[Pkg-xfce-devel] fam & gamin support in thunar

Mike Massonnet mmassonnet at gmail.com
Fri Jun 30 08:40:13 UTC 2006

Fri, 30 Jun 2006 10:19:08 +0200 - Yves-Alexis Perez <corsac at corsac.net>
wrote :

> Hi people.
> Thunar Debian package is currently built against gamin, and depends on
> this package, to provide file monitoring. But gnome debian team
> decided to orphan this package [0], because gnome-vfs now has inotify
> support, so they don't need (on linux) another file monitoring tool. 
> On a blog post, benny said [1] that he recommended gamin over fam,
> and I (we) wanted to know what was its point, now. (and opinions from
> the list, too).

Here is an earlier message relating about FAM/GAMIN:

----- Transferred Message -----

Date: Sun, 21 May 2006 12:41:21 +0200
From: Benedikt Meurer <benedikt.meurer at unix-ag.uni-siegen.de>
To: xfce file manager <thunar-dev at xfce.org>
Subject: Re: [Thunar-dev] using inotify in thunar?

Björn Martensen wrote:
> Hi,

Hey Björn,

> I heard that gamin isn't developed anymore, since all it does is
> pretty much the same as inotify which is used by the kernel (or so ;)
> I didn't completely follow that..) and fam would be only required for
> watching nfs or such.
> So my question is, if thunar is to use inotify too in the future and
> drop the "dependency" of fam.
> Perhaps there is something I misunderstood about all this, but that's
> what some people in #archlinux and the arch forums said, so if that's
> wrong, please feel free to explain the real deal ;)

inotify is Linux-only and will remain Linux-only, so why should it be
supported in Thunar? Thunar has nothing to do with Linux. Linux is just
one of the supported platforms. Perhaps in two, three years when inotify
is dropped and replaced by a more generic event interface that has wider
support among platforms, we may support that natively. Until then we'll
use FAM/Gamin which supports a lot of platforms.

> thanks,
> Björn

Thunar-dev mailing list
Thunar-dev at xfce.org


> Regards.


 http://massonnet.org/ Mike Massonnet (mmassonnet)           ,-.
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