[pkg-wpa-devel] Suggestions for the documentation

Reinhard Tartler siretart at tauware.de
Sun Apr 9 09:26:17 UTC 2006

On Sun, Apr 09, 2006 at 07:14:41PM +1000, Kel Modderman wrote:
> >First, merge README.Debian and README.modes. The modes are a Debian/Ubuntu 
> >specific way of using wpa_supplicant so this information belongs in 
> >README.Debian.
> I'll let Reinhard comment on this one.

I think README.modes of some sort of quick reference. README.Debian is
already long enough, so I hesitate to merge them.

> >Second, I don't think README.Debian should start with a section "Action 
> >scripts" but rather a first steps instruction to get wpa_supplicant 
> >working or working again.
> I agree, I think the action scripts appeal to some, but not most. This 
> topic should sink to the latter parts of the document.

I introduced some sort of overview topic, with reference to
README.modes. This should be a compromise.

> >Furthermore, I think there is a need for a real upgrade guide. At this 
> >time there isn't even a mention of where the backup of 
> >/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf is. 
> >  
> Strong ACK

Well, thats a bit difficult. There are basically 2 ways of upgrading:
installing the old init script, so that ifplugd+wpasupplicant lovers are
happy again (deprecated), or reading README.modes, installing their old
configuration files and implementing the configuration of their
interfaces from their old /etc/network/interfaces to an action script.

Since some ppl have choosen to use guessnet+ifplugd to implement their
roaming. There is no real upgrade path for this 'solution' but only
installing the old init script again.

Perhaps a upgrade guide should include these lines and let the user
choose if he wants to revert to the old init script behavior.


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