[pkg-wpa-devel] What's wrong with the new configuration scheme,
Kel Modderman
kelrin at tpg.com.au
Sat Apr 22 05:34:20 UTC 2006
Reinhard Tartler wrote:
> I have made some thoughts about a package which works like this:
> * Start wpasupplicant as system service (daemon).
> * Make the daemon use an action script.
> * the action script checks what location we connected to (look at the
> essid), and does this:
> * determine which network alias in /e/n/i this location is associated
> * call ifupdown like this: 'ifup $IFACE=$LOCATION'
Please read: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=287223
> * On disconnection, the action script ifdowns $IFACE
> This package makes the following assumptions:
> * Only one interface is to be managed
> * The user provides a usable wpa_supplicant.conf
> * all locations are configured in /e/n/i
When a user supplied conffile for a wpa_sup init daemon is used, then
wpa-stanzas in /e/n/i should probably be no-act or this system would get
very obfuscated. But I am open to suggestion, what do you think?
> * by default, it assumes that the alias in /e/n/i matches the essid
> * otherwise check a mapping file [optional]
Without some worthy workaround/solution to the above mentioned problem
(in #287223), mapping may be the only option, right now. Unless of
course someone can make wpa_supplicant upstream pass on a shell variable
to the action script containing the network block's alias.
> Problems which I still have to think about:
> * What happens if we connect to a yet unconfigured location?
> * Ideally, we would need to inform the user and ask him to provide
> configuration to /e/n/i
> * at least, it should log this event via syslog
Maybe just ask for a dhcp lease and log the event somewhere.
> * What if there have been no locations configured yet? (shall
> wpasupplicant run anyway, allowing managing of wpa_supplicant.conf
> via wpa_cli/wpa_gui, or should it doesn't start the daemon at all?)
> * ifdown will bring the link down. Does this confuse wpasupplicant too
> much?
Yes, you cannot bring the interface down or wpa_supplicant will stop
scanning. Refer to gentoo's wpa_supplicant ebuild/action-script and
baselayout integration (and also discussed on the mailing list by Roy
> I think this follows the guessnet/ifplugd configuration scheme, but I
> haven't looked too much into guessnet yet. I intend to work on such a
> package this weekend. But I hope you can understand that I/(we?) don't
> want this functionality in the 'wpasupplicant' package.
I would prefer to move away from using wpa_supplicant as the roaming
daemon itself, and use a more generic approach like that used by the
project Felix recently mentioned
(http://www.tummy.com/Community/software/wifiroamd/). I think that exact
project would probably be quite OK if it were modified to map aliases
and call ifupdown. This would have the advantage of supporting
non-wpa_supplicant supported devices too (ralink, zd1211, acx, rl8180 etc).
Those are my initial thoughts.
Thanks, Kel.
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