[Pkg-xfce-devel] Bug#644252: Bug#644252: Bug#644252: thunar-archive-plugin: no more squeeze context menu in thunar

Yves-Alexis Perez corsac at debian.org
Tue Oct 11 09:49:28 UTC 2011

tag 644252 confirmed
On mar., 2011-10-11 at 10:59 +0200, Milo wrote:
> >
> Hi, I use Xarchiver and File-Roller but I have the same problem and I
> can
> confirm the bug.
> I am on Testing  (Wheezy) 32 bit. 

Yeah, sorry for not following up earlier. It seems to be related to the
switch to multi-arch dirs in Thunar. I think Lionel is working on that.

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