[pkg-wpa-devel] Re: Patch: Support for mapping scripts,
e.g. guessnet
Kel Modderman
kelrin at tpg.com.au
Sat Aug 5 05:19:54 UTC 2006
Hi Felix and list,
Okay, I spent quite some time looking at this, my observations follow, and my
(current) version of this functionality is attached in patch form, and also
I've uploaded the source and binary packages to my site for testing.
1. Using external mapping logic means the setup will not honour the 'reload'
function of wpa_action. The IF_WPA_* environmental variables are only taken
from the environment that wpa_cli was daemonized from => the environment
provided by the interfaces stanza of the physical roaming device at the time
of *initial* ifup. Therefore, when adding a new network + mapping, it would
be required to stop the daemon to add extra wpa-map* lines, so that the
action script's environment is aware of the changes.
2. I would prefer to do sanity checking of IF_WPA_MAPPING_SCRIPT_PRIORITY and
IF_WPA_MAPPING_SCRIPT in ifupdown.sh before allowing the action script to
start, because later it would _always_ fail.
3. Use WPA_LOGICAL_IFACE instead of LOGICAL_IFACE to avoid similarities with
ifupdown's LOGICAL env variable now, and in the future.
4. Force the admin to give the absolute path to the (executable)
wpa-mapping-script. /usr/bin/which may not be present when networking starts,
and its not too much to ask, IMHO.
5. Remove brace expansion. Instead use set and sed to get a list of all
IF_WPA_MAP env variables and form a single string from then with a for loop.
The string is then given as STDIN to the mapping script. This should also
scale to allow as many IF_WPA_MAP lines as the shell can manage.
6. Verify that the WPA_LOGICAL_IFACE returned by the mapping script is defined
in /etc/network/interfaces with a quick grep.
7. Don't always return with error in this function, but rather just unset
WPA_LOGICAL_IFACE (or simply do not set it). ifupdown will not be called when
it is not set.
8. Changed wpa-script-priority => wpa-mapping-script-priority. It can be set
to any value to be active, but we'll document it as '1' to activate it.
9. Fallback to logical interface "none", but provide backwards compatibility
to the "default" action we have documented so far. This makes using wpa-roam
with guessnet easier to follow.
10. I'm concerned that guessnet installs itself under /usr, this may not be
mounted at the time networking wants it.
Lets discuss the changes and make the code work exactly as it should. I like
it. When we decide thats going to stick, lets document it together.
Here is my very simple but "working" interfaces stanza:
allow-hotplug eth1
iface eth1 inet manual
#wpa-roam-maint-debug 1
wpa-roam /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
wpa-mapping-script /usr/sbin/guessnet-ifupdown
#wpa-mapping-script-priority 1
wpa-map0 home_dhcp
wpa-map1 home_static
iface none inet dhcp
iface home_dhcp inet dhcp
test peer address
iface home_static inet static
test peer address
I tried a whole myriad of variations where id_str was/wasn't given, tests were
designed to fail etc. Now its time for others to test it out ;-)
Package source:
and binaries for i386:
Please be careful, they are tagged as UNRELEASED, so take care to make sure
you don't spoil your upgrade path.
Thanks, Kel.
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