[pkg-x2go-devel] From Miss Esther Desmond.

Esther Desmond m_dikko40 at yahoo.co.jp
Fri Jul 31 14:35:24 UTC 2015

>From Miss Esther Desmond.
Hello Dear,
Hope this mail 
meets you well, please permit me to introduce my self to you, I am Miss 
Esther Desmond the Daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Michael Desmond 
from Ivory Coast. Who was a famous cocoa merchant based here in Abidjan 
the Economic capital of Ivory Coast (Cote D'ivoire). I am seeking for 
your assistance to help me transfer the sum of $ (7,500, 000.00USD) that
 I inherited from my late father to your bank account.
I am 
willing to offer you 20% of the total fund as a
 mode of compensation after the transfer for your time and effort. All 
the necessary documents
 concerning this fund are intact. For more details concerning this fund 
and I will equally send you my photos so that you will see and know who I
Waiting for your
Yours Faithfully.
Esther Desmond.
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