[pkg-wpa-devel] r1299 - in /wpasupplicant/trunk/debian: changelog ifupdown/action_wpa.sh

kelmo-guest at users.alioth.debian.org kelmo-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
Sat Dec 13 15:19:32 UTC 2008

Author: kelmo-guest
Date: Sat Dec 13 15:19:32 2008
New Revision: 1299

URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-wpa/?sc=1&rev=1299
* debian/ifupdown/action_wpa.sh: pm-utils now supplies a second
  argument to the hooks, thus telling ifplugd and pm-utils apart by
  the number of arguments does not work any more. Fix up the script
  to just evaluate the arguments themselves, to work with current
  and older pm-utils. This unbreaks suspend. (LP: #307312)
* It has been reported by Alexander E. Patrakov <patrakov at gmail.com> that
  WEP keys are set in quick time in newer wpa_supplicant releases and no
  longer cause problems attempting to connect to specific access point
  during boot sequence. (Closes: 489948)


Modified: wpasupplicant/trunk/debian/changelog
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-wpa/wpasupplicant/trunk/debian/changelog?rev=1299&op=diff
--- wpasupplicant/trunk/debian/changelog (original)
+++ wpasupplicant/trunk/debian/changelog Sat Dec 13 15:19:32 2008
@@ -1,3 +1,20 @@
+wpasupplicant (0.6.6-2) experimental; urgency=low
+  [ Martin Pitt ]
+  * debian/ifupdown/action_wpa.sh: pm-utils now supplies a second
+    argument to the hooks, thus telling ifplugd and pm-utils apart by
+    the number of arguments does not work any more. Fix up the script
+    to just evaluate the arguments themselves, to work with current
+    and older pm-utils. This unbreaks suspend. (LP: #307312)
+  [ Kel Modderman ]
+  * It has been reported by Alexander E. Patrakov <patrakov at gmail.com> that
+    WEP keys are set in quick time in newer wpa_supplicant releases and no
+    longer cause problems attempting to connect to specific access point
+    during boot sequence. (Closes: 489948)
+ -- Kel Modderman <kel at otaku42.de>  Sun, 14 Dec 2008 01:16:30 +1000
 wpasupplicant (0.6.6-1) experimental; urgency=low
   * New upstream release.

Modified: wpasupplicant/trunk/debian/ifupdown/action_wpa.sh
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-wpa/wpasupplicant/trunk/debian/ifupdown/action_wpa.sh?rev=1299&op=diff
--- wpasupplicant/trunk/debian/ifupdown/action_wpa.sh (original)
+++ wpasupplicant/trunk/debian/ifupdown/action_wpa.sh Sat Dec 13 15:19:32 2008
@@ -17,7 +17,21 @@
-if [ "$#" -eq 2 ]; then
+# pm-action(8) - <action> <suspend method>
+# On suspend|hibernate, disconnect any wpa-roam managed interfaces,
+# reconnect it on resume.
+case "${1}" in
+        suspend|hibernate)
+                COMMAND=disconnect
+                ;;
+        resume|thaw)
+                COMMAND=reconnect
+                ;;
+if [ -z "$COMMAND" ]; then
 	# ifplugd(8) - <iface> <action>
 	# If an ifplugd managed interface is brought up, disconnect any
@@ -34,30 +48,14 @@
-			echo "${SELF}: uknown ifplugd arguments: ${@}" >&2
+			echo "${SELF}: unknown $0 arguments: ${@}" >&2
 			exit 1
-	esac
-elif [ "$#" -eq 1 ]; then
-	# pm-action(8) - <action>
-	#
-	# On suspend|hibernate, disconnect any wpa-roam managed interfaces,
-	# reconnect it on resume.
+        esac
-	case "${1}" in
-		suspend|hibernate)
-			COMMAND=disconnect
-			;;
-		resume|thaw)
-			COMMAND=reconnect
-			;;
-		*)
-			echo "${SELF}: uknown pm-action arguments: ${@}" >&2
-			exit 1
-			;;
-	esac
-	echo "${SELF}: unknow arguments: ${@}" >&2
+if [ -z "$COMMAND" ]; then
+	echo "${SELF}: unknown arguments: ${@}" >&2
 	exit 1

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