[Pkg-xen-changes] r60 - trunk

Guido Trotter ultrotter at costa.debian.org
Sat Feb 25 18:48:57 UTC 2006

Author: ultrotter
Date: 2006-02-25 18:48:57 +0000 (Sat, 25 Feb 2006)
New Revision: 60

I'm adding a TODO file to track things that are to be done, since we have no
issue tracker right now, either through the BTS or Alioth. Feel free to comment
or change my entries, and to add new ones, till we decide how we are going to
keep track of things officially...

Added: trunk/TODO
--- trunk/TODO	2006-02-25 18:27:30 UTC (rev 59)
+++ trunk/TODO	2006-02-25 18:48:57 UTC (rev 60)
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+1. Fix upgrading:
+	Don't shutdown xend/xendomains if upgrading to a minor new release
+	Don't start xend if on a non supported hypervisor version
+2. Contact glibc team:
+	Ask if it's possible to build a non-segmented glibc for xen
+3. Remove xen-kernel-patch:
+	The release manager said that's NOT ok... We should probably distribute
+	the file on alioth, and point people to it in our docs.
+4. Distribute xen unstable too?
+5. Kernel team:
+	Coordinate to have working dom0/domu images for x86 and amd64

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