[Pkg-wmaker-commits] [wmmixer] 08/24: Import Upstream version 1.5

Doug Torrance dtorrance-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Aug 27 13:12:52 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

dtorrance-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository wmmixer.

commit 7ca18a0a90d5de02b3e8d7cd2b5b563c17ad5c3b
Author: Doug Torrance <dtorrance at piedmont.edu>
Date:   Sun Aug 27 09:11:15 2017 -0400

    Import Upstream version 1.5
 CHANGES                      |   23 +
 Makefile                     |   37 +-
 README                       |   16 +-
 XPM/.xvpics/norec.xpm        |    5 +
 XPM/.xvpics/wmmixer.xpm      |  Bin 0 -> 3666 bytes
 XPM/.xvpics/wmmixer_new.xpm  |  Bin 0 -> 3666 bytes
 XPM/.xvpics/wmmixer_new2.xpm |  Bin 0 -> 3666 bytes
 XPM/norec.xpm                |   23 +-
 XPM/wmmixer.xpm              |  127 ++---
 common.h                     |   30 ++
 exception.cc                 |   53 ++
 exception.h                  |   40 ++
 home.wmmixer                 |    2 +-
 mixctl.cc                    |  258 ++++++++++
 mixctl.h                     |  230 +++------
 wmmixer.1                    |    5 +-
 wmmixer.cc                   | 1099 +++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 wmmixer.h                    |  195 +++-----
 xhandler.cc                  |  549 +++++++++++++++++++++
 xhandler.h                   |  153 ++++++
 20 files changed, 1856 insertions(+), 989 deletions(-)

diff --git a/CHANGES b/CHANGES
index b07bbf4..0a821ef 100644
@@ -59,3 +59,26 @@ Release 1.1   3 Apr 2002  Adopted as obviously orhpaned:
                           Added manpage
                           Changed to GNU getopt command line parsing
                           Added simple Makefile, get rid of imake
+Release 1.2   25 May 2002 Merge Debian patches
+                          Cleanup/Splitup MixCtl
+                          Preparing for major rewrite...
+                          Makefile updated again
+Release 1.3   26 May 2002 Change the whole thing to actual C++ code.
+                          It is not yet pretty code, but it is a lot 
+                          better. Still, much work to do.
+Release 1.4   08 Jun 2002 Display only one bar for mono channels
+                          (Taken from Damian Kramer's wmsmixer)
+                          Split X code up into smaller pieces
+                          Fix channel rotating (repeat timer)
+                          Add mute button
+Release 1.5   25 Jun 2002 Several fixes (really open mixer device given
+                          with -m, don't segfault when /dev/mixer is not
+                          there, don't go to max if using scrollwheel to
+                          set volume below 0)
+                          Shaded LED-Bar
+                          Initial Exception Handling
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index f2c489d..47cef3d 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# $Id: Makefile,v 1.0 2002/04/02 19:38:22 gordon Exp $
+# $Id: Makefile,v 1.5 2002/06/25 22:13:09 gordon Exp $
 prefix      = /usr/local
 exec_prefix = ${prefix}
@@ -7,21 +7,39 @@ mandir      = ${prefix}/share/man
 DESTDIR     =
-CFLAGS      = -O2 -Wall -pedantic
-LIBS        = -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 -lXpm -lXext
+CXX	    = g++
+CXXFLAGS    = -O -Wall
+EXTRA_LIBS  = -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 -lXpm -lXext
-all: wmmixer
-wmmixer: wmmixer.cc
-	$(CC) $(LIBS) -o $@ $^
+LD 	    = g++
+EXECUTABLE  = wmmixer
+OBJS	    = xhandler.o mixctl.o wmmixer.o exception.o
+INSTALL = install
+INSTALL_FILE    = $(INSTALL) -D -p    -o root -g root  -m  644
+INSTALL_PROGRAM = $(INSTALL) -D -p    -o root -g root  -m  755
+	$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
+	$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(OBJS)
+	rm -f $(OBJS) $(EXECUTABLE)
 install: install-bin install-doc
 install-bin: wmmixer
-	install -D -s -m 755 $< $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/wmmixer
+	$(INSTALL_PROGRAM) $< $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/wmmixer
 install-doc: wmmixer.1
-	install -D -m 644 $< $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1/wmmixer.1
+	$(INSTALL_FILE) $< $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1/wmmixer.1
 uninstall: uninstall-bin uninstall-doc
@@ -31,9 +49,6 @@ uninstall-bin:
 	rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1/wmmixer.1
-	rm -f *.o wmmixer
 .PHONY: all clean dist-clean install install-bin install-doc \
 	uninstall uninstall-bin uninstall-doc
diff --git a/README b/README
index c6b2b7d..5109cbb 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 wmmixer - A mixer designed for WindowMaker
-3 Apr 2002  Release 1.1
+25 June 2002  Release 1.5
 Copyright (C) 1998  Sam Hawker <shawkie at geocities.com>
 Copyright (C) 2002  Gordon Fraser <gordon at debian.org>
@@ -58,6 +58,20 @@ There is a also a button to set recording sources.
 See the program's manpage ('man wmmixer') for detailed listings of the
 available options.
+As of version 1.5 wmmixer allows shading the volume bar in two colours.
+If you do not want this and prefer the traditional single-coloured
+look, you'll have to tell wmmixer to use the same colour for high and
+low colours:
+$ wmmixer -l green -L green
+...this will give you the traditional look.
+$ wmmixer -l lightgreen -L blue
+...this is an example for the new look. By default, green is used for low volume
+settings and fade to red for high volumes.
diff --git a/XPM/.xvpics/norec.xpm b/XPM/.xvpics/norec.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a24c8f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/XPM/.xvpics/norec.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+P7 332
+#IMGINFO:10x9 RGB (221 bytes)
+10 9 255
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/XPM/.xvpics/wmmixer.xpm b/XPM/.xvpics/wmmixer.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f099c5
Binary files /dev/null and b/XPM/.xvpics/wmmixer.xpm differ
diff --git a/XPM/.xvpics/wmmixer_new.xpm b/XPM/.xvpics/wmmixer_new.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90e97ac
Binary files /dev/null and b/XPM/.xvpics/wmmixer_new.xpm differ
diff --git a/XPM/.xvpics/wmmixer_new2.xpm b/XPM/.xvpics/wmmixer_new2.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b98c9c
Binary files /dev/null and b/XPM/.xvpics/wmmixer_new2.xpm differ
diff --git a/XPM/norec.xpm b/XPM/norec.xpm
index 2b07db9..eaf0106 100644
--- a/XPM/norec.xpm
+++ b/XPM/norec.xpm
@@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
 /* XPM */
 static char * norec_xpm[] = {
-"6 7 2 1",
-" 	c #AEAAAE",
-".	c #86828E",
-"     .",
-" ... .",
-".. ...",
-".   ..",
-".. ...",
-" ... .",
-"     ."};
+"10 9 3 1",
+" 	c None",
+".	c #AEAAAE",
+"+	c #353535",
diff --git a/XPM/wmmixer.xpm b/XPM/wmmixer.xpm
index 537436c..d3ec49c 100644
--- a/XPM/wmmixer.xpm
+++ b/XPM/wmmixer.xpm
@@ -1,72 +1,75 @@
 /* XPM */
 static char * wmmixer_xpm[] = {
-"64 64 7 1",
+"64 64 10 1",
 " 	c None",
-".	c #000000000000",
-"o	c #28A228A228A2 s back_color",
-"O	c #208120812081",
-"+	c #F7DEF3CEFFFF",
-"@	c #861782078E38",
+".	c #000000",
+"+	c #AEAAAE",
+"@	c #282828",
+"#	c #202020",
+"$	c #F7F3FF",
+"%	c #86828E",
+"&	c #FF0000",
+"*	c #FA0808",
+"=	c #FE0000",
 "                                                                ",
 "                                                                ",
 "                                                                ",
 "                                                                ",
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 "                                                                ",
 "                                                                ",
 "                                                                ",
diff --git a/common.h b/common.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc3ade6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common.h
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+// common.h - Common defines and includes for wmmixer
+// Release 1.5
+// Copyright (C) 1998  Sam Hawker <shawkie at geocities.com>
+// Copyright (C) 2002 Gordon Fraser <gordon at debian.org>
+// This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
+// This software is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+// under certain conditions
+// See the COPYING file for details.
+#ifndef __common_h__
+#define __common_h__
+// User defines - custom
+#define MIXERDEV      "/dev/mixer"
+#define BACKCOLOR     "#282828"
+#define LEDCOLOR      "green"
+#define LEDCOLOR_HIGH "red"
+// User defines - standard
+#define WINDOWMAKER false
+#define USESHAPE    false
+#define AFTERSTEP   false
+#define NORMSIZE    64
+#define ASTEPSIZE   56
+#define NAME        "wmmixer"
+#define CLASS       "WMMixer"
+#endif //__common_h__
diff --git a/exception.cc b/exception.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4fa261
--- /dev/null
+++ b/exception.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+// wmmixer - A mixer designed for WindowMaker
+// Release 1.5
+// Copyright (C) 1998  Sam Hawker <shawkie at geocities.com>
+// Copyright (C) 2002 Gordon Fraser <gordon at debian.org>
+// This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
+// This software is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+// under certain conditions
+// See the COPYING file for details.
+#include "exception.h"
+  error_message_ = NULL;
+Exception::Exception(const Exception& exc)
+  char* other_message = exc.getErrorMessage();
+  if(other_message != NULL)
+    {
+      error_message_ = new char[strlen(other_message)+1];
+      strcpy(error_message_, other_message);
+    }
+  else
+    error_message_ = NULL;
+  if(error_message_ != NULL)
+    delete[] error_message_;
+char* Exception::getErrorMessage() const
+  return error_message_;
+MixerDeviceException::MixerDeviceException(char* device)
+  error_message_ = new char[256];
+  strcpy(error_message_, "Unable to open mixer device ");
+  strcat(error_message_, device);
diff --git a/exception.h b/exception.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3923006
--- /dev/null
+++ b/exception.h
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+// wmmixer - A mixer designed for WindowMaker
+// Release 1.5
+// Copyright (C) 1998  Sam Hawker <shawkie at geocities.com>
+// Copyright (C) 2002 Gordon Fraser <gordon at debian.org>
+// This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
+// This software is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+// under certain conditions
+// See the COPYING file for details.
+#ifndef __exception_h__
+#define __exception_h__
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+class Exception
+ protected:
+  char* error_message_;
+ public:
+  Exception();
+  Exception(const Exception&);
+  virtual ~Exception();
+  char* getErrorMessage() const;
+class MixerDeviceException : public Exception
+ public:
+  MixerDeviceException(char *);
+  //  virtual ~MixerDeviceException();
+#endif _exception_h__
diff --git a/home.wmmixer b/home.wmmixer
index c35352d..6e05f81 100644
--- a/home.wmmixer
+++ b/home.wmmixer
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 # wmmixer - A mixer designed for WindowMaker
-# 3 Apr 2002  Release 1.1
+# 8 Jun 2002  Release 1.4
 # Copyright (C) 1998  Sam Hawker <shawkie at geocities.com>
 # This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
 # This software is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
diff --git a/mixctl.cc b/mixctl.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7cf3261
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mixctl.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+// mixctl.h - MixCtl class provides control of audio mixer functions
+// Release 1.5
+// Copyright (C) 1998  Sam Hawker <shawkie at geocities.com>
+// Copyright (C) 2002 Gordon Fraser <gordon at debian.org>
+// This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
+// This software is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+// under certain conditions
+// See the COPYING file for details.
+#include "mixctl.h"
+MixCtl::MixCtl(char *device_name) throw(MixerDeviceException)
+  device_ = new char[strlen(device_name)+1];
+  strcpy(device_, device_name);
+  modify_counter = -1;
+  if((mixfd = open(device_,O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK)) != -1)
+    {
+      num_devices_      = SOUND_MIXER_NRDEVICES;
+      char *devnames[]  = SOUND_DEVICE_NAMES;
+      char *devlabels[] = SOUND_DEVICE_LABELS;
+      ioctl(mixfd, SOUND_MIXER_READ_DEVMASK, &devmask);
+      ioctl(mixfd, SOUND_MIXER_READ_STEREODEVS, &stmask);
+      ioctl(mixfd, SOUND_MIXER_READ_RECMASK, &recmask);
+      ioctl(mixfd, SOUND_MIXER_READ_CAPS, &caps);
+      mixer_devices_ = new MixerDevice[num_devices_];
+      int mixmask = 1;
+      for(unsigned count=0; count<num_devices_; count++)
+	{
+	  mixer_devices_[count].support = devmask & mixmask;
+	  mixer_devices_[count].stereo  = stmask  & mixmask;
+	  mixer_devices_[count].records = recmask & mixmask;
+	  mixer_devices_[count].mask    = mixmask;
+	  mixer_devices_[count].name    = devnames[count];
+	  mixer_devices_[count].label   = devlabels[count];
+	  mixer_devices_[count].muted   = 0;
+	  mixmask*=2;
+	}
+      doStatus();
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      throw MixerDeviceException(device_name);
+    }
+  if(mixer_devices_ != NULL)
+    delete[](mixer_devices_);
+  close(mixfd);
+  delete[] device_;
+bool MixCtl::isMuted(int channel)
+  return mixer_devices_[channel].muted;
+void MixCtl::mute(int channel)
+  mixer_devices_[channel].muted = mixer_devices_[channel].value;
+  mixer_devices_[channel].value = 0;
+  writeVol(channel);
+void MixCtl::unmute(int channel)
+  mixer_devices_[channel].value = mixer_devices_[channel].muted;
+  mixer_devices_[channel].muted = 0;
+  writeVol(channel);
+void MixCtl::doStatus()
+  ioctl(mixfd, SOUND_MIXER_READ_RECSRC, &recsrc);
+  for(unsigned i=0;i<num_devices_;i++)
+    {
+      if(mixer_devices_[i].support)
+	{
+	  ioctl(mixfd, MIXER_READ(i), &mixer_devices_[i].value);
+	}
+      mixer_devices_[i].recsrc=(recsrc & mixer_devices_[i].mask);
+    }
+// Return volume for a device, optionally reading it from device first.
+// Can be used as a way to avoid calling doStatus().
+int MixCtl::readVol(int dev, bool read)
+  if(read)
+    {
+      ioctl(mixfd, MIXER_READ(dev), &mixer_devices_[dev].value);
+    }
+  return mixer_devices_[dev].value;
+// Return left and right componenets of volume for a device.
+// If you are lazy, you can call readVol to read from the device, then these
+// to get left and right values.
+int MixCtl::readLeft(int dev)
+  return mixer_devices_[dev].value%256;
+int MixCtl::readRight(int dev)
+  return mixer_devices_[dev].value/256;
+// Write volume to device. Use setVolume, setLeft and setRight first.
+void MixCtl::writeVol(int dev)
+  ioctl(mixfd, MIXER_WRITE(dev), &mixer_devices_[dev].value);
+// Set volume (or left or right component) for a device. You must call writeVol to write it.
+void MixCtl::setVol(int dev, int value)
+  mixer_devices_[dev].value=value;
+void MixCtl::setBoth(int dev, int l, int r)
+  mixer_devices_[dev].value=256*r+l;
+void MixCtl::setLeft(int dev, int l)
+  int r;
+  if(mixer_devices_[dev].stereo)
+    r=mixer_devices_[dev].value/256;
+  else
+    r=l;
+  mixer_devices_[dev].value=256*r+l;
+void MixCtl::setRight(int dev, int r)
+  int l;
+  if(mixer_devices_[dev].stereo)
+    l=mixer_devices_[dev].value%256;
+  else
+    l=r;
+  mixer_devices_[dev].value=256*r+l;
+// Return record source value for a device, optionally reading it from device first.
+bool MixCtl::readRec(int dev, bool read)
+  if(read)
+    {
+      ioctl(mixfd, SOUND_MIXER_READ_RECSRC, &recsrc);
+      mixer_devices_[dev].recsrc=(recsrc & mixer_devices_[dev].mask);
+    }
+  return mixer_devices_[dev].recsrc;
+// Write record source values to device. Use setRec first.
+void MixCtl::writeRec(){
+  ioctl(mixfd, SOUND_MIXER_WRITE_RECSRC, &recsrc);
+// Make a device (not) a record source.
+void MixCtl::setRec(int dev, bool rec)
+  if(rec)
+    {
+      if(caps & SOUND_CAP_EXCL_INPUT)
+	recsrc=mixer_devices_[dev].mask;
+      else
+	recsrc|=mixer_devices_[dev].mask;
+    }
+  else
+    recsrc&=~mixer_devices_[dev].mask;
+// Return various other info
+char* MixCtl::getDevName()
+  return device_;
+unsigned MixCtl::getNrDevices()
+  return num_devices_;
+int MixCtl::getCapabilities()
+  return caps;
+bool MixCtl::getSupport(int dev)
+  return mixer_devices_[dev].support;
+bool MixCtl::getStereo(int dev)
+  return mixer_devices_[dev].stereo;
+bool MixCtl::getRecords(int dev)
+  return mixer_devices_[dev].records;
+char* MixCtl::getName(int dev)
+  return mixer_devices_[dev].name;
+char* MixCtl::getLabel(int dev)
+  return mixer_devices_[dev].label;
+bool MixCtl::hasChanged()
+  struct mixer_info mixer_info;
+  ioctl(mixfd, SOUND_MIXER_INFO, &mixer_info);
+  if (mixer_info.modify_counter == modify_counter)
+    {
+      return false;
+    }
+  else 
+    {
+      modify_counter = mixer_info.modify_counter;
+      return true;
+    }
diff --git a/mixctl.h b/mixctl.h
index 6530460..2750693 100644
--- a/mixctl.h
+++ b/mixctl.h
@@ -1,12 +1,16 @@
 // mixctl.h - MixCtl class provides control of audio mixer functions
-// 05/09/98  Release 1.0 Beta1
+// Release 1.5
 // Copyright (C) 1998  Sam Hawker <shawkie at geocities.com>
+// Copyright (C) 2002 Gordon Fraser <gordon at debian.org>
 // This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
 // This software is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
 // under certain conditions
 // See the COPYING file for details.
-// Although mixctl.h is an integral part of wmmixer, it may also be distributed seperately.
+#ifndef __mixctl_h__
+#define __mixctl_h__
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
@@ -15,6 +19,7 @@
 #include <sys/stat.h>
 #include <fcntl.h>
 #include <unistd.h>
+#include <string.h>
 #ifdef __NetBSD__
 #include <soundcard.h>
@@ -25,173 +30,74 @@
 #include <linux/soundcard.h>
-class MixCtl
-   MixCtl(char *dname){
-      device=(char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(dname)+1));
-      strcpy(device,dname);
-      if(mixfdopen=(mixfd=open(device,O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK))!=-1){
-         nrdevices=SOUND_MIXER_NRDEVICES;
-         char *devnames[]=SOUND_DEVICE_NAMES;
-         char *devlabels[]=SOUND_DEVICE_LABELS;
-         ioctl(mixfd, SOUND_MIXER_READ_DEVMASK, &devmask);
-         ioctl(mixfd, SOUND_MIXER_READ_STEREODEVS, &stmask);
-         ioctl(mixfd, SOUND_MIXER_READ_RECMASK, &recmask);
-         ioctl(mixfd, SOUND_MIXER_READ_CAPS, &caps);
-         mixdevs=(struct MixDev *)malloc(sizeof(struct MixDev)*nrdevices);
-         int mixmask=1;
-         for(int i=0;i<nrdevices;i++){
-            mixdevs[i].support=devmask & mixmask;
-            mixdevs[i].stereo=stmask & mixmask;
-            mixdevs[i].records=recmask & mixmask;
-            mixdevs[i].mask=mixmask;
-            mixdevs[i].name=devnames[i];
-            mixdevs[i].label=devlabels[i];
-            mixmask*=2;
-         }
-         doStatus();
-      }
-   }
-   ~MixCtl(){
-      if(mixfdopen){
-         if(mixdevs!=NULL)
-            free(mixdevs);
-         close(mixfd);
-      }
-   }
-   bool openOK(){
-      return mixfdopen;
-   }
-   void doStatus(){
-      ioctl(mixfd, SOUND_MIXER_READ_RECSRC, &recsrc);
-      for(int i=0;i<nrdevices;i++){
-	 if(mixdevs[i].support)
-	    ioctl(mixfd, MIXER_READ(i), &mixdevs[i].value);
-         mixdevs[i].recsrc=(recsrc & mixdevs[i].mask);
-      }
-   }
+#include "exception.h"
-   // Return volume for a device, optionally reading it from device first.
-   // Can be used as a way to avoid calling doStatus().
-   int readVol(int dev, bool read){
-      if(read)
-         ioctl(mixfd, MIXER_READ(dev), &mixdevs[dev].value);
-      return mixdevs[dev].value;
-   }
-   // Return left and right componenets of volume for a device.
-   // If you are lazy, you can call readVol to read from the device, then these
-   // to get left and right values.
-   int readLeft(int dev){
-      return mixdevs[dev].value%256;
-   }
-   int readRight(int dev){
-      return mixdevs[dev].value/256;
-   }
+struct _MixerDevice_{
+  bool support;
+  bool stereo;
+  bool recsrc;
+  bool records;
+  char *name;
+  char *label;
+  int value;
+  int mask;
+  int muted;
+typedef struct _MixerDevice_ MixerDevice;
-   // Write volume to device. Use setVolume, setLeft and setRight first.
-   void writeVol(int dev){
-      ioctl(mixfd, MIXER_WRITE(dev), &mixdevs[dev].value);
-   }
+class MixCtl
+ protected:
+  int mixfd;
+  int mixfdopen;
+  char* device_;
+  int muted_;
-   // Set volume (or left or right component) for a device. You must call writeVol to write it.
-   void setVol(int dev, int value){
-      mixdevs[dev].value=value;
-   }
-   void setBoth(int dev, int l, int r){
-      mixdevs[dev].value=256*r+l;
-   }
-   void setLeft(int dev, int l){
-      int r;
-      if(mixdevs[dev].stereo)
-         r=mixdevs[dev].value/256;
-      else
-         r=l;
-      mixdevs[dev].value=256*r+l;
-   }
-   void setRight(int dev, int r){
-      int l;
-      if(mixdevs[dev].stereo)
-         l=mixdevs[dev].value%256;
-      else
-         l=r;
-      mixdevs[dev].value=256*r+l;
-   }
+  unsigned num_devices_;       // maximum number of devices
+  int devmask;         // supported devices
+  int stmask;          // stereo devices
+  int recmask;         // devices which can be recorded from
+  int caps;            // capabilities
+  int recsrc;          // devices which are being recorded from
+  int modify_counter;
+  MixerDevice* mixer_devices_;
-   // Return record source value for a device, optionally reading it from device first.
-   bool readRec(int dev, bool read){
-      if(read){
-	 ioctl(mixfd, SOUND_MIXER_READ_RECSRC, &recsrc);
-         mixdevs[dev].recsrc=(recsrc & mixdevs[dev].mask);
-      }
-      return mixdevs[dev].recsrc;
-   }
+  void doStatus();
+ public:
+  MixCtl(char *dname) throw(MixerDeviceException);
+  virtual ~MixCtl();
+  int readVol(int, bool);
+  int readLeft(int);
+  int readRight(int);
+  void writeVol(int);
-   // Write record source values to device. Use setRec first.
-   void writeRec(){
-      ioctl(mixfd, SOUND_MIXER_WRITE_RECSRC, &recsrc);
-   }
+  void setVol(int, int);
+  void setBoth(int, int, int);
+  void setLeft(int, int);
+  void setRight(int, int);
-   // Make a device (not) a record source.
-   void setRec(int dev, bool rec){
-      if(rec){
-         if(caps & SOUND_CAP_EXCL_INPUT)
-            recsrc=mixdevs[dev].mask;
-         else
-            recsrc|=mixdevs[dev].mask;
-      }
-      else
-         recsrc&=~mixdevs[dev].mask;
-   }
+  bool readRec(int, bool);
+  void writeRec();
+  void setRec(int, bool);
-   // Return various other info
-   char *getDevName(){
-      return device;
-   }
-   int getNrDevices(){
-      return nrdevices;
-   }
-   int getCapabilities(){
-      return caps;
-   }
-   bool getSupport(int dev){
-      return mixdevs[dev].support;
-   }
-   bool getStereo(int dev){
-      return mixdevs[dev].stereo;
-   }
-   bool getRecords(int dev){
-      return mixdevs[dev].records;
-   }
-   char *getName(int dev){
-      return mixdevs[dev].name;
-   }
-   char *getLabel(int dev){
-      return mixdevs[dev].label;
-   }
+  char *getDevName();
+  unsigned getNrDevices();
+  int getCapabilities();
+  bool getSupport(int);
+  bool getStereo(int);
+  bool getRecords(int);
+  char *getName(int);
+  char *getLabel(int);
+  bool hasChanged();
-   int mixfd;
-   int mixfdopen;
-   char *device;
+  bool isMuted(int);
+  void mute(int);
+  void unmute(int);
-   struct MixDev{
-      bool support;
-      bool stereo;
-      bool recsrc;
-      bool records;
-      char *name;
-      char *label;
-      int value;
-      int mask;
-   };
+#endif // __mixctl_h__
-   int nrdevices;       // maximum number of devices
-   int devmask;         // supported devices
-   int stmask;          // stereo devices
-   int recmask;         // devices which can be recorded from
-   int caps;            // capabilities
-   int recsrc;          // devices which are being recorded from
-   struct MixDev *mixdevs;
diff --git a/wmmixer.1 b/wmmixer.1
index becb2b4..4d26c51 100644
--- a/wmmixer.1
+++ b/wmmixer.1
@@ -40,7 +40,10 @@ use smaller window (for AfterStep Wharf)
 shaped window
 .B \-l, \-\-led\-color <\fIstring\fP>
-use the specified color for led, e.g. red, green, blue
+use the specified color for led, e.g. red, green, blue (default: green)
+.B \-L, \-\-led\-highcolor <\fIstring\fP>
+use the specified color for led-shading, e.g. red, green, blue (default: red)
 .B \-b, \-\-back\-color <\fIstring\fP>
 use the specified color for backgrounds, e.g. red, green, blue
diff --git a/wmmixer.cc b/wmmixer.cc
index 5675718..3cbe4a0 100644
--- a/wmmixer.cc
+++ b/wmmixer.cc
@@ -1,325 +1,227 @@
-// wmmixer - A mixer designed for WindowMaker
-// 05/09/98  Release 1.0 Beta1
+// wmmixer.cc - A mixer designed for WindowMaker
+// Release 1.5
 // Copyright (C) 1998  Sam Hawker <shawkie at geocities.com>
+// Copyright (C) 2002 Gordon Fraser <gordon at debian.org>
 // This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
 // This software is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
 // under certain conditions
-// See the README file for a more complete notice.
-// 02/04/02 Gordon Fraser <gordon at debian.org>
-//   * GNU getopt
-//   * Mousewheel support
-//   * X handling rewrite
+// See the COPYING file for details.
 #include "wmmixer.h"
-// Implementation
-// --------------
+  // Initialize member variables
+  current_channel_        = 0;
+  num_channels_           = 0;
+  current_channel_left_   = 0;
+  current_channel_right_  = 0;
+  repeat_timer_           = 0;
+  wheel_scroll_           = 2;
+  current_recording_      = false;
+  current_show_recording_ = false;
+  dragging_               = false;
+  strcpy(mixer_device_, MIXERDEV);
+  xhandler_ = new XHandler();
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
-  scanArgs(argc, argv);
-  initXWin(argc, argv);
-  mixctl=new MixCtl(mixdev);
-  if(!mixctl->openOK())
-    fprintf(stderr,"%s : Unable to open mixer device '%s'.\n", NAME, mixdev);
-  else{
-    icon = new int[mixctl->getNrDevices()];
-    channel = new int[mixctl->getNrDevices()];
-    initialize_icon(mixctl->getNrDevices());
-    for(int i=0;i<mixctl->getNrDevices();i++){
-      if(mixctl->getSupport(i)){
-	channel[channels]=i;
-	channels++;
-      }
-    }
-  }
+  delete[] channel_list_;
+  delete mixctl_;
+  delete xhandler_;
+void WMMixer::loop()
+  XEvent xev;
-  readFile();
-  if(channels==0)
-    fprintf(stderr,"%s : Sorry, no supported channels found.\n", NAME);
-  else{
-    checkVol(true);
-    XEvent xev;
-    XSelectInput(d_display, w_main, ButtonPressMask | ExposureMask | ButtonReleaseMask | PointerMotionMask | StructureNotifyMask);
-    XSelectInput(d_display, w_icon, ButtonPressMask | ExposureMask | ButtonReleaseMask | PointerMotionMask | StructureNotifyMask);
-    XMapWindow(d_display, w_main);
-    bool done=false;
-    while(!done){
-      while(XPending(d_display)){
-	XNextEvent(d_display, &xev);
-	switch(xev.type){
-	case Expose:
-	  repaint();
-	  break;
-	case ButtonPress:
-	  pressEvent(&xev.xbutton);
-	  break;
-	case ButtonRelease:
-	  releaseEvent(&xev.xbutton);
-	  break;
-	case MotionNotify:
-	  motionEvent(&xev.xmotion);
-	  break;
-	case ClientMessage:
-	  if(xev.xclient.data.l[0]==deleteWin)
-	    done=true;
-	  break;
+  bool done=false;
+  while(!done)
+    {
+      while(XPending(xhandler_->getDisplay())) 
+	{
+	  XNextEvent(xhandler_->getDisplay(), &xev);
+	  switch(xev.type) 
+	    {
+	    case Expose:
+	      xhandler_->repaint();
+	      break;
+	    case ButtonPress:
+	      pressEvent(&xev.xbutton);
+	      break;
+	    case ButtonRelease:
+	      releaseEvent(&xev.xbutton);
+	      break;
+	    case MotionNotify:
+	      motionEvent(&xev.xmotion);
+	      break;
+	    case ClientMessage:
+	      if(xev.xclient.data.l[0] == (int)xhandler_->getDeleteWin())
+		done=true;
+	      break;
+	    }
-      }
-      if(btnstate & (BTNPREV | BTNNEXT)){
-	rpttimer++;
-	if(rpttimer>=RPTINTERVAL){
-	  if(btnstate & BTNNEXT)
-	    curchannel++;
-	  else
-	    curchannel--;
-	  if(curchannel<0)
-	    curchannel=channels-1;
-	  if(curchannel>=channels)
-	    curchannel=0;
-	  checkVol(true);
-	  rpttimer=0;
+      // keep a button pressed causes scrolling throught the channels
+      if(xhandler_->getButtonState() & (BTNPREV | BTNNEXT))
+	{
+	  repeat_timer_++;
+	  if(repeat_timer_ >= RPTINTERVAL)
+	    {
+	      if(xhandler_->getButtonState() & BTNNEXT)
+		{
+		  current_channel_++;
+		  if(current_channel_ >= num_channels_)
+		    current_channel_ = 0;
+		}
+	      else
+		{
+		  if(current_channel_ < 1)
+		    current_channel_ = num_channels_-1;
+		  else
+		    current_channel_--;
+		}
+	      checkVol(true);
+	      repeat_timer_ = 0;
+	    }
-      }
-      else
-	checkVol(false);
-      XFlush(d_display);
-      usleep(50000);
+      else 
+	{
+	  checkVol(false);
+	}
+      XFlush(xhandler_->getDisplay());
+      usleep(100000);
-  }
-  freeXWin();
-  delete mixctl;
-  return 0;
-void initialize_icon(int num) {
-   int i;
-   icon[0] = 0;
-   icon[1] = 7;
-   icon[2] = 8;
-   icon[3] = 2;
-   icon[4] = 1;
-   icon[5] = 6;
-   icon[6] = 4;
-   icon[7] = 5;
-   icon[8] = 3;
-   for(i=9;i<num;i++)
-       icon[i] = 9;
-void initXWin(int argc, char **argv){
-  int d_depth;
-  int screen;
-  int x_fd;
-  int dummy = 0;
-  XWMHints wmhints;
-  XSizeHints shints;
-  XClassHint classHint;
-  XTextProperty	name;
-  char *wname = argv[0];
-  XGCValues gcv;
-  unsigned long gcm;
-  winsize=astep ? ASTEPSIZE : NORMSIZE;
-  if((d_display=XOpenDisplay(display))==NULL) {
-    fprintf(stderr,"%s : Unable to open X display '%s'.\n", NAME, XDisplayName(display));
-    exit(1);
-  }
+void WMMixer::init(int argc, char **argv)
+  parseArgs(argc, argv);
-  screen  = DefaultScreen(d_display);
-  w_root  = RootWindow(d_display, screen);
-  d_depth = DefaultDepth(d_display, screen);
-  x_fd    = XConnectionNumber(d_display);
-  _XA_GNUSTEP_WM_FUNC=XInternAtom(d_display, "_GNUSTEP_WM_FUNCTION", false);
-  deleteWin=XInternAtom(d_display, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", false);
+  initMixer();
-  w_root = RootWindow(d_display, screen);
+  readConfigurationFile(); 
-  shints.x = 0;
-  shints.y = 0;
-  //  shints.flags  = USSize;
-  shints.flags  = 0; // Gordon
-  back_pix = getColor("white");
-  fore_pix = getColor("black");
-  bool pos=(XWMGeometry(d_display, DefaultScreen(d_display), position, NULL, 0, &shints, &shints.x, &shints.y,
-			&shints.width, &shints.height, &dummy) & (XValue | YValue));
-  shints.min_width   = winsize;
-  shints.min_height  = winsize;
-  shints.max_width   = winsize;
-  shints.max_height  = winsize;
-  shints.base_width  = winsize;
-  shints.base_height = winsize;
-  shints.width       = winsize;
-  shints.height      = winsize;
-  shints.flags=PMinSize | PMaxSize | PBaseSize; // Gordon
-  w_main = XCreateSimpleWindow(d_display, w_root, shints.x, shints.y,
-			    shints.width, shints.height, 0, fore_pix, back_pix);
-  w_icon = XCreateSimpleWindow(d_display, w_root, shints.x, shints.y,
-				shints.width, shints.height, 0, fore_pix, back_pix);
-  XSetWMNormalHints(d_display, w_main, &shints);
-  wmhints.icon_x = shints.x;
-  wmhints.icon_y = shints.y;
-  if(wmaker || astep || pos)
-    shints.flags |= USPosition;
-  if(wmaker){
-    wmhints.initial_state = WithdrawnState;
-    wmhints.flags = StateHint | IconWindowHint | IconPositionHint | WindowGroupHint;
-    wmhints.icon_window = w_icon;
-    wmhints.icon_x = shints.x;
-    wmhints.icon_y = shints.y;
-    wmhints.window_group = w_main;
-  } else {
-    wmhints.initial_state = NormalState;
-    wmhints.flags = WindowGroupHint | StateHint;
-  }
-  classHint.res_name=NAME;
-  classHint.res_class=CLASS;
-  XSetClassHint(d_display, w_main, &classHint);
-  XSetClassHint(d_display, w_icon, &classHint);
-  if (XStringListToTextProperty(&wname, 1, &name) == 0) {
-    fprintf(stderr, "%s: can't allocate window name\n", wname);
-    exit(1);
-   }
-  XSetWMName(d_display, w_main, &name);
-  gcm = GCForeground | GCBackground | GCGraphicsExposures;
-  gcv.graphics_exposures = 0;
-  gcv.foreground = fore_pix;
-  gcv.background = back_pix;
-  gc_gc=XCreateGC(d_display, w_root, gcm, &gcv);
-  XSetWMHints(d_display, w_main, &wmhints);
-  XSetCommand(d_display, w_main, argv, argc);
-  XSetWMProtocols(d_display, w_main, &deleteWin, 1); // Close
-  color[0]=mixColor(ledcolor, 0, backcolor, 100);
-  color[1]=mixColor(ledcolor, 100, backcolor, 0);
-  color[2]=mixColor(ledcolor, 60, backcolor, 40);
-  color[3]=mixColor(ledcolor, 25, backcolor, 75);
-  XpmAttributes xpmattr;
-  XpmColorSymbol xpmcsym[4]={{"back_color",     NULL, color[0]},
-			     {"led_color_high", NULL, color[1]},
-			     {"led_color_med",  NULL, color[2]},
-			     {"led_color_low",  NULL, color[3]}};
-  xpmattr.numsymbols = 4;
-  xpmattr.colorsymbols=xpmcsym;
-  xpmattr.exactColors=false;
-  xpmattr.closeness=40000;
-  xpmattr.valuemask=XpmColorSymbols | XpmExactColors | XpmCloseness;
-  XpmCreatePixmapFromData(d_display, w_root, wmmixer_xpm, &pm_main, &pm_mask, &xpmattr);
-  XpmCreatePixmapFromData(d_display, w_root, tile_xpm, &pm_tile, NULL, &xpmattr);
-  XpmCreatePixmapFromData(d_display, w_root, icons_xpm, &pm_icon, NULL, &xpmattr);
-  XpmCreatePixmapFromData(d_display, w_root, norec_xpm, &pm_nrec, NULL, &xpmattr);
-  pm_disp = XCreatePixmap(d_display, w_root, 64, 64, d_depth);
-  if(wmaker || ushape || astep) {
-    XShapeCombineMask(d_display, w_icon, ShapeBounding, winsize/2-32, winsize/2-32, pm_mask, ShapeSet);
-    XShapeCombineMask(d_display, w_main, ShapeBounding, winsize/2-32, winsize/2-32, pm_mask, ShapeSet);
-  } else {
-    XCopyArea(d_display, pm_tile, pm_disp, gc_gc, 0, 0, 64, 64, 0, 0);
-  }
-  XSetClipMask(d_display, gc_gc, pm_mask);
-  XCopyArea(d_display, pm_main, pm_disp, gc_gc, 0, 0, 64, 64, 0, 0);
-  XSetClipMask(d_display, gc_gc, None);
-  XStoreName(d_display, w_main, NAME);
-  XSetIconName(d_display, w_main, NAME); 
+  xhandler_->init(argc, argv, mixctl_->getNrDevices());
-void freeXWin(){
-  XFreeGC(d_display, gc_gc);
-  XFreePixmap(d_display, pm_main);
-  XFreePixmap(d_display, pm_tile);
-  XFreePixmap(d_display, pm_disp);
-  XFreePixmap(d_display, pm_mask);
-  XFreePixmap(d_display, pm_icon);
-  XFreePixmap(d_display, pm_nrec);
-   XDestroyWindow(d_display, w_main);
-   if(wmaker)
-      XDestroyWindow(d_display, w_icon);
-   XCloseDisplay(d_display);
+  if(num_channels_ == 0)
+    {
+      std::cerr << NAME << " : Sorry, no supported channels found." << std::endl;
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      checkVol(true);
+    }
-void createWin(Window *win, int x, int y){
-   XClassHint classHint;
-   if((*win=XCreateSimpleWindow(d_display, w_root, x, y, winsize, winsize, 0, back_pix, fore_pix)) == 0) {
-     fprintf(stderr,"Fail: XCreateSimpleWindow\n");	
-     exit(-1);
-   }
-   classHint.res_name=NAME;
-   classHint.res_class=CLASS;
-   XSetClassHint(d_display, *win, &classHint);
+void WMMixer::initMixer()
+  // Initialize Mixer
+  try
+    {
+      mixctl_   = new MixCtl(mixer_device_);
+    }
+  catch(MixerDeviceException &exc)
+    {
+      std::cerr << NAME << " : " << exc.getErrorMessage() << "'." << std::endl;
+      exit(1);
+    }
-unsigned long getColor(char *colorname){
-   XColor color;
-   XWindowAttributes winattr;
-   XGetWindowAttributes(d_display, w_root, &winattr);
-   color.pixel=0;
-   XParseColor(d_display, winattr.colormap, colorname, &color);
-   color.flags=DoRed | DoGreen | DoBlue;
-   XAllocColor(d_display, winattr.colormap, &color);
-   return color.pixel;
+  channel_list_ = new unsigned[mixctl_->getNrDevices()];
+  for(unsigned count=0; count<mixctl_->getNrDevices(); count++)
+    {
+      if(mixctl_->getSupport(count)){
+	channel_list_[num_channels_]=count;
+	num_channels_++;
+      }
+    }
-unsigned long mixColor(char *colorname1, int prop1, char *colorname2, int prop2){
-   XColor color, color1, color2;
-   XWindowAttributes winattr;
-   XGetWindowAttributes(d_display, w_root, &winattr);
-   XParseColor(d_display, winattr.colormap, colorname1, &color1);
-   XParseColor(d_display, winattr.colormap, colorname2, &color2);
-   color.pixel=0;
-   color.red=(color1.red*prop1+color2.red*prop2)/(prop1+prop2);
-   color.green=(color1.green*prop1+color2.green*prop2)/(prop1+prop2);
-   color.blue=(color1.blue*prop1+color2.blue*prop2)/(prop1+prop2);
-   color.flags=DoRed | DoGreen | DoBlue;
-   XAllocColor(d_display, winattr.colormap, &color);
-   return color.pixel;
+void WMMixer::checkVol(bool forced = true)
+  if(!forced && !mixctl_->hasChanged())
+    return;
+  if(mixctl_->isMuted(channel_list_[current_channel_]))
+    xhandler_->setButtonState(xhandler_->getButtonState() | BTNMUTE);
+  else
+    xhandler_->setButtonState(xhandler_->getButtonState() & ~BTNMUTE);
+  mixctl_->readVol(channel_list_[current_channel_], true);
+  unsigned nl   = mixctl_->readLeft(channel_list_[current_channel_]);
+  unsigned nr   = mixctl_->readRight(channel_list_[current_channel_]);
+  bool     nrec = mixctl_->readRec(channel_list_[current_channel_], true);
+  if(forced)
+    {
+      current_channel_left_  = nl;
+      current_channel_right_ = nr;
+      current_recording_     = nrec;
+      if(nrec)
+	xhandler_->setButtonState(xhandler_->getButtonState() | BTNREC);
+      else
+	xhandler_->setButtonState(xhandler_->getButtonState() & ~BTNREC);
+      current_show_recording_=mixctl_->getRecords(channel_list_[current_channel_]);
+      updateDisplay();
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      if(nl != current_channel_left_ || nr != current_channel_right_ || nrec != current_recording_)
+	{
+	  if(nl!=current_channel_left_)
+	    {
+	      current_channel_left_=nl;
+	      if(mixctl_->getStereo(channel_list_[current_channel_]))
+		xhandler_->drawLeft(current_channel_left_);
+	      else
+		xhandler_->drawMono(current_channel_left_);
+	    }
+	  if(nr!=current_channel_right_)
+	    {
+	      current_channel_right_=nr;
+	      if(mixctl_->getStereo(channel_list_[current_channel_]))
+		xhandler_->drawRight(current_channel_right_);
+	      else
+		xhandler_->drawMono(current_channel_left_);
+	    }
+	  if(nrec!=current_recording_)
+	    {
+	      current_recording_=nrec;
+	      if(nrec)
+		xhandler_->setButtonState(xhandler_->getButtonState() | BTNREC);
+	      else
+		xhandler_->setButtonState(xhandler_->getButtonState() & ~BTNREC);
+	      xhandler_->drawBtns(BTNREC, current_show_recording_);
+	    }
+	  updateDisplay();
+	}      
+    }
-void scanArgs(int argc, char **argv){
+void WMMixer::parseArgs(int argc, char **argv)
   static struct option long_opts[] = {
     {"help",       0, NULL, 'h'},
     {"version",    0, NULL, 'v'},
@@ -329,6 +231,7 @@ void scanArgs(int argc, char **argv){
     {"afterstep",  0, NULL, 'a'},
     {"shaped",     0, NULL, 's'},
     {"led-color",  1, NULL, 'l'},
+    {"led-highcolor",  1, NULL, 'L'},
     {"back-color", 1, NULL, 'b'},
     {"mix-device", 1, NULL, 'm'},
     {"scrollwheel",1, NULL, 'r'},
@@ -337,362 +240,342 @@ void scanArgs(int argc, char **argv){
   // For backward compatibility
-  for(i=1; i<argc; i++) {
-    if(strcmp("-position", argv[i]) == 0) {
-      sprintf(argv[i], "%s", "-g");
-    } else if(strcmp("-help", argv[i]) == 0) {
-      sprintf(argv[i], "%s", "-h");
-    } else if(strcmp("-display", argv[i]) == 0) {
-      sprintf(argv[i], "%s", "-d");
+  for(i=1; i<argc; i++) 
+    {
+      if(strcmp("-position", argv[i]) == 0) 
+	{
+	  sprintf(argv[i], "%s", "-g");
+	} 
+      else if(strcmp("-help", argv[i]) == 0) 
+	{
+	  sprintf(argv[i], "%s", "-h");
+	} 
+      else if(strcmp("-display", argv[i]) == 0) 
+	{
+	  sprintf(argv[i], "%s", "-d");
+	}
-  }
-  while ((i = getopt_long(argc, argv, "hvd:g:wasl:b:m:r:", long_opts, &opt_index)) != -1) {
-    switch (i) {
-    case 'h':
-    case ':':
-    case '?':
-      usage(argv[0]);
-      break;
-    case 'v':
-      version();
-      break;
-    case 'd':
-      sprintf(display, "%s", optarg);
-      break;
-    case 'g':
-      sprintf(position, "%s", optarg);
-      break;
-    case 'w':
-      wmaker = 1;
-      break;
-    case 'a':
-      astep = 1;
-      break;
-    case 's':
-      ushape = 1;
-      break;
-    case 'l':
-      sprintf(ledcolor, "%s", optarg);
-      break;
-    case 'b':
-      sprintf(backcolor, "%s", optarg);
-      break;
-    case 'm':
-      sprintf(mixdev, "%s", optarg);
-      break;
-    case 'r':
-      if(atoi(optarg)>0)
-	wheel_scroll = atoi(optarg);
-      break;
+  while ((i = getopt_long(argc, argv, "hvd:g:wasl:L:b:m:r:", long_opts, &opt_index)) != -1) 
+    {
+      switch (i) 
+	{
+	case 'h':
+	case ':':
+	case '?':
+	  displayUsage(argv[0]);
+	  break;
+	case 'v':
+	  displayVersion();
+	  break;
+	case 'd':
+	  xhandler_->setDisplay(optarg);
+	  break;
+	case 'g':
+	  xhandler_->setPosition(optarg);
+	  break;
+	case 'w':
+	  xhandler_->setWindowMaker();
+	  break;
+	case 'a':
+	  xhandler_->setAfterStep();
+	  break;
+	case 's':
+	  xhandler_->setUnshaped();
+	  break;
+	case 'l':
+	  xhandler_->setLedColor(optarg);
+	  break;
+	case 'L':
+	  xhandler_->setLedHighColor(optarg);
+	  break;
+	case 'b':
+	  xhandler_->setBackColor(optarg);
+	  break;
+	case 'm':
+	  sprintf(mixer_device_, "%s", optarg);
+	  break;
+	case 'r':
+	  if(atoi(optarg)>0)
+	    wheel_scroll_ = atoi(optarg);
+	  break;
+	}
-  }
-void readFile(){
+void WMMixer::readConfigurationFile()
    FILE *rcfile;
    char rcfilen[256];
    char buf[256];
    int done;
-   int current=-1;
+   //   int current=-1;
+   unsigned current = mixctl_->getNrDevices() + 1;
    sprintf(rcfilen, "%s/.wmmixer", getenv("HOME"));
-   if((rcfile=fopen(rcfilen, "r"))!=NULL){
-      channels=0;
-      do{
-         fgets(buf, 250, rcfile);
-         if((done=feof(rcfile))==0){
-            buf[strlen(buf)-1]=0;
-            if(strncmp(buf, "addchannel ", strlen("addchannel "))==0){
-               sscanf(buf, "addchannel %i", &current);
-               if(current>=mixctl->getNrDevices() || mixctl->getSupport(current)==false){
-                  fprintf(stderr,"%s : Sorry, this channel (%i) is not supported.\n", NAME, current);
-                  current=-1;
-               }
-               else{
-                  channel[channels]=current;
-                  channels++;
-	       }
-            }
-            if(strncmp(buf, "setchannel ", strlen("setchannel "))==0){
-               sscanf(buf, "setchannel %i", &current);
-               if(current>=mixctl->getNrDevices() || mixctl->getSupport(current)==false){
-                  fprintf(stderr,"%s : Sorry, this channel (%i) is not supported.\n", NAME, current);
-                  current=-1;
-               }
-            }
-            if(strncmp(buf, "setmono ", strlen("setmono "))==0){
-               if(current==-1)
+   if((rcfile=fopen(rcfilen, "r"))!=NULL)
+     {
+       num_channels_=0;
+       do
+	 {
+	   fgets(buf, 250, rcfile);
+	   if((done=feof(rcfile))==0)
+	     {
+	       buf[strlen(buf)-1]=0;
+	       if(strncmp(buf, "addchannel ", strlen("addchannel "))==0)
+		 {
+		   sscanf(buf, "addchannel %i", &current);
+		   if(current >= mixctl_->getNrDevices() || mixctl_->getSupport(current) == false)
+		     {
+		       fprintf(stderr,"%s : Sorry, this channel (%i) is not supported.\n", NAME, current);
+		       current = mixctl_->getNrDevices() + 1;
+		     }
+		   else
+		     {
+		       channel_list_[num_channels_] = current;
+		       num_channels_++;
+		     }
+		 }
+            if(strncmp(buf, "setchannel ", strlen("setchannel "))==0)
+	      {
+		sscanf(buf, "setchannel %i", &current);
+		if(current >= mixctl_->getNrDevices() || mixctl_->getSupport(current)==false)
+		  {
+		    fprintf(stderr,"%s : Sorry, this channel (%i) is not supported.\n", NAME, current);
+		    current = mixctl_->getNrDevices() + 1;
+		  }
+	      }
+            if(strncmp(buf, "setmono ", strlen("setmono "))==0)
+	      {
+		if(current== mixctl_->getNrDevices() + 1)
                   fprintf(stderr,"%s : Sorry, no current channel.\n", NAME);
-	       else{
+		else{
                   int value;
                   sscanf(buf, "setmono %i", &value);
-                  mixctl->setLeft(current, value);
-                  mixctl->setRight(current, value);
-                  mixctl->writeVol(current);
-               }
-            }
-            if(strncmp(buf, "setleft ", strlen("setleft "))==0){
-               if(current==-1)
+                  mixctl_->setLeft(current, value);
+                  mixctl_->setRight(current, value);
+                  mixctl_->writeVol(current);
+		}
+	      }
+            if(strncmp(buf, "setleft ", strlen("setleft "))==0)
+	      {
+		if(current== mixctl_->getNrDevices() + 1)
                   fprintf(stderr, "%s : Sorry, no current channel.\n", NAME);
-	       else{
+		else{
                   int value;
                   sscanf(buf, "setleft %i", &value);
-                  mixctl->setLeft(current, value);
-                  mixctl->writeVol(current);
+                  mixctl_->setLeft(current, value);
+                  mixctl_->writeVol(current);
-            if(strncmp(buf, "setright ", strlen("setright "))==0){
-               if(current==-1)
+            if(strncmp(buf, "setright ", strlen("setright "))==0)
+	      {
+		if(current== mixctl_->getNrDevices() + 1)
                   fprintf(stderr, "%s : Sorry, no current channel.\n", NAME);
-	       else{
-                  int value;
-                  sscanf(buf, "setleft %i", &value);
-                  mixctl->setRight(current, value);
-                  mixctl->writeVol(current);
-	       }
-            }
-            if(strncmp(buf, "setrecsrc ", strlen("setrecsrc "))==0){
-               if(current==-1)
+		else
+		  {
+		    int value;
+		    sscanf(buf, "setleft %i", &value);
+		    mixctl_->setRight(current, value);
+		    mixctl_->writeVol(current);
+		  }
+	      }
+            if(strncmp(buf, "setrecsrc ", strlen("setrecsrc "))==0)
+	      {
+		if(current== mixctl_->getNrDevices() + 1)
                   fprintf(stderr, "%s : Sorry, no current channel.\n", NAME);
-	       else
-                  mixctl->setRec(current, (strncmp(buf+strlen("setrecsrc "), "true", strlen("true"))==0));
-            }
-         }
-      }  while(done==0);
-      fclose(rcfile);
-      mixctl->writeRec();
-   }
+		else
+                  mixctl_->setRec(current, (strncmp(buf+strlen("setrecsrc "), "true", strlen("true"))==0));
+	      }
+	     }
+	 }  
+       while(done==0);
+       fclose(rcfile);
+       mixctl_->writeRec();
+     }
-void checkVol(bool forced=true){
-   mixctl->readVol(channel[curchannel], true);
-   int nl=mixctl->readLeft(channel[curchannel]);
-   int nr=mixctl->readRight(channel[curchannel]);
-   bool nrec=mixctl->readRec(channel[curchannel], true);
-   if(forced){
-      curleft=nl;
-      curright=nr;
-      currec=nrec;
-      if(nrec)
-         btnstate |= BTNREC;
-      else
-         btnstate &= ~BTNREC;
-      curshowrec=mixctl->getRecords(channel[curchannel]);
-      update();
-      repaint();
-   }
-   else{
-      if(nl!=curleft || nr!=curright || nrec!=currec){
-         if(nl!=curleft){
-            curleft=nl;
-            drawLeft();
-         }
-         if(nr!=curright){
-            curright=nr;
-            drawRight();
-         }
-         if(nrec!=currec){
-            currec=nrec;
-            if(nrec)
-               btnstate |= BTNREC;
-            else
-               btnstate &= ~BTNREC;
-            drawBtns(BTNREC);
-         }
-         repaint();
-      }
-   }
+void WMMixer::displayUsage(const char* name)
+  std::cout << "Usage: " << name << "[options]" << std::endl;
+  std::cout << "  -h,  --help                    display this help screen" << std::endl;
+  std::cout << "  -v,  --version                 display program version" << std::endl;
+  std::cout << "  -d,  --display <string>        display to use (see X manual pages)" << std::endl;
+  std::cout << "  -g,  --geometry +XPOS+YPOS     geometry to use (see X manual pages)" << std::endl;
+  std::cout << "  -w,  --withdrawn               run the application in withdrawn mode" << std::endl;
+  std::cout << "                                 (for WindowMaker, etc)" << std::endl;
+  std::cout << "  -a,  --afterstep               use smaller window (for AfterStep Wharf)" << std::endl;
+  std::cout << "  -s,  --shaped                  shaped window" << std::endl;
+  std::cout << "  -l,  --led-color <string>      use the specified color for led display" << std::endl;
+  std::cout << "  -L,  --led-highcolor <string>  use the specified color for led shading" << std::endl;
+  std::cout << "  -b,  --back-color <string>     use the specified color for backgrounds" << std::endl;
+  std::cout << "  -m,  --mix-device              use specified device (rather than /dev/mixer)" << std::endl;
+  std::cout << "  -r,  --scrollwheel <number>    volume increase/decrease with mouse wheel (default: 2)" << std::endl;
+  std::cout << "\nFor backward compatibility the following obsolete options are still supported:" << std::endl;
+  std::cout << "  -help                          display this help screen" << std::endl;
+  std::cout << "  -position                      geometry to use (see X manual pages)" << std::endl;
+  std::cout << "  -display                       display to use (see X manual pages)" << std::endl;
+  exit(0);
-void pressEvent(XButtonEvent *xev) {
-   int x=xev->x-(winsize/2-32);
-   int y=xev->y-(winsize/2-32);
-   if(x>=5 && y>=33 && x<=16 && y<=43){
-      curchannel--;
-      if(curchannel<0)
-         curchannel=channels-1;
-      btnstate |= BTNPREV;
-      rpttimer=0;
-      drawBtns(BTNPREV);
-      checkVol(true);
-      return;
-   }
-   if(x>=17 && y>=33 && x<=28 && y<=43){
-      curchannel++;
-      if(curchannel>=channels)
-         curchannel=0;
-      btnstate|=BTNNEXT;
-      rpttimer=0;
-      drawBtns(BTNNEXT);
-      checkVol(true);
-      return;
-   }
-   if(x>=37 && x<=56 && y>=8 && y<=56) {
-     int v = 0;
-     if(xev->button < 4) {
-       v = ((60-y)*100)/(2*25);
-       dragging=true;
-     } else if(xev->button == 4) {
-       if(x>50)
-	 v = mixctl->readRight(channel[curchannel]) + wheel_scroll;
-       else if(x<45)
-	 v = mixctl->readLeft(channel[curchannel]) + wheel_scroll;
-       else
-	 v = (mixctl->readLeft(channel[curchannel]) + mixctl->readRight(channel[curchannel]))/2 + wheel_scroll;
-     } else if(xev->button == 5) {
-       if(x>50)
-	 v = mixctl->readRight(channel[curchannel]) - wheel_scroll;
-       else if(x<45)
-	 v = mixctl->readLeft(channel[curchannel]) - wheel_scroll;
-       else
-	 v = (mixctl->readLeft(channel[curchannel]) + mixctl->readRight(channel[curchannel]))/2 - wheel_scroll;
-     }
-     if(x<=50)
-       mixctl->setLeft(channel[curchannel], v);
-     if(x>=45)
-       mixctl->setRight(channel[curchannel], v);
-     mixctl->writeVol(channel[curchannel]);
-     checkVol(false);
-     return;
-   }
-   if(x>=5 && y>=47 && x<=28 && y<=57){
-      mixctl->setRec(channel[curchannel], !mixctl->readRec(channel[curchannel], false));
-      mixctl->writeRec();
-      checkVol(false);
-   }
-void releaseEvent(XButtonEvent *xev){
-   dragging=false;
-   btnstate &= ~(BTNPREV | BTNNEXT);
-   drawBtns(BTNPREV | BTNNEXT);
-   repaint();
+void WMMixer::displayVersion()
+  std::cout << "wmmixer version 1.5" << std::endl;
+  exit(0);
-void motionEvent(XMotionEvent *xev){
-   int x=xev->x-(winsize/2-32);
-   int y=xev->y-(winsize/2-32);
-   if(x>=37 && x<=56 && y>=8 && dragging){
-      int v=((60-y)*100)/(2*25);
-      if(v<0)
-         v=0;
-      if(x<=50)
-         mixctl->setLeft(channel[curchannel], v);
-      if(x>=45)
-         mixctl->setRight(channel[curchannel], v);
-      mixctl->writeVol(channel[curchannel]);
-      checkVol(false);
-   }
-void repaint() {
-  flush_expose(w_icon);
-  XCopyArea(d_display, pm_disp, w_icon, gc_gc, 0, 0, 64, 64, winsize/2-32, winsize/2-32);
-  flush_expose(w_main);
-  XCopyArea(d_display, pm_disp, w_main, gc_gc, 0, 0, 64, 64, winsize/2-32, winsize/2-32);
+void WMMixer::pressEvent(XButtonEvent *xev) 
+  bool forced_update = true;
+  int x = xev->x-(xhandler_->getWindowSize()/2-32);
+  int y = xev->y-(xhandler_->getWindowSize()/2-32);
+  if(xhandler_->isLeftButton(x, y))
+    {
+      if(current_channel_ < 1)
+	current_channel_=num_channels_-1;
+      else
+	current_channel_--;
-  XEvent xev;
-  while(XCheckTypedEvent(d_display, Expose, &xev));
+      xhandler_->setButtonState(xhandler_->getButtonState() | BTNPREV);
+      repeat_timer_ = 0;
+      xhandler_->drawBtns(BTNPREV, current_show_recording_);
+    }
-void update() {
-  if(wmaker || ushape || astep) {
-    XShapeCombineMask(d_display, w_icon, ShapeBounding, winsize/2-32, winsize/2-32, pm_mask, ShapeSet);
-    XShapeCombineMask(d_display, w_main, ShapeBounding, winsize/2-32, winsize/2-32, pm_mask, ShapeSet);
-  } else {
-    XCopyArea(d_display, pm_tile, pm_disp, gc_gc, 0, 0, 64, 64, 0, 0);
-  }
+  if(xhandler_->isRightButton(x, y))
+    {
+      current_channel_++;
+      if(current_channel_ >= num_channels_)
+	current_channel_=0;
-  XSetClipMask(d_display, gc_gc, pm_mask);
-  XCopyArea(d_display, pm_main, pm_disp, gc_gc, 0, 0, 64, 64, 0, 0);
-  XSetClipMask(d_display, gc_gc, None);
-  XCopyArea(d_display, pm_icon, pm_disp, gc_gc, icon[channel[curchannel]]*22, 0, 22, 22, 6, 5);
-  drawLeft();
-  drawRight();
+      xhandler_->setButtonState(xhandler_->getButtonState() | BTNNEXT);
+      repeat_timer_ = 0;
+      xhandler_->drawBtns(BTNNEXT, current_show_recording_);
+    }
-void drawLeft() {
-  XSetForeground(d_display, gc_gc, color[1]);
-  for(int i=0;i<25;i++){
-    if(i==(curleft*25)/100)
-      XSetForeground(d_display, gc_gc, color[3]);
-    XFillRectangle(d_display, pm_disp, gc_gc, 37, 55-2*i, 9, 1);
-  }
+  // Volume settings
+  if(xhandler_->isVolumeBar(x, y))
+    {
+      int vl = 0, vr = 0;
+      if(xev->button < 4) 
+	{
+	  vl = ((60-y)*100)/(2*25);
+	  vr = vl;
+	  dragging_ = true;
+	} 
+      else if(xev->button == 4) 
+	{
+	  vr = mixctl_->readRight(channel_list_[current_channel_]) + wheel_scroll_;
+	  vl = mixctl_->readLeft(channel_list_[current_channel_])  + wheel_scroll_;
+	} 
+      else if(xev->button == 5) 
+	{
+	  vr = mixctl_->readRight(channel_list_[current_channel_]) - wheel_scroll_;
+	  vl = mixctl_->readLeft(channel_list_[current_channel_])  - wheel_scroll_;
+	}
-void drawRight() {
-  XSetForeground(d_display, gc_gc, color[1]);
-  for(int i=0;i<25;i++){
-    if(i==(curright*25)/100)
-      XSetForeground(d_display, gc_gc, color[3]);
-    XFillRectangle(d_display, pm_disp, gc_gc, 48, 55-2*i, 9, 1);
-  }
+      if(vl <= 0)
+	vl = 0;
+      if(vr <= 0)
+	vr = 0;
+      if(x <= 50)
+	mixctl_->setLeft(channel_list_[current_channel_], vl);
+      if(x >= 45)
+	mixctl_->setRight(channel_list_[current_channel_], vr);
+      mixctl_->writeVol(channel_list_[current_channel_]);
+      forced_update = false;
+    }
+  // Toggle record
+  if(xhandler_->isRecButton(x, y))
+    {
+      mixctl_->setRec(channel_list_[current_channel_], !mixctl_->readRec(channel_list_[current_channel_], false));
+      mixctl_->writeRec();
+      forced_update = false;
+    }
+  // Toggle mute
+  if(xhandler_->isMuteButton(x, y))
+    {
+      if(mixctl_->isMuted(channel_list_[current_channel_]))
+	{
+	  xhandler_->setButtonState(xhandler_->getButtonState() & ~BTNMUTE);
+	  mixctl_->unmute(channel_list_[current_channel_]);
+	}
+      else
+	{
+	  mixctl_->mute(channel_list_[current_channel_]);
+	  xhandler_->setButtonState(xhandler_->getButtonState() | BTNMUTE);
+	}
+      xhandler_->drawBtns(BTNMUTE, current_show_recording_);
+    }
+  // Update volume display
+  checkVol(forced_update);
-void drawBtns(int btns) {
-  if(btns & BTNPREV)
-    drawBtn(5, 33, 12, 11, (btnstate & BTNPREV));
-  if(btns & BTNNEXT)
-    drawBtn(17, 33, 12, 11, (btnstate & BTNNEXT));
-  if(btns & BTNREC){
-    drawBtn(5, 47, 24, 11, (btnstate & BTNREC));
-    if(!curshowrec)
-      XCopyArea(d_display, pm_nrec, pm_disp, gc_gc, 0, 0, 6, 7, 14, 49);
-    else
-      XCopyArea(d_display, pm_main, pm_disp, gc_gc, 14, 49, 6, 7, 14, 49);
-  }
+void WMMixer::releaseEvent(XButtonEvent *xev)
+  dragging_ = false;
+  xhandler_->setButtonState(xhandler_->getButtonState() & ~(BTNPREV | BTNNEXT));
+  xhandler_->drawBtns(BTNPREV | BTNNEXT, current_show_recording_);
+  xhandler_->repaint();
-void drawBtn(int x, int y, int w, int h, bool down) {
-  if(!down)
-    XCopyArea(d_display, pm_main, pm_disp, gc_gc, x, y, w, h, x, y);
-  else {
-    XCopyArea(d_display, pm_main, pm_disp, gc_gc, x, y, 1, h-1, x+w-1, y+1);
-    XCopyArea(d_display, pm_main, pm_disp, gc_gc, x+w-1, y+1, 1, h-1, x, y);
-    XCopyArea(d_display, pm_main, pm_disp, gc_gc, x, y, w-1, 1, x+1, y+h-1);
-    XCopyArea(d_display, pm_main, pm_disp, gc_gc, x+1, y+h-1, w-1, 1, x, y);
+void WMMixer::motionEvent(XMotionEvent *xev)
+  int x=xev->x-(xhandler_->getWindowSize()/2-32);
+  int y=xev->y-(xhandler_->getWindowSize()/2-32);
+  //  if(x>=37 && x<=56 && y>=8 && dragging_){
+  if(xhandler_->isVolumeBar(x, y) && dragging_){
+    int v=((60-y)*100)/(2*25);
+    if(v<0)
+      v=0;
+    if(x<=50)
+      mixctl_->setLeft(channel_list_[current_channel_], v);
+    if(x>=45)
+      mixctl_->setRight(channel_list_[current_channel_], v);
+    mixctl_->writeVol(channel_list_[current_channel_]);
+    checkVol(false);
-void usage(const char *name) {
-  printf("Usage: %s [options]\n", name);
-  printf("  -h,  --help                    display this help screen\n");
-  printf("  -v,  --version                 display program version\n");
-  printf("  -d,  --display <string>        display to use (see X manual pages)\n");
-  printf("  -g,  --geometry +XPOS+YPOS     geometry to use (see X manual pages)\n");
-  printf("  -w,  --withdrawn               run the application in withdrawn mode\n");
-  printf("                                 (for WindowMaker, etc)\n");
-  printf("  -a,  --afterstep               use smaller window (for AfterStep Wharf)\n");
-  printf("  -s,  --shaped                  shaped window\n");
-  printf("  -l,  --led-color <string>      use the specified color for led display\n");
-  printf("  -b,  --back-color <string>     use the specified color for backgrounds\n");
-  printf("  -m,  --mix-device              use specified device (rather than /dev/mixer)\n");
-  printf("  -r,  --scrollwheel <number>    volume increase/decrease with mouse wheel (default: 2)\n");
-  printf("\nFor backward compatibility the following obsolete options are still supported:\n");
-  printf("  -help                          display this help screen\n");
-  printf("  -position                      geometry to use (see X manual pages)\n");
-  printf("  -display                       display to use (see X manual pages)\n");
-  exit(0);
+void WMMixer::updateDisplay()
+  xhandler_->update(channel_list_[current_channel_]);
+  if(mixctl_->getStereo(channel_list_[current_channel_])) 
+    {
+      xhandler_->drawLeft(current_channel_left_);
+      xhandler_->drawRight(current_channel_right_);
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      xhandler_->drawMono(current_channel_right_);
+    }
+  xhandler_->drawBtns(BTNREC | BTNNEXT | BTNPREV | BTNMUTE, current_show_recording_);
+  xhandler_->repaint();
-void version() {
-  printf("wmmixer version 1.0\n");
-  exit(0);
-static int flush_expose(Window w) {  
-  XEvent dummy;
-  int i=0;
-  while (XCheckTypedWindowEvent(d_display, w, Expose, &dummy))
-    i++;
-  return i;
+int main(int argc, char** argv)
+  WMMixer mixer = WMMixer();
+  mixer.init(argc, argv);
+  mixer.loop();
diff --git a/wmmixer.h b/wmmixer.h
index a95a2bb..2e0968e 100644
--- a/wmmixer.h
+++ b/wmmixer.h
@@ -1,158 +1,87 @@
-// wmmixer - A mixer designed for WindowMaker
-// 05/09/98  Release 1.0 Beta1
+// wmmixer.h - A mixer designed for WindowMaker
+// Release 1.5
 // Copyright (C) 1998  Sam Hawker <shawkie at geocities.com>
+// Copyright (C) 2002 Gordon Fraser <gordon at debian.org>
 // This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
 // This software is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
 // under certain conditions
-// See the README file for a more complete notice.
+// See the COPYING file for details.
-// 02/04/02 Gordon Fraser <gordon at debian.org>
-//   * GNU getopt
-//   * Mousewheel support
-//   * X handling rewrite
+#ifndef __wmmixer_h__
+#define __wmmixer_h_
-// Defines, includes and global variables
-// --------------------------------------
-// User defines - standard
-#define WINDOWMAKER false
-#define USESHAPE    false
-#define AFTERSTEP   false
-#define NORMSIZE    64
-#define ASTEPSIZE   56
-#define NAME        "wmmixer"
-#define CLASS       "WMMixer"
-// User defines - custom
-#define MIXERDEV    "/dev/mixer"
-#define BACKCOLOR   "#282828"
-#define LEDCOLOR    "green"
-// Includes - standard
+// Input/Output
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <string.h>
 #include <unistd.h>
 #include <getopt.h>
-// Includes - custom
-#include "mixctl.h"
+#include <iostream>
-// X-Windows includes - standard
 #include <X11/X.h>
-#include <X11/Xlib.h>
-#include <X11/Xutil.h>
-#include <X11/Xproto.h>
-#include <X11/xpm.h>
-#include <X11/extensions/shape.h>
-// Pixmaps - standard
-Pixmap pm_main;
-Pixmap pm_tile;
-Pixmap pm_disp;
-Pixmap pm_mask;
-// Pixmaps - custom
-Pixmap pm_icon;
-Pixmap pm_nrec;
-// Xpm images - standard
-#include "XPM/wmmixer.xpm"
-#include "XPM/tile.xpm"
-// Xpm images - custom
-#include "XPM/icons.xpm"
-#include "XPM/norec.xpm"
-// Variables for command-line arguments - standard
-bool wmaker=WINDOWMAKER;
-bool ushape=USESHAPE;
-bool astep=AFTERSTEP;
-char display[256]="";
-char position[256]="";
-int winsize;
-// Variables for command-line arguments - custom
-char mixdev[256]=MIXERDEV;
-char backcolor[256]=BACKCOLOR;
-char ledcolor[256]=LEDCOLOR;
-// X-Windows basics - standard
-Atom deleteWin;
-Display *d_display;
-Window w_icon;
-Window w_main;
-Window w_root;
-// X-Windows basics - custom
-GC gc_gc;
-unsigned long color[4];
-// Misc custom global variables 
-// ----------------------------
-// Current state information
-int curchannel=0;
-bool curshowrec;
-bool currec;
-int curleft;
-int curright;
-// For buttons
-int btnstate=0;
-#define BTNNEXT  1
-#define BTNPREV  2
-#define BTNREC   4
+// WMMixer
+#include "mixctl.h"
+#include "xhandler.h"
+#include "common.h"
+#include "exception.h"
 // For repeating next and prev buttons
 #define RPTINTERVAL   5
-int rpttimer=0;
-// For draggable volume control
-bool dragging=false;
-int channels=0;
-int *channel;
-int *icon;
+class WMMixer
+ protected:
+  // Mixer
+  MixCtl *mixctl_;
+  char     mixer_device_[256];
+  unsigned num_channels_;
+  unsigned current_channel_;
+  unsigned current_channel_left_;
+  unsigned current_channel_right_;
+  bool     current_recording_;
+  bool     current_show_recording_;
-MixCtl *mixctl;
+  XHandler *xhandler_;
-Pixel back_pix;
-Pixel fore_pix;
+  unsigned *channel_list_;
+  int repeat_timer_;
+  // For draggable volume control
+  bool dragging_;
 // Default scroll amount
-int wheel_scroll = 2;
-// Procedures and functions
-// ------------------------
-// Procedures and functions - standard
-void initXWin(int argc, char **argv);
-void freeXWin();
-void createWin(Window *win, int x, int y);
-unsigned long getColor(char *colorname);
-unsigned long mixColor(char *colorname1, int prop1, char *colorname2, int prop2);
-// Procedures and functions - custom
-void scanArgs(int argc, char **argv);
-void readFile();
-void checkVol(bool forced=true);
-void pressEvent(XButtonEvent *xev);
-void releaseEvent(XButtonEvent *xev);
-void motionEvent(XMotionEvent *xev);
-void repaint();
-void update();
-void drawLeft();
-void drawRight();
-void drawBtns(int btns);
-void drawBtn(int x, int y, int w, int h, bool down);
-void initialize_icon(int num);
-static int flush_expose(Window w);
-void version(void);
-void usage(const char *);
+  int wheel_scroll_;
+  // Input/Output
+  void readConfigurationFile();
+  void displayVersion(void);
+  void displayUsage(const char*);
+  void checkVol(bool);
+  void motionEvent(XMotionEvent *xev);
+  void releaseEvent(XButtonEvent *xev);
+  void pressEvent(XButtonEvent *xev);
+  void parseArgs(int , char **);
+  void initMixer();
+  void initXHandler();
+  void updateDisplay();
+ public:
+  WMMixer();
+  ~WMMixer();
+  void init(int, char **);
+  void loop();
+#endif //__wmmixer_h__
diff --git a/xhandler.cc b/xhandler.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..652335d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xhandler.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,549 @@
+// wmmixer - A mixer designed for WindowMaker
+// Release 1.5
+// Copyright (C) 1998  Sam Hawker <shawkie at geocities.com>
+// Copyright (C) 2002 Gordon Fraser <gordon at debian.org>
+// This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
+// This software is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+// under certain conditions
+// See the COPYING file for details.
+#include "xhandler.h"
+  is_wmaker_ = WINDOWMAKER;
+  is_ushape_ = USESHAPE;
+  is_astep_  = AFTERSTEP;
+  strcpy(display_name_, "");
+  strcpy(position_name_, "");
+  strcpy(ledcolor_name_, LEDCOLOR);
+  strcpy(ledcolor_high_name_, LEDCOLOR_HIGH);
+  strcpy(backcolor_name_, BACKCOLOR);
+  button_state_ = 0;
+  XFreeGC(display_default_, graphics_context_);
+  XFreePixmap(display_default_, pixmap_main);
+  XFreePixmap(display_default_, pixmap_tile);
+  XFreePixmap(display_default_, pixmap_disp);
+  XFreePixmap(display_default_, pixmap_mask);
+  XFreePixmap(display_default_, pixmap_icon);
+  XFreePixmap(display_default_, pixmap_nrec);
+  XDestroyWindow(display_default_, window_main_);
+  if(is_wmaker_)
+    XDestroyWindow(display_default_, window_icon_);
+  XCloseDisplay(display_default_);
+  delete[] icon_list_;
+void XHandler::init(int argc, char** argv, int num_channels)
+  int display_depth;
+  window_size_=is_astep_ ? ASTEPSIZE : NORMSIZE;
+  if((display_default_ = XOpenDisplay(display_name_))==NULL) 
+    {
+      std::cerr <<  NAME << " : Unable to open X display '" << XDisplayName(display_name_) << "'." << std::endl;
+      exit(1);
+    }
+  initWindow(argc, argv);
+  initColors();
+  display_depth = DefaultDepth(display_default_, DefaultScreen(display_default_));
+  initPixmaps(display_depth);
+  initGraphicsContext();
+  initMask();
+  initIcons(num_channels);
+bool XHandler::isLeftButton(int x, int y)
+  return(x>=BTN_LEFT_X && y>=BTN_LEFT_Y && x<=BTN_LEFT_X + BTN_WIDTH && y<=BTN_LEFT_Y + BTN_HEIGHT);
+bool XHandler::isRightButton(int x, int y)
+bool XHandler::isMuteButton(int x, int y)
+  return(x>=BTN_MUTE_X && y>=BTN_MUTE_Y && x<=BTN_MUTE_X + BTN_WIDTH && y<=BTN_MUTE_Y + BTN_HEIGHT);
+bool XHandler::isRecButton(int x, int y)
+  return(x>=BTN_REC_X && y>=BTN_REC_Y && x<=BTN_REC_X + BTN_WIDTH && y<=BTN_REC_Y + BTN_HEIGHT);
+bool XHandler::isVolumeBar(int x, int y)
+  return(x>=37 && x<=56 && y>=8 && y<=56);
+unsigned long XHandler::getColor(char *colorname)
+  XColor color;
+  XWindowAttributes winattr;
+  XGetWindowAttributes(display_default_, window_root_, &winattr);
+  color.pixel=0;
+  XParseColor(display_default_, winattr.colormap, colorname, &color);
+  color.flags=DoRed | DoGreen | DoBlue;
+  XAllocColor(display_default_, winattr.colormap, &color);
+  return color.pixel;
+unsigned long XHandler::mixColor(char *colorname1, int prop1, char *colorname2, int prop2)
+  XColor color, color1, color2;
+  XWindowAttributes winattr;
+  XGetWindowAttributes(display_default_, window_root_, &winattr);
+  XParseColor(display_default_, winattr.colormap, colorname1, &color1);
+  XParseColor(display_default_, winattr.colormap, colorname2, &color2);
+  color.pixel = 0;
+  color.red   = (color1.red*prop1+color2.red*prop2)/(prop1+prop2);
+  color.green = (color1.green*prop1+color2.green*prop2)/(prop1+prop2);
+  color.blue  = (color1.blue*prop1+color2.blue*prop2)/(prop1+prop2);
+  color.flags = DoRed | DoGreen | DoBlue;
+  XAllocColor(display_default_, winattr.colormap, &color);
+  return color.pixel;
+void XHandler::repaint() 
+  flush_expose(window_icon_);
+  XCopyArea(display_default_, pixmap_disp, window_icon_, graphics_context_, 0, 0, 64, 64, window_size_/2-32, window_size_/2-32);
+  flush_expose(window_main_);
+  XCopyArea(display_default_, pixmap_disp, window_main_, graphics_context_, 0, 0, 64, 64, window_size_/2-32, window_size_/2-32);
+  XEvent xev;
+  while(XCheckTypedEvent(display_default_, Expose, &xev));
+void XHandler::update(unsigned channel) 
+  if(is_wmaker_ || is_ushape_ || is_astep_) 
+    {
+      XShapeCombineMask(display_default_, window_icon_, ShapeBounding, window_size_/2-32, window_size_/2-32, pixmap_mask, ShapeSet);
+      XShapeCombineMask(display_default_, window_main_, ShapeBounding, window_size_/2-32, window_size_/2-32, pixmap_mask, ShapeSet);
+    } 
+  else 
+    {
+      XCopyArea(display_default_, pixmap_tile, pixmap_disp, graphics_context_, 0, 0, 64, 64, 0, 0);
+    }
+  XSetClipMask(display_default_, graphics_context_, pixmap_mask);
+  XCopyArea(display_default_, pixmap_main, pixmap_disp, graphics_context_, 0, 0, 64, 64, 0, 0);
+  XSetClipMask(display_default_, graphics_context_, None);
+  XCopyArea(display_default_, pixmap_icon, pixmap_disp, graphics_context_, icon_list_[channel]*22, 0, 22, 22, 6, 5);
+void XHandler::drawLeft(unsigned curleft) 
+  XSetForeground(display_default_, graphics_context_, shade_colors_[(curleft*25)/100]);
+  for(unsigned i=0;i<25;i++)
+    {
+      if(i >= (curleft*25)/100)
+	{
+	  XSetForeground(display_default_, graphics_context_, colors_[3]);
+	}
+      else
+	{
+	  XSetForeground(display_default_, graphics_context_, shade_colors_[i]);
+	}
+      XFillRectangle(display_default_, pixmap_disp, graphics_context_, 37, 55-2*i, 9, 1);
+    }
+void XHandler::drawRight(unsigned curright) 
+  for(unsigned i=0;i<25;i++)
+    {
+      if(i >= (curright*25)/100)
+	{
+	  XSetForeground(display_default_, graphics_context_, colors_[3]);
+	}
+      else
+	{
+	  XSetForeground(display_default_, graphics_context_, shade_colors_[i]);
+	}
+      XFillRectangle(display_default_, pixmap_disp, graphics_context_, 48, 55-2*i, 9, 1);
+    }
+// Based on wmsmixer by Damian Kramer <psiren at hibernaculum.demon.co.uk>
+void XHandler::drawMono(unsigned curright)
+  XSetForeground(display_default_, graphics_context_, colors_[1]);
+  for(unsigned i=0;i<25;i++)
+    {
+      if(i >= (curright*25)/100)
+	{
+	  XSetForeground(display_default_, graphics_context_, colors_[3]);
+	}
+      else
+	{
+	  XSetForeground(display_default_, graphics_context_, shade_colors_[i]);
+	}
+      XFillRectangle(display_default_, pixmap_disp, graphics_context_, 37, 55-2*i, 20, 1);
+    }
+void XHandler::drawBtns(int buttons, bool curshowrec) 
+  if(buttons & BTNPREV)
+    drawButton(BTN_LEFT_X, BTN_LEFT_Y, BTN_WIDTH, BTN_HEIGHT, (button_state_ & BTNPREV));
+  if(buttons & BTNNEXT)
+    drawButton(BTN_RIGHT_X, BTN_RIGHT_Y, BTN_WIDTH, BTN_HEIGHT, (button_state_ & BTNNEXT));
+  if(buttons & BTNMUTE)
+    drawButton(BTN_MUTE_X, BTN_MUTE_Y, BTN_WIDTH, BTN_HEIGHT, (button_state_ & BTNMUTE));
+  if(buttons & BTNREC){
+    drawButton(BTN_REC_X, BTN_REC_Y, BTN_WIDTH, BTN_HEIGHT, (button_state_ & BTNREC));
+    if(!curshowrec)
+      XCopyArea(display_default_, pixmap_nrec, pixmap_disp, graphics_context_, 0, 0, 9, 8, 6, 47);
+    else
+      XCopyArea(display_default_, pixmap_main, pixmap_disp, graphics_context_, 6, 48, 9, 8, 6, 47);
+  }
+void XHandler::drawButton(int x, int y, int w, int h, bool down) 
+  if(!down)
+    XCopyArea(display_default_, pixmap_main, pixmap_disp, graphics_context_, x, y, w, h, x, y);
+  else {
+    XCopyArea(display_default_, pixmap_main, pixmap_disp, graphics_context_, x, y, 1, h-1, x+w-1, y+1);
+    XCopyArea(display_default_, pixmap_main, pixmap_disp, graphics_context_, x+w-1, y+1, 1, h-1, x, y);
+    XCopyArea(display_default_, pixmap_main, pixmap_disp, graphics_context_, x, y, w-1, 1, x+1, y+h-1);
+    XCopyArea(display_default_, pixmap_main, pixmap_disp, graphics_context_, x+1, y+h-1, w-1, 1, x, y);
+  }
+int XHandler::flush_expose(Window w) 
+  XEvent dummy;
+  int i=0;
+  while (XCheckTypedWindowEvent(display_default_, w, Expose, &dummy))
+    i++;
+  return i;
+int XHandler::getWindowSize()
+  return window_size_;
+// --> inline
+//Display* XHandler::getDisplay()
+//  return display_default_;
+int XHandler::getButtonState()
+  return button_state_;
+void XHandler::setButtonState(int button_state)
+  button_state_ = button_state;
+void XHandler::setDisplay(char* arg)
+  sprintf(display_name_, "%s", arg);
+void XHandler::setPosition(char* arg)
+  sprintf(position_name_, "%s", arg);
+void XHandler::setLedColor(char* arg)
+  sprintf(ledcolor_name_, "%s", arg);
+void XHandler::setLedHighColor(char* arg)
+  sprintf(ledcolor_high_name_, "%s", arg);
+void XHandler::setBackColor(char* arg)
+  sprintf(backcolor_name_, "%s", arg);
+void XHandler::setUnshaped()
+  is_ushape_ = 1;
+void XHandler::setWindowMaker()
+  is_wmaker_ = 1;
+void XHandler::setAfterStep()
+  is_astep_ = 1;
+Atom XHandler::getDeleteWin()
+  return deleteWin;
+void XHandler::initIcons(int num) 
+  if(icon_list_)
+    delete[] icon_list_;
+  icon_list_ = new unsigned[num];
+  icon_list_[0] = 0;
+  icon_list_[1] = 7;
+  icon_list_[2] = 8;
+  icon_list_[3] = 2;
+  icon_list_[4] = 1;
+  icon_list_[5] = 6;
+  icon_list_[6] = 4;
+  icon_list_[7] = 5;
+  icon_list_[8] = 3;
+  for(int counter=9; counter<num; counter++)
+    icon_list_[counter] = 9;
+void XHandler::initGraphicsContext()
+  XGCValues gcv;
+  unsigned long gcm;
+  gcm = GCForeground | GCBackground | GCGraphicsExposures;
+  gcv.graphics_exposures = 0;
+  gcv.foreground = fore_pix;
+  gcv.background = back_pix;
+  graphics_context_ = XCreateGC(display_default_, window_root_, gcm, &gcv);  
+void XHandler::initPixmaps(int display_depth)
+  XpmColorSymbol xpmcsym[4]={{"back_color",     NULL, colors_[0]},
+			     {"led_color_high", NULL, colors_[1]},
+			     {"led_color_med",  NULL, colors_[2]},
+			     {"led_color_low",  NULL, colors_[3]}};
+  XpmAttributes xpmattr;
+  xpmattr.numsymbols   = 4;
+  xpmattr.colorsymbols = xpmcsym;
+  xpmattr.exactColors  = false;
+  xpmattr.closeness    = 40000;
+  xpmattr.valuemask    = XpmColorSymbols | XpmExactColors | XpmCloseness;
+  XpmCreatePixmapFromData(display_default_, window_root_, wmmixer_xpm, &pixmap_main, &pixmap_mask, &xpmattr);
+  XpmCreatePixmapFromData(display_default_, window_root_, tile_xpm, &pixmap_tile, NULL, &xpmattr);
+  XpmCreatePixmapFromData(display_default_, window_root_, icons_xpm, &pixmap_icon, NULL, &xpmattr);
+  XpmCreatePixmapFromData(display_default_, window_root_, norec_xpm, &pixmap_nrec, NULL, &xpmattr);
+  pixmap_disp = XCreatePixmap(display_default_, window_root_, 64, 64, display_depth);
+void XHandler::initWindow(int argc, char** argv)
+  char *wname = argv[0];
+  int screen, dummy = 0;
+  XWMHints wmhints;
+  XSizeHints shints;
+  XClassHint classHint;
+  XTextProperty	name;
+  screen = DefaultScreen(display_default_);
+  _XA_GNUSTEP_WM_FUNC = XInternAtom(display_default_, "_GNUSTEP_WM_FUNCTION", false);
+  deleteWin = XInternAtom(display_default_, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", false);
+  shints.x = 0;
+  shints.y = 0;
+  //  shints.flags  = USSize;
+  shints.flags  = 0; // Gordon
+  bool pos = (XWMGeometry(display_default_, DefaultScreen(display_default_),
+			  position_name_, NULL, 0, &shints, &shints.x, &shints.y,
+			  &shints.width, &shints.height, &dummy)
+	      & (XValue | YValue));
+  shints.min_width   = window_size_;
+  shints.min_height  = window_size_;
+  shints.max_width   = window_size_;
+  shints.max_height  = window_size_;
+  shints.base_width  = window_size_;
+  shints.base_height = window_size_;
+  shints.width       = window_size_;
+  shints.height      = window_size_;
+  shints.flags=PMinSize | PMaxSize | PBaseSize; // Gordon
+  window_root_ = RootWindow(display_default_, screen);
+  back_pix = getColor("white");
+  fore_pix = getColor("black");
+  window_main_ = XCreateSimpleWindow(display_default_, window_root_, shints.x, shints.y,
+			    shints.width, shints.height, 0, fore_pix, back_pix);
+  window_icon_ = XCreateSimpleWindow(display_default_, window_root_, shints.x, shints.y,
+				shints.width, shints.height, 0, fore_pix, back_pix);
+  XSetWMNormalHints(display_default_, window_main_, &shints);
+  wmhints.icon_x = shints.x;
+  wmhints.icon_y = shints.y;
+  if(is_wmaker_ || is_astep_ || pos)
+    shints.flags |= USPosition;
+  if(is_wmaker_)
+    {
+      wmhints.initial_state = WithdrawnState;
+      wmhints.flags = StateHint | IconWindowHint | IconPositionHint | WindowGroupHint;
+      wmhints.icon_window = window_icon_;
+      wmhints.icon_x = shints.x;
+      wmhints.icon_y = shints.y;
+      wmhints.window_group = window_main_;
+    } 
+  else 
+    {
+      wmhints.initial_state = NormalState;
+      wmhints.flags = WindowGroupHint | StateHint;
+    }
+  classHint.res_name=NAME;
+  classHint.res_class=CLASS;
+  XSetClassHint(display_default_, window_main_, &classHint);
+  XSetClassHint(display_default_, window_icon_, &classHint);
+  if (XStringListToTextProperty(&wname, 1, &name) == 0)
+    {
+      std::cerr << wname << ": can't allocate window name" << std::endl;
+      exit(1);
+    }
+  XSetWMName(display_default_, window_main_, &name);
+  XSetWMHints(display_default_, window_main_, &wmhints);
+  XSetCommand(display_default_, window_main_, argv, argc);
+  XSetWMProtocols(display_default_, window_main_, &deleteWin, 1); // Close
+// Initialize main colors and shaded color-array for bars
+void XHandler::initColors()
+  colors_[0] = mixColor(ledcolor_name_, 0,   backcolor_name_, 100);
+  colors_[1] = mixColor(ledcolor_name_, 100, backcolor_name_, 0);
+  colors_[2] = mixColor(ledcolor_name_, 60,  backcolor_name_, 40);
+  colors_[3] = mixColor(ledcolor_name_, 25,  backcolor_name_, 75);
+  for(int count=0; count<25; count++)
+    {
+      shade_colors_[count] = mixColor(ledcolor_high_name_, count*2, ledcolor_name_, 100-count*4);
+    }
+void XHandler::initMask()
+  XSetClipMask(display_default_, graphics_context_, pixmap_mask);
+  XCopyArea(   display_default_, pixmap_main, pixmap_disp, graphics_context_, 0, 0, 64, 64, 0, 0);
+  XSetClipMask(display_default_, graphics_context_, None);
+  XStoreName(  display_default_, window_main_, NAME);
+  XSetIconName(display_default_, window_main_, NAME); 
+  if(is_wmaker_ || is_ushape_ || is_astep_) 
+    {
+      XShapeCombineMask(display_default_, window_icon_, ShapeBounding, window_size_/2-32, window_size_/2-32, pixmap_mask, ShapeSet);
+      XShapeCombineMask(display_default_, window_main_, ShapeBounding, window_size_/2-32, window_size_/2-32, pixmap_mask, ShapeSet);
+    } 
+  else 
+    {
+      XCopyArea(display_default_, pixmap_tile, pixmap_disp, graphics_context_, 0, 0, 64, 64, 0, 0);
+    }
+  XSelectInput(display_default_, window_main_, ButtonPressMask | ExposureMask | ButtonReleaseMask | PointerMotionMask | StructureNotifyMask);
+  XSelectInput(display_default_, window_icon_, ButtonPressMask | ExposureMask | ButtonReleaseMask | PointerMotionMask | StructureNotifyMask);
+  XMapWindow(display_default_, window_main_);
diff --git a/xhandler.h b/xhandler.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68ecbf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xhandler.h
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+// wmmixer - A mixer designed for WindowMaker
+// Release 1.5
+// Copyright (C) 1998  Sam Hawker <shawkie at geocities.com>
+// Copyright (C) 2002 Gordon Fraser <gordon at debian.org>
+// This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
+// This software is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+// under certain conditions
+// See the COPYING file for details.
+#ifndef __xhandler_h__
+#define __xhandler_h__
+// X-Windows includes - standard
+#include <X11/X.h>
+#include <X11/Xlib.h>
+#include <X11/Xutil.h>
+#include <X11/Xproto.h>
+#include <X11/xpm.h>
+#include <X11/extensions/shape.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "common.h"
+// Xpm images - standard
+#include "XPM/wmmixer.xpm"
+#include "XPM/tile.xpm"
+// Xpm images - custom
+#include "XPM/icons.xpm"
+#include "XPM/norec.xpm"
+#define BTN_LEFT_X 5
+#define BTN_LEFT_Y 34
+#define BTN_RIGHT_X 17
+#define BTN_RIGHT_Y 34
+#define BTN_MUTE_X 17
+#define BTN_MUTE_Y 47
+#define BTN_REC_X 5
+#define BTN_REC_Y 47
+#define BTN_WIDTH  12
+#define BTN_HEIGHT 11
+#define BTNNEXT  1
+#define BTNPREV  2
+#define BTNREC   4
+#define BTNMUTE  8
+class XHandler
+ protected:
+  int button_state_;
+  int window_size_;
+  bool is_wmaker_;
+  bool is_ushape_;
+  bool is_astep_;
+  unsigned *icon_list_;
+  Display *display_default_;
+  Window window_icon_;
+  Window window_main_;
+  Window window_root_;
+  GC graphics_context_;
+  unsigned long colors_[4];
+  unsigned long shade_colors_[25];
+  char display_name_[256];
+  char position_name_[256];
+  char ledcolor_name_[256];
+  char ledcolor_high_name_[256];
+  char backcolor_name_[256];
+  Pixel back_pix;
+  Pixel fore_pix;
+  // Pixmaps - standard
+  Pixmap pixmap_main;
+  Pixmap pixmap_tile;
+  Pixmap pixmap_disp;
+  Pixmap pixmap_mask;
+  // Pixmaps - custom
+  Pixmap pixmap_icon;
+  Pixmap pixmap_nrec;
+  // X-Windows basics - standard
+  Atom deleteWin;
+  unsigned long getColor(char*);
+  unsigned long mixColor(char*, int, char*, int);
+  void drawButton(int, int, int, int, bool);
+  void initPixmaps(int);
+  void initWindow(int, char**);
+  void initGraphicsContext();
+  void initMask();
+  void initColors();
+  void initIcons(int);
+  int flush_expose(Window);
+ public:
+  XHandler();
+  virtual  ~XHandler();
+  void init(int, char**, int);
+  void repaint();
+  void update(unsigned);
+  void drawLeft(unsigned);
+  void drawRight(unsigned);
+  void drawBtns(int, bool);
+  void drawMono(unsigned);
+  bool isLeftButton(int, int);
+  bool isRightButton(int, int);
+  bool isMuteButton(int, int);
+  bool isRecButton(int, int);
+  bool isVolumeBar(int, int);
+  Display* getDisplay() {return display_default_;}
+  int  getButtonState();
+  void setButtonState(int);
+  void setDisplay(char* arg);
+  void setPosition(char* arg);
+  void setLedColor(char* arg);
+  void setLedHighColor(char* arg);
+  void setBackColor(char* arg);
+  void setUnshaped();
+  void setWindowMaker();
+  void setAfterStep();
+  int  getWindowSize();
+  Atom getDeleteWin();
+#endif //__xhandler_h__

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-wmaker/wmmixer.git

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