */
+		  	draw_letter(10,SMALLFONT,PERCENT_OFFSET);
+		  	draw_letter(10,BIGFONT,COLON_OFFSET);
+		}
+	      	/* Redraw and wait for next update */
+	      	redraw_window();
+	      	usleep(sleep_time);
+	}
diff --git a/wmbattery.h b/wmbattery.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..730e7fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wmbattery.h
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+#define DELAY 1250000 /* Delay between refreshes (in microseconds) */
+typedef struct {
+	Pixmap pixmap;
+	Pixmap mask;
+  	XpmAttributes attributes;
+} XpmIcon;
+typedef struct apm_info {
+	const char driver_version[10];
+	int apm_version_major;
+   	int apm_version_minor;
+   	int apm_flags;
+   	int ac_line_status;
+   	int battery_status;
+   	int battery_flags;
+   	int battery_percentage;
+   	int battery_time;
+   	int using_minutes;
+} apm_info;
+typedef struct image_info_type {
+  	const char* filename;
+  	const int width;
+  	const int height;
+  	const int x;
+  	const int y;
+  	const int charwidth;
+} image_info_type;
+#ifndef APM_32_BIT_SUPPORT
+#define APM_32_BIT_SUPPORT      0x0002
+/* Assign reference numbers to all images that are loaded. */
+#define SMALLFONT 0
+#define BIGFONT 1
+#define BATTERY_HIGH 2
+#define BATTERY_LOW 4
+#define BATTERY_NONE 5
+#define UNPLUGGED 6
+#define PLUGGED 7
+#define NOCHARGING 8
+#define CHARGING 9
+#define DIAL_BRIGHT 10
+#define DIAL_DIM 11
+#define FACE 12
+#define NUM_IMAGES 13
+ * An array of the filenames of all images to load (minus .xpm extention),
+ * plus the size of the image, where to draw it on the icon, etc
+ */
+static struct image_info_type image_info[] = {
+  {"smallfont",7,67,0,45,6},
+  {"bigfont",9,73,0,23,7},
+  {"battery_high",25,13,33,42,0},
+  {"battery_medium",25,13,33,42,0},
+  {"battery_low",25,13,33,42,0},
+  {"battery_none",25,13,33,42,0},
+  {"unplugged",10,8,6,45,0},
+  {"plugged",10,8,6,45,0},
+  {"nocharging",15,9,17,43,0},
+  {"charging",15,9,17,43,0},
+  {"dial_bright",56,31,4,4,0},
+  {"dial_dim",56,31,4,4,0},
+  {"face",64,64,0,0,0},
+/* TODO: get rid of this. */
+#define DIAL_MULTIPLIER 0.56
+/* Locations of letters in the percent remaining display. */
+#define TENS_OFFSET 37
+#define ONES_OFFSET 43
+#define PERCENT_OFFSET 49
+/* Locations of letters in the time remaining display. */
+#define COLON_OFFSET 30

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-wmaker/wmbattery.git

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