[Pkg-xbmc-maintainers] Bug#745060: xbmc 13 does not render content while xbmc12 does (nvidia ION2)

Reinhard Tartler siretart at gmail.com
Thu Apr 17 19:50:37 UTC 2014

Control: reassign -1 libavcodec55
Control: found -1 6:10-1
Control: tag -1 moreinfo, upstream

On Thu, Apr 17, 2014 at 3:03 PM, Bálint Réczey <balint at balintreczey.hu> wrote:

>> Note that XBMC does not crash, it just does not render the movie;
>> Subtitles (having non-english speaking relatives is fun ;) do render btw.
>> Hitting "stop" will nicely return one back to the menus so one can try another one.
> This problem has been reported as #742896 , but using the radeon driver.
> I planned setting up an nVidia config, but thanks to you I don't have to.
> Upstream's position is that it is a Libav bug, since the video plays
> fine with the embedded ffmpeg copy shipped with vanilla XBMC.
> I have to agree with them thus I hereby reassign both bugs to libav.
> If this is a result of API difference between FFmpeg and Libav, please
> help me out, too.

I am having a hard time seeing from this report what the problem is.
What API is at fault here? can you provide a minimal example program
that demonstrates what the problem is?

In any case, this needs to be discussed with upstream. Can you please
file a bug in the libav bugzilla? It would be much more efficient and
probably effective if you would interact without me acting as a proxy.



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