[pkg-wpa-devel] Bug#678335: Bug#678335: wpa_supplicant.conf(5): please mention where the file is

Stefan Lippers-Hollmann s.L-H at gmx.de
Thu Jun 21 00:41:03 UTC 2012


On Thursday 21 June 2012, Jonathan Nieder wrote:
> Frank Miles wrote:
> > The wpa_supplicant.conf man page has many items of interest, but
> > lacks _where_ this file is supposed to be.
> Perhaps a word or two in the DESCRIPTION section could be added to help.
> 	This page describes the configuration file named on the
> 	wpa_supplicant(8) command line:
> 		wpa_supplicant -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf -iwlan0
> Kel et al: what do you think?

That file can be just about anywhere, as it's always specified with a 
full path

       All file paths in this configuration file should use full (absolute,  not  relative  to
       working  directory)  path  in  order to allow working directory to be changed. This can
       happen if wpa_supplicant is run in the background

both on cli, like you quoted, or using the ifupdown hook through /
etc/network/interface (network-manager uses DBus) instead):

allow-hotplug wlan0
iface wlan0 inet manual
        wpa-roam /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf

iface profile_foo inet dhcp
iface also_profile_bar inet dhcp
iface work_roaming inet dhcp
iface default inet dhcp

how you call it, or where you store it, doesn't have any influence on 
its functionality. For debugging, on cli, you might have something in
$HOME, /root/ might make sense for some uses, personally I like the
/e/n/i example above - and even the file name can be chosen freely.

Therefore I don't see the documentation problem here, the namespace
is completely under the authority of the local system administrator, 
and I'm tempted to close this bug.

	Stefan Lippers-Hollmann
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