[Pkg-wpa-devel] Bug#353530: Several package enhancements, fixing some flaws in maintainer scripts

Kel Modderman kelrin at tpg.com.au
Mon Feb 20 12:18:52 UTC 2006

Reinhard Tartler wrote:

>Thank you very much for your bugreport and your patch.
>We are currently preparing an upload for 0.4.7-4, you can look at our
>current process here:
>Parts of your patch are already included there, I will look if anything
>is missing. The svn should already be lintian clean.
>Thanks again,
>	Reinhard.

I interigated the svn working copy (revision 50 of pkg-wpa) just now.

Resending the patch to install the upstream changelog properly, it 
requires less code, and you don't have to clean it up with a mv command.

I really do not understand what you are doing with the init script. Why 
even bother to install it to /etc/init.d/ when it is not even registered 
with update-rc.d? Why install it manually? (dh_installinit probably does 
not like installing it there without calling update-rc.d perhaps) Would 
/usr/sbin not be a more appripriate place? Won't this permanently change 
the way debian-users use this package?

Also, the lintian override file is growing!

In the postinst script, all the symlinks in runlevels are purged, but 
then invoke-rc.d starts wpasupplicant, why?

The postrm removes non-existant symlinks . . .

Can you please explain a little about how the end user will use this 
package now? What is the rough roadmap for this package (planned future 
changes)? Maybe then I will understand the current changes better, and 
can begin helping you with them instead of asking a million questions :-)

Thanks, Kel.
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