[pkg-wpa-devel] Changes in 0.4.8-0ubuntu4

Reinhard Tartler siretart at tauware.de
Fri Mar 31 07:51:14 UTC 2006


yesterday, I had a rather long /query on irc with Scott James Remnant
about the wapsupplicant package. While he wasn't interested in the
package on the debian side, he spotted some issues, which he insisted
that must be fixed in ubuntu. I incorporated all of these Changes to our
trunk/ and intend to upload that to dapper as soon as flight6, the next
ubuntu preview, is release.

The Changes are in detail:

- fixes in the maintainer scripts. This is probably the most important
  ones, he rewrote the maintainer scripts so that we get safely rid of
  all former conffiles

- moved /etc/wpa_supplicant/ifupdown.d/wpasupplicant to
  /etc/wpa_supplicant/ifupdown.sh. There isn't too much point in having
  a '.d' directory, because that directory isn't automatically sourced
  by any of our scripts. It would only confuse users that try to drop 
  random scripts in there. Kel said that he thought about adding other 
  scripts, but unless all files in that directory are sourced
  automatically, we really shouldn't name it a '.d' directory, for the 
  sake of consistency with the other '.d's directories.

- removal of the symlinks. Yes, this will break perhaps some scripts,
  but if we don't, other packages won't be fixed, because bugs won't be
  noticed. So he insisted in having the compatibility symlinks dropped
  in ubuntu. 

- wpa-conf has a slight different semantics now. Now, you don't need to
  put a 'wpa-conf managed' in the /e/n/i, any 'wpa-' stanza is
  sufficient to make our magic happen. 'wpa-conf' in now only used to 
  specify an custom wpasupplicant.conf.

  I agree with Scott on this point. Making wpa-conf required makes it an
  option do 'make magic things happen'. We don't really need our users
  to put this option. If they put wpa-* options there, we detect that in
  the environment of our script, and we'll start wpasupplicant.

I think all these changes are reasonable, so I checked it into trunk. We
can surely discuss on point or the other, if someone has objections, but
I'd really like to see trunk/ uploaded to unstable this weekend, because
the pkg-utopia people are waiting for us.


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