[pkg-wpa-devel] Bug#360387: Lowering severity (was: reopening)

Reinhard Tartler siretart at tauware.de
Wed Apr 12 09:00:21 UTC 2006

retitle 360387 Please install and enable the old init script by default
severity 360387 minor
tags 360387 wontfix

On Tue, Apr 11, 2006 at 09:13:09AM +0200, Joerg Friedrich wrote:
> reopen 360387
> thanks
> I hereby reopen this bug, since I do not see that this problem is
> already solved.

Please stop playing bts pingpong giving other developers a wrong
impression on this package.

I've retitled this bug acordingly to what this bug is actually about.
This is not in any way severity 'grave', but rather 'minor'. Read the
following definitions on bug severities [1]

grave: makes the package in question unusable or mostly so, or causes data
loss, or introduces a security hole allowing access to the accounts of
users who use the package. 

minor: a problem which doesn't affect the package's usefulness, and is
presumably trivial to fix. 

I don't see how this issue makes this package unusable [2], nor what
part of existing debian policy this bug currenlty violates (which would
warrant severity 'serious'). Since we ship the init script in
usr/share/doc/wpasupplicant/examples along with ready to copy and paste
instructions how to activate it, I consider this issue easy to fix on
both user and maintainer side.

I'm currently not closing this bug since there is currently discussion
on pkg-wpa-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org how to solve this issue. I
outlined there a solution which involves introducing a package, which is
about implementing the requested mode of operation, which was
undocumented before anyway. Since it is currently unclear if this will
go into this source packag or another one, I keep this bug open for now.

[1] http://www.debian.org/Bugs/Developer#severities
[2] http://blog.zugschlus.de/archives/372-wpa_supplicant.html 
> and do not delete any old config-files!

It has been renamed with .dpkg-old suffix. If you see a bug in our
maintainer scripts, feel free to file another bug, but please only with
exact upgrade path (please really state the involved versions of
wpasupplicant to reproduce the issue).
> > - or at least ask while installation which mode should be used.
> > - in the worst case you should leave the /etc/init.d file around and
> >   change the mode of working only via /etc/default. So the admin would
> >   also need to have to edit /e/d/wpasupplicant

I strongly object in leaving an init script around, which is not to be
used by default anyway. This only confuses new user of the package.


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