[Pkg-xfce-devel] Re: Xfce and Ubuntu

Simon Huggins huggie@earth.li
Tue, 28 Jun 2005 11:17:00 +0100

Hiya Jani,

On Mon, Jun 27, 2005 at 12:16:58PM +0300, Jani Monoses wrote:
> I am definitely interested in our teams collaborating, especially
> since I hope we can just use what the debian-xfce team packages ;)

Sounds good to me.

> Unfortunately since hoary released I did not have much time to spend
> on ubuntu stuff, but I hope this will change soon.


> I peeked a while ago at the pkg-xfce list just to see what we could
> reuse from your work. Could you please tell us what your status and
> plans for xfce are in debian? I got the impression that we used
> different packages.  In ubuntu we took Benny's 4.2.1 os-cillation
> packages and excepting two build fixes which went upstream into 4.2.2
> we added Build-Depends to almost all of the packages partly because we
> use xorg vs xfree86 the original packages were built against and also
> to fix some builds in chroot.

I wondered if the build-depends could be alternates i.e.
xlibs-static-pic | libxinerama-dev ?

I think that must be the one that you changed anyway.

We took the upstream 4.2.2 packages, compared them with Benny's bits and
pieces but mostly took out Benny's customisations which were XFLD
specific.  (well in fact we took the 4.2.0 and 4.2.1 upstream packages -
I forget exactly when I was comparing them against Benny's packages).

I see some of those still remain in some of the Ubuntu packages.

When I get some time I'll try and merge the mixer changes in.  If you
have any other bits that would help the packages build on both that you
want merged in let us know.

_| "Even if it does matter, does it matter that it matters?" - Marvin  |_
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 `- http://www.earth.li/~huggie/ - http://www.blackcatnetworks.co.uk/ -'