[pkg-wpa-devel] r1643 - in /hostapd/trunk/debian: changelog control patches/for-MS-CHAP-convert-the-password-from-UTF-8-to-UCS-2.patch patches/series

slh-guest at users.alioth.debian.org slh-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
Mon Dec 19 19:55:25 UTC 2011

Author: slh-guest
Date: Mon Dec 19 19:55:24 2011
New Revision: 1643

URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-wpa/?sc=1&rev=1643
* WARNING: needs libnl3 >=3.2.3-2~ (unreleased)
* raise versioned build-dependency to (>= 3.2.3-2~), we need
  libnl-genl-3-200-udeb and expect it in /lib/.
* add "For MS-CHAP, convert the password from UTF-8 to UCS-2" from
  Evan Broder <ebroder at mokafive.com>, accepted upstream into hostap-1.git


Modified: hostapd/trunk/debian/changelog
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-wpa/hostapd/trunk/debian/changelog?rev=1643&op=diff
--- hostapd/trunk/debian/changelog (original)
+++ hostapd/trunk/debian/changelog Mon Dec 19 19:55:24 2011
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 hostapd (1:0.7.3-4) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
-  * WARNING: needs libnl3 >=3.2.3-1 (experimental)
+  * WARNING: needs libnl3 >=3.2.3-2~ (unreleased)
   * add myself to uploaders.
@@ -12,8 +12,12 @@
   * restrict hostapd to linux-any for now, rather than letting it fail due to
     unmet build-dependencies on other kernels; adding support for kFreeBSD
     should be rather straight forward.
- -- Stefan Lippers-Hollmann <s.l-h at gmx.de>  Thu, 15 Dec 2011 21:03:29 +0100
+  * raise versioned build-dependency to (>= 3.2.3-2~), we need
+    libnl-genl-3-200-udeb and expect it in /lib/.
+  * add "For MS-CHAP, convert the password from UTF-8 to UCS-2" from
+    Evan Broder <ebroder at mokafive.com>, accepted upstream into hostap-1.git
+ -- Stefan Lippers-Hollmann <s.l-h at gmx.de>  Mon, 19 Dec 2011 20:53:52 +0100
 hostapd (1:0.7.3-3) unstable; urgency=low

Modified: hostapd/trunk/debian/control
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-wpa/hostapd/trunk/debian/control?rev=1643&op=diff
--- hostapd/trunk/debian/control (original)
+++ hostapd/trunk/debian/control Mon Dec 19 19:55:24 2011
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@
  Stefan Lippers-Hollmann <s.l-h at gmx.de>
 Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 7.3.7~),
- libnl-3-dev [linux-any],
- libnl-genl-3-dev [linux-any]
+ libnl-3-dev (>= 3.2.3-2~) [linux-any],
+ libnl-genl-3-dev (>= 3.2.3-2~) [linux-any]
 Standards-Version: 3.9.2
 Homepage: http://w1.fi/
 Vcs-Svn: svn://anonscm.debian.org/svn/pkg-wpa/hostapd/trunk/

Added: hostapd/trunk/debian/patches/for-MS-CHAP-convert-the-password-from-UTF-8-to-UCS-2.patch
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-wpa/hostapd/trunk/debian/patches/for-MS-CHAP-convert-the-password-from-UTF-8-to-UCS-2.patch?rev=1643&op=file
--- hostapd/trunk/debian/patches/for-MS-CHAP-convert-the-password-from-UTF-8-to-UCS-2.patch (added)
+++ hostapd/trunk/debian/patches/for-MS-CHAP-convert-the-password-from-UTF-8-to-UCS-2.patch Mon Dec 19 19:55:24 2011
@@ -1,0 +1,206 @@
+>From c48183fca2d32cd45763fdbf45144aac856bea93 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Evan Broder <ebroder at mokafive.com>
+Date: Sat, 29 Oct 2011 00:23:54 +0300
+Subject: [PATCH] For MS-CHAP, convert the password from UTF-8 to UCS-2
+The MS-CHAPv1 and MS-CHAPv2 RFCs specify that the password is a string
+of "Unicode characters", which for Windows means UCS-2; thus the
+password could be any even-length string of up to 512 bytes.
+Instead of making the incompatible change of requiring the incoming
+password to be UCS-2 encoded, assume the password is UTF-8 encoded and
+convert it before using it in NtPasswordHash and
+Signed-off-by: Evan Broder <ebroder at mokafive.com>
+ src/crypto/ms_funcs.c |  106 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
+ 1 files changed, 80 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)
+--- a/src/crypto/ms_funcs.c
++++ b/src/crypto/ms_funcs.c
+@@ -19,6 +19,60 @@
+ #include "ms_funcs.h"
+ #include "crypto.h"
++ * utf8_to_ucs2 - Convert UTF-8 string to UCS-2 encoding
++ * @utf8_string: UTF-8 string (IN)
++ * @utf8_string_len: Length of utf8_string (IN)
++ * @ucs2_buffer: UCS-2 buffer (OUT)
++ * @ucs2_buffer_size: Length of UCS-2 buffer (IN)
++ * @ucs2_string_size: Number of 2-byte words in the resulting UCS-2 string
++ * Returns: 0 on success, -1 on failure
++ */
++static int utf8_to_ucs2(const u8 *utf8_string, size_t utf8_string_len,
++                        u8 *ucs2_buffer, size_t ucs2_buffer_size,
++                        size_t *ucs2_string_size)
++	size_t i, j;
++	for (i = 0, j = 0; i < utf8_string_len; i++) {
++		u8 c = utf8_string[i];
++		if (j >= ucs2_buffer_size) {
++			/* input too long */
++			return -1;
++		}
++		if (c <= 0x7F) {
++			WPA_PUT_LE16(ucs2_buffer + j, c);
++			j += 2;
++		} else if (i == utf8_string_len - 1 ||
++			   j >= ucs2_buffer_size - 1) {
++			/* incomplete surrogate */
++			return -1;
++		} else {
++			u8 c2 = utf8_string[++i];
++			if ((c & 0xE0) == 0xC0) {
++				/* two-byte encoding */
++				WPA_PUT_LE16(ucs2_buffer + j,
++					     ((c & 0x1F) << 6) | (c2 & 0x3F));
++				j += 2;
++			} else if (i == utf8_string_len ||
++				   j >= ucs2_buffer_size - 1) {
++				/* incomplete surrogate */
++				return -1;
++			} else {
++				/* three-byte encoding */
++				u8 c3 = utf8_string[++i];
++				WPA_PUT_LE16(ucs2_buffer + j,
++					     ((c & 0xF) << 12) |
++					     ((c2 & 0x3F) << 6) | (c3 & 0x3F));
++			}
++		}
++	}
++	if (ucs2_string_size)
++		*ucs2_string_size = j / 2;
++	return 0;
+ /**
+  * challenge_hash - ChallengeHash() - RFC 2759, Sect. 8.2
+@@ -53,7 +107,7 @@ static int challenge_hash(const u8 *peer
+ /**
+  * nt_password_hash - NtPasswordHash() - RFC 2759, Sect. 8.3
+- * @password: 0-to-256-unicode-char Password (IN; ASCII)
++ * @password: 0-to-256-unicode-char Password (IN; UTF-8)
+  * @password_len: Length of password
+  * @password_hash: 16-octet PasswordHash (OUT)
+  * Returns: 0 on success, -1 on failure
+@@ -62,18 +116,13 @@ int nt_password_hash(const u8 *password,
+ 		      u8 *password_hash)
+ {
+ 	u8 buf[512], *pos;
+-	size_t i, len;
+-	if (password_len > 256)
+-		password_len = 256;
++	size_t len, max_len;
+-	/* Convert password into unicode */
+-	for (i = 0; i < password_len; i++) {
+-		buf[2 * i] = password[i];
+-		buf[2 * i + 1] = 0;
+-	}
++	max_len = sizeof(buf);
++	if (utf8_to_ucs2(password, password_len, buf, max_len, &len) < 0)
++		return -1;
+-	len = password_len * 2;
++	len *= 2;
+ 	pos = buf;
+ 	return md4_vector(1, (const u8 **) &pos, &len, password_hash);
+ }
+@@ -117,7 +166,7 @@ void challenge_response(const u8 *challe
+  * @peer_challenge: 16-octet PeerChallenge (IN)
+  * @username: 0-to-256-char UserName (IN)
+  * @username_len: Length of username
+- * @password: 0-to-256-unicode-char Password (IN; ASCII)
++ * @password: 0-to-256-unicode-char Password (IN; UTF-8)
+  * @password_len: Length of password
+  * @response: 24-octet Response (OUT)
+  * Returns: 0 on success, -1 on failure
+@@ -225,7 +274,7 @@ int generate_authenticator_response_pwha
+ /**
+  * generate_authenticator_response - GenerateAuthenticatorResponse() - RFC 2759, Sect. 8.7
+- * @password: 0-to-256-unicode-char Password (IN; ASCII)
++ * @password: 0-to-256-unicode-char Password (IN; UTF-8)
+  * @password_len: Length of password
+  * @nt_response: 24-octet NT-Response (IN)
+  * @peer_challenge: 16-octet PeerChallenge (IN)
+@@ -254,7 +303,7 @@ int generate_authenticator_response(cons
+ /**
+  * nt_challenge_response - NtChallengeResponse() - RFC 2433, Sect. A.5
+  * @challenge: 8-octet Challenge (IN)
+- * @password: 0-to-256-unicode-char Password (IN; ASCII)
++ * @password: 0-to-256-unicode-char Password (IN; UTF-8)
+  * @password_len: Length of password
+  * @response: 24-octet Response (OUT)
+  * Returns: 0 on success, -1 on failure
+@@ -375,7 +424,7 @@ int get_asymetric_start_key(const u8 *ma
+ /**
+  * encrypt_pw_block_with_password_hash - EncryptPwBlockWithPasswordHash() - RFC 2759, Sect. 8.10
+- * @password: 0-to-256-unicode-char Password (IN; ASCII)
++ * @password: 0-to-256-unicode-char Password (IN; UTF-8)
+  * @password_len: Length of password
+  * @password_hash: 16-octet PasswordHash (IN)
+  * @pw_block: 516-byte PwBlock (OUT)
+@@ -385,18 +434,23 @@ int encrypt_pw_block_with_password_hash(
+ 	const u8 *password, size_t password_len,
+ 	const u8 *password_hash, u8 *pw_block)
+ {
+-	size_t i, offset;
++	size_t ucs2_len, offset;
+ 	u8 *pos;
+-	if (password_len > 256)
++	os_memset(pw_block, 0, PWBLOCK_LEN);
++	if (utf8_to_ucs2(password, password_len, pw_block, 512, &ucs2_len) < 0)
+ 		return -1;
+-	os_memset(pw_block, 0, PWBLOCK_LEN);
+-	offset = (256 - password_len) * 2;
+-	if (os_get_random(pw_block, offset) < 0)
++	if (ucs2_len > 256)
+ 		return -1;
+-	for (i = 0; i < password_len; i++)
+-		pw_block[offset + i * 2] = password[i];
++	offset = (256 - ucs2_len) * 2;
++	if (offset != 0) {
++		os_memmove(pw_block + offset, pw_block, ucs2_len * 2);
++		if (os_get_random(pw_block, offset) < 0)
++			return -1;
++	}
+ 	/*
+ 	 * PasswordLength is 4 octets, but since the maximum password length is
+ 	 * 256, only first two (in little endian byte order) can be non-zero.
+@@ -410,9 +464,9 @@ int encrypt_pw_block_with_password_hash(
+ /**
+  * new_password_encrypted_with_old_nt_password_hash - NewPasswordEncryptedWithOldNtPasswordHash() - RFC 2759, Sect. 8.9
+- * @new_password: 0-to-256-unicode-char NewPassword (IN; ASCII)
++ * @new_password: 0-to-256-unicode-char NewPassword (IN; UTF-8)
+  * @new_password_len: Length of new_password
+- * @old_password: 0-to-256-unicode-char OldPassword (IN; ASCII)
++ * @old_password: 0-to-256-unicode-char OldPassword (IN; UTF-8)
+  * @old_password_len: Length of old_password
+  * @encrypted_pw_block: 516-octet EncryptedPwBlock (OUT)
+  * Returns: 0 on success, -1 on failure
+@@ -450,9 +504,9 @@ void nt_password_hash_encrypted_with_blo
+ /**
+  * old_nt_password_hash_encrypted_with_new_nt_password_hash - OldNtPasswordHashEncryptedWithNewNtPasswordHash() - RFC 2759, Sect. 8.12
+- * @new_password: 0-to-256-unicode-char NewPassword (IN; ASCII)
++ * @new_password: 0-to-256-unicode-char NewPassword (IN; UTF-8)
+  * @new_password_len: Length of new_password
+- * @old_password: 0-to-256-unicode-char OldPassword (IN; ASCII)
++ * @old_password: 0-to-256-unicode-char OldPassword (IN; UTF-8)
+  * @old_password_len: Length of old_password
+  * @encrypted_password_hash: 16-octet EncryptedPasswordHash (OUT)
+  * Returns: 0 on success, -1 on failure

Modified: hostapd/trunk/debian/patches/series
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-wpa/hostapd/trunk/debian/patches/series?rev=1643&op=diff
--- hostapd/trunk/debian/patches/series (original)
+++ hostapd/trunk/debian/patches/series Mon Dec 19 19:55:24 2011
@@ -1,1 +1,2 @@

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