[Pkg-xfce-devel] xfce experimental packages for sparc64
Emanuele Rocca
Tue, 19 Apr 2005 19:53:02 +0200
Hello Corsac,
* Corsac <corsac@corsac.net>, [2005-04-19 10:17 +0200]:
> I've build the sources packages for xfce4 available from experimental on
> sparc64, and I've made a repository.
Thanks! Your help is very appreciated.
I'll link your site on the project homepage, if you've got nothing to
> To the debian maintainers:
> are you planning to add the rest of the goodies (panel plugins, xfmedia,
> mousepad, xterminal) to experimental ? Or you dont have much time ?
The criteria is, more or less: if someone in the Debian Xfce team has
got the time/will to add a package to the repository, and:
- it builds in a clean environment (see pbuilder, for example)
- it works
- it is Policy compliant [1]
then it is a good candidate to be included in Debian (experimental).
Please correct me if I forgot something. :)
Anybody is welcome to join us; simply create a user on Alioth [2] and
ask here to be added. You will be able to commit files on the svn
[1] http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/
[2] http://alioth.debian.org