[pkg-wpa-devel] Bug#653189: iw: FTBFS with new libnl3 package version 3.2.3-2
Andreas Moog
amoog at ubuntu.com
Sat Dec 24 22:27:16 UTC 2011
Package: iw
Version: 3.1-1
Severity: Important
Dear maintainer,
The libnl3 package split our more libraries in seperate packages, making
this package FTBFS as it build-depends on libnl3-dev (now NBS).
Additionally, the upstream patch that includes support for libnl3 is
hardcoding -lnl-genl, which doesn't exist. Attached patch fixes the issues:
iw (3.1-2) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
* Build-Depend on libnl-genl-3-dev
* Update libnl3 support patch to the new layout of the libnl3 package
and use pkg-config to determine NLLIBS and CFLAGS.
-- Andreas Moog <amoog at ubuntu.com> Sat, 24 Dec 2011 23:15:23 +0100
Thanks for considering this patch.
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