[Pkg-xbmc-maintainers] Bug#742896: xbmc: Blank video with VDPAU enabled

Bálint Réczey balint at balintreczey.hu
Thu Apr 3 19:52:38 UTC 2014

tags 742896 help upstream

Hi Sergej,

2014-04-01 15:00 GMT+02:00 Sergej Wildemann <wildemann at finf.uni-hannover.de>:
> 2014-03-30 19:25 GMT+02:00 Bálint Réczey <balint at balintreczey.hu>:
>> We can try two approaches. I copied what mpv does in the first patch, but
>> it us just a hunch and I could not test it.
>> Please give it a try, if it make sense to you, too.
> Xbmc crashes with this patch. You can find two crashlogs attached.
>> The second patch just assert()-s when the problem happens. If the
>> first patch does not work, please rebuild xbmc with the second patch
>> without stripping the binary and try collecting the relevant variables
>> from the coredump.
> I recompiled the xbmc package with only this patch. The steps were:
> $ apt-get source xbmc/experimental
> $ cd xbmc-13.0~beta2+dfsg1/
> $ patch -p1 < ~/0001-Assert-when-decoding-fails-due-to-742896.patch
> $ export DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=nostrip
> $ fakeroot debian/rules binary
> # ulimit -c unlimited
> # invoke-rc.d lightdm start
> I assume that it should crash when the assert fails, but it doesn't.
> Is this a problem with my approach or with the patch?
Thank you for testing the patches, but I could not make a progress based
on the logs.
I think asking you to continue debugging with patches I can not test I
not really a good way of spending your time, thus I suggest waiting for input
from people more familiar with the recent changes.
In the meantime I will set up an old PC which has an nvidia card to see
if VDPAU works there.


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