[pkg-wpa-devel] Question regarding the new config scheme

Reinhard Tartler siretart at tauware.de
Fri Apr 14 15:54:15 UTC 2006

Am Freitag, den 14.04.2006, 22:39 +1000 schrieb Kel Modderman:
> Reinhard Tartler wrote:
> > Would you like to maintain that integration package yourself in a
> > different package or shall we integrate this in the wpasupplicant
> > package and split this to a binary package of its own?
> >
> > Kel, what do you think about this?
> >   
> I am happy to work this into a separate binary of the wpasupplicant 
> packaging. Like said before, I have nothing against the init script, 
> providing it in an optional package may just be a good enough compromise 
> between both sides of this ongoing argument?
I wanted to post this answer to another thread, but this place fits as

I think the init script itself does not get you anything. People that
are complaining that it has gone are rather complaining that their
setups which involve ifplugd (with or without guessnet) won't work with
wpasupplicant controlled by ifupdown, and I havn't read any other
argument so far.

FWIW, people who complained on this want to implement a roaming
solution, which wpasupplicant is in fact capable of in some cases. The
initscript alone however, is only a part of that solution. The other
part is left on the user side: integration of ifplugdown and guessnet.

I really think that the package wpasupplicant should be left simple as
it is now. Unlike as in sarge, there are now reverse dependencies like
network-manager, which just need the wpasupplicant binary and care for
the rest. The init script was part of a solution, which doesn't belong
to the 'core' package itself anyhow (imo).

Let's do it properly, and create a new binary package which uses
wpasupplicant as controlling daemon. It should communicate with the user
via debconf, and ask him if and which interface he wants do have
managed. It should also enable ifplugd [1] semi-automatically. It would
be really great if it could also enable the user to create /e/n/i
stanzas suitable for guessnet integration, I'd prefer it to be
debconf-driven. This should really warrant a binary package of it's own,
if not perhaps a small new debian native package.

I think this would be really way more useful than the half hearted init
script Felix and Joerg have been complaining again and again this week.
Perhaps one of the 2 is willing to step in and help crafting such a
package? Perhaps at least the package description?

[1] NB: since this part involves editing /etc/default/ifplugd, we
probably may not edit that file directly, but need to ask the ifplugd
maintainer Oliver Kurth to provide an interface for this.

Reinhard Tartler <siretart at tauware.de>
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