[Pkg-wmaker-commits] [wmbutton] 10/25: wmbutton: wmbutton.h and wmb_libs.c code clean

Doug Torrance dtorrance-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Jul 16 23:38:09 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

dtorrance-guest pushed a commit to branch upstream
in repository wmbutton.

commit 938f8a41ff21838398b124d96ad48f96ee20f052
Author: Rodolfo García Peñas (kix) <kix at kix.es>
Date:   Tue Aug 21 20:51:17 2012 +0200

    wmbutton: wmbutton.h and wmb_libs.c code clean
    This patch is a code clean patch:
    - Removes spaces and tabs at end of line.
    - Remove curly brackets not needed.
    - Change spaces by tabs.
    - Add spaces after and before operators.
    - Removes spaces not needed.
    - Better code style.
    - Added void as function argument.
 wmb_libs.c | 1250 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------------
 wmbutton.h |   58 +--
 2 files changed, 669 insertions(+), 639 deletions(-)

diff --git a/wmb_libs.c b/wmb_libs.c
index 8f54d5e..55802ff 100644
--- a/wmb_libs.c
+++ b/wmb_libs.c
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 /* wmb_libs.c - Edward H. Flora - ehf_dockapps at cox.net */
 /* Last Modified: 4/3/04 */
  * These functions are designed to work with wmbutton.
@@ -9,14 +9,13 @@
 * Coded in ANSI C, using ANSI prototypes.
-/******  Include Files  *************************************************/
+/****** Include Files *************************************************/
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <string.h>
 #include "wmbutton.h"
-/******  ToolTip Globals  ***********************************************/
+/****** ToolTip Globals ***********************************************/
 static struct timeval _tStart;
@@ -25,667 +24,698 @@ int _bTooltip = 0;
 XFontStruct* _fTooltip;
 int _nFontHeight, _nFontY;
 int _nScreenWidth, _nScreenHeight;
-GC _gcMono= 0;
+GC _gcMono = 0;
 Window _wTooltip;
-/******  Parse Command Line  ********************************************/
-void parseargs(int argc, char **argv) {
-  int current;
-  char *Home = getenv("HOME");
-  while (-1 != (current = getopt(argc, argv, "vhnmsF:b:g:d:f:"))) {
-    switch (current) {
-    case 'v': 
-      Config.Verbose = 1;
-      break;
-    case '?':
-    case 'h':
-      show_usage();
-      break;
-    case 'm':
-      Config.mmouse = 1;
-      break;
-    case 'n':
-      Config.bTooltipDisable = 1;
-      break;
-    case 's':
-      Config.bTooltipSwapColors = 1;
-      break;
-    case 'g':
-      Config.Geometry_str = strdup(optarg);
-      break;
-    case 'd':
-      Config.Display_str = strdup(optarg);
-      break;
-    case 'f':
-      Config.configfile = strdup(optarg);
-      break;
-    case 'F':
-      Config.szTooltipFont = strdup(optarg);
-      break;
-    case 'b':
-      Config.buttonfile = strdup(optarg);
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-  if (!Config.configfile) {
-    if (Home != NULL) {
-      Config.configfile = malloc(
-          strlen(Home) + strlen(CONFFILENAME) + 1);
-      sprintf(Config.configfile, "%s%s", Home, CONFFILENAME);
-    }
-  }
-  if (!Config.buttonfile) {
-    if (Home != NULL) {
-      Config.buttonfile = malloc(
-          strlen(Home) + strlen(BUTTONFILENAME) + 1);
-      sprintf(Config.buttonfile, "%s%s", Home, BUTTONFILENAME);
-    }
-  }
-  if (!Config.Geometry_str)
-    Config.Geometry_str = "64x64+0+0";
-  if (!Config.Display_str)
-    Config.Display_str = "";
-  if (!Config.szTooltipFont)
-    Config.szTooltipFont = TOOLTIP_FONT;
-  if (!Config.bTooltipDisable)
-    Config.bTooltipDisable = !TOOLTIP_SUPPORT;
+/****** Parse Command Line ********************************************/
+void parseargs(int argc, char **argv)
+	int current;
+	char *Home = getenv("HOME");
+	while (-1 != (current = getopt(argc, argv, "vhnmsF:b:g:d:f:"))) {
+		switch (current) {
+		case 'v':
+			Config.Verbose = 1;
+			break;
+		case '?':
+		case 'h':
+			show_usage();
+			break;
+		case 'm':
+			Config.mmouse = 1;
+			break;
+		case 'n':
+			Config.bTooltipDisable = 1;
+			break;
+		case 's':
+			Config.bTooltipSwapColors = 1;
+			break;
+		case 'g':
+			Config.Geometry_str = strdup(optarg);
+			break;
+		case 'd':
+			Config.Display_str = strdup(optarg);
+			break;
+		case 'f':
+			Config.configfile = strdup(optarg);
+			break;
+		case 'F':
+			Config.szTooltipFont = strdup(optarg);
+			break;
+		case 'b':
+			Config.buttonfile = strdup(optarg);
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	if (!Config.configfile) {
+		if (Home != NULL) {
+			Config.configfile = malloc(strlen(Home) +
+						   strlen(CONFFILENAME) + 1);
+			sprintf(Config.configfile, "%s%s", Home, CONFFILENAME);
+		}
+	}
+	if (!Config.buttonfile) {
+		if (Home != NULL) {
+			Config.buttonfile = malloc(strlen(Home) +
+						   strlen(BUTTONFILENAME) + 1);
+			sprintf(Config.buttonfile, "%s%s", Home, BUTTONFILENAME);
+		}
+	}
+	if (!Config.Geometry_str)
+		Config.Geometry_str = "64x64+0+0";
+	if (!Config.Display_str)
+		Config.Display_str = "";
+	if (!Config.szTooltipFont)
+		Config.szTooltipFont = TOOLTIP_FONT;
+	if (!Config.bTooltipDisable)
+		Config.bTooltipDisable = !TOOLTIP_SUPPORT;
-/******  Show Usage Information  ****************************************/
-void show_usage() {
-  extern char *app_name;
-  fprintf(stderr,"\n");
-  fprintf(stderr,"usage: %s [-g geom] [-d dpy] [-f cfgfile] [-b btnfile] "\
-	  "[-F <font>] [-v] [-s] [-n]\n",app_name);
-  fprintf(stderr,"\n");
-  fprintf(stderr," wmbutton version %s\n", VER_STR);
-  fprintf(stderr,"\n");
-  fprintf(stderr,"-g <geometry>  Window Geometry - ie: 64x64+10+10\n");
-  fprintf(stderr,"-d <display>   Display -  ie:\n"); 
-  fprintf(stderr,"-f <filename>  Full path to configuration file.\n");
-  fprintf(stderr,"-b <filename>  Full path to button xpm.\n");
-  fprintf(stderr,"-F <font>      Custom tooltip font (e.g. -b\\&h-lucidatypewriter-medium-*-*-*-12-*)\n");
-  fprintf(stderr,"-v             Verbose Mode.\n");
-  fprintf(stderr,"-h             Help. This message.\n");
-  fprintf(stderr,"-m             Disable Middle Mouse functionality.\n");
-  fprintf(stderr,"-s             Swap tooltip colors.\n");
-  fprintf(stderr,"-n             Turn off tooltips.\n");
-  fprintf(stderr,"\n");
-  exit(0);
-/******  Error Handler Routine  *****************************************/
-void err_mess(int err, char *str) {
-  switch (err) {
-  case FAILDISP:
-    fprintf(stderr,"Fail: XOpenDisplay for %s\n", str);	
-    exit(err);
-  case FAILSWIN:
-    fprintf(stderr,"Fail: XCreateSimpleWindow\n");	
-    exit(err);
-  case FAILICON: 
-    fprintf(stderr,"Fail: XCreateSimpleWindow\n");	
-    exit(err);
-  case FAILXPM:
-    fprintf(stderr,"Fail: XCreateBitmapFromData\n");
-    break;
-  case FAILWNAM:
-    fprintf(stderr,"%s: Can't set up window name\n", str);
-    exit(err);
-  case FAILGC:
-    fprintf(stderr,"Fail: XCreateGC\n");	
-    exit(err);
-  case FAILCONF:
-    fprintf(stderr, "Fail: Can't Find user or system configuration file.\n");
-    fprintf(stderr, "Fail: User Config: '%s'\n", str);
-    fprintf(stderr, "Fail: System Config: '%s'\n", CONFIGGLOBAL);
-    exit(err);
-  case FAILTMPL:
-    fprintf(stderr, "Fail: Can't Create 'template' Pixmap\n");
-    exit(err);
-  case FAILVIS:
-    fprintf(stderr, "Fail: Can't Create 'visible' Pixmap\n");
-    exit(err);
-  case FAILBUT:
-    fprintf(stderr, "Fail: Can't Create 'buttons' Pixmap\n");
-    exit(err);
-  default:
-    fprintf(stderr, "Fail:  UnSpecified Error: %d\n",err);
-    fprintf(stderr, "Fail:  %s\n",str);
-    exit(err);
-  }
+/****** Show Usage Information ****************************************/
+void show_usage(void)
+	extern char *app_name;
+	fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+	fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [-g geom] [-d dpy] [-f cfgfile] [-b btnfile] "\
+		"[-F <font>] [-v] [-s] [-n]\n",app_name);
+	fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+	fprintf(stderr, " wmbutton version %s\n", VER_STR);
+	fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+	fprintf(stderr, "-g <geometry>  Window Geometry - ie: 64x64+10+10\n");
+	fprintf(stderr, "-d <display>   Display - ie:\n");
+	fprintf(stderr, "-f <filename>  Full path to configuration file.\n");
+	fprintf(stderr, "-b <filename>  Full path to button xpm.\n");
+	fprintf(stderr, "-F <font>      Custom tooltip font (e.g. -b\\&h-lucidatypewriter-medium-*-*-*-12-*)\n");
+	fprintf(stderr, "-v             Verbose Mode.\n");
+	fprintf(stderr, "-h             Help. This message.\n");
+	fprintf(stderr, "-m             Disable Middle Mouse functionality.\n");
+	fprintf(stderr, "-s             Swap tooltip colors.\n");
+	fprintf(stderr, "-n             Turn off tooltips.\n");
+	fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+	exit(0);
+/****** Error Handler Routine *****************************************/
+void err_mess(int err, char *str)
+	switch (err) {
+	case FAILDISP:
+		fprintf(stderr, "Fail: XOpenDisplay for %s\n", str);
+		exit(err);
+	case FAILSWIN:
+		fprintf(stderr, "Fail: XCreateSimpleWindow\n");
+		exit(err);
+	case FAILICON:
+		fprintf(stderr, "Fail: XCreateSimpleWindow\n");
+		exit(err);
+	case FAILXPM:
+		fprintf(stderr, "Fail: XCreateBitmapFromData\n");
+		break;
+	case FAILWNAM:
+		fprintf(stderr, "%s: Can't set up window name\n", str);
+		exit(err);
+	case FAILGC:
+		fprintf(stderr, "Fail: XCreateGC\n");
+		exit(err);
+	case FAILCONF:
+		fprintf(stderr, "Fail: Can't Find user or system configuration file.\n");
+		fprintf(stderr, "Fail: User Config: '%s'\n", str);
+		fprintf(stderr, "Fail: System Config: '%s'\n", CONFIGGLOBAL);
+		exit(err);
+	case FAILTMPL:
+		fprintf(stderr, "Fail: Can't Create 'template' Pixmap\n");
+		exit(err);
+	case FAILVIS:
+		fprintf(stderr, "Fail: Can't Create 'visible' Pixmap\n");
+		exit(err);
+	case FAILBUT:
+		fprintf(stderr, "Fail: Can't Create 'buttons' Pixmap\n");
+		exit(err);
+	default:
+		fprintf(stderr, "Fail: UnSpecified Error: %d\n", err);
+		fprintf(stderr, "Fail: %s\n", str);
+		exit(err);
+	}
  * RunAppN(int app)
  * Run the command given in the configuration file 'configfile'
-void RunAppN( int app ) {
-  char *cmndstr;
-  extern struct Config_t Config;
+void RunAppN(int app)
+	char *cmndstr;
+	extern struct Config_t Config;
-  cmndstr = Parse(app);                  // Get command to pass to system
+	cmndstr = Parse(app); /* Get command to pass to system */
-  if (Config.Verbose) fprintf(stderr, "Command String: %s", cmndstr);
+	if (Config.Verbose)
+		fprintf(stderr, "Command String: %s", cmndstr);
-  if (cmndstr != NULL) {
-    system(cmndstr);  // if there's a command, run it
-    free(cmndstr);
-  }
+	if (cmndstr != NULL) {
+		system(cmndstr); /* if there's a command, run it */
+		free(cmndstr);
+	}
  * Parse(int app)
  * Parses the file 'configfile' for command to execute.
-char *Parse(int app) {
-  FILE *fp;
-  char Buf[BUFFER_SIZE];
-  char *Ptr;
+char *Parse(int app)
+	FILE *fp;
+	char Buf[BUFFER_SIZE];
+	char *Ptr;
-  if ((fp = fopen(Config.configfile, "r")) == NULL)
-    if ((fp = fopen(CONFIGGLOBAL, "r")) == NULL)
-      err_mess(FAILCONF,Config.configfile);
+	if ((fp = fopen(Config.configfile, "r")) == NULL)
+		if ((fp = fopen(CONFIGGLOBAL, "r")) == NULL)
+			err_mess(FAILCONF,Config.configfile);
-  while ((Ptr = fgets(Buf, BUFFER_SIZE, fp))) {
-    if (atoi(Buf) == app)
-    break;
-  }
+	while ((Ptr = fgets(Buf, BUFFER_SIZE, fp))) {
+		if (atoi(Buf) == app)
+			break;
+	}
-  fclose(fp);
-  if (!Ptr)
-    return Ptr;
+	fclose(fp);
-  Ptr = strchr(Buf, '\t');                      // find first tab
-  if (Ptr == NULL) Ptr = strchr(Buf, ' ');      // or space charater
-  if (Ptr == NULL) return(NULL);
-  Ptr++;
+	if (!Ptr)
+		return Ptr;
-  Ptr = strdup(Ptr);
+	Ptr = strchr(Buf, '\t');        /* find first tab */
+	if (Ptr == NULL)
+		Ptr = strchr(Buf, ' '); /* or space charater */
-  return(Ptr);
+	if (Ptr == NULL)
+		return(NULL);
+	Ptr++;
+	Ptr = strdup(Ptr);
+	return Ptr;
- *   initTime
+ * initTime
- *     Copyright (c) 2001 Bruno Essmann <essmann at users.sourceforge.net>
+ * Copyright (c) 2001 Bruno Essmann <essmann at users.sourceforge.net>
-void initTime () {
-  extern struct Config_t Config;
-  if (Config.Verbose) {
-    fprintf(stdout, "[        ] initializing time\n");
-  }
-  gettimeofday(&_tStart, NULL);
-long currentTimeMillis () {
-  struct timeval tNow;
-  struct timeval tElapsed;
-  gettimeofday(&tNow, NULL);
-  if (_tStart.tv_usec > tNow.tv_usec) {
-    tNow.tv_usec+= 1000000;
-    tNow.tv_sec--;
-  }
-  tElapsed.tv_sec= tNow.tv_sec - _tStart.tv_sec;
-  tElapsed.tv_usec= tNow.tv_usec - _tStart.tv_usec;
-  return (tElapsed.tv_sec * 1000) + (tElapsed.tv_usec / 1000);
-void getWindowOrigin (Window w, int* nX, int* nY) {
-  extern Display *display;
-  Window wWindow, wParent, wRoot;
-  Window* wChildren;
-  unsigned int nChildren;
-  unsigned int ww, wh, wb, wd;
-  int wx, wy;
-  wParent= w;
-  do {
-    wWindow= wParent;
-    if (!XQueryTree(display, wParent, &wRoot, &wParent, &wChildren, &nChildren))
-      return;
-    if (wChildren)
-      XFree(wChildren);
-  } while (wParent != wRoot);
-  if (XGetGeometry(display, wWindow, &wRoot, &wx, &wy, &ww, &wh, &wb, &wd)) {
-    if (nX) {
-      *nX= wx;
-    }
-    if (nY) {
-      *nY= wy;
-    }
-  }
+void initTime(void)
+	extern struct Config_t Config;
+	if (Config.Verbose)
+		fprintf(stdout, "[        ] initializing time\n");
+	gettimeofday(&_tStart, NULL);
+long currentTimeMillis(void)
+	struct timeval tNow, tElapsed;
+	gettimeofday(&tNow, NULL);
+	if (_tStart.tv_usec > tNow.tv_usec) {
+		tNow.tv_usec += 1000000;
+		tNow.tv_sec--;
+	}
+	tElapsed.tv_sec = tNow.tv_sec - _tStart.tv_sec;
+	tElapsed.tv_usec = tNow.tv_usec - _tStart.tv_usec;
+	return (tElapsed.tv_sec * 1000) + (tElapsed.tv_usec / 1000);
+void getWindowOrigin(Window w, int *nX, int *nY)
+	extern Display *display;
+	Window wWindow, wParent, wRoot;
+	Window* wChildren;
+	unsigned int nChildren, ww, wh, wb, wd;
+	int wx, wy;
+	wParent = w;
+	do {
+		wWindow = wParent;
+		if (!XQueryTree(display, wParent, &wRoot, &wParent, &wChildren, &nChildren))
+			return;
+		if (wChildren)
+			XFree(wChildren);
+	} while (wParent != wRoot);
+	if (XGetGeometry(display, wWindow, &wRoot, &wx, &wy, &ww, &wh, &wb, &wd)) {
+		if (nX)
+			*nX = wx;
+		if (nY)
+			*nY = wy;
+	}
- *  getButtonLocation
+ * getButtonLocation
- *  compute location for each button's tooltip (not perfect)
+ * compute location for each button's tooltip (not perfect)
-void getButtonLocation (int nButton, int* nLocationX, int* nLocationY) {
-  *nLocationX = 0;
-  *nLocationY = 8;
-  while (nButton > BUTTON_COLS) {
-    *nLocationY += BUTTON_SIZE;
-    nButton -= BUTTON_COLS;
-  }
-  while (nButton > 0) {
-    *nLocationX += BUTTON_SIZE - 1;
-    nButton--;
-  }
+void getButtonLocation (int nButton, int *nLocationX, int *nLocationY)
+	*nLocationX = 0;
+	*nLocationY = 8;
+	while (nButton > BUTTON_COLS) {
+		*nLocationY += BUTTON_SIZE;
+		nButton -= BUTTON_COLS;
+	}
+	while (nButton > 0) {
+		*nLocationX += BUTTON_SIZE - 1;
+		nButton--;
+	}
 /* SkipWord & SkipSpaces: utility functions for getNicenedString */
 char *SkipWord(char *Text) {
-  char *Result = Text;
+	char *Result = Text;
+	while ((*Result != ' ') && (*Result != '\t') &&
+	       (*Result != '\n') && (*Result != 0x00))
+		Result++;
-  while ((*Result != ' ')&&(*Result != '\t')&&
-         (*Result != '\n')&&(*Result != 0x00))
-    Result++;
-  return Result;
+	return Result;
 char *SkipSpaces(char *Text) {
-  char *Result = Text;
+	char *Result = Text;
-  while ((*Result == ' ')||(*Result == '\t')||(*Result == '\n'))
-    Result++;
-  return Result;
+	while ((*Result == ' ') || (*Result == '\t') || (*Result == '\n'))
+		Result++;
+	return Result;
- *  getNicenedString
+ * getNicenedString
- *  nicen the parsed command from the .wmbutton config file
- *    - cut if too long
- *    - remove parameters, whitespace and the '&'...
+ * nicen the parsed command from the .wmbutton config file
+ *  - cut if too long
+ *  - remove parameters, whitespace and the '&'...
-char* getNicenedString (char *old, int andAddSeparator) {
-  char *WorkStr;
-  char *WorkStrEnd;
-  char *StartPtr;
-  char *EndPtr;
-  char *RetStr;
-  if (!old) {
-    if (andAddSeparator)
-      return strdup("-- | ");
-    else
-      return strdup("--");
-  }
-  RetStr = malloc(strlen(old) + 3 + 1); // 3 for Seperator
-  *RetStr = 0x00;
-  WorkStr = strdup(old);
-  WorkStrEnd = strchr(WorkStr, 0x00);
-  StartPtr = WorkStr;
-  while(StartPtr < WorkStrEnd) {
-    StartPtr = SkipSpaces(StartPtr);
-    EndPtr = SkipWord(StartPtr);
-    *EndPtr = 0x00;
-    if ((*StartPtr == '&')||(*StartPtr == '-'))
-      break;
-    strcat(RetStr, StartPtr);
-    strcat(RetStr, " ");
-    StartPtr = EndPtr+1;
-  }
-  free(WorkStr);
-  if (andAddSeparator) {
-    strcat(RetStr, "| ");
-  }
-  return RetStr;
+char *getNicenedString(char *old, int andAddSeparator)
+	char *WorkStr, *WorkStrEnd, *StartPtr, *EndPtr, *RetStr;
+	if (!old) {
+		if (andAddSeparator)
+			return strdup("-- | ");
+		else
+			return strdup("--");
+	}
+	RetStr = malloc(strlen(old) + 3 + 1); /* 3 for Seperator */
+	*RetStr = 0x00;
+	WorkStr = strdup(old);
+	WorkStrEnd = strchr(WorkStr, 0x00);
+	StartPtr = WorkStr;
+	while (StartPtr < WorkStrEnd) {
+		StartPtr = SkipSpaces(StartPtr);
+		EndPtr = SkipWord(StartPtr);
+		*EndPtr = 0x00;
+		if ((*StartPtr == '&') || (*StartPtr == '-'))
+			break;
+		strcat(RetStr, StartPtr);
+		strcat(RetStr, " ");
+		StartPtr = EndPtr + 1;
+	}
+	free(WorkStr);
+	if (andAddSeparator)
+		strcat(RetStr, "| ");
+	return RetStr;
- *  getButtonAppNames
+ * getButtonAppNames
- *  returns the 1..3 application names / commands to be shown in tooltip
+ *returns the 1..3 application names / commands to be shown in tooltip
-char* getButtonAppNames (int nButton) {
-  char *str = NULL;
-  char *tmp1,*tmp2;
-  if (!( nButton < 0 || nButton > 9 )) {
-    // FIXME: _Might_ overflow, but it's unlikely.
-    // Perhaps one should fix this sometime ;)
-    str = (char*) calloc (sizeof(char), BUFFER_SIZE);
-    tmp1 = Parse(nButton + LMASK);
-    tmp2 = getNicenedString(tmp1, 1);
-    strcat(str, tmp2);
-    free(tmp1);
-    free(tmp2);
-    tmp1 = Parse(nButton + MMASK);
-    tmp2 = getNicenedString(tmp1, 1);
-    strcat(str, tmp2);
-    free(tmp1);
-    free(tmp2);
-    tmp1 = Parse(nButton + RMASK);
-    tmp2 = getNicenedString(tmp1, 0);
-    strcat(str, tmp2);
-    free(tmp1);
-    free(tmp2);
-  }
-  return(str);
-int hasTooltipSupport () {
-  return !Config.bTooltipDisable;
-void showTooltip (int nButton, int nMouseX, int nMouseY) {
-  Pixmap pixmap, mask;
-  int nMainWinX, nMainWinY;
-  int nButtonX = 0, nButtonY = 0, nButtonWidth = 0, nButtonHeight = 0;
-  int nTextY, nX, nY, nWidth, nHeight, nSide;
-  char* szText;
-  extern struct Config_t Config;
-  extern Window iconwin;
-  extern Pixel bg_pixel, fg_pixel;
-  extern Display *display;
-  extern GC gc;
-  if (Config.bTooltipDisable ||  nButton == -1) {
-    return;
-  }
-  if (_bTooltip) {
-    hideTooltip();
-  }
-  if (Config.Verbose) { 
-    fprintf(stdout, "[%8ld] showing tooltip for button %d at %d, %d\n", 
-	    currentTimeMillis(),
-	    nButton, nMouseX, nMouseY);
-  } 
-  szText = getButtonAppNames(nButton);
-  if(!szText)
-    return;
-  _bTooltip= 1;
-  nWidth= XTextWidth(_fTooltip, szText, strlen(szText)) + 16;
-  nHeight= _nFontHeight + 4;
-  if (nHeight < 16) {
-    nHeight= 16;
-  }
-  if (nWidth < nHeight) {
-    nWidth= nHeight;
-  }
-  if (Config.Verbose) { 
-    fprintf(stdout, "[%8ld] tooltip size: %d, %d\n", 
-	    currentTimeMillis(), nWidth, nHeight);
-  }
-  getWindowOrigin(iconwin, &nMainWinX, &nMainWinY);
-  getButtonLocation(nButton, &nButtonX, &nButtonY);
-  nButtonX+= nMainWinX;
-  nButtonY+= nMainWinY;
-  nButtonWidth  = BUTTON_SIZE;
-  nButtonHeight = BUTTON_SIZE;
-  if (nButtonX + nWidth > _nScreenWidth) {
-    nSide= TOOLTIP_RIGHT;
-    nX= nButtonX - nWidth + nButtonWidth / 2;
-    if (nX < 0) {
-      nX= 0;
-    }
-  } else {
-    nSide= TOOLTIP_LEFT;
-    nX= nButtonX + nButtonWidth / 2;
-  }
-  if (nX + nWidth > _nScreenWidth) {
-    nX= _nScreenWidth - nWidth;
-  }
-  if (nButtonY - (nHeight + TOOLTIP_SPACE) < 0) {
-    nSide|= TOOLTIP_TOP;
-    nY= nButtonY + nButtonHeight - 1;
-  } else {
-    nSide|= TOOLTIP_BOTTOM;
-    nY= nButtonY - (nHeight + TOOLTIP_SPACE);
-    nTextY= 0;
-  }
-  pixmap= createTooltipPixmap(nWidth, nHeight, nSide, &mask);
-  XSetForeground(display, gc, Config.bTooltipSwapColors ? fg_pixel : bg_pixel);
-  XSetFont(display, gc, _fTooltip->fid);
-  XDrawString(display, pixmap, gc, 
-	      8, nTextY + (nHeight - _nFontHeight) / 2 + _nFontY, 
-	      szText, strlen(szText));
-  XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap(display, _wTooltip, pixmap);
-  XResizeWindow(display, _wTooltip, nWidth, nHeight + TOOLTIP_SPACE);
-  XShapeCombineMask(display, _wTooltip, ShapeBounding, 0, 0, mask, ShapeSet);
-  XFreePixmap(display, mask);
-  XMoveWindow(display, _wTooltip, nX, nY);
-  XMapRaised(display, _wTooltip);
-  XFreePixmap(display, pixmap);
-  free(szText);
-void hideTooltip () {
-  extern struct Config_t Config;
-  extern Display *display;
-  if (Config.bTooltipDisable) {
-    return;
-  }
-  if (_bTooltip) {
-    if (Config.Verbose) {
-      fprintf(stdout, "[%8ld] hiding tooltip\n", currentTimeMillis());
-    }
-    XUnmapWindow(display, _wTooltip);
-    _bTooltip= 0;
-  }
-int hasTooltip () {
-  if (Config.bTooltipDisable) {
-    return 0;
-  }
-  return _bTooltip;
-void initTooltip () {
-  XSetWindowAttributes attribs;
-  unsigned long vmask;
-  extern Display *display;
-  extern char *app_name;
-  extern int screen;
-  extern Window rootwin, win;
-  if (Config.bTooltipDisable) {
-    if (Config.Verbose) {
-      fprintf(stdout, "[%8ld] initializing tooltips (disabled)\n", 
-	      currentTimeMillis());
-    }
-    return;
-  }
-  if (Config.Verbose) {
-    fprintf(stdout, "[%8ld] initializing tooltips\n", currentTimeMillis());
-  }
-  _fTooltip= XLoadQueryFont(display, Config.szTooltipFont);
-  if (!_fTooltip) {
-    fprintf(stderr, "%s: couldn't allocate font '%s'.\n", app_name, Config.szTooltipFont);
-    if (!strcmp(Config.szTooltipFont, TOOLTIP_FONT))
-      fprintf(stderr, "%s: Use option -F <font>\n", app_name);
-    exit(-1);
-  }
-  _nFontHeight= _fTooltip->ascent + _fTooltip->descent;
-  _nFontY= _fTooltip->ascent;
-  _nScreenWidth= WidthOfScreen(ScreenOfDisplay(display, screen));
-  _nScreenHeight= HeightOfScreen(ScreenOfDisplay(display, screen));
-  if (Config.Verbose) {
-    fprintf(stdout, "[%8ld] configuring tooltip font:\n" \
-	    "[%8ld] - '%s'\n" \
-	    "[%8ld] - font-height= %d, font-ascent= %d\n" \
-	    "[%8ld] configuring screen size: %dx%d\n",
-	    currentTimeMillis(), 
-	    currentTimeMillis(), Config.szTooltipFont, 
-	    currentTimeMillis(), _nFontHeight, _nFontY,
-	    currentTimeMillis(), _nScreenWidth, _nScreenHeight  );
-  }
-  vmask= CWSaveUnder | CWOverrideRedirect | CWBorderPixel;
-  attribs.save_under= True;
-  attribs.override_redirect= True;
-  attribs.border_pixel= 0;
-  _wTooltip= XCreateWindow(display, rootwin, 1, 1, 10, 10, 1,
-			   CopyFromParent, CopyFromParent, 
-			   CopyFromParent, vmask, &attribs);
-  if (win == 0) {
-    fprintf(stderr, "Cannot create tooltip window.\n");
-    exit(-1);
-  }
-void destroyTooltip () {
-  extern Display *display;
-  if (Config.bTooltipDisable) {
-    return;
-  }
-  if (_gcMono) {
-    XFreeGC(display, _gcMono);
-    _gcMono= 0;
-  }
-  XDestroyWindow(display, _wTooltip);
-void drawTooltipBalloon (Pixmap pix, GC gc, int x, int y, int w, int h, int side) {
-  extern Display *display;
-  int rad = h*3/10;
-  XPoint pt[3];
-  XFillArc(display, pix, gc, x, y, rad, rad, 90*64, 90*64);
-  XFillArc(display, pix, gc, x, y+h-1-rad, rad, rad, 180*64, 90*64);
-  XFillArc(display, pix, gc, x+w-1-rad, y, rad, rad, 0*64, 90*64);
-  XFillArc(display, pix, gc, x+w-1-rad, y+h-1-rad, rad, rad, 270*64, 90*64);
-  XFillRectangle(display, pix, gc, x, y+rad/2, w, h-rad);
-  XFillRectangle(display, pix, gc, x+rad/2, y, w-rad, h);
-  if (side & TOOLTIP_BOTTOM) {
-    pt[0].y = y+h-1;
-    pt[1].y = y+h-1+TOOLTIP_SPACE;
-    pt[2].y = y+h-1;
-  } else {
-    pt[0].y = y;
-    pt[1].y = y-TOOLTIP_SPACE;
-    pt[2].y = y;
-  }
-  if (side & TOOLTIP_RIGHT) {
-    pt[0].x = x+w-h+2*h/16;
-    pt[1].x = x+w-h+11*h/16;
-    pt[2].x = x+w-h+7*h/16;
-  } else {
-    pt[0].x = x+h-2*h/16;
-    pt[1].x = x+h-11*h/16;
-    pt[2].x = x+h-7*h/16;
-  }
-  XFillPolygon(display, pix, gc, pt, 3, Convex, CoordModeOrigin);
-Pixmap createTooltipPixmap (int width, int height, int side, Pixmap *mask) {
-  extern Display *display;
-  extern GC gc;
-  extern Pixel bg_pixel, fg_pixel;
-  extern int depth;
-  extern Window rootwin;
-  Pixmap bitmap;
-  Pixmap pixmap;
-  int x, y;
-  bitmap = XCreatePixmap(display, rootwin, 
-			 width+TOOLTIP_SPACE, height+TOOLTIP_SPACE, 1);
-  if (!_gcMono) {
-    _gcMono= XCreateGC(display, bitmap, 0, NULL);
-  }
-  XSetForeground(display, _gcMono, 0); 
-  XFillRectangle(display, bitmap, _gcMono, 0, 0, 
-  pixmap = XCreatePixmap(display, rootwin, 
-			 width+TOOLTIP_SPACE, height+TOOLTIP_SPACE, depth);
-  XSetForeground(display, gc, Config.bTooltipSwapColors ? fg_pixel : bg_pixel);
-  XFillRectangle(display, pixmap, gc, 0, 0, 
-  if (side & TOOLTIP_BOTTOM) {
-    y = 0;
-  } else {
-  }
-  x = 0;
-  XSetForeground(display, _gcMono, 1);
-  drawTooltipBalloon(bitmap, _gcMono, x, y, width, height, side);
-  XSetForeground(display, gc, Config.bTooltipSwapColors ? bg_pixel : fg_pixel);
-  drawTooltipBalloon(pixmap, gc, x+1, y+1, width-2, height-2, side);
-  *mask = bitmap;
-  return pixmap;
+char *getButtonAppNames(int nButton)
+	char *tmp1, *tmp2, *str = NULL;
+	if (!( nButton < 0 || nButton > 9 )) {
+		/* FIXME: _Might_ overflow, but it's unlikely.
+		 * Perhaps one should fix this sometime ;) */
+		str = (char*) calloc (sizeof(char), BUFFER_SIZE);
+		tmp1 = Parse(nButton + LMASK);
+		tmp2 = getNicenedString(tmp1, 1);
+		strcat(str, tmp2);
+		free(tmp1);
+		free(tmp2);
+		tmp1 = Parse(nButton + MMASK);
+		tmp2 = getNicenedString(tmp1, 1);
+		strcat(str, tmp2);
+		free(tmp1);
+		free(tmp2);
+		tmp1 = Parse(nButton + RMASK);
+		tmp2 = getNicenedString(tmp1, 0);
+		strcat(str, tmp2);
+		free(tmp1);
+		free(tmp2);
+	}
+	return str;
+int hasTooltipSupport(void)
+	return !Config.bTooltipDisable;
+void showTooltip (int nButton, int nMouseX, int nMouseY)
+	Pixmap pixmap, mask;
+	int nMainWinX, nMainWinY;
+	int nButtonX = 0, nButtonY = 0, nButtonWidth = 0, nButtonHeight = 0;
+	int nTextY, nX, nY, nWidth, nHeight, nSide;
+	char* szText;
+	extern struct Config_t Config;
+	extern Window iconwin;
+	extern Pixel bg_pixel, fg_pixel;
+	extern Display *display;
+	extern GC gc;
+	if (Config.bTooltipDisable || nButton == -1)
+		return;
+	if (_bTooltip)
+		hideTooltip();
+	if (Config.Verbose)
+		fprintf(stdout,
+			"[%8ld] showing tooltip for button %d at %d, %d\n",
+			currentTimeMillis(), nButton, nMouseX, nMouseY);
+	szText = getButtonAppNames(nButton);
+	if(!szText)
+		return;
+	_bTooltip = 1;
+	nWidth = XTextWidth(_fTooltip, szText, strlen(szText)) + 16;
+	nHeight = _nFontHeight + 4;
+	if (nHeight < 16)
+		nHeight = 16;
+	if (nWidth < nHeight)
+		nWidth = nHeight;
+	if (Config.Verbose)
+		fprintf(stdout, "[%8ld] tooltip size: %d, %d\n",
+			currentTimeMillis(), nWidth, nHeight);
+	getWindowOrigin(iconwin, &nMainWinX, &nMainWinY);
+	getButtonLocation(nButton, &nButtonX, &nButtonY);
+	nButtonX += nMainWinX;
+	nButtonY += nMainWinY;
+	nButtonWidth = BUTTON_SIZE;
+	nButtonHeight = BUTTON_SIZE;
+	if (nButtonX + nWidth > _nScreenWidth) {
+		nX = nButtonX - nWidth + nButtonWidth / 2;
+		if (nX < 0)
+			nX = 0;
+	} else {
+		nSide = TOOLTIP_LEFT;
+		nX = nButtonX + nButtonWidth / 2;
+	}
+	if (nX + nWidth > _nScreenWidth)
+		nX = _nScreenWidth - nWidth;
+	if (nButtonY - (nHeight + TOOLTIP_SPACE) < 0) {
+		nSide |= TOOLTIP_TOP;
+		nY = nButtonY + nButtonHeight - 1;
+	} else {
+		nY = nButtonY - (nHeight + TOOLTIP_SPACE);
+		nTextY = 0;
+	}
+	pixmap = createTooltipPixmap(nWidth, nHeight, nSide, &mask);
+	XSetForeground(display, gc, Config.bTooltipSwapColors ? fg_pixel : bg_pixel);
+	XSetFont(display, gc, _fTooltip->fid);
+	XDrawString(display, pixmap, gc,
+		    8, nTextY + (nHeight - _nFontHeight) / 2 + _nFontY,
+		    szText, strlen(szText));
+	XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap(display, _wTooltip, pixmap);
+	XResizeWindow(display, _wTooltip, nWidth, nHeight + TOOLTIP_SPACE);
+	XShapeCombineMask(display, _wTooltip, ShapeBounding, 0, 0, mask, ShapeSet);
+	XFreePixmap(display, mask);
+	XMoveWindow(display, _wTooltip, nX, nY);
+	XMapRaised(display, _wTooltip);
+	XFreePixmap(display, pixmap);
+	free(szText);
+void hideTooltip(void)
+	extern struct Config_t Config;
+	extern Display *display;
+	if (Config.bTooltipDisable)
+		return;
+	if (_bTooltip) {
+		if (Config.Verbose)
+			fprintf(stdout, "[%8ld] hiding tooltip\n", currentTimeMillis());
+		XUnmapWindow(display, _wTooltip);
+		_bTooltip = 0;
+	}
+int hasTooltip(void)
+	if (Config.bTooltipDisable)
+		return 0;
+	return _bTooltip;
+void initTooltip(void)
+	XSetWindowAttributes attribs;
+	unsigned long vmask;
+	extern Display *display;
+	extern char *app_name;
+	extern int screen;
+	extern Window rootwin, win;
+	if (Config.bTooltipDisable) {
+		if (Config.Verbose)
+			fprintf(stdout, "[%8ld] initializing tooltips (disabled)\n",
+				currentTimeMillis());
+		return;
+	}
+	if (Config.Verbose)
+		fprintf(stdout, "[%8ld] initializing tooltips\n", currentTimeMillis());
+	_fTooltip = XLoadQueryFont(display, Config.szTooltipFont);
+	if (!_fTooltip) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "%s: couldn't allocate font '%s'.\n", app_name, Config.szTooltipFont);
+		if (!strcmp(Config.szTooltipFont, TOOLTIP_FONT))
+			fprintf(stderr, "%s: Use option -F <font>\n", app_name);
+		exit(-1);
+	}
+	_nFontHeight = _fTooltip->ascent + _fTooltip->descent;
+	_nFontY = _fTooltip->ascent;
+	_nScreenWidth = WidthOfScreen(ScreenOfDisplay(display, screen));
+	_nScreenHeight = HeightOfScreen(ScreenOfDisplay(display, screen));
+	if (Config.Verbose)
+		fprintf(stdout, "[%8ld] configuring tooltip font:\n" \
+			"[%8ld] - '%s'\n" \
+			"[%8ld] - font-height= %d, font-ascent= %d\n" \
+			"[%8ld] configuring screen size: %dx%d\n",
+			currentTimeMillis(),
+			currentTimeMillis(), Config.szTooltipFont,
+			currentTimeMillis(), _nFontHeight, _nFontY,
+			currentTimeMillis(), _nScreenWidth, _nScreenHeight);
+	vmask = CWSaveUnder | CWOverrideRedirect | CWBorderPixel;
+	attribs.save_under = True;
+	attribs.override_redirect = True;
+	attribs.border_pixel = 0;
+	_wTooltip = XCreateWindow(display, rootwin, 1, 1, 10, 10, 1,
+				  CopyFromParent, CopyFromParent,
+				  CopyFromParent, vmask, &attribs);
+	if (win == 0) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "Cannot create tooltip window.\n");
+		exit(-1);
+	}
+void destroyTooltip(void)
+	extern Display *display;
+	if (Config.bTooltipDisable)
+		return;
+	if (_gcMono) {
+		XFreeGC(display, _gcMono);
+		_gcMono = 0;
+	}
+	XDestroyWindow(display, _wTooltip);
+void drawTooltipBalloon(Pixmap pix, GC gc, int x, int y, int w, int h, int side)
+	extern Display *display;
+	int rad = h * 3 / 10;
+	XPoint pt[3];
+	XFillArc(display, pix, gc, x, y, rad, rad, 90 * 64, 90 * 64);
+	XFillArc(display, pix, gc, x, y + h - 1 - rad, rad, rad, 180 * 64, 90 * 64);
+	XFillArc(display, pix, gc, x + w - 1 - rad, y, rad, rad, 0 * 64, 90 * 64);
+	XFillArc(display, pix, gc, x + w - 1 - rad, y + h - 1 - rad, rad, rad, 270 * 64, 90 * 64);
+	XFillRectangle(display, pix, gc, x, y + rad / 2, w, h - rad);
+	XFillRectangle(display, pix, gc, x + rad / 2, y, w - rad, h);
+	if (side & TOOLTIP_BOTTOM) {
+		pt[0].y = y + h - 1;
+		pt[1].y = y + h - 1 + TOOLTIP_SPACE;
+		pt[2].y = y + h - 1;
+	} else {
+		pt[0].y = y;
+		pt[1].y = y-TOOLTIP_SPACE;
+		pt[2].y = y;
+	}
+	if (side & TOOLTIP_RIGHT) {
+		pt[0].x = x + w - h +  2 * h / 16;
+		pt[1].x = x + w - h + 11 * h / 16;
+		pt[2].x = x + w - h +  7 * h / 16;
+	} else {
+		pt[0].x = x + h -  2 * h /16;
+		pt[1].x = x + h - 11 * h /16;
+		pt[2].x = x + h -  7 * h /16;
+	}
+	XFillPolygon(display, pix, gc, pt, 3, Convex, CoordModeOrigin);
+Pixmap createTooltipPixmap(int width, int height, int side, Pixmap *mask)
+	extern Display *display;
+	extern GC gc;
+	extern Pixel bg_pixel, fg_pixel;
+	extern int depth;
+	extern Window rootwin;
+	Pixmap bitmap, pixmap;
+	int x, y;
+	bitmap = XCreatePixmap(display, rootwin,
+			       width+TOOLTIP_SPACE, height+TOOLTIP_SPACE, 1);
+	if (!_gcMono)
+		_gcMono = XCreateGC(display, bitmap, 0, NULL);
+	XSetForeground(display, _gcMono, 0);
+	XFillRectangle(display, bitmap, _gcMono, 0, 0,
+		       width+TOOLTIP_SPACE, height+TOOLTIP_SPACE);
+	pixmap = XCreatePixmap(display, rootwin, width+TOOLTIP_SPACE,
+			       height+TOOLTIP_SPACE, depth);
+	XSetForeground(display, gc, Config.bTooltipSwapColors ? fg_pixel : bg_pixel);
+	XFillRectangle(display, pixmap, gc, 0, 0, width+TOOLTIP_SPACE,
+		       height+TOOLTIP_SPACE);
+	if (side & TOOLTIP_BOTTOM)
+		y = 0;
+	else
+	x = 0;
+	XSetForeground(display, _gcMono, 1);
+	drawTooltipBalloon(bitmap, _gcMono, x, y, width, height, side);
+	XSetForeground(display, gc, Config.bTooltipSwapColors ? bg_pixel : fg_pixel);
+	drawTooltipBalloon(pixmap, gc, x+1, y+1, width-2, height-2, side);
+	*mask = bitmap;
+	return pixmap;
- *   flush_expose
+ * flush_expose
- *   Everyone else has one of these... Can't hurt to throw it in.
+ * Everyone else has one of these... Can't hurt to throw it in.
-int flush_expose(Window w) {
-  extern Display *display;
-  XEvent         dummy;
-  int            i=0;
-  while (XCheckTypedWindowEvent(display, w, Expose, &dummy)) i++;
-  return(i);
+int flush_expose(Window w)
+	extern Display *display;
+	XEvent dummy;
+	int i = 0;
+	while (XCheckTypedWindowEvent(display, w, Expose, &dummy))
+		i++;
+	return i;
diff --git a/wmbutton.h b/wmbutton.h
index 9facaae..6b2d2d4 100644
--- a/wmbutton.h
+++ b/wmbutton.h
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
 #define EOLN '\n'	     /* Defines the new line character */
 #define SIZE1 20	     /* Defines the increment to increase the */
-			     /*   string by until a newline of EOF is found */
+			     /* string by until a newline of EOF is found */
 /******   Defines for Tool Tips  ***************************************/
 #define TOOLTIP_SUPPORT      1
@@ -66,41 +66,41 @@
 /******  Typedefs  *******************************************/
 struct Config_t {
-  char *configfile;
-  char *buttonfile;
-  char *Geometry_str;
-  char *Display_str;
-  int mmouse;
-  int Verbose;
-  char* szTooltipFont;
-  int bTooltipSwapColors;
-  int bTooltipDisable;
+	char *configfile;
+	char *buttonfile;
+	char *Geometry_str;
+	char *Display_str;
+	int mmouse;
+	int Verbose;
+	char* szTooltipFont;
+	int bTooltipSwapColors;
+	int bTooltipDisable;
 /******  Function Prototyes  *******************************************/
-void RunAppN(int app);             // function to run app N as found in conf file
-char *Parse(int app);              // parse data in config file
+void RunAppN(int app);             /* function to run app N as found in conf file */
+char *Parse(int app);              /* parse data in config file */
 void parseargs(int argc, char **argv);
-char *readln(FILE *fp);            // read line from file, return pointer to it
-void err_mess(int err, char *str); // Error Handling Routine
-void show_usage(void);            // show usage message to stderr
-int  flush_expose(Window w);
+char *readln(FILE *fp);            /* read line from file, return pointer to it */
+void err_mess(int err, char *str); /* Error Handling Routine */
+void show_usage(void);             /* show usage message to stderr */
+int flush_expose(Window w);
 /******  Tooltip Function Prototypes  **********************************/
 void initTooltip();
-void destroyTooltip ();
-int hasTooltipSupport ();
-void showTooltip (int nButton, int nMouseX, int nMouseY);
-void hideTooltip ();
-int hasTooltip ();
-void drawTooltipBalloon (Pixmap pix, GC gc, int x, int y, int w, int h, int side);
-Pixmap createTooltipPixmap (int width, int height, int side, Pixmap *mask);
-void initTime ();
-long currentTimeMillis ();
-void getWindowOrigin (Window w, int* nX, int* nY);
-void getButtonLocation (int nButton, int* nLocationX, int* nLocationY);
-char *getButtonAppNames (int nButton);
+void destroyTooltip(void);
+int hasTooltipSupport(void);
+void showTooltip(int nButton, int nMouseX, int nMouseY);
+void hideTooltip(void);
+int hasTooltip(void);
+void drawTooltipBalloon(Pixmap pix, GC gc, int x, int y, int w, int h, int side);
+Pixmap createTooltipPixmap(int width, int height, int side, Pixmap *mask);
+void initTime(void);
+long currentTimeMillis(void);
+void getWindowOrigin(Window w, int *nX, int *nY);
+void getButtonLocation(int nButton, int *nLocationX, int *nLocationY);
+char *getButtonAppNames(int nButton);

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-wmaker/wmbutton.git

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